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Guest Kotzenjunge

Just because a Nazi stormtrooper marches well doesn't mean he agrees with why he's marching.


Your god forbid we actually move forward as a civilization.


Fo progress,


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Guest Cancer Marney

This is hilarious. Are you seriously saying that all the people I named (and others, such as ant7000 and slapnuts) are somehow forced to post, respond, discuss, and argue in Current Events? Unlike you, I won't presume to speak for anyone else, but I'll be surprised if this isn't news to at least some of them.

As for "[moving] forward as a civilization" and taking your indications from a bunch of posts on a message board, well, I can't even mock that because it's just so terribly silly. I'll let it stand on its own as an example of pretentiousness.

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Guest Incandenza
Not wasteland in that there isn't anyone there, kinda like a forest without trees thing.


Incandenza, I'm ashamed to consider you a messageboard acquaintance! Defend yourself and your Alf-loving ways!


Fo sheez,


Well, she called me a "plush-loving pervert," which I cannot deny. As for the post count, what I said about YnA dealt with how he has to assert his disdain for post whoredom every now and then in an annoying manner. His holier than thou attitude towards something perfectly harmless is boring.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yes, you're a shining example of humilty for all of us. Your own little twisted Darwinism can be worked on both sides of the coin.


Conservatism is, in effect, a want to keep things either the way they are or revert them to how they were in a previous time, moving backwards. Liberalism wants change, but in a way that brings on new ideas or actions and adapting to more contemporary situations. Conservatives use 1950s ways to solve 2000s problems. Would you rather move backwards or forwards? Adapt or die.


No, they aren't forced to repsond, but a lot of people bite their tongue before saying what they really want, lest they be assailed by a bunch of flames disguised as replies. Conversation is good there quite often, but just as often it turns into a blatant conservative witch-hunt, and blaming all problems on liberals and Democrats. Notice how many people make sure to avoid the place due to the hostile environment?


Fo evolution,


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Guest Cancer Marney

This is exactly wrong. Liberalism doesn't seek evolution; liberalism denies the concepts of good and evil entirely as well as the idea of personal responsibility, making everyone a victim of one thing or another. Liberalism is about entitlement and appeasement, not evolution or problem-solving. As Edwin MacPhisto said in one thread, the liberal approach to problem-solving goes something like this:

1. Identify problem

2. Misconstrue source of problem

3. Waste taxpayer money knitting the problem a new scarf and a pair of mittens.

Conservatives predicate all approaches to all problems on the sovereign law of our land, also known as the Constitution. Perhaps you've heard of it? Try reading it one day; you might learn something. We recognise that the principles of liberty, justice, and truth are unchanging and unchangeable, and that any nation which veers from the course of the right necessarily becomes a slave of evil and greed.

Witch-hunts? Don't make me laugh. Agent of Oblivion does just fine. He's nowhere near conservative, but he's never flamed when he makes sense. evenflowDDT posts there too, and when people agree with him he doesn't get flamed either. Solid conservatism? A wasteland? Pah. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

And yes, I've noticed that some people avoid it "due to the hostile environment." At least they know better than to enter the kitchen without being able to take the heat, unlike some others who show up and then run off with their tail between their legs.


Just sayin'.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I'd actually agree with the personal responsibility problem with liberalism; although not entirely about there being no distinction between good and evil. It's certainly a lot hazier, of course...but anyhow this isnt really the place for all that, I guess...


There is a somewhat hostile environment, and I do think that occasionally the flames get a bit overly abusive. However, this is often a sign of poster's passion in their beliefs, and in this age of apathy that can't be a bad thing.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Good and evil are abstract and can thus not be actually applied to government of any form. Moral concepts in government cloud things, but conservatives have no problem trying to assert Christian doctrines into our everyday lives. How do you explain that to the people in this country who aren't Christians? The conservative form of problem solving is making things as they see fit in the name of corporations and self-serving capitalism, and then ignoring any real problems that they can't solve, and blame it on liberals. I suppose a better use of taxpayer money would be sending children to private religious schools and finding more ways to assume our way of life on the world by force or economic imperialism.


