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Guest redbaron51

Smarkdown Predictions

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Guest redbaron51

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher



Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost




No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson



Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson



Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler





Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

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Guest Powerplay

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher


Tom takes this one. No real explanations.


Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost


The Iceman cometh, the Iceman seeth, and the Iceman conquereth. I'm waiting for Frost's first singles championship.


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson


Hmm... XF9 has a good team assembled, but Chris Wilson is Chris Wilson. Plus the single guy always wins in a handicap match.


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson


Rayn man off of some momentum to defuse this bomb.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler


Hmmm.... Hmmm.... My gut tells me Strangler, so him. No reason, just him.



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}


The two former clannies to take down CC.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Promo vs ELM (it's a joke)

-I say the promo is in Swedish and just whips ELM's ass.


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher

-Seems booked to be a squash, but I hate to see Mercury treated that way. Still...



Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost

It's deja vu all over again. I think better booking would have been for me to face Raynor and Xero to face TNT since this match took place about two weeks ago. Still, I like writing against Xero's character and there is definetly some storyline a brewing.


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson

-I say TNT and I run in and clean house, considering that Wilson is having my pet cockatile Captain Neon write the match for him.



Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

-I'm not a big heel vs. heel guy, but in this league you have no choice sometimes. TNT sounds to be a little swamped and distracted, but I know he'll throw some pile of shit together. Could be a very interesting encounter, but I see Raynor needing the win more.



Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler

-heel vs. heel, what? Both men seem to be cutting some bad breaks lately and not just living up to expectations. TBS is Mag 7 though and I have nothing but respect for him.




Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

-Creative Control is supposed to run the league, so they better pick up the win here. I don't see Silent and Thoth meshing well as a team besides and I really do like Breggan and JD, jury is still out on Bo.


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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)

-The promo demands 10,000 words of straight talking, and ELM taps out to the "carpal tunnel" hold.


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher

-Tom Flesher.


Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost

-I'd like to say Xero, but the poor guy's jobbing record is nearly matched with Ced's. Both which are injustices...(N)! Frost wins.


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson

-For some reason, Renegade just does not seem to be winning any WF matches, and he and Ash, IMO, won't work together very well. Wilson and his secret writing partners (no?) get the big V.


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

-Watch the evil caveman explode. TNT wins.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler

-Sacred, if both write.



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

-The Dysfunctional Family of Satan... err, Silent and Thoth.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)


The promo, which is well versed in the Japanese style of wrestling, leads with a few stiff elbows, a backdrop, and a cross armbreaker. ELM gets a rope break, and reverses a suplex into a reverse DDT, goes up top, and nails the Mexican Pride Press for the 1-2-3.




Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher


Well, we got Flesher, who's got some gold, against M7 vet Merc. Right now, Flesher has more of a storyline, and seems to just have more momentum than Merc, so I'll take Flesher here.


Winner: Tom


Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost


Never, ever bet against a crazed Icelandic d00d. I learned that the hard way.


Winner: Frost


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson


Wilson's been inconsistent lately. I'm predicting a Wilson no-show, and a XF9 W here.


Winner: XF9


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson


Now this is a hard one to call. TNT and Raynor are both heels, they're both involved in storylines with other people, and they've fought each other recently. But TNT sucks, so Raynor wins.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler


Heel vs. heel match #2. I'm writing here (I have about 1000 words done right now), and hopefully I'll give Sacred a run for his money. Gotta get me some momentum heading into Genesis III...



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}


Hmmm...with Bo and Silent seemingly out of the picture, it's Lerrin and JD against Thoth...hard one to call. I'll give it to JD and Lerrin, just because they'll have an easier time getting stuff done. But if Thoth can write his entire match, he's got a damn good shot at it.

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Guest Ace309

Promo vs ELM

- Promo takes ELM to the woodshed and pees on the belt.


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher

- No prediction.


Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost

- Close one, but I'll go with the Scandinavian HOSS~!


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson

- The single guy never loses a handicap match.


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

- Watch him EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODE from his fever. Raynor's feeling good. Raynor for the win.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler

- Strangler



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

- Creative Control

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)

-Promo wins, becoming the new World Champion!


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher

-Maybe Merc will show? Nah. Tom is awesome, go him. *kicks out of the Boilmaker*


Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost

-Mag7 pride baby, Frost picks up the win, letting Xero travel elsewhere in the LHW division.


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson

-Renegade has the best moveset in the SWF IMO, and Ash is good when he's on. Wilson however, is near Godly. Go him.


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

-Oof. I'm sick, but WILL try to write...I dunno though, Raynor's awesome, which means, I'm dead.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler

-Hmmm...A pretty close match here. Sacred is JAWESOME when he shows, and he's SUPPOSEDLY showing here, so I say he returns to actually winning, in strong fashion.



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

-Uh...Pretty even here, but JD is on CC...and JD sucks. Therefore, Silent/Thoth either win, or job.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Promo vs ELM (its a joke)

-Promo rips off his mask, revealing Edwin, who rolls Mag up to win back his title! Yeah! ::cry::


Singles Match

Mercury vs. Tom Flesher

-Merc's been begging for a match, but he sure no-showed Storm. Tom to win when that happens again.



Singles Match

Xero vs. Frost

-Second verse, same as the first. Frost won last time, and he'll do it again.


No DQ - Handicapped Match

X Force 9 {Ash Ketchum & Renegade} vs. Chris Wilson

-I highly doubt Wilson'll write for this. XF9.


Singles Match

Chris Raynor vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

-TNT *will* write, cause he's not a schmuck. However, Raynor will still win, because he's more evil, and is on quite a roll lately, going undefeated since his heel turn.


Singles Match

Sacred vs. The Boston Strangler

-Sacred said he's going to write...but, ah well. I lack faith in writing of late. Strangler wins, but if Sacred actually pulls together and writes, he WILL take this. There's no reason not to, and I really hope he does write--if Sacred had managed to write every match he'd been booked in since his return, we'd probably be looking at ELM/Sacred for Genesis III.



Handicapped Tag Team Match

Silent/Thoth vs. Creative Control {Lerrin Breggan, Jay Dawg, & Perfect Bo}

-Breggan's another no-showing wonder, and I haven't seen him on the boards in a while. It comes to JD vs Silent and Thoth, and Silent's beaten JD before. Thoth has the most experience at high-profile ass-kicking...there's just too much talent on that former Clan team to be overcome. I honestly wouldn't bet against them in any situation at this point. Silent/Thoth to write the winning match, and feed us some delightful story in the meantime.

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Guest chirs3

Yes, Edwin, I'm afraid it was. As the idea of "DOUBLE NOSHOW" reared its ugly head, I began typing out whatever would come out. Merc got online, so I hit him up and he agreed to write some as well. It was purely a "I thought he wrote, so I didn't" from both sides ohmygodwegottagetsomethingin rush job.

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