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WCW Fall Brawl 1997 review

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hey people, this is my first tape review :headbang: and i've decided to do WCW Fall Brawl 1997. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks. And on with the Review,


WCW Fall Brawl 1997


The show kicks off with a video package showing how the wargames main event (Flair/Benoit/McMicheal/Hennig Vs Nash/Syxx/Konnan/Bagwell) came about. Also showing AA giving his spot in the horsemen to Hennig, as well as the nWo parody of this.


WCW Cruiserweight Title: Chris Jericho © Vs Eddie Guerrero


No real back story here. Jericho is the "Lionhearted' babyface, and Eddie is envolving into that slimy "cheat to win" character we all loved.

Eddie bails to start with as the crowd chants "Eddie sucks", that's just too much for him to handle. Jericho with an armdrag, Eddie complains of hair pulling. Eddie complains again after some mat stuff. Shoulder block takes Eddie down. A nice series of chain wrestling follows. Eddie chops away at Jericho in the corner. Jericho takes control with an armdrag into an armbar. Jericho continues to work away at the arm. Eddie eventually escapes into a roll up, a series of near falls are exchanged. Jericho goes back to the armbar. Eddie comes off the ropes and gets a stun gun, the Lionsault follows and gets a 2 count. Jericho goes back to working the arm. Eddie escapes with a hangman on Jericho. A staggering Jericho gets dropkicked in the back twice, Eddie continues working the back, and the announcers sell this fact.

Eddie hits his slingshot Senton splash, the Gory special is then applied, but Jericho reverses in a cool looking spot. Eddie tries to escape but is sent front first to the mat. A slugfest starts, which Jericho wins.

Eddie goes for the deadman rope walk but gets crotched, Jericho sets up for a powerbomb from the apron to the floor, but throws him backwards across the ropes instead, Jericho tumbles to the floor as well.

Jericho kills Eddie with a release German suplex this gets 2, as Eddie had his foot on the rope. Eddie hits a move similar to the Rockbottom. Eddy runs into a powerslam and Jericho gets 2.

A spin kick by Jericho connects, then a cradle then is reversed by Eddie, though Jericho pulls up Eddy and hits the double powerbomb. Jericho sets up Eddie for a superplex, the move is reversed in mid-air by Eddy into a cross body, Eddie goes up to the top rope hits the Frog Splash for the 1-2-3. ****. An awesome opener, with great psychology, very good matwork and an overall well paced match, it was a good balance of impact and submission wrestling.


The Living Legend replaces Tenay.


Harlem Heat w/ Jackie Vs The Steiner's brothers w/ Ted Di Biase


This is apparently for a shot at the Tag Titles, why oh why did they ever give the tag titles to the nWo. Stevie pounds away at Scott, Stevie hits a sidewalk slam. Scott hits the Belly-to-Belly and Stevie rolls out of the ring. Booker tags in, they exchange some power stuff, Booker T with a suplex, he then goes to the top rope, but jumps straight into a belly to belly. Scott with the gorilla press, Stevie is in but Rick cuts him off taking him out, then gets rid of Booker, Harlem Heat re-group outside. Nothing of note happens for a good while. Booker goes for roundhouse kick but Scott catches the leg, and turns it into a suplex. Rick comes in and takes out Harlem Heat. Rick hits the top rope Bulldog on Booker. Soon after Harlem Heat hit their finishers, its set up like the doomsday device but Booker T Dropkicks instead of using a clothesline. Stevie gets taken out of the ring; Rick gets a clothesline on Booker into a German Suplex by Scott for the 1-2-3. *1/2. It wasn't too insulting, though it would've helped if it were shorter. The rating was for a few decent spots but that's all that it had, the rest was really boring.


WCW TV Title: Alex Wright © Vs Ultimo Dragon


I don't get why these guys were feuding for the TV Title, but anyways on with the match.

Wright starts of with a powerslam. Dragon with a dropkick to the back, drop toehold and Wright Bails. A mat sequence ensues. Dragon hits the double chop, then a flurry of kicks. Larry claims Wright stands 6'5" yeah sure. Wright takes control and stomps away he then hits a spin kick, which was a pretty weak sequence. Wright sets Dragon up for a piledriver, then throws him front first to the mat, Wright continues to dominant with some uninspiring offence. Dragon Finally gets some offence by hitting a crossbody. Dragon with some nice kicks to the back, Dragon throws Wright into the ropes but misses with the spinkick, as Wright holds the ropes. Wright goes back to the sleeper. Wright goes to the top but gets pushed off back to the mat. Dragon jumps from the top but gets caught with a foot to the face. Wright then misses from the top and Dragon goes medieval on Wright.

Dragon hits an Asai moonsault, then a hurricanrana. Dragon goes to the top but gets crotched and dropkicked off the top rope. Wright then hits a Pescado, at leat he's trying. Back in Double underhook suplex, followed by a German with a bridge, which gets 2.

