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King Cucaracha

Fantasy Fed...WWE Smackdown

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P.S for those of you wondering what ME ment, it means main event. Anyway, I've decided to post this is parts so it's not one big post, so enjoy part 1...


Part 1

After last week's successful draft specials, you lucky guys get to see what 'happened' on Thursday nights WWE Smackdown and ROH's Live and Deadly events. If only wrestling happened like this, then we'd be happier(not bloody likely!)



Live from St Louis MO

The new Smackdown opening video and 'The Beautiful People' by Marilyn Manson play before we go into the Keil Center. Fireworks explode out from all around the stage and out of the big hand before the camera pans around the screaming crowd. The Beautiful People continues to play quietly in the background as we see Michael Cole sitting alone at the announce position.

Cole-Welcome to Smackdown! After the draft on Raw, tonight is a big night for Smackdown and it's GM Stephanie McMahon, and what a card she has booked for us. Tonight we will not only crown a new Crusierweight Champion, but our main event is a huge fatal four way match...Rikishi, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and The Rock for the vacant WWE Undisputed Title! What a night it will be, but as you can see, I'm out here on my own because last night, my former announce partner Tazz jumped ship and joined the Ring Of Honour brand. So I guess I'm gonna be calling the action solo tonight...well anyway we're ready for our first match, so...

Cole is cut off by 'Medal' and Kurt Angle walks out from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos. The crowd chant 'You suck...you suck...you suck' along with his music as he walks down the ramp without setting off any fireworks.

Chimel-Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...Kurt..Angle!!!

Kurt gets into the ring and spins around with his arms in the air before grabbing the microphone off of Tony Chimel and looking out at the crowd. The crowd continue to chant 'You suck', but Angle tries to ignore it.

Angle-WOW am I in a good mood tonight. Even having you idiots chanting 'You suck' at me can't spoil my mood. For those of you people out there who don't know, or are just to damn idle to remember, tonight I get the chance to become the Undisputed Champion! Whooo! Sure, there are 3 other guys against me, but they're no problem to me. A fat man, a big man and a bull man, with the combined talent of an olympian from St Louis...oh wait, there are none! I mean, come on people, there's Rikishi, Brock Lesnar and The Rock...and then there's me, the olympic gold medalist. The man who has accomplished the most accolades in both amatuer and proffesional wrestling in the shortest time. Former HV Champion, 2000 King Of The Ring, former European, Intercon...

Angle is interrupted by Brock Lesnar's music starting up, and Lesnar walks out to the ring with Paul Heyman by his side. Lesnar walks down the ramp and leaps onto the apron as Heyman walks up the steps. Lesnar gets into the ring as Angle walks up to him, and the two stare each other down until Heyman steps in between the two amatuerly trained superstars. Heyman gets a microphone and holds Lesnar back.

Heyman-Kurt Angle! What an honour it is to be in your presence! I get the feeling I should be on my knees kissing your feet, or polishing your boots or something. That was a very impressive reference you were giving yourself there Kurt, but if you had of went any further, you would have started to bore this arena to death. You see Kurt, all these accolades are very impressive, but my client Brock Lesnar has a few accolades of his own to share with you. Two time All American, former NCAA Champion, the youngest ever WWE HV Champion, the man who destroyed the career of Hollywood Hu...

Angle-Pal I was winning NCAA titles and becoming All American before your 'client' had finished singing nursery rhymes in pre-school! Sure, he's doen a lot in this company. Hell, we have a lot in common I guess. But you see, you're still just a rookie Brock.

Lesnar-Kurt, don't try and kid yourself. You know as well as I do, I'm the number one man on Smackdown now. Your time had been and gone...little man!


The crowd erupt as The Rock appears on the stage with his casual pants, brama bull belt and 'Just Bring It' T-shirt on. He paces up and down on the stage with a microphone in hand as the crowd chant 'Rocky...Rocky...Rocky'.

