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Guest FeArHaVoC

Top 10 WWE Wrestlers of 2007

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Guest FeArHaVoC

411wrestling.com: Top 10 WWE Wrestlers of 2007


Note: This list is not in any particular order.


Triple H

Triple H is currently one of the biggest stars in wrestling, and he seems to have everything going for him that will ensure that he stays that way in five years time. He has feuded with the best, from Mick Foley to Steve Austin to the Undertaker, and knows what is needed of a main eventer. He is still fairly young , so another five years (perhaps with an extended break or two) should be no problem for "The Game." He can perform as a heel or a face, which should help in attempting to keep his character fresh and add longevity for the next five years. While Triple H seems to have lost some of his charisma and in-ring ability since returning from serious injury in January, he has solidified himself as someone with the “major player” stigma. But more so than charisma and wrestling, Triple H has one thing going for him that puts him in better position to last than anyone else on the roster, and that is his ability to play politics. The Game knows how to work his stroke backstage and make himself the center of attention at all times. He is very protective of his spot and knows what has to be done to keep that spot. Right or wrong, that skill will keep him main eventing for years to come. Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash did the same thing in WCW, keeping themselves on top (and others down) despite WCW needing new talent at the top. Triple H has kept himself at the top because he is a master politician, and that will keep him on top for as long as he sees fit. Triple H also has more of a passion for the business than the majority of the wrestlers out there. He loves to be on top and will do what is needed to stay on top. He is still young, has the power and influence, and if he can stay healthy, should have no problem maintaining his control of the WWE main event scene.


John Cena

John Cena has already been labeled by WWE as a future superstar. Just like the Rock and Brock Lesnar before him, Cena has all the tools to be a major star in this business, and everyone around him, including Cena himself, knows it. At a young age, Cena has already shown that he has the talent to hold his own in the ring in terms of delivering quality matches and fitting the WWE style. And while he is currently struggling to find a character that is his own, something that will make him stand out and be unique, the diamond is under the rough. It took Steve Austin and the Rock time to find the right characters for them, and it will also take Cena time. Cena also has the all important look that is needed in pro-wrestling. Cena posses that special "it" that separates wrestling stars from superstars, it’s only a question of when it will happen. The biggest thing that stands in Cena’s way is the possible problems that come with being pushed too fast. Often a push that comes too soon and too fast exposes a young talent’s inexperience and flaws, and thus sets them back years in development. With WWE backing him all the way, being a home grown talent, and having all the tools that can and can’t be taught, Cena is headed straight for the top and should be one of the brightest stars in the business 5 years from now.


Ron "The Truth" Killings

NWA: TNA’s "The Truth" has created an amazing buzz since finally making an impact on the new start up promotion. Killings has that special "it" that cannot be taught. He brings with him an amazing ring presence along with extremely intense promos that captivate and hook the audience into every word he is saying. While his in-ring work still leaves a bit to be desired, he is young enough to improve in that department and has all the tools needed to become a dominant star in 2 years. His mic style is perfect for WWE, and the only thing that seems to be in the way of potential stardom in WWE for Killings is his pride (he has vowed to never return to WWE). Of course, never say never in wrestling. Kevin Nash once said he would rather have a sex change than go to WCW. We all saw how that ended up. If Killings continues to improve and grow as a performer over the next year or two, WWE will be knocking on his door and he will be given a chance to become the star that he has the potential to be. Killings has the same ferocious verbal attack on the mic that made Steve Austin into a superstar, the only question is when he will be given the right situation to use that talent to its fullest. Realistically, the fact that Killings is black will hurt him due to the fact that pro-wrestling is still very much a business controlled by white men. Killings even commented that his race was one of the main reasons why he never went anywhere during his first WWE tenure. But the type of talent Killings has can only be held down for so long, and that is the truth.


