Guest Ace309 Report post Posted September 19, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted September 19, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez - I like Chris. I like Ced. Ced for a strong return, hopefully. NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams - I think Tod's got this one, but Danny may well pull it off. Predict Tod, but I won't be surprised if Danny wins. NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade - Annie E~! LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z - No prediction, besides that it'll be a great match. We bring out the best in each other. SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost - Silent no-sells his way to victory and annoyance. TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire - El Luchadore MacPhisto. TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo - Well, depends if anyone besides Bo writes, and how motivated they are. Pete on a good day can take Bo, as could Wilson on a good day. Bo on a good day can take either of them. It's a tossup. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Powerplay Report post Posted September 19, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez OMGODZ!1!!@#$%^&*!1!!1! IT'S CED!!1!13&*()@#$%^&* I'm gonna say Ced gets his return match. NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams Both guys are pretty good.... flipped a coin, came up for Tod. NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade Renemasta with a revenge win. LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z Since Flesher isn't a double champ anymore, he's gonna hold onto the LHW Title like the JL Frost with the Euro. SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost Dude, another hard one. Here comes the coin.... Silent. TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire Hard, but Carnies are great in tag matches. Carnies take it. TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo Sad turn of events here, but I think Perfect Bo is gonna win because he is a man on a mission when it comes to beating Wilson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realitycheck Report post Posted September 19, 2002 I kept bugging someone to make it, so I should bloody well predict. The SMAR|< Edition! Prepare for immense cynicism and negitivity! [Character] SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez > Of all of the held down talent in the SWF, Ced is the most wasted. He is <3'd and adored by all of the interent fans. Now, the net fans obviously know better than the company who should be pused, so it's a DAMN SHAME Ced isn't current kicking ass for the ICTV. It's nice to see the company actually bothering to push new talent up the card in the form of Raynor, but why doesn't is surprise me it's one of MacPhisto and Suicide's clique buddies? This could be a good match, but it's obvious that the brass is just going to have Raynor run through Ced, and continue to make the poor guy look like nothing, wasting his talent. Raynor in kumquatian fashion. NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams >Harumph. Why does a primo talent like Danny not have a title yet? He's shown to be one of the best workers on the roster, with a masterful grip of technicality and psychology. But sadly, we have a waste of space in Tod deKindes occupying the US Title, and leeching off better, like Tom Flesher, workers to hide his uslessness. I don't doubt they'll continue to push him here, using Danny to make him look better. Sigh. How long do they think they can fool the marks? NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade >Eclectic was a premiere Joshi star in Japan, and is sadly humiliated in America, just because she's a woman. She carries Renegade to another watchable match here. I suppose with yet another heat mudering heel turn, they'll actually let the woman start winning. Annie here, if the bookers are any smart. LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z > Good god. Z is such a waste of space, outside of his bumping. Speaking of wastes, Tom Flesher currently looking like the best worker in the company, and he's being wasted on terrible workers like Z and Tod. Sigh. If there is a god, he'll retain his LHW title, and Z will fade away into nothingness. SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost >Frost is big, slow, and ugly. Silent is big, slow and ugly, but he has BattlArts experience, which helps him tremendously, along with his PHAT stiff work. I was really enjoying his huge rise to the top, like the talented, foriegn experieced star he is, but the boys in the back began to complain about him 'working too stiff' and 'not being complacent with the SWF style.' Sigh. I say Silent wins here, working soft in a horrible match with many restholds, and then Frost bitches to the agents about Silent poking him too hard. Thus curbing his push for another month. Harumph. TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire >Ah, yes. The good old boys, and poor Sacred. I can assume that this will be a great match, with two clique members on one side, one semi-clique member on the other, and the man who should be holding the title right now. I can also bet that this will be a long, showcasing the talent of MacPhisto, Magnifico, and Divfire, while Sacred spends his time on the apron. All just an ego fuck so that the clique can show up the rest of the talent. I can only hope they graciously allow Sacred to get the pin. TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo > Urk. Here's hoping it's quick. Here's also hoping that Wilson doesn't polotick his way to retaining the title again, but to say that would be living outside the boundries of reality. And with that, I'm done giving you the predictions, from the mind of the only 'smark' that matters. Until next time, I'm Scott Keefe, I'm smarter than you, BITE ME! [/character] -Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BA_Baracus Report post Posted September 19, 2002 PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed); "Hey...where'd this guy get all this backstage info?! WHO'S LEAKING INFO TO THE INTERNET! You're all fired! Mothernature says..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Divefire Report post Posted September 19, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez Ced who? Hrm, Raynor SMASH! NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams After Annie nearly made Danny EXPLODE, my good taste tells me that Tom wins. NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade Annie wins via some HLA! LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z Mental note: Mark out for this match. Would it be to much to ask for Z winning with the Turn 'N Burn? Probably... I'm sure it'll be a superior match which ever. SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost Once again *FWOOSH* and *THUNK* guest star, but Silent no sells their roles in the match and Frost wins by blindsiding Silent with a car. TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire Scarily Z has predicted what I've written so far... DAMN IT I'VE BEEN BUGGED! TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo Bo. Why? Because he'll write and seems less phased by all the politcal storm in a tea cup that has surrounded this match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted September 19, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez -CED~! Ahem, I HOPE Ced writes here, and comes back with a win that reeks of utter Ordonez-osity...but meh, realistically, I'm not sure on his status as of late...GOOOO CED~! NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams -Ouch...Todski has beaten Danno in the past...but I want Williams to get a taste of some gold, so go him. NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade -Annie flashes everyone for the win. LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z -Wow, these two are OBVIOUSLY gay, if you know your history. So...I predict Z *if* he writes, though he might job...or the two might joint...WHATEVER! SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost -I beat Silent, and he said he had a "great" match...and I thought I had a shitty one. Now...Frost has beaten me twice, and one of those times I was nearly 100%. So... Frost>TNT>Silent>Jay Dawg. TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire -Ooh! A filler tag match with like, main eventers! EXTREME. Uh...Sacred and Divefire COULD pull out the win here...but meh, Edwin should come back in excellent fashion pulling out the "W". TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo -Bah. LDP with the win...what!? LDP's not writing!? BAH! Well then, Wilson with the win...what!? Wilson's not writing apparently!? BAH! Well then, Bo with the win, hopefully keeping the essence of the gimmick intact. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tod deKindes Report post Posted September 20, 2002 Whoever jobs TNT to a backslide gets my belt. Kidding. ..............or am I? Predictions to come later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted September 20, 2002 SINGLES MATCH Chris Raynor vs. Ced Ordonez Raynor NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Tod deKindes vs. Danny Williams Danny NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Renegade Gade LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Tom Flesher © vs. Z Tom SINGLES MATCH Silent vs. Frost Silent TAG TEAM MATCH El Luchadore Magnifico & Edwin MacPhisto vs. Sacred & Divefire Sacred/Divefire TRIPLE THREAT MIAMI MAYHEM MATCH FOR THE ICTV TITLE Chris Wilson © vs. Longdogger Pete vs. Perfect Bo Bo ~Xero~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites