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Guest Ace309

Oh, by the way...

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Guest Ace309

I still hate the fact that this place is called TheSmartMarks. I thought the whole point of getting a new name was to NOT be ripping off TheSmarks.


There were so many good suggestions. I would have rather had VanillaMidgets, ThisIsWorkrate or half the other suggestions. As it is, I hate the term "smart mark" anyways, and I'm still disappointed that TheSmartMarks got the vote.

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Guest B-X

The name wasn't chosen at first. Some asshat registered Vanillamidgets.com and some other one (I can't remember)


then they decided to go with #3 on the list, TheSmartMarks. I then promptly stated I wasn't going to be involved with this. I hated the name then, i still do.

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Guest J*ingus

Basically, Scott Keith and his pals skedaddled over to 411wrestling, where they've got their own "Smarks" section. So this place had to change its name, and "The Smart Marks" was the one DEMOCRATICALLY CHOSEN BY A MAJORITY VOTE. (So quit yer bitchin'.)

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Guest Ace309

Right. The fact that it was chosen by a majority vote IMMEDIATELY eliminates the possibility of me hating it, and of anyone else hating the name. It's SO WRONG to hate a name that's nothing but derivative and devoid of humor. Oh, please forgive me.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Jingus Bud, he has a good point. And besides I'd be willing to bet if we ever did a revote that The Smart Marks would lose.

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Guest Some Guy
Basically, Scott Keith and his pals skedaddled over to 411wrestling, where they've got their own "Smarks" section. So this place had to change its name, and "The Smart Marks" was the one DEMOCRATICALLY CHOSEN BY A MAJORITY VOTE. (So quit yer bitchin'.)

Did it really have a majority or just a plurality? The results have been deleted, I suspect a vast right wing conspirisy and demand a recount, where's Jesse Jackson and Daly to help me try to steal an election when you need them?

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Guest Incandenza
Did it really have a majority or just a plurality? The results have been deleted, I suspect a vast right wing conspirisy and demand a recount, where's Jesse Jackson and Daly to help me try to steal an election when you need them?

I live in Florida, so I'll get Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris to do it, instead.


Anyway, I'm indifferent to the name now, but for the longest time I didn't like it, either.

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Guest Some Guy

CWM you're probably right, she killed the Vanilla Midgets so she could get another solo push.

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Guest Some Guy

You should, at least then it would look like you have a reason for your name, as far fetched as thay reason may be is unimportant, you just need one.

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Guest DrTom

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the name, and I never have been. The best way to say that you're NOT The Smarks or a Smarks-Lite is to pick a name that's far removed from that one. The problem is, changing it now would be counter-productive. The site has grown into something pretty big in a short time. Check out these search results from Alexa.com, and keep in mind that number is out of ALL the sites on the internet. Plug some of the bigger wrestling/pop culture sites into there and see where we compare. We can't change the name now because we'd lose the "brand recognition" that goes with it. The name may not be the best, but we're stuck with it, and it's getting us pretty dashed good results in spite of itself.

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Guest saturnmark4life

'Uncle Saturnmark's super sugary board of fun' anyone?


yo yo i got a better idea. WHO CARES?

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Guest CED Ordonez

Eh. It's a board name that doesn't really affect anything. As long as it's a place to bitch about Vince's company, I don't really care about much else.

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Guest DrTom

Who's talking about the board? I was referring to the WEBSITE. It's true that we have a thriving forum that generates a lot of hits, but I think we also have some good writers who draw the readers with the power of what they write. The board is just one part of what makes the website a success, in spite of its name.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yeah, that's part of why I'm going to write oodles of stuff for SmarkTalk, maybe it'll get me noticed and hired for The Smart Marks.


Fo sheez,


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Guest goodhelmet

i'm not a fan of the name either. with that said, i love the site. for all of the bitching about SK and his bitterness toward the product, i think jhawk, dr. tom and dames do an excellent job of giving an alternative, less-jaded perspective. the pop culture guys do one helluva job in their dvd, movie, and music articles. our other recappers (retro rob, CJ, fake razor) take the b-shows and make the reviews worth reading. obviously, someone else took notice because they have been able to branch off and post their recaps at multiple sites. the tape review guys rule. tsm is the only site i know where you can get the scoop from the shoot interviews (thanks to brandon truitt) w/o giving RF your money. we've got two interviews (danny doring and trish stratus) under our belt.


i've said it before and i'll say it again. i'll take the writers from this site and their material over any other site on the net.


is the name unoriginal? yes. do i like it? no. i agree with cwm. i liked vanilla midgets better. hell, i nominated that name. somehow it got accused of being porn referenced and the stigma stuck for some illogical reason. even the esteemed P0rnfaq will tell you the name has nothing to do with porn. with that said, would i quit supporting the site based on its name? no way man.


and kotzenjunge, if you want to write for the site, contact me on aim or pm me. we'll discuss your material.

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Well, this again....


Without trying to repeat what both Goodhelmet and Dr Tom said, the reasons why we are who we are has already been covered. Personally, I've grown to like the name and its starting to catch on if you look at the stats.


I agree with everyone else on the name though, it IS unoriginal. Just because the name is what it is though, doesn't mean that the content isn't first rate. We don't just throw ANYONE up there. GH and I have made damn sure of that. The name might be unoriginal but the work definitely is. We have our own distinct style of recapping things and while you can ALWAYS improve, I think its damned good.


If you only come to the board and don't visit the site, I highly recommend that you do. You won't be disappointed....but if for some reason you don't like the material, write about it in Site Feedback, we are ALL open to suggestion.



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Guest evenflowDDT

Checked out those search results... 34,484 out of the entire web, and yet not ONE of the viewers seems to have an extra pile of cash around they're willing to part with on little old me? Maybe I should write more reviews...

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