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Guest BigPoppaKev

The Who Cares what he has to say thread

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Guest alfdogg

Of course not. Even though it is SO obvious by reading his posts who it is, they apparently can't tell.

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Guest The Man in Blak
Is there some people who you just really don't care what they say? Like you see them post and you just skip over what they have to say? For me it is Anglesault. He really gets on my nerves. And this will probably bring some hate towards my way but oh well. Bring it on.

Okay, I'm really beginning to feel like the Undertaker. Every few months, someone tries to be my ARCH NEMESESESESESESES~! Everytime this happens, said poster Jumps on me because of my "status" on the board: Everyone knows who's feuding with Anglesault. Treble Charged, GHAST~! and TestKick have employed this method. There has also been Fallen Angel, Angelsault, Anglesalt and Anglesaults (Who was tupid enough to get banned before I even got on) Various people from WDI have come over to annoy me from time to time. Now, all these little feuds have been stupid, and have really gone no where. But, as a general rule, when it's all over, I somehow tend to be the last man standing. (I think TC is my only ARCH NEMESESESESESESES~! who is not banned.) And now Big Daddy Kev seems to be starting on the Anglesault trail, already hitting two threads before this. Let me make this perfectly clear. I DO NOT CARE, so you can find some one else to feud with. I hear dames is available.

Woof...better keep at least one window of IE firmly on female nudity so that, next time I come across an ego like this on the internet, I'll have something to wash it all down.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I didn't mind SmarkZone (I had pity for him), but all other incarnations after that were just pointless.


On the RVD/Benoit worship. Does RVD really get a "god like" amount of worship? I mean he is entertaining, but I don't know if many people actually beleive he is a great wrestler.


Benoit is decent? As a wrestler? or an all-rounder. As a pure wrestler, Benoit is one of the best ever.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I used to ignore Bio Reneck because I skipped over his posts to ignore his sig pic.


Now, I ignore wolverine and ChUnk. For completely different reasons.

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Guest BionicRedneck
I used to ignore Bio Reneck because I skipped over his posts to ignore his sig pic.


Now, I ignore wolverine and ChUnk. For completely different reasons.

I assume you're refering to the infamous "Hulk Hogan kissing Tenzan" pic, right?


Why Wolverine? Just curious. IMO, Jubuki is a bad influence on him :D . They both have the same sort of attitude and opinions, but overall he makes pretty intelligent posts, and definately knows what he is on about.


Oh, and the Coleman pic is hilarious. :lol:

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I used to ignore Bio Reneck because I skipped over his posts to ignore his sig pic.


Now, I ignore wolverine and ChUnk. For completely different reasons.

I assume you're refering to the infamous "Hulk Hogan kissing Tenzan" pic, right?


Why Wolverine? Just curious. IMO, Jubuki is a bad influence on him :D . They both have the same sort of attitude and opinions, but overall he makes pretty intelligent posts, and definately knows what he is on about.


Oh, and the Coleman pic is hilarious. :lol:

I was referring to that pic.


Wolverine is elitist and negative. That's a combo I tend to avoid. Also, he treats any negative comment about Joshi as a personal insult.



If you like Coleman then here's another:







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Guest BigPoppaKev

I am not hear to flame anyone. I think I have valid points and have been a wrestling fan for well over 10 years. I just hate when someone so opinionated like Anglesault can't accept other peoples opinions. That is just hypocritical. And I agree with the Man in Blak. We better all cover before Anglesault's head explodes.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I am not hear to flame anyone. I think I have valid points and have been a wrestling fan for well over 10 years. I just hate when someone so opinionated like Anglesault can't accept other peoples opinions. That is just hypocritical. And I agree with the Man in Blak. We better all cover before Anglesault's head explodes.


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Guest SkuzzeisGod
That pompous asshole who has a sickle-wielding Mr. Pogo as his avatar, acts like he knows everything, and posts in Puro every now and then. You know... Nezbyte.


- Jingus


Nezbyte was banned (thank God).


- Alfdogg


Kahran whacked him after getting a bunch of complaints about Nezzy flamebaiting.  


- Jingus




I get no love :(

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Guest BigPoppaKev

Yes I am. I will admit it. I fouled that up big time. But what can I say. We all have our moments. I had to get up early on labor day. Friggan work on Labor day. Those bastards.

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I never meant to start a fight I just think you should step back and look at what you say sometimes. It makes you seem hypocritical at points. Because I have a few friends that don't really like Angle and I have friends who like someone like HHH. People have their opinions. You shouldn't attack people who enjoy a certain preformer. Like me Brock Lesnar. I find him entertaining and I have no problem to admit that.

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Guest Cancer Marney

<chokes on her cigarette> If all attention whores looked like that, I'd encourage them in every way imaginable.

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Guest Flyboy
<chokes on her cigarette> If all attention whores looked like that, I'd encourage them in every way imaginable.

So would I, Marney...


So would I.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yeah, fo sheez.


I need to put that picture up in the thread about my ex... but then again, I doubt she's capable of anything that agile or physical.


Fo sheez,



EDIT: I should like to note that this Kev/Sault beef was incredibly boring. Spice it up, people! It's NO HOLDS BARRED~! Look at bps fighting everyone off in that other thread to see what this folder is SUPPOSED to look like.

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Guest Flyboy
Look at bps fighting everyone off in that other thread to see what this folder is SUPPOSED to look like.

That's because bps is Jesus. ;)

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Guest Just call me Dan

You're pathetic and none of those guys will ever main event, so your banner is not funny, not true, and about as meaningless as your time being alive.

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Guest Nevermortal

I fucking hate these people. People like this, I don't give a shit what they have to say. Fuck em.

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Guest Dames Edna

I'm not a troll but I'll agree/disagree with some people on this board


Fuck Anglesault. Anyone who thinks this guy is intelligent is on glue.


bps is not God. In Fact, I would consider him very ungodly when it comes to wrestling knowledge


amthekid is a waist of skin and I am surprised he'd ever show his face around any message board again.


Fo Sheez is the most retarded catchphrase - its not remotly funny or cool


CallmeDan - just because a guy wants to fuck around on a board, doesn't mean his time being alive his meaningless. He probably just does it to get a reaction out of you uptight jaded bitter marks.


Oh uh, is this going to get me blacklisted? Or maybe people will finally begin to understand

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Guest LooseCannon
Fo Sheez is the most retarded catchphrase - its not remotly funny or cool

I must strongly disagree with this portion of your post.

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