Rock-FINALLY, THE ROCK...HAS COME BACK, TO ST LOUIS!!! Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, The Rock is tired of listening to you two spouting of your list of 'accolades' out here. The Rock is tired of you two guys talking about your amatuer backgrounds. The fact of the matter is this, tonight when you get in the ring with The Rock, no amount of amatuer wrestling will save you from The Rock shoving his boot up your asses in that ring! But Brock, tonight isn't just about the Undisputed Title, oh no, it's about revenge too. It's all about revenge. Summerslam, you beat The Rock 1 2 3, but tonight it'll be different! Tonight, The Rock making you the Next Big Bitch like he should have done at Summerslam!

As Rock speaks, Rikishi's music plays and he walks out with a red hawian shirt on. He high-fives Rock before pulling a microphone from his pants and smiling.

Rikishi-Boys, tonight, like my bro Rock here said, it's gonna get personal. But tonight, I'm here for one reason. I'm here, to get that Championship Belt. You see, all my life I've wanted to become the Heavyweight Champion, not just for me but for my family and their wrestling legacy. So tonight, Kurt, Brock, and maybe even you Rock if it comes to it, I will be going all out to be the Champion. Bottom line, you get in my way, my BUTT in your face.

Angle-Hey Rikishi! Yeah, I hear you. You think you're going to give me a Stinkface...well I say bring it on! I'm not worried at all about having your BUTT rubbed in my face...no wait a minute, wait a minute I didn't mean that! What I meant...shut up Brock! What I meant was, Rikishi, when you're trying to put BUTT in my face, there's something special I'm gonna do to you when I...no, that's not right either! Damn it!

Rock-Kurt, we all know what you want from Rikishi. You want him to pull up them trunks, you want him to back dat ass up, lower it down...

Angle-Yeah, and then as he does I'm gonna reach up and grab his BUTT in my hands and...no no, wait a minute wait a minute! Rikishi, you're not gonna hit that Stinkface on me, because when you try to I'm gonna ram you right in the ass...OH DAMN IT! Damn damn damn! Shut up!

Kurt looks over at Brock and Heyman laughing and he starts to get mad. He charges at Brock and takes him down putting the anklelock on him! Angle is going mad as Rock and Rikishi run into the ring. Heyman tries to pull Angle off of Lesnar, and he does as Rock and Rikishi slide in. Both Angle and Lesnar get out of the ring as Rock and Rikishi dare hem to get back in. Lesnar looks at Rock, before looking at Angle and chasing him to the back, with Heyman running after them.

***commercial break***


Backstage Lesnar is still chasing Kurt Angle around the backstage area. Angle runs into his locker room and tries to shut the door on Lesnar, but Lesnar puts his foot in the way and then shoves the door open sending Kurt flying backwards. As Lesnar stands over the cowering Angle, Heyman bursts in struggling for breath and pulls Lesnar back.

Heyman-Brock! Brock please! Leave him, please. Look, you two need to stop this. Kurt, I'm so sorry for what I said, but now we need to forget all that. Brock...Brock is willing to forget the anklelock, if you're willing to forget my comments...guys Rikishi and Rock are going to team together to divid and conquer. They'll make sure that the match comes down to them two against each other...well I don't want that to happen, and I know you don't either! So please, guys, consider this. With you two working together, Rock and Rikishi won't stand a chance! Please?

Lesnar looks at Heyman before extending his hand to Angle. Angle looks at Lesnar worriedly, before tentatively shaking his hand as Heyman looks on with a sick smile on his face.

Cole-Lesnar and Angle as a unit, can Rock and Rikishi possibly survive that duo?


Spike and BuhBuh Ray Dudley vs Mike Awesome and Raven Tornado Tag Team Table Match

Chimel-Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Tornado Tag Team Tables Match! Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 528lbs, Raven and Mike Awesome!

'End of Everything' by Stereomud plays as Raven and Mike Awesome walk out to the ring carrying a table. They slide the table into the ring and Raven gets on the second turnbuckle on the outside and spreads his arms out in his trademark pose. Raven leaps into the ring and stands next to Mike Awesome as a firework shoots down from the ceiling and crashes into the stage. 'Turn The Tables' by Saliva starts up and The Dudleyz-Spike and BuhBuh walk out.

And at a total combined weight of 480lbs, BuhBuh Ray and Spike, the Dudley Boyz.