Constantly endorsing conflict also goes with the glorious right-wing way of thought. Remember, liberals are wimps for not wanting conflict, that's why "Democrats are not interested in the security of the American people." No, no one on the board said this, it was Mr. Dubya, who very conveniently managed to endorse his party as well as slander the other while pushing the war in Iraq in the process.


Oh, and the smug final line? We all know you have a terrible ego problem, you don't need to remind us with every post.


Fo lack of conflict,


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Guest papacita

I don't mind the CE folder. I try to stay away from it due to my views on the War on "Terrorism" (which I get in enough arguments about offline, and really don't feel like getting into on the board), but there are a lot of good posters in there. It's not as bad as it's made out to be, IMO.

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Guest Youth N Asia
As for the post count, what I said about YnA dealt with how he has to assert his disdain for post whoredom every now and then in an annoying manner. His holier than thou attitude towards something perfectly harmless is boring.

In an annoying manner? I never make long posts dedicated to post whores, I don't have time for it...it was a reply to "What's your favorite folder". People also posted their least favortie folder and gave a reason...so I did the same.


I just hate when I go to the general board and the first 3 things I have to see every time are some pinned threads that sereve no purpose.


Try not to get so offended man.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Good and evil are abstract and can thus not be actually applied to government of any form.

Wrong. There are good governments and there are evil governments. The United States has the former and Iraq, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinians, and of course France have the latter. If a government fosters tolerance, encourages education, enforces the law fairly, and tells the truth, it is good. If it foments hatred, if its schools produce three Islamiat graduates for every doctor or engineer, and if it represses, murders, tortures, and butchers its people, it is evil.


conservatives have no problem trying to assert Christian doctrines into our everyday lives. How do you explain that to the people in this country who aren't Christians?
Like this: Christianity has its good points as well as its bad points. We aren't trying to evangelise you and no one will ever be shot for worshipping Vishnu or Allah instead of God. Nevertheless, we believe that charity, hope, tolerance, respect, and honesty are objectively good, and if they emanate from the Gospel for some, they emanate from principle for others. We aren't enshrining the Commandments in law, but "In God We Trust" will remain on the currency, so get over it.


I suppose a better use of taxpayer money would be sending children to private religious schools
A typical misrepresentation of school vouchers. They would force NO ONE to send their children to private religious schools. They would simply give parents the option of doing so if that is what they wanted by using the money that they are already guaranteed to help pay for higher tuition fees. The current status involves saying "We'll give you something that might well crap, and if you don't like it we won't give you anything." This is wrong. We should at least give people the choice of returning crap for a refund. And any programme which devolves personal choices from the government to the people is ipso facto good.


...and finding more ways to assume our way of life on the world by force or economic imperialism.
Our way of life is the best in the world. We have a right and a duty to spread democracy, liberty, and justice, and free oppressed people from tyrants. Being enslaved is not a "cultural value."


liberals are wimps for not wanting conflict


"Democrats are not interested in the security of the American people." No, no one on the board said this, it was Mr. Dubya, who very conveniently managed to endorse his party as well as slander the other while pushing the war in Iraq in the process.
As I said in another thread:
Excuse me? [Politicising this war] is what we should do. That is precisely what we must do. What could be more important than a war? Putting our soldiers in harm's way for a noble cause? It is absolutely vital that we politicise this war, that we tell the American people where we stand as a party, and examine where the Democrats stand as a party.

The issues are clear. Let the positions also be clear, and let the voice of the people be heard.


Oh, and the smug final line? We all know you have a terrible ego problem, you don't need to remind us with every post.
"We," "we," "we." Do you ever speak for yourself? - or do you only feel secure when you're claiming to be part of a comforting if imaginary collective?


And if papacita05 can say he doesn't mind CE, you have no case at all. I've flamed him regularly for days on end, but he always defends himself and he often makes me reconsider my own positions when he posts. If he can "survive" in there, it's clearly not a matter of political views. It's a matter of having courage, intelligence, and tenacity - and lots of time to waste. But I don't think you're lacking on that last point, Kotz.

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Guest mesepher

The music folder is my favorite although at times it is really really lame...

