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Guest Divefire

Promo: Reminisce

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Guest Divefire

Warning, old school promo! If you don’t know who I am or what I did in the past, walk away now because this won’t make a huge amount of sense to you.





It was mid morning on Tuesday, 10th September 2002 and most of the SWF circus was setting itself up with tickets and luggage for the long haul flight from Toronto to Nevada. The Canadian airport was full of the men and the women who made their living by inventing new and interesting ways to try and kill each other, or on some occasions there was less of the try about it.


A long time veteran of these games sat in one of the somewhat expensive and less then nourishing cafeterias that lined the airport halls and waited pensively. It had been a long time since Bobby Riley had felt nervous, even before his biggest main event matches in the IGNWF he was a paragon of calm and relaxation. That was before he heard the crowds ripping up the arena’s and chanting his name in hate or glory. That was when he felt nervous. But no, he hadn’t felt like this since… Laura Carpenter… It had been a long time since he had thought of her. Over a year in fact.


That was a wound that had taken a long time to heal and now he could feel his mind teasing at the edges of the scab. He told himself that he was just checking it was healed up, when in truth he knew he was running the risk of bleeding himself dry again.


“Hey Bobby.”


He didn’t need to look up from his coffee to know the owner of the voice who had just sat down opposite him. Much like the black nectar that steamed in front of him, the voice was dark, always on the edge of an even deeper pit and yet at the same time, oddly reassuring.


“Mat.” Riley looked up after a second, taking a breath as he realised it had been some time since he had sat across from him. “How’s it going?”


That almost ever present smirk flickered across his features, before Divefire looked out to the crowds of people moving through the airport, not wanting to make eye contact just yet. “Heh, great. I beat Wilson over the head with a steel chair just last night, it’s a wonderful stress release.” He flicked his gaze back across the table to his friend. “You should try it some time.”


Bobby tried to smile at the rye humour, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. Instead he found himself looking at Divefire, his eyes pleading and prodding at something he just couldn’t bring himself to say.


“Look, what I said about Laura…” Divefire starts, cutting straight to the point as was always his style.


“Forget it.” Bobby cut in, waving his hand and trying to force his mind away from her.


Divefire let lose a slight sigh and shook his head. “No. I won’t. I was out of line to say it, especially in front of the crowds and in the ring. But I was angry… Damn angry.”


Riley fixed his gaze back on his coffee cup, holding it between both hands and feeling very vulnerable again. “Did… Did you mean what you said?”


A pause took hold between them seconds becoming hours, as the weight of the world seemed to hang on the answer. “With everything that happened… Tyler he… Ah… Yes.”


Riley didn’t answer for a long time, just kept his gaze fixed on the blackness of his coffee and wishing for long moments that it could be something harder. “I shouldn’t of let her go… Not after everything… But I failed her once and she and Tyler…”


A fist slamming into the table jarred Riley out of his thoughts. “You failed nobody! You did every thing you could do and you sacrificed your own happiness for hers. No one could have asked for more, Bobby.”


“Maybe…” Riley replied with uncertainty. Then he looked up finally to his friend, checking his expression. “Mat… What Tyler said, about you being the Saviour…”


“It’s true…” Divefire muttered back, taking his turn to look away, but still with the air of much anger. “After my aborted come back, while the IGNWO were in charge I started… What did Alicia call it? Ah, damn it I can’t remember the professional term but think of it as forming a separate personality to hide behind…”


“Hide behind?” Riley questioned, not quite believing what he was hearing. “I can’t imagine you hiding behind any one or thing.”


“Yeah, well… I died… Dying fucks you up, no matter who you are…” Divefire replied, shaking his head then brushing a hand through his long hair, as he was want to do when trying to get rid of stress.


“I’ll take your word on that.” Bobby replied, trying another smile that almost worked. “So what about Tyler then?”


“Morphine and some of the right words of encouragement…” Divefire growled to himself in shame, then shook his head, trying to snap the thoughts out of his mind. “I’ll get him back, Bobby…”


Riley silently nodded at the statement, but still couldn’t ease the pain of knowing Laura was gone. But at least he knew now that he had to change track. “So, that whole thing of helping to take out the Thugg and now Wilson, that’s some kind of therapy for you, right?”


Divefire let a smirk wash over his frame, before chuckling a little to himself. “Bright lad, you’re right on the money. That’s exactly what it is. Admittedly I’m taking what ‘licia told me a little more literally then she intended, but…”


“…But as long as you come back to her, she won’t kill you.” Riley laughed in turn despite himself, shaking his head at the thought of Divefire’s ice calm wife. “It’s good to have you back, Mat.”


Another smirk punctuated Divefire’s expression. “Say that after a couple of months, I’m already hearing rumblings that I’m back from the dead just to capture the World Title.”


“Are you?” Bobby questioned before taking a gulp of his drink.


Divefire shrugged in response, an actual look of not caring on his face. “Maybe, in time. Once I’ve dealt with Wilson, then Tyler, I’ll see how I feel. Though to be honest with you I don’t see the point.”


“I can see that, you don’t exactly have anything to prove.” Riley nodded, while assessing his friends mood.


Divefire was silent for a moment more, then added with no malice in his voice. “Edwin. I’d like to fight Edwin. Sometime.”


“Now that’s a fight I’d like to see.” Riley chuckled once more in response. “Battle of the Brits! By Royal Command!”


“Heh. Yeah, right.” Divefire half snorted before sliding out of the booth and standing. “Anyway, it’s a long drive to Nevada so I’m gonna hit the road. It was good talking, B.”


Bobby nodded in response, smiling slightly. “Yeah, it was. See you in the Lawlor Events Centre, D.” Riley put his hand out to shake and for a moment Divefire looked at it, then he shook his head with a faint smile and shook the hand. A glimmer of the long friendship the two had flashed over his eyes before he slipped on his shades, turned and disappeared into the crowds, leaving Bobby Riley to his own thoughts and his own memories of good times and good company. Of when four men found a common goal to unite them and the short but glorious tale of the quartet known as Dead on Arrival…

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Guest redbaron51



old school is right...


Divefire is the man for bringing up old stuff into the young minds of these n00bs

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Guest Beingz0wningj00



Nice stuff my bud! If you and Outcast complete this storyline, I know I'll love it. ;)



Edwin vs. Divefire... my vet favourite vs. my new favourite... Jeez... throw an active Spider into this and while...


*me sheds tear*



Oh this reminds me... I should go kill Molly.

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Guest Drew_K
Ah, damn it I can’t remember the professional term but think of it as forming a separate personality to hide behind…”


It's called MPD, multiple personality disorder. And you can't have it, it's MINE!


Kidding. Anyway, nice promo, Divefire. Despite your warnings, I think most of the mentioned storyline stuff was explained fairly well for those of us who weren't here. Keep up the good work. And good luck with Edwin. Shoot, other than ELM, when's the last time HE lost?

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Guest Tyler McClelland




...quit conspiring against me, you damn flaming ninja Brit...



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

::conspires to eventually work angles with OLD SKOOL DUDES~!::


Ace stuff. I mark for anything that happened over a year ago, so. Big-time happy dance.

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