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Guest HellSpawn

Gambit & Rogue

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Guest Sassquatch

That's a pretty good dead-on analogy star in regards to Claremont. Only problem is that people are demanding that Chris steps down from the position of being a head writer on a book and eithertake a vacation or retire.


Beast was lied when he said "I might be gay" because he wanted to tell off his ex-girlfriend (aka Uber Bitch) who treated Beast like shit whenever they were around one another and it was a jab at Trish's sexual prowess.


Daniel explained the specifics above.

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I'm completely out of the loop. I lost interest back in early 95 when they had the storyline where Prof. X was killed off in the past before he could form the X-Men and really haven't gotten back into it. From what I can tell, things have gone downhill.

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Guest raptor

Two Things:

Anyways, is this Thunderbird III or Thunderbird II (Warpath) that we're talking about? And if it's III, then who is he?

Thunderbird III is Neil Sharra, an Indian (if I'm not mistaken) who joined the X-Men because the love of his life was turned into a Prime Sentinel. Claremont never actually showed how he joined the team, he was just kind of there when he joined the titles. Pretty useless character.


Just another reason why I despise Judd Winick as well for pushing Pedro's dead carcass down everyone's throat.


That's some fucked up shit right there (if I may be so blunt). Judd Winnick never "pushed Pedro's dead carcass down our throats." In Pedro and Me (if you could act like this, I doubt you've read it), all Judd wanted to do was tell the story of someone he loved very much. I've never seen anything about Pedro that portrayshim in the way you've stated. He wanted to fight for the rights of homosexuals as equals, and was never trying to make us like him because he was gay. You knew the man through TV, Judd knew him in real life. I'd go with (the extremely talented) Judd Winnick on that one.

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Guest Sassquatch

"That's some fucked up shit right there (if I may be so blunt). "


- raptor



The truth hurts sometimes. In your case you are still blind to what the big picture really was with Pedro and Judd.


"In Pedro and Me (if you could act like this, I doubt you've read it), all Judd wanted to do was tell the story of someone he loved very much."


- raptor



"Oh won't someone PLEASE think of the children!"


- Mrs. Lovejoy from the "Simpsons"


Spare me your bullshit excuses about whether or not I have read the book. (Unfortunately for me) I did read "Pedro and Me" when it came out and I have the same opinion about it today that I had when it first came out. I saw the big picture and did not fall into the trap that so many morons like yourself have fallen into and that is to believe everything that was preached by Judd and Pedro and accept it as the gospel for something unique and special.


Judd did love Pedro though which you are correct about in one sense. Judd loved the attention he received when he was a struggling writer who was trying to crack into the writing business and had three of his stories turned down before he wrote "Pedro and Me" that year. Judd also had been rejected as a DC writer at the beginning of 1993 because he did not display a flow or a coherent way of telling a story (in this case it was an idea for a Superman issue) and he was promptly dismissed. Judd even gave a buzz to Tom DeFucko right after that to see if he could score a possible writing job with the company. Mark Bagley (who was a buddy of Judd's at the time) tried to help Judd out by getting a job with Marvel. But when Judd was overheard making derogatory jokes about Mark Gruenwald's on-again-off-again health, Judd was quickly tossed out on his ass and was banned from showing up in the company again.


Judd was blackballed from pretty much every company at that time (not even Valiant wanted Judd on as a back-up writer) and he had nowhere to go.


Suddenly a walking Pulitzer award drops into Judd's lap in the form of Pedro Zamora and the rest is history. Both of them were attention whores and were a perfect match for one another when they joined up.


A struggling to have ends meet due to his poor writing skills.


Pedro was a blatant homosexual who was a wolf in sheep's clothing in how he would present and carry himself in public. Dodging questions about why he was an asshole to kids in his high school along with his straight friends or how he would treat people on the Real World set when he was there became a daily occurrence for him. Not to mention why he had unprotected sex in the first place after he had said in an awareness conference that he knew what AIDS was and you could get it when he was in 6th grade. Yet he went on to have unprotected promiscuous sex with men and did not follow his own advice as he would tell kids at the local shelter who were gay and ended up getting AIDS. Pedro was booted banned from ever coming back to the shelter after the supervisors had received word that Pedro was HIV + and had not followed his on preaching.


"I've never seen anything about Pedro that portrayshim in the way you've stated. He wanted to fight for the rights of homosexuals as equals, and was never trying to make us like him because he was gay."


- raptor



Go cry me a river.


