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Guest Goodear

Ejiro yaks... again

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Guest Goodear

Ben Hardy and a camera man are prowling around backstage after the matches last night at Metal. Ben looks back and forth frustrated, trying to locate his designated interview target for the evening. In their path, a doorway opens, and out comes Ejiro Fasaki complete with a fresh bandage over his damaged nose. Ben and the camera man start to move to one side of the hallway to step around Fasaki.


Ejiro looks at the interviewer with a smile, "Hey there Ben."


Ben looks at Fasaki with a blank look on his face, "Oh, hi there," he pauses for a moment, "Say Ejiro, have you seen Johnny Dangerous?"


Ejiro shrugs to himself, "Last I saw of him, he was hanging out with CIA. You should check out his lockerroom."


"Oh, great! Come on Jimmy."


"Say, Ben?"




"What the fuck?"




Ejiro's voice starts to warble with anger as he speaks. "Didn't I just have a match? Didn't I just wrestle my heart out for eveyone out there? Didn't my nose just get smashed into my face? .... And you don't have a single question for me?"


Ben looks at Ejiro with just a little disdain in his eyes. "Look Ejiro, you just aren't a good interview. You're honestly kind of dull. And SJL just doesn't need boring interviews. Johnny has what the fans want to see... and you? You have armbars."


".... Look, I know Johnny has a lot of charisma, I know he gets to hang out with the SJL Champion, and I know he's undefeated. Good for him. I applaud him for it. But the fact is, I could outwrestle him any day of the week. As a matter of fact, there's no one I couldn't beat. No one."


Ben mumbles, "jacktheripper."






Ejiro calms himself, "Look, Ben, I just want a teensy bit of respect from the people that make a living off my work... like you. So, the next time you see me, you better treat me with some freaking dignity. Because I deserve it. Do you understand me?"




"Good, now, go and interview your spy... I'm sure he'll have some "entertaining" material for you."


Ben looks at his camera man and motions with his head that they should go... they go through a door, leaving Ejiro standing there... fuming. He grits his teeth in anger as a vein begins to pop up on his forehead.


"I'm better than them... and I can prove it."

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Guest SupaTaft

Hey, I'm starting to dig the Ejiro character.


A guy whose perogative is:


- He likes to wrestle.


- He likes to wrestle well.


- He likes to be paid well to do so.




It's ok, maybe you can hang out with the number one contender instead!




Wait, there's like 3 of them... ah well.



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