The Dudleyz run into the ring and Mike Chioda calls for the bell as Spike punches away at Raven and BuhBuh pounds on Awesome. BuhBuh and Awesome both slide out of the ring and brawl away as Spike and Raven brawl in the ring. Spike runs at Raven, but Raven drop toe holds him onto the second rope and picks up the table. BuhBuh throws Awesome over the barricade as Raven hits Spike in the back with the table. Raven sets up the table and grabs Spike by the hair, but as he does so doesn't see BuhBuh sneak up behind him and go for the BuhBuh Bomb, but Raven lowblows BuhBuh and hits the Raven Effect! Raven poses again, but Spike bulldogs him as he isn't looking. Spike goes to the top rope and jumps off landing with both feet on Raven's chest. Raven holds his chest as Spike planchas out onto Awesome, but Awesome catches him and rams him ribs first into the steel ring post.

Cole-Oh my god, what strength from Mike Awesome!

Back in the ring, Raven picks BuhBuh up, but BuhBuh lowblows him and gets him in the powerbomb posititon. BuhBuh walks towards the table, but Awesome hits with a forearm to the gut letting Raven get out of the precarious position and then he tries to powerbomb BuhBuh, but as he does Spike jumps from the top rope and hits Awesome with a missile dropkick. Awesome falls against the ropes, and rebounds backwards as BuhBuh locks on a full nelson and hits the BuhBuh Bomb through the table! Awesome is down, but Raven comes from behind BuhBuh and hits him in the back with a steel chair shot! BuhBuh scream out in pain and slowly turns around allowing Raven to hit him over the head with the chair. Raven quickly rolls to the outside and grabs a table from underneath the ring before pushing it in and laying BuhBuh on the table, but Spike turns him around, kicks him in the gut and whips him to the ropes. Raven comes back off and Spike goes for a hurricanrana, but Raven catches him. Raven walks forward and powerbombs Spike onto the table as BuhBuh rolls off just in time. Raven thinks he's won and starts to celebrate, but from behind him, BuhBuh turns him around and punches Raven inn the jaw three times, before a little 'flip, flop and fly' action and a bionic elbow. Buh Buh pushes himself in the chest and screams 'BUHBUH...GET THE TABLE!!!' before sliding to the outside and going for a table. He pulls one from under the ring and lifts it onto the apron, Raven goes for a baseball slide into the table, but BuhBuh lifts it up and rams it into Raven's face on the outside before sliding it in. BuhBuh throws Raven into ther ing and hooks on a full nelson, but from behind Batista turns him around and spinebusters him down hard!

Cole-What the hell! Batista just spinebustered BuhBuh Ray!

BuhBuh staggers up and Batista and Raven double flapjack him through the table for the win! Batista and Raven stand tall as Spike comes back into the ring and tries to take down Raven, but Batista grabs him by the hair and powerbombs him down and stares down at him. BuhBuh crawls out of the table wreckage and grabs a chair as Raven and Batista look down as BuhBuh raises the chair, but suddenly Tajiri slides in, turns BuhBuh around and blows the mist in his eyes before kicking him hard in the face. Tajiri, Batista and Tajiri stand over The Dudleyz as suddenly reverend D-Von charges down with a chair and the three guys left standing abandon the ring. D-Von and Spike look back at the three as the crowd go wild. Spike helps BuhBuh up and turns D-Von around. A hushed silence falls over the crowd as BuhBuh wipes the mist from his eyes.

Cole-Can you believe D-Von helped out BuhBuh Ray! Wait, Spike's up to something here.

D-Von starts trying to tell Spike he was after Batista, but Spike isn't listening, and he smiles broadly. BuhBuh and D-Von look at each other for a long time before BuhBuh extends his hands as the the crowd cheer. D-Von looks around as the crowd chant 'We want Dudleyz...We want Dudleyz...We want Dudleyz', before shaking BuhBuh's hand, and the crowd go wild as the two half-brothers embrace. 'Turn The Tables' plays as BuhBuh and D-Von's arms are raised in the air by Spike, and the three embrace again.

Cole-The three Dudleyz have been reunited! What an emotionally charged start to Smackdown, as the most successful tag team in wrestling's recent history are back together!

