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Guest TajiriMark

Best of 2001?

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Guest TajiriMark

Hello everyone. I don't have many of my 2001 video's labeled (I tape all RAWs/SDowns/Heats) and I don't have the equipment needed to dub videos currently, but when I do have these things ready, I would really like to create a "Best of 2001" compilation video and am curious to know all your thoughts of which matches should be included (including PPVs): from the much talked-about classics like Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit vs. Triple H/Steve Austin for the Tag Titles and Benoit vs. Austin from SmackDown in May to the Benoit vs. Eddy Guerrero match from RAW and the Rock vs. RVD matches from RAW that were great, but aren't talked about all that much. Pretty much any match that was great to beyond awesome (and even just enjoyable) from RAW, Smackdown, PPV, and Heat in 2001, please list it here. Bascially I'm just curious to what your opinions are. Thanks to all who reply.


P.S. I know there have been many "Best of 2001" threads and I hope you don't mind one more. :)

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Guest godthedog

austin v. angle, january raw

austin v. angle, october raw (austin regains title)

austin v. angle, summerslam

edge v. storm, summerslam

tlc 2 and 3

benoit v. angle, wrestlemania

benoit v. angle, raw cage match

rock v. austin

rock v. angle, no way out

benoit v. jericho ladder match, royal rumble

royal rumble match

angle v. shane, king of the ring

rock v. jericho, no mercy

rock v. jericho, vengeance

austin v. angle v. rvd, no mercy

rvd v. jeff hardy, invasion (important--the hardcore match, NOT the ladder match)

benoit v. austin, raw and smackdown matches


i would buy this comp in a second.


i also highly recommend that you include the best promos and skits from 2001, cause all the austin/angle stuff and all the austin heel stuff i'd pay for as well. there was also eddie and the hardy boys (which i personally enjoyed a lot), and the spike/molly saga (which was my favorite storyline of last year).

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Guest TajiriMark

Hey godthedog. Thanks for replying. It would take me a while to get my videos dated with match/segment listings (maybe by Christmastime it could be done), but my friend has equipment needed to dub, so I would probably be able to ask him to help me make the compilation. I was planning to include the segments/promos from 2001 as well, but wasn't sure if people would want to list all the ones they liked. Feel free to do so though.


Also, what month were the Hardy Boys and Eddie Guerrero segments? I remember the Austin/Angle, Austin heel skits, and the Spike/Molly segments, but can't seem to recall the Hardys/Eddie segments.


I just thought of also including the Mick Foley promo from RAW the Monday before Survivor Series 2001 and the Paul Heyman promo about Vince the following Smackdown.

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Guest godthedog

i'm pretty sure eddie/hardys was april-may. i'd check the SK raw archives just to be sure.


oh, also, i forgot that eddie had a very good match with xpac on...i think it was smackdown, but i'm not positive. but it was during the eddie/hardys thing.


how long is this thing shaping up to be?

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i duno if you know, but the wwe actually released a show called "the viewer choice - best of 2001"


i have the tape in Pal format, if you want to trade for a copy, as well as making your one.




p.s. would the tape you make be pal or ntsc (iif you dont know, then where are you from?)

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Guest TajiriMark

godthedog: I remember the Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac match (almost positive it was on SmackDown) and I know I have it on tape. I'm not sure how long the video is going to be, but maybe even two 6-hour tapes. I still have to get all my tapes labeled for the entire year of 2001 and go through them before I create the compilation, which is going to take a while.


chUnk: I never actually heard of a released "Viewer's Choice: Best of 2001" video. I'm pretty clueless on what exactly PAL and ntsc mean...I live in New Jersey though.

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chUnk: I never actually heard of a released "Viewer's Choice: Best of 2001" video. I'm pretty clueless on what exactly PAL and ntsc mean...I live in New Jersey though.

in america, you have ntsc format videos, and in the uk we have PAL. Simple as that :-)


Over here in the UK, we had a show on tv put on by the wwe/f called "The viewers choice - best of 2001" I have that show on PAL tape. If you want, i can get a match listing for yuo, of exaclty what is on the tape.


I would be only to happy to trade the tape with you, but the thing is, i only have the tape in PAL format. If you know anyone that has a pal to ntsc converter (or if you have any other ideas) i would be glad to trade with you.





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Guest TajiriMark

Hey ChUnk. Thanks alot for explaining the difference between the PAL and ntsc videos. I've been wondering about PAL tapes for a long time now, but never asked about it, lol. I don't know anyone with a pal to ntsc converter, so I wouldn't be able to trade, sorry about that. If you could post a match-listing for the "Viewer's Choice: Best of 2001" video, I would really appriciate it though. Thanks in advance!

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Hey ChUnk. Thanks alot for explaining the difference between the PAL and ntsc videos. I've been wondering about PAL tapes for a long time now, but never asked about it, lol. I don't know anyone with a pal to ntsc converter, so I wouldn't be able to trade, sorry about that. If you could post a match-listing for the "Viewer's Choice: Best of 2001" video, I would really appriciate it though. Thanks in advance!

ok, now worries.


I'll hunt out the tape and post the listing for you as soon as i get a chance.



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Guest HartFan86

If anyone wants a 2001 WWF comp, e-mail me @ excellence_of_execution1@juno.com and I could make you one hell of one.

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Guest TajiriMark

Anyone wanting a Best of 2001 compilation could certainly get it from BretHart4Ever way before I would be able to make one, which probably wouldn't be until around late December. I mainly just wanted to post and ask what you all think I should put on it...wasn't even thinking of making any to sell truthfully, although I would be glad to if you wanted one.

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Sorry it took me a while (is it just me thats been having trouble accessing thesmartmarks.com page today?), but here is the complete run down for the WWF: “Viewers Choice – Best of 2001” tape that I was talking about.


The content of the tape was decided by visitors/voters on wwf.com


Top 10 matches of 2001:




Benoit/Jericho (Intercontinental Title Ladder match from Royal Rumble)




HHH/Undertaker (From Wrestlemania 17)




Shane McMahon/Kurt Angle (Street Fight from King of the Ring)




HHH & Austin/Benoit & Jericho (From Raw, i.e. the match where HHH tore his quadriceps, and the end of the “two man power trip”.)




Stacy Kiebler/Torrie Wilson (Lingerie match from No Mercy)




Team Alliance: Angle & Booker T & Stone cold & Shane Vs Team WWF: Rock & Kane & Undertaker & Big Show and Jericho (Winner Takes all match from Survivor Series)




Jeff Hardy/RVD (Hardcore Championship from Invasion)




Rock/Austin (WWF Championship from Wrestlemania 17)




TLC 2 (From Wrestlemania 17)




Austin/HHH (No way out, best 2 out of 3 falls match)



Best Moments of 2001 Clips:

Top 5 Shock Moments:


#5 WCW and ECW merger, and intro of Steph as ECW owner

#4 Jericho becomes the first ever undisputed champion

#3 Drew Carey eliminates himself from the Royal Rumble

#2 Taker makes JR kiss Vince’s’ arse

#1 Ric Flair buys out half the WWF to become co-owner and Vince’s partner


Top 5 Kisses:


#5 Regal kisses Vince’s arse

#4 Lita kisses Matt Hardy

#3 Vince kisses Rikish’s arse

#2 Trish and Rock Kiss

#1 Angle kisses his medals after retrieving them from Benoit’s tights


Top 5 Slaps:


#5 Debra slaps Vince

#4 Molly slaps Austin

#3 Debra slaps undertaker

#2 Trish slaps Vince

#1 Steph slaps Linda


Top 5 put downs:


#5 Rock/Steph

#4 Edge/X-Pac (“Hey X-pac 1998 called, they want their wrestler back”)

#3 Big Show/DDP (Show dresses up as DDP, after DDP was fired)

#2 Jericho/Steph (Re: The size of her “hooters”, the before and after shot on the titan tron)

#1 Rock/Booker T


Top 5 food moments:


#5 Jericho slams a pie into Steph’s face

#4 Debra hits Austin with a cookie tray

#3 Angle gives the alliance a milk bath

#2 Austin and Booker T brawl in a supermarket (“Price check on a jackass”, I love that line :-))

#1 Rock ask Lillian Garcia if she likes “Strudel”


Other clips:


Undertaker Desire video

Why the WWF has been the best show of 2001

Tough enough winners clip

Rock returns to the WWF, and chooses the WWF over the alliance

Best of/compilation of WHAT!?

HHH desire/comeback video

Austin Desire video

WWF Live! Desire video



Phew, now that took some typing. I hope this helps, if you have any other questions just ask.


If you would like a Pal copy of this tape I would be glad to trade/sell it with you.





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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I'm shocked the IC Title match from No Way Out was left off since it was pretty much the second best match of the night.


Also Jericho/RVD from Unforgiven.

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Guest TajiriMark

Hey ChUnk. Thanks alot for posting it...I really appriciate it! As soon as I started to read it, I realized that they also showed this show on TNN in the US on the New Year's Eve RAW, and I also have it on tape. I'm very sorry to make you go through it and type it up when I already had it, but I actually totally forgot about some of those moments that they had on the show that I want to put on the Best of 2001 tape (the Edge promo on X-Pac and the Kurt Angle milk-bath segment). Sorry again about asking you to type it up when I already have it, but I hope you didn't mind. Thanks again!



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Hey ChUnk. Thanks alot for posting it...I really appriciate it! As soon as I started to read it, I realized that they also showed this show on TNN in the US on the New Year's Eve RAW, and I also have it on tape. I'm very sorry to make you go through it and type it up when I already had it, but I actually totally forgot about some of those moments that they had on the show that I want to put on the Best of 2001 tape (the Edge promo on X-Pac and the Kurt Angle milk-bath segment). Sorry again about asking you to type it up when I already have it, but I hope you didn't mind. Thanks again!



No worries, it not your fault. It was kinda fun re-liveing some of those classic moments from last year anyway :-)


Ifi can help you with anything else, just let me know



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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

RVD VS Jerry Lynn from heat (damn coach keeps talking about rock)

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