Since you do not know anything about Judd's bomb of a comic book writing career before he met up with Pedro and only have Judd's book of crap and lies to rely on, you are unprepared for this debate and have no gorund to stand on.


Ignorance is bliss.


Or in Judd's case it is ignorance equals money.


Either one is works.


Here is a post? I had made earlier outlining why the Pedro and Judd love affair was nothing more than a facade to help get them noticed in public after they had been embarrassed/shunned from their respective interests:


"Pedro was someone from MTV's Real World San Francisco several years ago who was gay and had AIDS. After Pedro passed away from AIDS complications, he was made out to look like this hero for the gays when in fact he was just a complete asshole who treated people like shit and bitched all the time at them. He was pushed down everyone's throats due to him being a homo with AIDS. Judd decided to buddy up with Pedro and soon Judd was extolling how great Pedro was and son he was being treated as this martyr for people that are gay and with AIDS. In reality the fact was that Pedro could have given a shit about most people except himself and the cock which was blatantly obvious after watching his Real World run. Judd saw the opportunity to cash in on Pedro's "specialness" and tried to convince everyone that Pedro was someone special when in fact he was just a homo with AIDS which is not something as rare as Judd treated it. Pedro himself took advantage of the situation and made public speeches about AIDS and being gay when in reality this asshole would more likely spit on you if you asked him the time and were not gay. Judd was also shown as a phony on the show for how he acted as well by making friends but then playing them up against one another when it suited him best and would help him gain something. The Pedro and Judd love everyone speeches are pure bullshit by a couple of phony assholes that had their own agendas.


Today, Judd continues to push the topic of someone being gay and how it is something special and forces people to accept gays in society. Yet no one gives a shit anymore about people coming out of the closet due to gays being largely more accepted then what they were 10 years ago and Judd still thinks this is 1994 and that is controversial gay issues bullshit mean something."


If you click the link and continue to read what I wrote, you will see why Terry is a nobody that has been pushed down the fans throats just like Pedro was (not that Pedro did not mind) and how the sales of GL have shown this to be true.


Gay awareness stories do not do not equal sales anymore nor are they anything special or unique. Judd continues to insult fans intelligence by peddling the same shit he did with "Pedro and Me" in his books like Green Lantern. The issue is no longer an issue in comic books yet Judd treats homosexuality like this great big deal and something that should be accepted when it is not his place or right to be telling fans what to/not believe in. The awareness issue is played out in comic books now that we have gay super heroes/villains running around and should no longer be made out to be like this earth-shattering event.


If DC was going to make a big deal out of Terry getting the shit knocked out of him they might as well also make a huge deal about how Apollo was insulted with homosexuality slurs along with being beaten within an inch of his life. Sure one of them is a super hero and the other is some cartoon's nobody assistant, but the issue about a gay person getting beaten up in comic books and having it be made a big deal is just making nothing into something.

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Guest raptor

I really don't understand how everything in Pedro and Me is a lie. I've never seen anyone say word one about who Pedro was, and to hear this point of view is at least interesting. Where did you get your information on Judd's career? I always believed that he never linked himself with Pedro in the beginning, but that they were to become roomates and Judd was forced to interact. I find it odd that no one I've found has said any of this before, as with all the publicity he recieved for Pedro and Me, somebody would have portrayed this point of view.


On to the "Judd was a horrible writer who used Pedro to advance his career" point, I find that is filled with a few holes that could use clarifying. If Judd's early comics career was a bust, perhaps it took him writing about Pedro to get it right. It's odd to think that he instantly developed the good storytelling techniques displayed in Pedro and Me, where as he was supposedly devoid of such talent before his story.


I also felt that homosexual rights was a big thing for Judd, and when he brought it up in eXiles, I didn't feel that he was forcing his beliefs on the readers. It was more like this character is gay, but it changes nothing. Haven't read the Green Lantern issus, so I can't comment on that.


And, I have seen a lot on Real World: San Francisco, but on'y specials, not all the episodes. I suppose I could have been mislead by the editing of MTV, but all the information I've tracked down (which I did after reading Pedro and Me), has never said word one about Judd's "failed career" (again, first I've heared) or about Pedro's let say, off putting personality.


I'd like to hear more on where you came across this information, as pointing to one of your own posts does little to support what you've said. (The link to your post did not work, so if you did provide material basis there, I was unable to find it).


Also, I'm sorry if you percieved what I wrote as an attack on you. I just felt what you said was fucked up, and that I'd never heard anything about your POV. Perhaps the language I used was too course. I stated I believed Judd over you, and wanted you to expand on your point.

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