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Guest HVilleThugg

2nd Annual SWF Awards Show Nominations

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Guest HVilleThugg

With SWF Genesis III creeping up on us, it’s nearly time for the 2nd Annual Awards show, honoring the year’s best workers. After a grueling process, WFCC and JLCC have narrowed down the nominees for you all to vote on. Please read this entire post before sending in your vote.


Thank you.


How to Vote:

Voting is strictly done by PMs. Any votes posted on this thread will not be counted.


1. Copy the template in second post on this thread and paste it into a PM.


2. Fill out the template with your votes and comments. Comments are not required, but are encouraged as they will make the actual awards show better if people have comments as to why they voted for the person they voted for. Not all comments will be used, but many good ones will.


Rule #1: You may only vote for ONE person per category. If you vote for more that one person, all votes for that category will be thrown out. You may NOT write in votes. Please vote for one of the nominees.


3. Put your character’s name at the top of the PM. This is necessary as those counting the votes (i.e. ME) don’t know everyone’s Board name and needs the character name so they can count the votes correctly.


Rule #2: If your character’s name isn’t at the top of the PM, your vote MAY be lost.


4. In the subject of the PM, enter: “SWF Awards Show 2002 Ballot”.


Rule #3: If you enter the incorrect subject, your PM and ballot MAY be lost.


5. Send the PM to “HVilleThugg”.


Rule #4: If you send it to someone else…it probably will not be counted. Make sure you send it to HVilleThugg.


It’s that simple people. I encourage everyone to vote…it won’t take you that long. If you don’t think you have time, just vote and don’t comment…we want to get a good voter turnout for this. If we don’t, it will be cancelled. Everyone can vote for every category…it doesn’t matter what league you are in. It’s ok to leave a category blank and vote for no one. Comments are greatly appreciated, and will make the show better.


All votes must be in by Friday, September 27th. Any votes received after this will NOT be counted.


Get to it people….






Wrestler of the Year

"Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

Edwin MacPhisto

The HVille Thugg

The Suicide King

El Luchadore Magnifico




Comeback Wrestler of the Year

Chris Wilson

The Boston Strangler

Longdogger Pete


Chris Raynor

Perfect Bo



PPV Match of the Year

HVT vs Edwin vs Bo – World Title Match


King vs HVT – World Title Match

Clusterfuck 2002 – Written by "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

Flesher vs Magnifico - Ultimate Submissions Match

Suicide King vs Chris Raynor – Retirement Match



IGNite/Storm/Smarkdown Match of the Year

JD vs Ash - Hardcore Hide 'N' Seek Match

Ewdin vs Sacred - Double Ladders Match

HVT vs Magnifico - World & ICTV Titles Match

King vs Mark Stevens - Genesis II Tourney Final Round

HVT vs. Axis - ICTV Title Match

X vs Fallout vs Sacred vs Magnifico - #1 contender to World Title



Feud of the Year


Erek Taylor/Boston Strangler

Edwin (& MC)/Wilson (& M7)



King vs Carnival



Most Improved Wrestler

Jay Dawg


The Boston Strangler

Danny Williams


Ash Ketchum



Most Under-appreciated Wrestler



Jay Dawg

Ash Ketchum




Most Impressive Career (Retirees Only)

Suicide King

HVille Thugg

Mark Stevens

Stubby McWeed




Best World Champion

"Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

Edwin MacPhisto

The HVille Thugg

The Suicide King

El Luchadore Magnifico



Best ICTV Champion

Edwin MacPhisto

The HVille Thugg




Erek Taylor



Best US/UK Champion

Jay Dawg



Chris Raynor

Tom Flesher



Best HCG Champion


Mistress Sarah

Boston Strangler

Ash Ketchum

Jay Dawg




Best LHW Champion


El Luchadore Magnifico

Erek Taylor

Tom Flesher



Best Tag Team Champions









Best Pay Per View

Ground Zero

Snake Eyes

IGNWF No Sells Christmas!






Best Stable

Midnight Carnival

The Clan

Magnificent 7

Da Pound

Creative Control

X Force 9



Best Heel

HVille Thugg

Chris Wilson

Jay Dawg

Suicide King

Perfect Bo




Best Face

Edwin MacPhisto

Mark Stevens

El Luchadore Magnifico


Longdogger Pete

Erek Taylor



Best Promo Writer

Edwin MacPhisto

Suicide King

Chris Raynor

Perfect Bo


Chris Wilson



Best Commentator



Mark Stevens

Bobby Riley



Most Promising Bumpee

Erek Taylor

Tom Flesher

Tod deKindes


Ash Ketchum






Wrestler Of The Year

The Boston Strangler

Mak Francis


Erek Taylor



Annie Eclectic



Match Of The Year

Stryke vs Erek Taylor - 45 min Iron Man Match

John Kruger vs Kaimen Roja - Ladder/Cage Match

Danny Williams vs Frost - Cage Match

Mall Brawl – written by Vanguard

Strangler vs Kruger - World Title match

K-Os vs Renegade - World Title Match

Mak Francis vs CIA (Renegade as special enforcer) - Cage Match.