Movies, Old Wrestling, and General Wrestling are fun places to visit as well.


Oh, and the smug final line? We all know you have a terrible ego problem, you don't need to remind us with every post.

"We," "we," "we." Do you ever speak for yourself? - or do you only feel secure when you're claiming to be part of a comforting if imaginary collective?

here Marney, I (notice the tense, please) believe you to have a terrible ego problem and a huge self esteem problems. You can not except other people's beliefs and you always feel the need to attempt to prove why your view is superior. The time you spend on this board amazes me, especially for an "acomplished government official" such as yourself. Shouldn't you be meeting with the Heads of State instead of bashing every belief males between the ages of 13-30 have on a message board?


oh, and cutting down someone's religious beliefs is pretty low.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Why are the "evil governments" all different? It isn't our duty to spread democracy. It was also the communists duty to spread their system, and they're the mortal enemy of the right. But using the same thought is okay if it's you doing it, right? I love how certain actions are negotiable.


Once again, taxpayer money is not going towards even the mere possibility of sending children to religious schools. It doesn't matter if that isn't where they go for the most part, the fact that it will happen is the problem. Funding a privatization of education is totally wrong anyway, but people will still wonder why public education suffers. It is because our conservative lawmakers are willing to sacrifice the knowledge and possible enlightenment and subsequent empowerment of our youth in the name of money, again. Remember, if there's a way to make money off of it, you know there'll be a conservative lawmaker advocating it.


As for liberals wasting taxpayer money, it isn't really wasting if you're doing what you're supposed to do as a government, and that is serve the people to the best of your abilities and with the fullest effort from your resources. They're called public servants for a reason.


I don't give a damn what's on the currency. As a resident of the South, try and tell me they aren't enshrining the Ten Commandments again and I'll try and keep a straight face as I tried to do when I personally fought an attempt to put the Commandments up at our City Hall. It's an implication that the values of Christianity are more valid than any other belief system. I might not believe in any of them, but I'll defend their rights.


No, we've never fostered hatred or killed or tortured or any of that nasty stuff. Just pointing out that Moslem nations in particular do this is shows the current trend in the fosterment of hatred. We might not be as obvious about it anymore, but we still nudge our citizens into at the very least disliking certain groups. Do we really need to put "Arab" or "Islamic" ahead of terror groups? You ever hear them describe white terror groups or terrorists themselves as "White" or "Christian?" No.


Liberals being wimps was not a point I made. Nice little tactic of perverting what I say. Saying anything to the contrary at this point is useless, since I'm arguing with a wall built during the Eisenhower administration and held together with the blood of soldiers who have died in the name of spreading our way of life.


Politicizing the war is not what you describe. You're putting a patriotic veil over what the Republicans are doing, and that's use the war on Iraq to help their midterm election results. Bush isn't mad that the vote may be pushed back to January because he's worried about Iraqi aggression, he's worried because he might not have as much support in the House come January. The Democrats are the one with the best interests in mind. Pushing back the vote allows a more coherent plan of attack or diplomacy to be formed, and give us time to get the world behind us, which in turn could avert a need for war at all. Pardon us dirty liberals for trying to save American soldiers from possible death.


This thread of conversation has moved past the folder discussion by this point, and it's really obvious. It's grasping for straws to hammer in the point that I will concede: It's a conservative folder, but allows liberal activity.


This has really turned into a liberalism v. conservatism debate by now. I honestly have no time left to keep talking about this because I have to go somewhere, so I leave the subject at this point we can ALL agree on:


Liberals and Conservatives will always hate each other, Liberals saying the Conservatives are backwards and stubborn, Conservatives saying the Liberals are foolhardy and lacking resolve. Neither side will ever budge, so the best hope is for compromise.


It's a great country, and I'm just as patriotic as anyone you'll ever meet. I'd die for this country, but I will always examine the other side as well.


I am a moderate, believe it or not.


Fo compromise,



EDIT: I'd like to note that I feel a lot better after this semi-argument, believe it or not. I feel that everyone understands each other much better now, even if we don't agree. Anyone else feel the same way?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I still like Music more, but CE's a fuckin' barrell of monkeys. No one says you have to take everything seriously in there, just back your shit up and don't puss out if Marney's psycho ass latches on to your nuts with beartrap jaws while babbling things in Latin.


