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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

i was at the show tonight

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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

plain and simple....it sucked. I got second row ringside on the camera and got on a few times but that was pretty much the high point of the show. Crowd was dead from the start, but they didnt exactly have much to cheer for. Other than angle-jericho, every match was really boring.....austin-perfect was a train wreck, austin was clearly dogging it and perefect seemed lost. The show ended with austin limping off and everyone just left pissed off. It was cool seeing hogan, nash and hall but they really didnt do shit. Chris Harvard from tough enough was there.....a couple of the new england patriots who were right in front of me kept shooting on him,calling him a loser etc. It was actually quite funny. And oh by the way.....HHH got the biggest pop of night, sorry folks....hes still over.

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Guest goodhelmet

yeah, you could of saved your money and seen the same crappy show we saw. Oh well, the wwf usually splits the quality of their shows each week. Maybe Smackdown will be better tomorrow.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

yeah and maybe stephanie will develop some acting talent. i have a bad feeling about smackdown and wrestlemania too. SK better warm up the hot pokers....

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Guest TheMikeSC

plain and simple....it sucked. I got second row ringside on the camera and got on a few times but that was pretty much the high point of the show. Crowd was dead from the start, but they didnt exactly have much to cheer for. Other than angle-jericho, every match was really boring.....austin-perfect was a train wreck, austin was clearly dogging it and perefect seemed lost. The show ended with austin limping off and everyone just left pissed off. It was cool seeing hogan, nash and hall but they really didnt do shit. Chris Harvard from tough enough was there.....a couple of the new england patriots who were right in front of me kept shooting on him,calling him a loser etc. It was actually quite funny. And oh by the way.....HHH got the biggest pop of night, sorry folks....hes still over. >>


Just checking, didn't you say that we were overly negative about wrestling just a few days ago?



...As bad as RAW was, it was better than last week's debacle

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