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Guest Chuck Woolery

The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

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Guest Dmann2000

I can just hear the complaints now, "Man Bubba had to save RVD. Rob got no offense in. HHH sucks. Ric Flair is old"

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Guest Eagan469
Ugh. Bubba. Ugh. Why are they pushing him again?

because he's, to quote JR, a "future world's champion"


so this is all compensation for him beating Hunter for the big gold meaningless belt somewhere down the road

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Guest Kamui

So, I think it looks like my prediction will come true. HHH will go over Bubba and RVD will go over Flair at No Mercy, and then RVD will win the title from HHH in the rematch at Survivor Series. That's my official prediction (and one that I sincerely hope happens, since Survivor Series is here in New York at Madison Square Garden- what better place for RVD to win his first World Title?).



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Guest Grenouille

Damn has this show sucked. I'm getting closer and closer to just giving up once and for fall with this shit. I don't know how someone could want to continue watching.

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Guest TheHulkster

Orton has all the fist pumping and screaming "Yeah!" at the crowd charisma that would make the Von Erich's proud. Screw being the white Rock, he's the modern day modern day warrior Randy Von Erich.


I didn't know how bad the divas could dance untill tonight. Jeesh, that was a trainwreck. From a storyline standpoit, this show has been alright so far. From a wrestling standpoint, it's not quite there yet but you never know what the rest of the show holds, so i'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
I actually like the HHH/Flair team. I think they will get over as big heels.

I don't mind Trips and Flair together at all. Feuding them with Van Dam = fine. Putting freaking Bubba Dudley in the mix? That's just wrong.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex
Flair - "I'm going to teach him how to be World Champ as long as he wants"


Uh...you're going to teach him to fuck Steph? Ew.

Why did that remind me of Flair and Precious and JJ Dillon hiding in a closet?

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Guest BaldFish

Dude. The best match so far tonight has been the women's match. I thought it was pretty fast-paced, and definitely miles ahead of anything else.


Nowinski/Dreamer was entertaining, though. "This is Singapore! That's where this cane is from!"

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