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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen


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Guest Black Tiger

AJ's only decent workers I can think of are Kawada, Kojima, Kea, Nagai, and Anjoh

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Guest RickyChosyu

Even with Tenryu there, how much longevity is there with two workers capable of good matches? Personally, I'd rather Kawada just retire and leave his legacy as only partially-tarnished, but hey, maybe that's just me.


Anjoh, a good worker? Today? How so? He's practically a charicature of himself. Nagai might as well put a stamp in his head reading "stiffness without substance" because his match with Kojima (who's the best worker in AJ) was nothing special, from what I've heard, and I've never been too impressed with him. Kea isn't exactly setting the world on fire, either. When the afformentioned Nagai shows more coherance in the ring than you, you know you're in trouble.


And Downhome, they're four/three minute squashes. That alone speaks for itself, so sorry if I'm not creaming over the thought of seeing Goldberg do what I've seen him do about eight hundred times before.

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Guest DragonflyKid

Apparently the Goldberg/Kea match is available for download. I downloaded it by right clicking and "save as" but when it started on Windows Media Player I only got the audio, WTF? Well I am trying to get it through the AOL media player so hopefully I'll have better luck(I know jack about computers).




AJPW - Goldberg vs. Kea



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Guest red_file
Apparently the Goldberg/Kea match is available for download. I downloaded it by right clicking and "save as" but when it started on Windows Media Player I only got the audio, WTF?

The file is encoded with the DivX codec. You can get it here.


Pretty unimpressive match, which is to be expected.


I've always viewed Goldberg as someone who seemed to have a good deal of potential but never had a desire to improve. And he could never be bothered to sell for anyone.

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