Dragon Hits a powerbomb as he catches Wright on the top rope. A scoop slam and moonsault get 2 as he didn't get it all. Wright with a Dropkick to the gut countering Dragon's leap form the top. To the finish, Wright escapes the Dragon suplex attempt with a jawbreaker, Wright hits the German suplex with a bridge for the 1-2-3, **1/2. Of all the moves for a finisher, there were a lot more moves shown in this match that would be a way better finisher. The match didn't really do it for me, it was too long, the match dragged and Wright offence is too boring for the amount he got in during this match.


A backstage scene showing Curt Hennig layed out is shown


Dean Malenko Vs Jeff Jarrett


This is for NO.1 contender to the US Title to get their shot at Halloween Havoc.

Ground Based stuff to start goes nowhere. Jarrett begins to work the arm and shoulder. Dean stomps away in the corner, then the drop toehold and Malenko walks across the back off Jarrett.

Dean hits a superplex. Dean reverses a suplex into his own German suplex, He applies the cloverleaf but Jarrett is too close to the ropes. Debra is back down. Malenko charges and both Jarrett and Malenko topple over the top rope. Back in a dropkick gets two for Malenko; the crowd is dead for this match.

Jarrett attempts the figure 4 but Dean turns it into a cradle for 2. Jarrett goes for a double underhook suplex but Dean reverses it, and then Jarrett sunset flips him for 2.

A series of near falls is seen. As both men get to their feet and Jarrett takes him down with a chop block, Jarrett applies the figure 4 and Malenko taps quickly. No one cares and quite rightly. Boring match. **1/4.


A Black & White Promo from the nWo is shown, with Nash/Syxx/Konnan/Bagwell

Talking trash about the horseman.


Wrath & Mortis w/ Mr Vandenburg Vs Faces of Fear w/ Jimmy Hart


Mortis and Barbarian start things off, with a brawling start. Meng & Wrath then tag in. Meng takes control but he runs into the boot of Wrath, Wrath with a forearm from the top rope to the head of Meng. Mortis & Barbarian both tag in, Barbarian hits a powerbomb, and then a pumphandle slam gets 2. Mortis is double-teamed in the corner. Vandenburg then crotches Barbarian.

Wrath & Mortis take over with a combination neckbreaker/powerbomb on Barbarian but Meng breaks up the count. Wrath mauls Barbarian then hits a Backbreaker, which gets 2 as Barbarian is in the ropes. Mortis is in and hits a rocker dropper from the top rope for a 2 count. Wrath tags in, but Mortis continues the assault on the outside. Double superplex by Mortis on Barbarian but it injures Mortis more then Barbarian. Meng is in and cleans house, Vandenburg comes up from behind but gets the Tongan Death Grip Mortis tries to break it up but gets the same fate, but Wrath from behind hits the Death Penalty for the 1-2-3. ** Why they were wasting Kanyon (Mortis) in this dead end feud I won't know. But Kanyon made this match watchable.


The Horseman in Flair, Benoit and McMichael run down their opponents in tonight main-event.


The Giant Vs Scott Norton


They Brawl to start, Giant gets the best of it. They brawl to the outside, Giant has Norton on his shoulder but Norton slips off and Giant runs into the post. Giant tosses him back into the ring; Norton gets to his feet quickly and clotheslines the Giant off the apron. Back in and the Giant beats on Norton, Norton turns things around with a low blow. Giant' head is across the apron and Norton lands some heavy blows to the throat of the Giant. Norton continues the assault on Giant in corner. Norton with a backdrop, but Giant "nips" up with assistance from the rope, crowd goes nuts, Giant hits the Chokeslam GOODBYE 1-2-3. *1/2 a good match considering the participants. But that does mean it was good, but it could have been worse.


DDP & Lex Luger Vs Scott Hall & Randy Savage


Scott Hall and Lex start. Lex wins a couple of tie-ups, Hall takes over with a boot to the gut. Lex comes back with the leaping forearm. Savage comes in but Luger takes care of both. Savage comes in and gorilla press thrown by Lex over the top rope into Hall. DDP tags in, Hall takes control with his standard offence. DDP comes back with a inverted atomic drop, and then a front first piledriver move, Savage comes in but gets taken out again, Savage comes back dropping DDP throat across the top rope. Hall tags in and gets a 2 count with the overhead suplex. DDP gets double teamed in the nWo corner he fights them off but Hall cheap shots Luger knocking him in between rings and stomps away at him. Macho beats on DDP then dumps him across into the other ring, where Hall is awaiting. Hall beats on him then throws him back in the other ring. Hall decks the referee for the sake of it. Another Referee comes in and gets taken out by Hall as well. Zybzko has had enough he makes his way to the ring, he distracts Hall long enough for Luger to recover from those VICIOUS stomps to get the roll up, Zybzko does the count, and a quick one at that for the 1-2-3. * At least the nWo didn't win. There could have at least been a clear-cut winner, with Luger putting Hall in the Torture Rack and have him tap like a baby. This is WCW though remember. The wrestling was pretty much non-existent, the most interesting thing was Larry's involvement, that doesn't say much for the match.