The Rock

The Rock is currently the biggest star in pro-wrestling, perhaps the biggest star ever in pro-wrestling, and stars like that don’t usually fade quickly. 5 years from now, the Rock should still be laying the smackdown on candy asses all over the WWE. While he looks to be headed for a successful career in Hollywood, the Rock has a deep passion for the wrestling business and it seems unlikely that he will ever totally leave it. Whether he only performers a few times a year, or ends up returning full-time to the squared circle, the Rock is not in danger of losing his spot on top. He has amazing natural abilities, especially on the mic, that electrify the crowd. He also has the always important ability to make his opponents look better than they are. And as his mainstream fame grows, he will become only more important and more valuable to WWE. The Rock is also still very young, and will be able to maintain his fever pitch promo and wrestling style that has made him so popular. His creativity and ability to adapt to the times ensures that, if he wants to, he will remain a top star. The Rock also has yet to develop a monster ego, the type that has ruined careers in the past. He has shown that he is willing to put others over and do what is best for the promotion as a whole, and that will keep him in good standing with management. The Rock is the type of wrestler that only comes along once every few decades, and you better believe that WWE knows this and will juice him for every penny he is worth. And judging by his talents, abilities, and youth, the Rock still has a lot left to give to the wrestling world, 5 years from now and beyond.


Chris Jericho

Y2J has everything needed to become one of the biggest heels in the pro-wrestling business. Much like a modern version of Ric Flair, Jericho is the type of character that fans simply love to boo. And, if done right, his ability to come off as "cool" and "hip" could make him a popular bad guy in the mold of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Triple H, etc. Jericho has paid his dues over the years and WWE has shown that they are willing to push him (by making him the first ever WWE Undisputed Champion). Jericho is also still very young, is able to deliver very entertaining promos, and can put on top notch wrestling matches when needed. While Jericho has yet to establish the powerful friends needed to speed up his climb to the top, there is little doubt that he will eventually get there and establish him as a top caliber talent. Chris Jericho has the look, the natural charisma, and the wrestling ability. He has also shown that he can avoid serious injury which will prove to be extremely important in the long run. While he may never become one of the top 2-3 wrestlers in the game, he is the type of guy who will end up solidifying himself as one of wrestling’s top talents for years to come. Afterall, he IS the King of the World.


Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam has established himself as one of the most unique and innovative wrestlers in the business. His unique in-ring style has allowed him to get over through his crowd pleasing spots, despite not really being very much above average in in-ring ability. RVD delivers what the crowd wants, fun spots that stand out and are memorable. He also has a slow, clear promo style that allows fans to easily memorize his catchphrases and say them along with RVD. Things like this will allow RVD to continue to grow as a major star in the business. RVD is hurt by his very small size, but, much like Shawn Michaels, RVD seems to be the exception to the rule that only big men become stars in wrestling. RVD also has some powerful friends backstage in WWE that will ensure that he is going in the right direction. RVD also has the perfect character for the current audience. Most of the 18-25 males who watch WWE can relate to RVD’s laid back, grunge style character which has allowed him to get very over despite any real stand out moments in his WWE career. RVD also has youth on his side as well as his ability to connect with the young audience. That, along with his unique style in the ring and on the mic, all play in his favor. He also has some powerful backstage friends and despite his small size, the future looks bright for R-V-D.


Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit is one of the most loved wrestlers among the internet audience, and slowly but surely, he is starting to get his props among the mainstream audience. Benoit is one of the most talented in-ring workers to come along over the last decade. He has the ability to mesh with any style, and not only keep up with that style, but excel at it and make his opponent look good. He has already put on fantastic matches for WWE and should put on many more over the next 5 years. Benoit is hurt greatly by his lack of natural, WWE-style charisma that will hold him back from ever being a top 5 WWE star, but because he can make others look good and put others over in impressive fashion, he will always be a major star. Few can do what he can do, and while his job isn’t as glamorous as the job of the top star, such as the Rock, it is a role that cannot be easily replaced. Chris Benoit isn’t really a WWE style wrestler. He doesn’t have the flashy wrestling attire, the exciting promo style, the crowd popping moves, or anything that really stands out, but he is able to do the dirty work of mastering the art of in-ring wrestling and making others look good. He is so good at that job that WWE will always need the Crippler around. Hopefully Benoit can stay healthy and not suffer any other serious injuries. If he does, it could cause an early retirement. Otherwise, his spot in the top 10 seems secure now, and 5 years from now.


Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle has been praised by not only WWE management, but by wrestling critics and fans all over as one of the most entertaining and fun to watch wrestlers in the business today, and that fact should not change 5 years from now. Angle has an amazing ability to tell a story in the ring and through his promos like nobody else. He has a very realistic promo style that can go from being serious and intimidating to funny and comedic. He also is one of the best in the business at making his opponent look great, thus making himself look even better. He has shown that he can get a great match out of just about anybody and has rare gifts that simply cannot be taught. He also has good ethics, a will to work hard and constantly improve, as well as be a team player and do what is needed of him. As the years go by, if Kurt Angle can stay healthy and maintains his desire to be a top star in wrestling, there is little doubt that he will be able to retain his spot. Angle will likely never become THE star in WWE, like the Rock is now, or how Steve Austin once was, but he has already secured his spot as one of the top 10 players in the game, and will have little trouble staying there over the next 5 years. Angle also has the ability to play a face or heel well, and also brings with him the credibility of being a "real athlete." WWE loves to push their "real athletes" and that is just another factor that plays in the hands of everyone’s favorite Olympic Gold Medalist.



Edge has two major plusses that will ensure his viability for the next five years: youth, and the fact that he is a home-grown talent. The WWE just loves pushing talents that they have created. Plus the fact that he is still in his mid-twenties and that is a huge advantage for the former four-time Intercontinental and eight-time tag team champion. Edge has the in-ring ability to put on blockbuster matches in the ring for years to come. He is able to work fast pace matches that keep the crowd entertained, and as he games more experience, he is also improving his ability to talk on the mic and come off well on TV. Edge also has a photogenic look that is very important in any business that focuses on TV programming. One thing that may hurt Edge is his lack of political influence backstage, but due to his young age, that could still come with time. Edge has shown a strong desire to constantly improve his game and do what is asked of him, and that will keep him in good standing with the booking team as well as do only positives for his on-air performances. Edge may also need to bulk up his skinny frame in order to add longevity to his career and be able to take more bumps. Shawn Michaels had his career cut short, partly because his small body simply was not built to take all the bumps he took. Hopefully Edge does not fall victim to a similar fate.


Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar, labeled by WWE as "the Next Big Thing," officially became the "big thing" at the 2002 Summerslam by defeating the Rock to become the youngest WWE Champion ever. With that said, the future looks incredibly bright for young Lesnar. Brock has many factors going for him that ensure that he will remain a WWE top dog in 2007. First of all, he has the big man/powerhouse look that Vince McMahon loves. McMahon has, in the past, shown that he will push big men over and over again and give them many chances (just look at the Big Show). Lesnar fits that bill and even if he hits a hurdle in the future, odds are that WWE will continue to take chances on him. Lesnar also has a great look and a solid athletic background. He is a former NCAA amateur champion and that knowledge and experience will help him. While Brock has yet to do anything memorable on the mic, he still has plenty of time to develop a solid promo style. He also has the benefit of having Paul Heyman as his mouthpiece until he is better able to speak for himself. Due to his image, WWE has not really let Lesnar go crazy in the ring, and isolated him to a more lethargic style. However, Lesnar has shown in the past that he can work good matches for a big man, including the ability to hit an impressive top rope moonsault. WWE has plenty of faith in “the Next Big Thing” and that, coupled with the many talents Lesnar already possess, pretty much makes Brock a lock to keep his spot as a major WWE star for the next five years.


Honorable Mentions


Booker T - While Booker T has gained tremendous popularity this year due to his new comedic style gimmick, it seems unlikely that he will be able to rise to the top of the WWE ladder. He is terrific in his role, but WWE does not seem to have enough faith in him to push him to the next level. Booker T is also starting to age and has already stated that he would like to retire within the next 2 years.


Bautista - Bautista is another homegrown WWE talent that has the huge size that the promotion loves to push. At the same time, Bautista has yet to show that he has the ability on the mic or in the ring to do anything note worthy. While his size will help him out, he still has a lot to learn.


Sean O’Haire - Sean O’Haire may end up being a surprising star in a few years, but right now, WWE has yet to show that they have much confidence in him. Couple that with the fact that WWE does not like to push former WCW grown talents, and O’Haire has some high hurdles to jump. O’Haire definitely has the look and the size that WWE likes to push, but he needs to display the total package before rising to be one of WWE’s top stars.


