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Guest Anglesault

Another WWF 1995 Comparison

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Guest Anglesault

Another eerie Bret Hart/Kurt Angle comparison


Following Bret's loss to Bob Backlund in 1994, he was almost immediately

de-pushed into the mid-card at the request of the Clique, who didn't

want their heat to be reduced via Bret. And so Bret got to face

Backlund in a boring rematch at the biggest show of the year,

Wrestlemania XI. Then he got to put over newcomer Hakushi and Jerry

Lawler. Then he got to have "Kiss My Foot" matches with Lawler. Then

he got to wrestle Lawler's evil dentist Isaac Yankem in his first match

at the second biggest card of the year, Summerslam. Then it was off to

a feud with the evil pirate Jean-Pierre LaFitte. Man, can't you just

FEEL the excitement Bret must have had all year with that lineup?


Now insert Kurt Angle.


Following Kurt's loss to HHH after No Way Out , he was almost immediately

de-pushed into the mid-card at the request of (Possibly HHH), who didn't

want their heat to be reduced via Kurt. And so Kurt got to face

Kane in a boring rematch at the biggest show of the year,

Wrestlemania X8. Then he got to put over newcomer John Cena and Edge. Then he got to have "Hair vs. Hair" matches with Edge. Then

he got to wrestle Rey Mysterio in his first PPV match at the second biggest card of the year, Summerslam. Then it was off to who the hell knows with Rikishi being high on the list. Man, can't you just FEEL the excitement Kurt must have all year with that lineup?



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Guest FeArHaVoC

Does this mean Angle will be "screwed" at Survivor Series *IF* he goes to the Olympics?

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Guest cabbageboy

If the comparison holds true then he'll face Brock in a no DQ match at Survivor Series and beat him with a small package.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

Good comparison, at least Rey Mysterio is a better opponent than Isaac Yankem DDS and Edge is better than Jerry Lawler :D

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Guest creativename

I thought that was going to be a Jericho comparison for sure (didn't realize who was posting it).


Jericho is a much better comparison to that than Angle. That's not a very good match with Angle at all. He's at least been involved in PPV feuds with people that are over. He certainly hasn't been treated like a waste of space, like Bret was.

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Guest Anglesault

Angle certainly has been treated like a waste of space. Just not the door mat that Jericho is.

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Guest BobbyBacklund

I actually compared Bret to Austin, especially now with the falliing out, and eventual quitting..

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