Wargames: The Four Horseman (Flair/Benoit/McMichael/Hennig) Vs The nWo (Nash/Konnan/Syxx/Bagwell)


Benoit and Bagwell kick it off. Bagwell slaps him Benoit in the face, not smart Buff. Benoit throws Buff into the cage twice, and then takes him down with a clothesline. Benoit gives Buff his own slap, followed by a chop that knocked down Buff. Benoit rams Buff's head into the cage again. A chop lights up Buff. Benoit then vertical suplexes Buff into the cage, a stomp to the chest and a chop takes Bagwell to the ground. The Swandive headbutt misses. Buff pounds away and then rams Benoit's head to the cage; the cage sure is taking a pounding. Buff hits a dropkick; a lot of choking by Buff follows. Benoit charges but gets back bodydropped into the cage. Benoit brawls back to take control.

5:00 is up. Of Course the nWo have won the toss, Konnan is now in. Benoit suplexes Konnan, then bodyslams Buff on top of Konnan. Benoit slams buff and then Konnan into the cage, though Buff gets a kick to the gut and Konnan hits a DDT and the nWo have control. Buff throws Benoit onto the apron, Benoit then rolls into the other ring, they continue to double team.

The 7:00 is up and Mongo is in. Mongo decks Buff and Konnan. Konnan leapfrogs Buff as Mongo whips him into Buff but Benoit is ready and Dropkicks Konnan straight in the gut. Benoit chops away at Buff.

The 9:00 mark is up and Syxx is in. Benoit floors Syxx, Syxx is then slammed into the cage. Buff takes Benoit down from behind. Mongo throws six into the top of the cage. The Crossface is applied on Syxx but Buff breaks it up. Syxx and Konnan double team Mongo, Benoit kills Syxx with a release Suplex nasty looking into the cage. But the nWo gains control simply by the numbers game.

11:00 mark is reached and in comes the Nature Boy whooo!! Flair takes out Syxx first; Syxx sure was a bump machine at the time. Konnan is next for the Nature Boy to take care of he pounds Buff, while Mongo delivers a backbreaker to Konnan. Flair grinds Syxx head against the cage. The Horseman are hammering the nWo. Flair and Syxx are in the closest ring to the door.

13:00 have gone past Kevin Nash is in. Nash delivers a sidewalk slam on Flair. Benoit goes after him but gets rammed into the cage; Syxx baseball slides Benoit head into the cage. Buff and Syxx work away on Flair, Flair gets a lowblow to Buff. Benoit beats Konnan in the corner. Flair has Syxx in figure 4.

15:00 have gone and Hennig is in. Hennig pulls out the handcuffs he was hiding in his sling. He sets up as if to hit Nash, but hits Mongo to the shock of everyone. Benoit and Mongo are handcuffed to the cage. Flair tries to fight but its no use. Hennig rips the 4-horseman shirt in half. Nash has the mic and his asking them if they'll surrender but they won't. Benoit continues to fight with one arm. Nash powerbombs Flair, no one will surrender though. Hennig drags Flair to the door and has his head in between the cage door and if they don't quite Hennig will slam the door on Flairs head, Mongo tells them to stop it the match is over ***1/2. But Hennig does it anyway. The match was good throughout, had the ending been different the rating might have been higher.


This was a good solid show with nothing outright bad, worth getting for the first and last match. Though there was little development on main storylines, though there weren't really any leading in. This could've been the beginning of a great feud between the 4 horsemen and the nWo, but like most storylines of the time for WCW they really dropped the ball and the feud was nothing. This could've been a change for the WCW at a perfect time, with WCW finally decisively defeating the nWo, (after milking the feud for all that it was worth) with the 4 horseman and some help from the rest of WCW. WCW was still on top and it was time to change if they wanted to stay there. But we all know how the nWo and WCW turned out. Hogan wouldn't have allowed this feud to happen as it had the potential to be the main storyline in WCW, but he wasn't involved so it wasn't goin to let it happen. Anyway bottom line this shows worth getting.


Thanks for reading the review, Please post your feedback.

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Not bad, but I question the sanity of giving a squash containing both Paul Wight AND Scott Norton anything more than 1/2*.


Everything else was really good.

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Yeah El Dandy I was planning on editing the rating i gave that to *. It would get * because it was short enough not to bore me too much to go less then that. The shortness, even if it was pretty much a squash I think helped the rating i gave it, as everthing else was really long up to that point.


Thanks for the feedback :cheers:

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Guest nWoScorpion

Holy batman no Hulk Hogan vs. Over The Mountain loser from the 70's on the card (cough:Piper:cough). Good rant for a 1st time, better then my early ones, lol.


Mark your calender. Ted Dibiase was a face for a few months.

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Guest bob_barron

Dibase was a face for a while in WCW. From August 97 till a little after Steiner's heel turn.


Piper would be an over the hill loser from the 80s.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Little Thing called Exageration. And Flair can go in that categorie at his current stage of his career.

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