The Undertaker - While the Undertaker is currently one of WWE’s top stars, his age is starting to show. 5 years from now, it seems unlikely that the Undertaker will still be wrestling. While he may remain with WWE in some type of backstage role, his days as a top star are numbered.


Hulk Hogan - Hulk Hogan has been defying the odds for years now and continues to show longevity and remain a top star. However, with his nagging injuries mounting, Hogan seems to be on his final run. It seems extremely unlikely that Hulk Hogan will still be a top star 5 years from now.


Goldberg - While Goldberg will most likely sign with WWE sometime within the next 5 years, he simply does not have the love for the business that is required in order to reach the top, and stay there, for years. Goldberg, like the Ultimate Warrior before him, could be a top star in the business for years if he really wants, but he has made it clear that being a top pro-wrestling star is not something he desperately desires.


Eddie Guerrero - While Latino Heat certainly has amazing talent in the ring and on the mic, he is not as young as many think. Whether WWE is ready to get behind him at this stage of his career and try and elevate him to the top is a big question. Guerrero


Jeff Hardy - While WWE has already shown a love of pushing Jeff Hardy, the high flyer seems to be asking for a shortened career due to his high risk moves, as well as his wild lifestyle out of the ring. He has also yet to display much lasting power on his own, with little mic charisma.


Test - Test has the size that WWE loves, but does not have the natural charisma needed to be a top level star. Despite years of experience now, he has yet to get down the art of cutting a good promo, and does not have the ability to deliver much in the ring.


No other wrestlers were given much consideration.





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Guest bob_barron

Well it has John Cena so it's trash already.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean uhhhhh


411 RULES!

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Well it has John Cena so it's trash already.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean uhhhhh


411 RULES!

Ashish & Widro will be seeing this.



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Guest nikowwf

Ron Killings? He is champ of a dying federation, and his first title defense was a total mess. (vs. Monty Brown.) He's playing the race card to get cheap heat. He's a decent interview because his intensity is high, but his work is average at best.


And they compared him to Austin. Sigh....


It reminds me of the Russo era WCW's. Because it was something that was NOT WWF, there were people who would praise it to the heavens. Ron Killings is NOT in the WWF, so he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.



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Guest BionicRedneck
Ron Killings? He is champ of a dying federation

Oh dear, Bps is gonna get you for that.


I agree to a certain extent. Killings has been billed as some sort of breakout superstar, wheras in reality he is champion of NWA TNA, which is nothing on the grand scale of things. I mean really what has he acheived? He has potential both in the ring and on the mic, but he is far from "greatest thing since sliced bread".

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The list is for 5 years from now.




When I look at Brock and HHH (with the fake belt)...


Well...if WWE keeps lowering the importance of the titles...


Ahh...screw it...


RVD is the WWE champion

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Guest evenflowDDT
I agree to a certain extent. Killings has been billed as some sort of breakout superstar, wheras in reality he is champion of NWA TNA, which is nothing on the grand scale of things. I mean really what has he acheived? He has potential both in the ring and on the mic, but he is far from "greatest thing since sliced bread".

Look at it this way - here's a man who overcame his torturous days as "K-Kwik" in the WWF and made something of himself in another company. Sure, NWA:TNA isn't as big as the WWE, however, his position in that company is far beyond what he would've ever been able to accomplish in the WWF/E. You've gotta respect that.

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Guest evenflowDDT

By the way, for another spot on the list, I highly disagree with Chris Jericho. I'm a big Jericho fan, but if they keep mis-booking (is that a word?) him, he's only going to get less and less motivated, which is of course going to lead to him getting the blame for his feuds not going anywhere, and he's going to be booked worse and worse until he just has enough. I doubt Jericho will still be wrestling in America in 5 years unless they do something meaningful with him fast.

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Guest Leena

I don't see a lot of those wrestlers being around in 5 years.


HHH has already had his career ruined by injuries. He'd be lucky to just get through 1 year without another major injury.


Angle, Jericho, and Rock's #1 priority isn't WWE, and I see them gone soon.

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Guest Dames Edna

Eddie isn't as young as he seems? He's 2 years younger than Benoit - and he's on the list. Unfortunatly, Eddie will never get the respect he deserves.


