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Guest Youth N Asia

Do Storm/Christian HAVE to lose the belts Monday

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Guest Youth N Asia

Ok...September 11 is Wed of next week...and Raw runs Sep 9...


As of right now Storm and Christian are the tag champs...will Vince give them ANY tv time next Monday for a promo, and will they lose the belts.


Lance and Christian are great together...but Vince is gonna take major backlash if he lets them do ANYTHING on Raw.


And let's face it...while as good as they are, the whole Un-American's thing is less then great and gets tired quick.



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Plain and Simple, they don't do anything, and they sorta play that up. :)


They can show up with ducttape over their mouths while we hear that they have been ordered to keep quiet for RAW.


I have a really bad feeling they will finally torch the flag on the 9th.

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Guest KANE

In my eyes, they had no business being the champs after Summerslam, so it's time for the rematch to finally get Bookdust the titles.

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Guest C-Bacon

im very concerned for the well being of Lance Storm and Christian right now. :( Hopefully they will be escorted by extra security for the show.

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Guest Ozymandias
In my eyes, they had no business being the champs after Summerslam, so it's time for the rematch to finally get Bookdust the titles.

I think so too, it just seems like Black Gold were scheduled to win at SS, but Vince changed his mind at the last second to put it off for a few weeks, because everything they've done since them has just seemed horribly awkward and thrown together (moreso than usual). They seem like a texbook definiton of lame duck champs.

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Guest Nater

Actually, its not on Vince.. it would be a good move to play up on it to get heat on a heel team. Wouldnt it? Vince was the patriot then and hes been avoiding TV time pretty well.. how would it fall on him for keeping the belts on them.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I think it'd be entertaining for a ton of run ins and backstage attacks on Storm/Christian Monday then have them job...


Then keep them off tv for a little while...then bring them back and add a new member or two

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Guest MrRant

I saw let them start and then have BookDust give them an unholy asswhipping... or... have BookDust in back be annhilated by the Un-American's only to come back out that night and win the title.

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Guest MrRant

I would debut Tiger Ali Sing... but that would be a tad over the line... Canadians aren't threatening.... just irritating.

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Guest MrRant

I say morph the Un-American's into the Nation Of Domination. But leave it white. Pale white. Feel the heel heat.

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Guest Ozymandias
im very concerned for the well being of Lance Storm and Christian right now. :( Hopefully they will be escorted by extra security for the show.

The WWE is too cheap. Gen. Adnan wore a bullet-proof verst regularly in '90-'91 because he thought the security was so bad.

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Guest bravesfan
im very concerned for the well being of Lance Storm and Christian right now. :( Hopefully they will be escorted by extra security for the show.

But what about Tes......umm, nevermind.

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Guest goodhelmet

i personally hope they keep the titles on storm and christian. i just wish they would end the stupid un american angle. hey, by no means am i patriotic or concerned about the pc implications. it just makes for bad television esp. when you have christian trying to carry lance storm and test through interview segments. it's shitty storyline writing and piss poor booking. hell, at least when the hart foundation were doing the anti-american rants, there was some genuine emotion and the fed allowed them to play both heels and faces depending on where they were wrestling that night. with the un-americans, along w/ the molly storyline, the bubba-trish duo and billy-chuck, the storyline is so weak and the acting so contrived, that i don't suspend my disbelief for any of them.

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Guest Cataclysm911

You know, the thing that bothers me more is the fact that this "anniversary" of Sept. 11th is going to be like a fucking holiday. I don't want that ignorant shit flooding all of my fucking t.v. channels and shit. I didn't want to hear about it when it happenend, I sure as fuck don't want to have to sit through that shit annually.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

I could see Kane and Bradshaw going over the champs, setting up lots of silly flag waving and the usual over the top bullshit from JR.


edited to add : they could even have Kane come out in a red, white and blue outfit ala Kurt Angle.

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Guest goodhelmet
I could see Kane and Bradshaw going over the champs, setting up lots of silly flag waving and the usual over the top bullshit from JR.


edited to add : they could even have Kane come out in a red, white and blue outfit ala Kurt Angle.

god forbid, that is one of the worst ideas i have ever heard. sad thing is i could see the fed doing it.

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I have a really bad feeling they will finally torch the flag on the 9th.

I've been told that torching the flag is a crime in the US so I doubt that Vince would go that far, only because he doesn't want problems with the law.


Cataclysm, as hard as this is going to be for me to say without going into flame territory, you highly offended me with your comments. Everyone was affected by that day and to just pretend that it never happened on that day just so people could run Married With Children re-runs or whatever is just sickening to me. More people died that day than in most war battles and yet you don't want that "ignorant" shit on your TV...



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I have a really bad feeling they will finally torch the flag on the 9th.

I've been told that torching the flag is a crime in the US so I doubt that Vince would go that far, only because he doesn't want problems with the law.

No.. burning the flag is legal as a form of protest. I understand.

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Guest Brian

They should have just had Christian jump with half the tag titles because he came to his senses, and we could have had a face Edge and Christian team and Storm with Test on the other side. A grudge match at Unforgiven and tag champs for each group.