Vote Nader.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I... believe you to have a terrible ego problem and a huge self esteem problems.

The former, possibly. The latter, nope.


You can not except other people's beliefs and you always feel the need to attempt to prove why your view is superior.
Correct. Because I don't believe in moral relativism but yet I constantly question my own beliefs. Therefore whenever something causes me to doubt myself or my actions I will address it in full and attempt to convince whoever questions me that I am correct, to the best of my ability. If I am refuted, I will change my mind. That is how we learn.


The time you spend on this board amazes me, especially for an "acomplished government official" such as yourself. Shouldn't you be meeting with the Heads of State instead
That's not my job. I'm not the President, the Vice President, or a cabinet secretary.


oh, and cutting down someone's religious beliefs is pretty low.
Examples and context please.

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Guest Some Guy
Once again, taxpayer money is not going towards even the mere possibility of sending children to religious schools. It doesn't matter if that isn't where they go for the most part, the fact that it will happen is the problem. Funding a privatization of education is totally wrong anyway, but people will still wonder why public education suffers. It is because our conservative lawmakers are willing to sacrifice the knowledge and possible enlightenment and subsequent empowerment of our youth in the name of money, again. Remember, if there's a way to make money off of it, you know there'll be a conservative lawmaker advocating it.

So giving people the fredom to chose where their children go to school is bad, even poor kids who would otherwise have to go to shitty public schools on the inner-city? They would get most of the vouchers. And far less of the leftist indocrination that the public school system supplies.

Conservatives want teachers to be tested to to be sure that, you know, they actually have a clue what they are trying to teach. We also want students to be tested to be sure that, you know, they actually have a clue about what they've supposedely been taught.

Yet the left opposes it. Who's the anti-education party? The ones who are for the betterment of the system or the ones who feel that throwing more money at a broken system will automatically fix it?




As for liberals wasting taxpayer money, it isn't really wasting if you're doing what you're supposed to do as a government, and that is serve the people to the best of your abilities and with the fullest effort from your resources. They're called public servants for a reason.


So they somehow serve the public by overtaxing the vat majority of us to help a small minority? Interesting.



I have to go eat, so I'm cutting this short.

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Guest Cancer Marney
But using the same thought is okay if it's you doing it, right?

Correct. It is not the action that is the problem; it is the cause. Spreading democracy is noble: it liberates, enriches, and empowers. Spreading Communism is evil: it oppresses, impoverishes, and enslaves. By your reasoning, killing is wrong under all circumstances. This is clearly false. If a gunman climbs a telephone pole in a zoo and starts shooting at children, he's killing. The police officer who draws his gun and shoots him before he can kill again is also killing. Nevertheless their actions are diametric opposites.


Once again, taxpayer money is not going towards even the mere possibility of sending children to religious schools. It doesn't matter if that isn't where they go for the most part, the fact that it will happen is the problem. Funding a privatization of education is totally wrong anyway, but people will still wonder why public education suffers. It is because our conservative lawmakers are willing to sacrifice the knowledge and possible enlightenment and subsequent empowerment of our youth in the name of money, again. Remember, if there's a way to make money off of it, you know there'll be a conservative lawmaker advocating it.
This entire paragraph is the purest babble. History has proven time and time again that market forces inevitably produce excellence and efficiency. The public education system is not open to market forces and public school teachers' salaries are not open to competition or performance gradation, and the NEA and the AFT fight viciously and desperately to keep them that way. That is why public education is a mess.


Do we really need to put "Arab" or "Islamic" ahead of terror groups?
Yes. The enemy is radical Islam.


You ever hear them describe white terror groups or terrorists themselves as "White" or "Christian?" No.
Yes, I do. Racist ideologies are constantly reported on by the press. In fact, racism from Arabs and Moslems is pretty much the only sort they don't comment on.