Feud Of The Year

Stryke/Erek Taylor


TNT/Danny Williams/Tod deKindes

Sydney Sky/Annie Eclectic

Boston Strangler/Longdogger Pete




Most Improved Wrestler


Ash Ketchum

Insane Luchador



Best World Champion

Mak Francis


The Boston Strangler

Erek Taylor

Danny Williams




Best European Champion

Erek Taylor

Tom Flesher

Sydney Sky




Best TV Champion

Annie Eclectic


Mike Van Silcen



Best Stable






Best Heel

The Boston Strangler


Danny Williams


Mak Francis



Best Face

Erek Taylor

Tod deKindes

Annie Eclectic





Best Promos



Erek Taylor

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Guest HVilleThugg





Wrestler of the Year






Comeback Wrestler of the Year






PPV Match of the Year







IGNite/Storm/Smarkdown Match of the Year






Feud of the Year






Most Improved Wrestler






Most Under-appreciated Wrestler






Most Impressive Career (Retirees Only)






Best World Champion






Best ICTV Champion






Best US/UK Champion






Best HCG Champion






Best LHW Champion






Best Tag Team Champions






Best Pay Per View






Best Stable






Best Heel






Best Face






Best Promo Writer






Best Commentator






Most Promising Bumpee









Wrestler Of The Year






Match Of The Year







Feud Of The Year






Most Improved Wrestler






Best World Champion







Best European Champion






Best TV Champion






Best Stable






Best Heel






Best Face






Best Promos




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Guest HVilleThugg

Jesus F'n Christ...you people don't fuck around when it comes to voting for shit. Well, that's good..although, I had like 15 PMs waiting...all about the awards, and none about Storm tonight. Sigh...


Anyway, I've been told to mention that it IS ok to vote for yourself...it's not like predictions threads...you CAN vote for yourself.


Mak Francis in twice for Best World Champ was a typo, and it has been fixed.


Although, it's quite amusing how many different variations of the Subject Line I got, despite me saying that it was to be exactly as I wrote it. But whatever...


Oh, one more thing...iif you decide to change your vote or vote for something you didn't vote for before...RESEND YOUR ENTIRE BALLOT...not just the one category. RESEND THE ENTIRE BALLOT! Please don't abuse this...if I start getting 5 and 6 ballots from everyone, I'm going to just throw all of them out. But, if you messed up or something or you want to vote for a category you didn't vote for, resend the whole ballot. I'll use the one with the last one sent and throw the rest out. This is for future reference. If you already sent me a category separate, don't worry about it...but everyone else, send the entire ballot.


Da "sheesh....you people" H

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Guest chirs3

I'm nominated for Best Promos?


Uh... thanks? Or was Stubby smoking something when he pulled up the nominees...


Note: I had a disaster of an IC Title Reign last year (lost it on the first defense), and someone still voted me best ICTV champion. Why am I mentioning this?


Because apparently I'm up for Best US Champ too - same case, people. Don't vote for me.


(the preceding was a paid advertisement by the "Vote for Tom Flesher" campaign)

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Guest HVilleThugg

Ok, I've been tallying the votes and I have to say this...


I"m going to seriously hurt someone if I don't start getting more votes for Best LHW Champion. HVT was the most dominant LHW champion there ever was!! And what's up with me not getting the Best JL TV TItle vote, huh? I dominated that division this year!










Da "hasn't counted a thing, just being stupid" H

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Guest Divefire

Good list and nice timing, I can appriciate the blood, sweat and beers that went into this but one question.


Outcast not under best promo of the year? Whatsupwidthat?!


And yes, I'm shilling for my friend.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Gah! My TV Title reign was awful... wait, it was awesome. I rule! Vote for me.


And, just a friendly reminder, it's Van Siclen. As in "I am sick like Jerry Lynn"



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Guest midnight_burn

Snubbed in the most promising bumpee category eh? Well, that just gives me another reason to come back and prove people wrong.


X Force 9 are also conspicuous by their absense in the best JL stable category, and me nominated for best JL promos? HAH, i wrote like 1, 2 promos at most, and they weren't that good. I'd probably be second only to Fallout in lack of promos.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Okay, okay...enough about how much you suck.


