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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The One and Only week 13 thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Matches look like this:


Red vs. Sonny Siaki

Harris and Storm vs. Harris and Lee in a tables match for the tag belts

Hall and Syxx-Pac vs. Lawler and Elix Skipper

JJ vs. Road Dogg

AJ Styles vs. Lo Ki (2/3 falls) for shot at X title

Jerry Lynn vs. Truth in a lumberjack match for the X title.



I'm not a fan of lumberjack matches.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



Anyway...Lynn is beating the shit out of Sonny Siaki in the back.


If anyone in the crowd is clever enough...a sign that says "Why Siaki, Why?" would have been brilliant.

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Guest BifEverchad

Show opens up with Mike Tenay and Don West talking about the card, then we go to Jerry Lynn and Sonny Siaki brawl in the back. We go back and Tenay continues to run down the rest of the card.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Ok...so Lo Ki and Styles are 2/3 falls...


and Truth vs. Lynn is there too...


but JJ vs. Road Dogg is the main event.


Sure thing.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You can do play by play...I'd enjoy a week off.


I'll just throw in comments and stuff

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Guest BifEverchad
You can do play by play...I'd enjoy a week off.


I'll just throw in comments and stuff

ok, ok...

well we could share the duties!



anyways, Opening Match: Sonny Siaki vs The Amazing Red


Brawl to start, Red hits a "Shooting Red Splash" on the outside on Siaki. Its noted that Siaki ISNT wearing his Flying Elvis' attire tonight.

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Guest BifEverchad

Match goes to the outside and Siaki gains advantage as he throws Red into the stairs and uses the railing to his advantage. Mortimer Plumbtree is spotted for the first time since week 1.

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Guest BifEverchad

Back in the ring, Siaki gets a close two count on Red. Siaki then works over Red with a Bearhug, followed by a sidekick, and Red gies down. Siaki plays to the crowd and then gets a close count but is stopped as Red gets the foot on the rope.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Siaki is trying to stay with Red...but he's just not quick enough so Red's comeback was off by that much.

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Guest BifEverchad

Advantage goes back to Red, and he hits the...the...um...the spin-around move thingy that Rey hit on Knoble last week on SmackDown. Red then hits a spinning front kick, and goes to the top. Red dives at Siaki, but misses. Siaki then hits the 'Money Clip' for the 1,2,3. Jorge Estrada then comes out to issue a challenge to Sonny Siaki.

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Guest BifEverchad

We go to the back to see Killings attack the Amazing Red. "I'll get 'em before they get me! Be'live dat!" says Killings, as he sends out a message to the X Divison.


Next up: The Tag Team Championship..


Brian Lee and Ron Harris vs Harris and Storm

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Guest BifEverchad

Tenay and West make it clear starting off that this is a Tables Match. Lee and Harris start off and battle back and forth. Chris Harris clotheslines Lee to the outside, then Ron Harris comes in to help, but gets dumped himself. Brawl starts to the outside with all 4 guys..

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Guest BifEverchad

...back in the ring, Ron Harris works over Chris Harris. I gotta say, Ron Harris' tights suck ass. Anyways, Lee gets in and works over Harris with a few punches, as Ron Harris sets up a table inside the ring. Lee goes for a press slam but is broken up by Storm. Match goes on and the heels continue their beatdown. Heel Harris powerslams Face Harris. Brian Lee gets back in and drops a series of elbows on the fallen Harris.

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Guest BifEverchad

Botched knee drop off the top by Lee. Chris Harris then tags in Storm, he sets the place afire and they double team big Ron Harris. Double clothesline and Harris goes to the outside. Brian Lee is left inside with Storm and Harris. He fights both of them off on the apron. Lee goes for a suplex to the outside but is kicked by Chris Harris, Harris off the ropes, he knocks Lee off to the outside, and an awaiting table. The Champions retain their titles. Post Match: Ron Harris powerbombs Storm through a table and fights off secruity, including DON Harris the 'head of secruity'.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I will join the many in saying that I never want to see a HArris vs. Harris match

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Guest BifEverchad

Show shillings as the local strippers strut their stuff in the cages..


Footage from 'Earlier Today' is shown of Bruce arriving at the arena and he gest into a verbal confrontation with an old lady.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I hate Bruce.


But I like Goldy.


Oh good lord...do I hate Vince Russo.


If Bruce fights that old women...we may top the Dupp Cupp on the scale of terrible.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Whoever wrote this promo is a genius.


I'd buy some Ron "The Truth" Killings merchandise.

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Guest BifEverchad

NWA Champion, Ron 'the Truth' Killings comes out to cut a promo. Killings puts the crowd down and says he has something to get off his chest. Crowd boos. He goes on to talk about how he grew up in a house and there was rats in his neighbourhood. Rats filled his house. Killings then claims there is predjuice in the NWA-TNA. He then asks what happened to Ricky Steamboat since he became NWA Champion. He asked where's his special treatment? No merchandise, no Ron Killings t-shirt. He claims that this is 'Shiznit'. He complain he has no personal dressing room.


B.G James comes out to interupt...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Kick his ass, Ron.


I'm pulling for ya.


If handled half way competent...a Killings/Road Dogg program is something that I want to see.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Sun Tan Superman"


I love it.


I need a Killings promo every week...why has it been so long?

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Guest BifEverchad

A Chubby Road Dogg gets into the ring to put Killings in his place. He recalls 'a few years ago' when they were pals, and how James took care of him, while others put him down. Killings comes back and calls himself, the 'Suntan Superman'....Gold. Heavy crowd heat, including 'What' chants as Killings goes off on James. Great promo by Killings.


James then attacks Killings. The champ bails, and BG James puts out a warning..

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Time for AJ vs. Lo Ki.


I feel they will regret this match being put on so early.

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Guest BifEverchad

More titty dancing is shown and then a Brian Lawler promo. Oh Joy..


Lawler is joined by his girlfriend. They get into a spat.

Um, useless...



Next up: 2/3 Falls X Division Match AJ Styles vs Low Ki

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Guest BifEverchad

The winner of this match gets the number one contendership for the X Title. They grapple to start, then go to mat work. AJ starts in with a side headlock. Low Ki battles out, but AJ comes back and works the arm. Some stiff chops from Low Ki, and he hits a back elbow. Ki gets a 2 count. Chops to the shoulders and AJ goes down. Back up, they exchange blows and AJ goes for a couple of stiff kicks to Low Ki's chest. Plancha by Low Ki to the outside onto AJ. They go back in and Low Ki continues his assault. STIFF kick to the back and Low Ki gets a 2 count.

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Guest BifEverchad

Both men are in great condition. AJ gains the advantage as he works over Low Ki in the corner. AJ gets a 2 count. Low Ki fights back, but AJ knocks him to the mat. Reverse chinlock, but Low Ki fights it off. Off the ropes, both men hit each other with dualing lariats. Spingboard frontkick by Low Ki, AJ goes down hard. Low Ki puts on the Dragon Clutch, and AJ taps. Fall number 1: Low Ki.

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Guest BifEverchad

Fall number 2 begins, AJ hits a couple of kicks and gets a 2 count right away. Counters back and forth by both men, AJ hits an Engureri(sp) and Low Ki goes to the outside to rest. AJ reverses the Dragon Clutch on the outside and he snaps back on Low Ki. Back into the ring, AJ gets a quick 1 count. Low Ki gets the advantage and hits a hurricana, but is countered by AJ, and he gets the 1,2,3 to tie the match up at 1. Fall number 2: AJ

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