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Guest godthedog

creative away messages

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Guest godthedog

the title explains itself...what creative or witty things do you aim users have? i've seen some pretty funny ones, & some of you guys are intelligent people, so i should expect great things of you.


ones i like to use:


fight club: i am jack's sardonic away message.


rene magritte: this is not an away message


dialogue from the anna nicole show: anna (wearing a retarded mardi gras mask): no one can see me!


kimmy, her assistant: i can see you.


anna: ...you can?


add your own.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm Busy either:

1.Fighting with Neighbors


3.Buying Beer




It isn't creative but It's accurate

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Guest DJ Jeff

I only have one away message I use quite a bit:


You all suck, so I won't be talking to you. :P


The best part is that it's true about everyone on my AIM list.

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Guest DJ Jeff
Jeff can I hace your AIM name...so I can block it?

Can you "hace" my AIM name? :o


Okay, sure, why not. It's BrockLesnar3033. Now, give me your AIM name so I can block it. :headbang:

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Guest Sandman9000

I come up with them as I go, but these are the ones I use the most.




Committing mass homicides

Leave one, because I won't


Beating my wife


If my roommates doesn't get off the phone, I'm going to slit his throat while telling his girlfriend exactly how I am doing it.


Stealing from ___________ (Wherever I am shopping at that time)


Trying to score with the drunk chicks across the hall (They really don't like this one)


I am away from my computer right now, so it looks like you're fucked, doesn't it?


There are others, but I just make them up as I go.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I just ignore your posts in the OAOAST Sandie. After all if we went by that people would think I was some kind of egotistical prick...actually maybe the OAOAST is a good way of judging people.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Ya know if we Used The OAOAST to judge Tim, we'd find that he really enjoy's to "Spear" other guys.


It really is an acurate judge.

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Guest The Superstar

It's not my own creation, but I love using "I have stepped out to lunch" for all occasions and times of day :)

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Guest Leena

I don't use away messages anymore, because then I get IM's with people bitching that I'm ignoring them.

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Guest papacita

If I was on my old computer I would be able to give you the original message, which was funny as hell. Basically, I cuss out the person who IM's me in French. Something like this...


(Through translator)IMBÉCILE! Qu'homme que vous cherchez n'est pas ici en ce moment, et franchement vous devriez avoir honte de vous-même. Ce qui vous donne le droit de penser votre âne sourd-muet est digne de parler avec un tel greatness. Je ne serais pas parler complètement attrapé avec un bon BÂTARD de non comme vous-même, et vous méritez de mourir pour égal m'approchant. Ainsi au revoir! Git! Allé maintenant! Soyez allé! de PAIX


Translation:GO AWAY!!!!



The original was much funnier because I was actually more creative back then, but you get the point.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I got a few good ones...



I just realized that I'm ASS-NEKKID, and in need of clothes...in the meantime, go here



Destroying evil spirits...battling with Lucifer...bashing in the brains of zombies...shooting my ProtonGun at a marshmallow man...attacking possessed friends with a chainsaw and a shotgun...be home soon...






In an ever-going quest to find a way for me to get laid, I am continuing with my "play guitar in a band to get chicks" plan.

{phone #}



I am raping your sister as your girlfriend fingers my ass and your mother tapes it.



God damn cheap fucking slut of a cunt! Douchebag-licking cock-eater! AGH! I HATE THIS SHIT!!!! FUCK!!!

Sorry, homework...teehee:-D



Wrestling with my nephew...when he's done kicking my ass, I'll try to come back





"Playing Game"

I am not available because I am playing with my balls and shaft...wanna join in?;-) I'm probably thinking about...certain people...MWAHAHAHA...


"Poop Cross"

Pooping on a cross...it's %t on %d, and your name is %n


"Surgeon General"

The Surgeon General ignores the cold truth that NON-smokers die every day.



I'm either playing guitar or watching a movie, or more than likely sleeping. My door's unlocked, so stop by and just come in if you want (but be sure to NOT let the cat out). Call me if it's important...


"Yes I can"

I can suck my own dick...:-D

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When I first met my girlfriend, my away message read "I'm fucking".


Later on in the day, my away message read "I'm still fucking".



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Guest B-X

You know the split second it takes AIM to load your profile, it'll say "Please Wait.."


Yea, thats my away msg. Hilarity.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Mine actually aren't that great... help me think of better ones:


Default Away Message: "I am away from my computer right now.


(excuse the lame default reply, but i'll be back in a sec and have to go too quickly to think of anything clever)"


Dinner: "i'm eating... just be glad it's not you! mwahahaha... hey! where are you going! i was kidding, its the other white meat, not the other other white meat!"


Class: "i'm in class right now, either learning something, being bored out of my mind, or sleeping. which do YOU think it is?"


Eating (I use this one more often than Dinner): "you know those old tupper-wares in the back of the fridge with that nasty food, which you have no idea how old it is? well, i'm eating that. bon appetit! ;-)"


Chillin' (w/ my MAD RHYME SKILLZ~!): "yo, i'm out like a light, and chillin' like a villain, i know leavin' ain't right, but accept my good willin'"

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Guest evenflowDDT

Hey, speaking of AIM, anyone know for the new version if you can make your own "AIM Expressions"? The least lame one is the one I'm using right now, Eight Legged Freaks, but even that ones still pretty lame.

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Guest Nevermortal

Sleep 1:


"I am currently in an ethereal slumber, in the dark, dreaming of burning churches and defiling sacramental items! Leave your messages here, and I'll get back to them, when I awaken! Huzzaahhhhh!"




"I'm gonna take a little compu-break. Leave your messages here and I'll get back to you when I uh...get back. Yup."




"I'm eating dinner, therefore I am not here at the moment. Try to contain your disappointment. I'll return shortly."




"Bathroom Time! POO POO PEE PEE HA HA"


Not Here:


"Believe it or not,

Nevermortal isn't at home

Leave a message at the beep


I must be out

Or I'd pick up the phone

Where could I be?


Believe it or not,

I'm not Hoooommmmeeee!!!!"


Sleep 2:


"I sleep. yay."

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Guest evenflowDDT
Not Here:


"Believe it or not,

Nevermortal isn't at home

Leave a message at the beep


I must be out

Or I'd pick up the phone

Where could I be?


Believe it or not,

I'm not Hoooommmmeeee!!!!"

Whoa... I know that reference... where's it from? I think it's from "Seinfeld", right? But whose character was it? Can't remember...

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Guest The Electrifyer

It was George Costanza of course. Who else could do such a creative answering machine message?!

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Guest Doomsault

I'm being eaten by zombies right now.


There's someone in my house and I'm hiding in the closet!


If I'm not back in 10 mintues, call the cops.


Don't bother trying to IM me, I'm outside your window.

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