I agree with Daniels, this guy is a talented hand

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

UT, Hogan, Goldberg, and Jeff Hardy are mentioned, but not Helms, Knoble, or Rey?

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Guest evenflowDDT

How about Test being mentioned at all... what's up with that? I mean even look at their description of him: "Test has the size that WWE loves, but does not have the natural charisma needed to be a top level star. Despite years of experience now, he has yet to get down the art of cutting a good promo, and does not have the ability to deliver much in the ring."


That's right on the money, so... how does that earn you an honorable mention?

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how about...LOW KI? I think he'll be HUGE come 2007...if Vince gets his head out of his ass and signs him when TNA falls.


No offense, bps, but TNA IS going to fold. I LOVE TNA, but it's going to be sad to see them fall.

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Guest Dames Edna

AJ Styles has a huge upside as well. He'll be a big player in the WWE as well. With extra bulk, he could be a heavyweight

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Guest Cubbie78

heyyyy, god damnit, what about American Dragon, he is very talented, quick, has great in-ring charisma, or at least I think he does....and his finishing submission move ROCKS....sure hes in Ring of Honor, but I hope he gets a look, from either federation soon

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You know, Michaels might be able to pull some strings for Dragon. He WAS the best graduate from his school, you know.


And yes, the Cattle Mutilation (front bridging double chickenwing) FUCKING RULES.

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Guest Mole
Well it has John Cena so it's trash already.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean uhhhhh


411 RULES!

Oh well, if Cena sucks, then Regal can get a **** match out of anyone...ha.

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Guest Brian

Styles refused a contract, that's going to hurt him.


The thing is, maybe American Dragon could, but Daniels is one of those guys that you can look at and say, "Why has this guy had so many dark and Jakked matches and not been in the WWE yet?" or "Why does this guy have all the tools and not get signed?". I mean, how many other guys have wrestled on TV for the Big Three and are not in the WWE right now. He was once the highest paid guy in ECW. He has so much of everything going for him, and the diversity to play a dick heel in the US and Curry Man abroad. I like the other guys and all but Daniels has the ability and the look to actually push up past the cruiserweight division.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'm biased, but I can't see Benoit being a the "top of the fed" in five years.


Angle may be, but not Rock (Hollywood) or HHH (karma).

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Guest Mulatto Heat

You? Biased? Naaaaawwww. :P


Hey, I thought SK always gave Benoit matches *** (or was it ****?). What happened this week? :lol:

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
Styles refused a contract, that's going to hurt him.

well i wouldve refused that too...if they offered me that kinda money per week. the guys got a family. It pisses me off b/c he is, along w/ Lynn, the best technical wrestler in the industry today. Then again they wouldnt give him a gimmick and make him a "rookie" like orton or cena. Theyd bury him like hes no one. Lets see if Cena and Orton can get over in the next 3 yrs. MY guess is theyll be booked improperly too. Theres really no way to tell whos gonna be on top in a few years.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Nine times out of ten, he does. Gee, Benoit loses..and it's 1/4 star under three. If he'd won, would it have been 3 1/2? Probably.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

He rated the match with Rikishi under *, same with as a match with Bubba Ray from RAW in July, if memory serves.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

So what? Does that matter? Did you say the match had to be a certain length? Nope.


My point stands.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Allright. I'll put it this way.


Have you seen any wrestler, ever, wrestle a match under 2:30 that got any kind of decent rating?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Rating from who? I can't say SK as I already know the response I'll get.


You also ignored the aforementioned match with Bubba Ray. I just checked and it was ranked 1/2*.


EDIT: Benoit/Booker from the day after Vengeance was ranked **1/2. There's another point for you to try and counter. :)

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

As I remember, the match with Booker wasn't exactly stellar. Benoit dominated the entire thing, and Booker never got much offense in except for kicks.


With Bubba Ray, it was Bubba that dominated the match, and Benoit only won because Eddy interfered.


With Keith, that makes quite a difference, I've noticed.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Again, SO? Benoit won both, and you just told me that any match Benoit wins would likely be ranked ***1/2 or higher. Now the story changes. Typical.


And IIRC, you said yourself that you're extremely biased towards Eddie Guerrero so I doubt you're one to talk about others' biases.

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