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Guest Vitamin X
Cataclysm, as hard as this is going to be for me to say without going into flame territory, you highly offended me with your comments. Everyone was affected by that day and to just pretend that it never happened on that day just so people could run Married With Children re-runs or whatever is just sickening to me. More people died that day than in most war battles and yet you don't want that "ignorant" shit on your TV...



I'm trying not go go into flaming territory here either, but I can udnerstand where Cataclysm is comign from. Of course you're offended. You're from New York, the site of the entire sympathy and tragedy. To say that I don't care and I don't want to hear about what happened is bullshit.. I care and I want to know what's up. But I live in Los Angeles, and if something similar happened here, say a terrorist set off a backpack nuke in downtown LA, you would feel the same way about us as we feel about you guys. With our condolences, but we can't go into this whole thing about blahblahblah this affected me so much yadda yadda yadda, because I have never been affected by it directly with the excpetion of my airport experience when I flew to Miami.


Again, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's bullshit. We should care. Everyone should care. The people that I hate are those ignorant fucks who didn't give a flying shit about America and the things this country represents (but still the government finds way around the freedoms we represent, but that's another topic) then all of a sudden America feels a little vulnerable because a terrorist attack happens to the most naive country in the world in its hallmark city, and we have to bust out all these little American flags, light some candles, put God Bless America and United We Stand and We Remember on god knows everything from buses to toilet paper, and declare war on the entire Middle East to further prove why we got attacked in the first place.




Anyways, this post has nothing to do with wrestling, so I'll change that right now... umm...


HHH Sucks or something.

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Guest MaxPower27

Dames, I echo your seniments. I wasn't affected directly by 9-11, but I still do feel remorse for those who were. To be so ignorant as Cataclysm911 by saying that he doesn't want that shit on his tv is sickening. If you don't want to see it because it gives you a horrible feeling (like myself), don't watch too much. But, if you don't want to watch it, just based on the fact that you think it's "ignorant shit", then move. Far away. Get out of this country. Get it through your head Catacylsm911. People died on 9-11. And not soldiers, or pilots, but innocent victims of a war that they knew nothing about. Innocent mothers, fathers, children, grandparents died. If your head is stuck too far up your ass to be able to watch the tributes to them, that's your opinion, and i wish you well in stating that opinion. But don't come to the board and talk about "ignorant shit" when speaking of 9-11. It's just wrong.

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Guest Fort Detrick

The funny thing is, Lance and Christian are more patriotic than the people who claim to be patriotic. I don't really care if they burn the American flag. But what they should burn is the UN flag.

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Vitamin, believe me, I can understand your argument because after a few days of non-stop coverage of the event, I couldn't stand it any longer. But to say that they shouldn't treat it like its a big deal and not air coverage on the anniversary of the event and calling it "ignorant shit" really bothers me, especially since I was downtown that day and actually saw everything unfold, not on TV, but with my own fucking eyes.



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Guest dreamer420

I doubt that the un-americans will do anything disrespectful on Monday but having them drop the tag titles is the worst idea I have ever heard.


There are no real contenders for the tag titles at this point anyway. Taking the titles from Lance Storm and Christian might get a big pop on monday but hopefully every fan would see it as bullshit.

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Guest Redhawk
Vitamin, believe me, I can understand your argument because after a few days of non-stop coverage of the event, I couldn't stand it any longer. But to say that they shouldn't treat it like its a big deal and not air coverage on the anniversary of the event and calling it "ignorant shit" really bothers me, especially since I was downtown that day and actually saw everything unfold, not on TV, but with my own fucking eyes.



I'd agree with you for the most part, but I just hope that Sept. 11 doesn't become a holiday. Why? Because in about 5 or 6 years, everyone will just look at Sept. 11 as "Cool, I don't have to go to work/school today." I mean, seriously, isn't that how we all look at President's Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and the rest? Unless you have a relative or close who died during one of these events, it will eventually become just another day off.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Well, I would have never taken the belts off Chuck & Billy to begin with until they built up some teams.


As it stands right now, I'd keep the belts on Lance & Christian and let them build up the titles. If BookerDust win the titles on Monday, who are they going to feud with? I'd rather Booker be built up as a single than be a tag champ w/ no direction or feud.

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Guest Redhawk

I'd also rather see Booker T pushed as a single instead of getting his 157th tag team title reign. But Billy and Chuck suck, so here's an idea...


Storm and Christian come out to do their usual talking, until Bubba and Spike Dudley comes out to interrupt. Bubba says he and his little brother want a shot at the titles. Storm and Christian accept, and that's when...


D-Von comes out, dressed as he used to. He and Bubba beat the Un-Americans for the titles. Eventually, WWE allows the Tag Champions to float between both shows.


This accomplishes a lot of things:

1. The Dudleys, who never should have been split up, are reformed.

2. People might start to care about the tag division, with a very over Dudleys team fighting off challenges from heel teams like Storm/Christian, Billy/Chuck, Raven/Credible, and eventually the Island Boyz.

3. D-Von has something worthwhile to do.

4. No more singles push for Bubba Ray "Future World Champion" Dudley.

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