You're putting a patriotic veil over what the Republicans are doing, and that's use the war on Iraq to help their midterm election results.
We are indeed doing that, because we believe this war is just. And we are using the political process to accomplish a just goal. The Democrats, in turn, are desperately attempting to hide their views on the war from their constituents, hoping against hope that they can escape the judgement of the American people, to whom they are beholden. They are the ones playing the game for political purposes. In 1998, they were willing to invade. Why? Because we had a Democratic President. Now, they're opposing any threat of force. Why? Because we have a Republican President. Spare me the holier-than-thou spiels about the blood of our soldiers. If their blood is spilled, it will be the Democrats' fault. They cut funding to our defence and intelligence services for decades on end.


Neither side will ever budge, so the best hope is for compromise.
Dead wrong. The best hope is for the genuine conflict which, in conjunction with free and fair elections, alone determines the will of the people.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Haven't you basically said that all Muslims are evil?

No. I've said that a substantial part of the Moslem world actively hates us, and a larger part enables and supports that hate, either directly through funding or indirectly through their silence. There are many honest, vocal, and politically active Moslems, not only in the United States but even in the Middle East, who risk torture, imprisonment, and death to speak out against the backwardness of their region, the cruelty of their culture, and the folly of blindly following religious beliefs to the point of mass murder. It's just that they are exceptional, and thus in the minority.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Why not just have a post whore section?

we have a post whore section. It's whatever folder I'm posting in.

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Guest Leena
As for the ones I don't visit, well, that's pretty much everything else. Sports, all the wrestling fora, &c. I don't dislike any of them; they just don't interest me.


Does that include the lowly commoners, such as myself?

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Guest Cancer Marney

No, it doesn't, sweetie. You've always interested me. ;) I just don't follow or know all that much about sports. I've played badminton and lacrosse and I swam for my high school, but that's it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I like the TNA folder because it represents everything the WWE folder should be.


Of course...that's only because a limited # of people watch TNA and use the folder...but it contains actual discussion of shows, angles, wrestlers and matches without all the sillyness of the WWE folder.

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Guest Sandman9000

What the hell has happened to Dames' thread?


Anyway, I like the OAOAST folder (duh, post whores 'R' us), the indy folder, and the general nonsense folder.


CE makes my brain hurt and I try to stay away.

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Guest Leena

WWE forum- First off, I'm a casual wrestling fan so I can't post much there. Second, WWE has been boring for months, and I rarely watch anymore. Third, there's so many stupid posts in there. For example, the Raw thread where there's a few pages wishing HHH gets injured. That's just shit.


NWATNA- I read there occasionally because it's interesting reading about old WCW stars, and newer indy guys. However, I can't watch NWA where I live now, so I read rarely.


NHB- It has some funny posts sometimes, which makes it good. Posters like Zacalex should be unbanned, just so we can have some fun there.


Sports- The only problem is there's so few people that post there. Most people who do post intelligently though, which is the reason I came to this board basically.


General Chat- To goof around, but since school has started it's gone a little downhill. There was the regulars constantly doing the gimmick poster shit, and now it's rather quiet.

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Guest BifEverchad

Lately I've found myself checking into the NWA-TNA folder a bit more. Its a healthy alternative to the WWE, which is obviously pissing EVERYONE off right about now. Other folders that tickle my fancy are: General Folder, Music Folder, TV/DVD Folder and NHB...Folders that suck in my opinion are, WWE, Porno and Current Events. Nothing against anyone who posts there, but its not my cup of tea, is all.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I want to order NWA every week, but I'm never sure if I should or not. Since it's just a normal weekly show, it just seems like an incredible risk. Well, as incredible as risk as one can be for $10.


Fo sheez,


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Guest BifEverchad
I want to order NWA every week, but I'm never sure if I should or not. Since it's just a normal weekly show, it just seems like an incredible risk. Well, as incredible as risk as one can be for $10.


Fo sheez,


Exactly man, its only 10 bucks...bite the bullet!



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

To be honest...the last two weeks weren't all that great.


But this week's announced matches get me excited for a much improved show.


Truth vs. Lo Ki

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn ladder match

Elvises (Yang is back!) vs. SATs

Red vs. Shark Boy


Then they'll throw in some crappy angles and a crappy Lawler match...but what are ya gonna do?

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