In my eyes you all suck, so let's leave it at that.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

You weren't on most promising bumpee because you are not active. It's a category to say who will be the bumpee that has the most success. Since we can't gauge you due to your lack of being active, we can't put you on here.


Listen people, if you question how the nominees were made...fine, I don't care. However, you should all understand that this awards show is something extra that us on CC do for you all (and some of us who are nominated). It's taken many hours on my part to put together lists, get feedback from CC, make another list...etc. It took 3 weeks for the WF list...unfortunately, not as much time was spent on the JL list. We're sorry, but with Genesis right around the corner, we needed to get this out. The JL one may not be the greatest, but it was the best we could do with the time contstraint, our busy schedules, and the fact that we all have terrible memories. So, if you feel slighted, or whatever...sorry, but that's the way it is. We apologize for missing you or whatever, but we all have extremely busy lives and this little extra thing we do is just that....extra. It doesn't effect your standing or your popularity or anything like that.


We did the best we could...


Da "regrets doing all this work for these awards" H

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Guest Muzz

I would have felt better if I was left off this award show, I know people won't vote for me in anything.


I don't need to feel like shit anymore than I already do.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Should've said something earlier.


Da "desiring to kill this popularit....er...awards show" H

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Sorry, Thugg. This awards show is the shit, basically... I'd've just rather been nominated for most improved than best TV title. Still, though, this fucking owns, so thanks and shit for doing it.

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Guest Brimstone

What no love for Brimstone? :(


What about the RSR vs the JL? It may of ended crappy but had an awesome build. I recall even Thugg wanted a part of that and he was already in the WF.


And no Tag/Stables of the year cat?



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Guest Chuck Woolery

Brims, there were like three different Tag/Stables champions. It, uh, sucked, to put it lightly... it could've been an eXceptional belt, but nope. Meh.


- Mike Van Siclen's cheap +1

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Guest Perfect_Bo

Yo...stop fuckin complaining and shit and leave Thugg alone..he's going based on what YA wrote and shit and now ya bitchin? What the fuck is wrong with ya...just pick what you think and shut the fuck up.


B "Got your back Thugg" O

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Guest Kibagami

Why do we even HAVE a most promising bumpee award? Just give the damn thing to Flesher now. Just give it to him. He devised the "Flesher = ratings" formula. JUST GIVE HIM THE AWARD AND SAVE EVERYONE ELSE THE HUMILIATION.



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Guest HVilleThugg

::hands Flesher the award hastily::


Just don't hit me with the cane you silent freak of nature!


Da "not really scared of anyone" H

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Guest Kibagami

Ha! You have been taken in by my eeeeeeeeeeVil plan!


::no-sells Flesher having the award::


Now he cannot win! Muwhahaha!



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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
I would have felt better if I was left off this award show, I know people won't vote for me in anything.


I don't need to feel like shit anymore than I already do.

Meh, you'll get some votes I'm sure.


Hell, I voted you for "Most Underappreciated" and I hate you...imagine how many votes you'll get from people who LIKE you. :P

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Guest AnnieEclectic

lol @ TNT.


If it makes you feel any better, you're the only Heel left with the ability to grab the World belt, as TNT is the only other one (for some reason, I think he hacked my comp...)



You'll be World Champ in no time!


-Annie "completely off subject" Eclectic

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Wrestler of the year... four out of six are cliquees... why am I not surprised. :D





Ok people... when voting for me... Remember who is UNDEFEATED against the HVille Thugg. Who wrote that hide and seek match. Who has held an impossible to hold title for over 70 days. Who has wins over everyone in the fed except Edwin MacPhisto, Divefire and *sigh* Wilson...




Yeah... enough shilling. :headbang:

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Wrestler of the year... four out of six are cliquees... why am I not surprised. :D





Ok people... when voting for me... Remember who is UNDEFEATED against the HVille Thugg. Who wrote that hide and seek match. Who has held an impossible to hold title for over 70 days. Who has wins over everyone in the fed except Edwin MacPhisto, Divefire and *sigh* Wilson...




Yeah... enough shilling. :headbang:

...Who has no-showed 60% of his matches.


...Who has WON because 60% of his opponents no-show their matches.





...Sorry, I just wanted to mention that you forgot those two. ;)

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Oh...and...I'm basically happy with the votes, save a few nominations I think Thoth, Z, and Silent should have got.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Hey TNT... did I beat you by noshow?

No, you beat me by a ruse, and me falling asleep.

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Guest HVilleThugg

::smacks Crusen like his bitch::


Oh, I'm sorry...should I have not done that?




Da "huh? what? hey, i posted under 1000000 words" H

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