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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Is HHH screwing himself by backing the NWO?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I think that by backing the NWO (in the locker room), HHH is hurting his chances at being the top guy.  Prior to his injury, he was the top heel along with SCSA.  Prior to the arrival of the NWO, everyone(for the most part) wanted to see HHH vs. SCSA as the main event at WM18.  HHH turning face was supposed to be a long awaited payoff to the HHH/Steph/Angle angle(no pun intended) from the year before.


But now that the NWO have come in, HHH's face turn is not going so well, his match against Y2J for WM18 isn't even a lock to be the main Main Event, and the NWO angle is the hottest story right now.  


Is he maybe hiding in the shadows until he turns and joins the NWO?  Will he win the title only to lose it to an NWO member?  Will he join the WWF forces to combat the NWO?  



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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I'd have to agree with you. HHH is powerful backstage but he seems to be the lone voice backing the nWo. Austin seems openly hostile to them, and he is a much bigger draw than HHH at the moment.


I think he will join the nWo. It won't make much sense storyline wise, but I would guess HHH would like to do it.

Who knows though.

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Guest Tony149

I've read reports that HHH was going to lead the WWF into battle to take care of the nWo. It wouldn't make much sense to have him join, but you never know. HHH could lose some of the wrestlers respect for backing the nWo.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Well, it doesn't seem like he's having any serious problems. His run as a face against Jericho isn't so much his fault as it is the lack of a strong storyline and a real reason for them to fight, besides the fact that HHH is the #1 Contender.


And HHH joining the nWo would make absolutely no sense. If you did that, you'd have to turn Jericho face again and HHH heel, which is easier said that done right now. Plus, the upper card is already saturated with heels, so what's the point of bringing in another?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
And HHH joining the nWo would make absolutely no sense.



But this is pro-wrestling :)

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Heh, point well taken.


Whooooo! Quoted for the first time!


*breaks out the Corona*



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Guest Human Fly

Is there any real chance that HHH will lose the title match at Wrestlemania though? He'll get the title and probably run with it till at least Summerslam.

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Guest goodhelmet

jericho might hold on to the title til Backlash. Who knows?


the writing leading up to this show has been real subpar. If the WWF was smart, they would have Jericho bragging about sending Trips out for months. Then when Trips returning, Jericho heel gets inside of Trips head talking smack about his leg, saying it could snap again. At Mania, Jericho can work on the leg like gangbusters, providing Trips sells it to death and you have created real drama from a real situation. Instead we get the tape from the limo!

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Guest Tony149

What was on the tape? It was when Jericho put the Walls on HHH last May, right? Or did they show something else I missed?

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Guest goodhelmet

no, that was it. the big surprise!


if they knew this feud was gonna happen, they should have had Jericho bragging about taking Trips out for months.

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