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Guest Kingpk

The Tuxedo

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Guest Kingpk

On September 27, the greatest movie since "The Sound of Music" will hit theaters across the country. Starring the Greatest Actors in Human History, Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt.




You will see this movie. I know you will.


If you don't: :firing: :gas: :shotgun:


You have been warned.

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Finally... a movie comes along to challenge the poignant and riveting tale of Surf Ninjas.


I must prepare.

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Guest MrRant
Finally... a movie comes along to challenge the poignant and riveting tale of Surf Ninjas.


I must prepare.

I recommend Jack Daniels or Absolut

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Guest MrRant
::no sells warning::

::No-sells the no-sell of the warning::



:: No sells the no selling of the no selling of the warning and then threatens his job::




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Guest Kingpk
:: No sells the no selling of the no selling of the warning and then threatens his job::






::No-sells, the no-selling of the no-selling of the no-selling of the warning, flies to Seattle, kicks Josh in the junk, flies back::



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Guest MrRant
:: No sells the no selling of the no selling of the warning and then threatens his job::






::No-sells, the no-selling of the no-selling of the no-selling of the warning, flies to Seattle, kicks Josh in the junk, flies back::



::No sells the no selling of his noselling of the previous no selling, flys to where Kingpk lives beats him and then flys back to Seattle only to turn around and return to where Kingpk lives and beat him again while no selling him again::

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Guest ShooterJay
::No sells the no selling of his noselling of the previous no selling, flys to where Kingpk lives beats him and then flys back to Seattle only to turn around and return to where Kingpk lives and beat him again while no selling him again::


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Guest Sandman9000

As the SmartMarks' resident Blood and Jackie Chan mark, I'm in line already.


And, yet, somehow I am posting here at the same time.


Go telepathy!

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Guest pochorenella

I love JLH.

Jackie Chan's The Man.


I'll be there.


Hey, wasn't this movie supposed to come out on June? Can someone explain the delay? Maybe the movie was really bad and they had to re-edit it or something.

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Guest areacode212

I'll probably be going to a screening of this next Tuesday. Hey, it's free and I'm guaranteed to see SOME JLH cleavage (otherwise what would be the point of having her in the movie?).

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Guest C.H.U.D.
can you guarantee a JLH nude scene?

She'll only do a nude scene when her career is shot and she's like 40 and sagging to the floor.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
She'll only do a nude scene when her career is shot and she's like 40 and sagging to the floor.

Better late than never, I say.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I can say with 100% sureness I will never see this movie...JLH might be a babe and all, but damn does she come off annoying in the previews.

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Guest El Satanico
I can say with 100% sureness I will never see this movie...JLH might be a babe and all, but damn does she come off annoying in the previews.

Um when exactly hasn't she been annoying?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I like Jackie, and I think JLH is cute, but no way in HELL am I seeing this movie...

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Guest NoCalMike

I wish JLH would fall into obscurity long enough to where she feels she NEEDS to do a nude scene in order to get a starring role. I would be first in line at the ticket window.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Only if I can see James Brown get knocked out legit and Jackie Chan sing "Living in America" in the musical number.




As much as I mark for Jackie Chan flicks, I'm thinking that this will rank around "Gorgeous" on my Jackie Chan movie scale.

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Guest Lethargic
can you guarantee a JLH nude scene?

She'll only do a nude scene when her career is shot and she's like 40 and sagging to the floor.

So that should be what, her next movie?

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