Winners:Raven and Mike Awesome by putting opponents through tables

***A short trailer for WWE No Mercy on October 20th plays***

A recap of the historic events just passed with The Dudley Boyz plays before Diamond Dallas Page's music plays and he walks out to a standing ovation from the crowd.

Cole-Well for some reason DDP is coming out here, but he retired a few months ago due to a serious back injury!

Page is passed a microphone and he stands on the right of the ring looking around the crowd.

DDP-Yo, I'm back! Now as you may or may not know, I ain't a wrestler any more. You see, my back got busted up and I've been forced to retire before I cripple myself. But then, that's not a bad thing...that's a GOOD thing! I look down here, and I see an empty seat. That traitor turncoat Tazz has jumped the ship and ended up in Ring Of Honour, and Mickey is all alone down there. Well never fear Cole, cause I'm out here to sit next to ya, cause I spoke to Vinnie Mac, and Steph too, and they've given me the job as Smackdown co-commentator! So Cole, you got company, and that's definately a good thing!


Billy and Chuck vs Mark Henry and Faarooq


Billy and Chuck come dancing out from behind the curtain as DDP sits down at the annonce table and puts his headset on.

Chimel-The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at a total combined weight of 524lbs, Billy and Chuck!

Chuck walks up the stairs and Billy slides in as Page tests the headset.

Cole-Well Dallas, it's great to have you out here and I'm sure it's great for you too.

DDP-Cole, I've been wanting to do this job for ages, and now Tazz has got the 'F' out, I'm in the seat! Oh, and Cole I promising I won't be calling these WWE Divas 'tomatahs' when they get out here!

As Billy and Chuck stand in their corner Mark Henry's music plays and he and Faarooq walk out to the ring. Henry points down at Billy as he and Faarooq slowly make their way down the ramp.

Chimel-And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 702lbs, Faarooq and the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

Henry and Faarooq get into the ring as Billy gets out leaving Chuck to start off. Henry steps out and Faarooq starts off with Chuck. Faarooq raises an arm for a test of strength, but Chuck shakes his head and raises his opposite arm. Faarooq shrugs his shoulders and raises his arm, but as he does Chuck kicks him in the gut. Chuck punches Faarooq a couple of times before whipping him to the ropes, but Faarooq knocks him down with a shoulder block. Faarooq runs to the ropes and knocks Chuck down again. Faarooq tries again, but Chuck knees him and runs in himself, but Faarooq catches him with a vicious powerslam and tags in Henry. Chuck gets up and punches Henry a couple of times, but Henry shakes them off and throws Chuck high up and into the corner before charging at him and squashing him in the corner.

Cole-Oh man! Mark Henry with an exhibit of his abnormal strength.

Chuck staggers out and Henry picks him up in a bearhug. Bily comes in, so Henry throws Chuck off into Billy. Bith men struggle up and Henry double clotheslines them down and tags Faarooq back in. Faarooq punches Chuck back into a corner and whips him across, but Chuck stops himself from hitting the tunrbuckles and clotheslining the on-rushing Faarooq. Chuck picks up Faarooq, slams him down and tags in Billy who kicks Faarooq in the stomach. Billy whips Faarooq to the ropes and hits him in the head with the forearm...1...2...only two. Billy suplexs Faarooq and tags Chuck back in again, and the two double suplex Faarooq.

DDP-Billy and Chuck are dominatin' over Faarooq here! He needs to make a tag to the big guy itchin' to get in in the corner.

Faarooq crawls towards the corner, but Chuck follows him all the way before cheapshotting Henry and stomping away on Faarooq. Henry tries to get in the ring as Billy and Chuck swap around and Billy stomps on Faarooq in the corner. Billy whips Faarooq off the ropes and hits him with a dropkick coming back off...1...2...Faarooq kicks out again. Billy gives Faarooq a crotch chop before hooking his arm over the head and going for a jackhammer, but Faarooq reverses it and hits Billy with a front suplex! Both men go over to make a tag, both slowly crawling towards their own conrers. Billy tags Chuck in and Faarooq tags Henry in. Chuck goes for a clothesline, but Henry ducks and clotheslines Chuck. Billy gest clotheslined down too, before Chuck runs in again and gets hit with a sidewalk slam. Henry press slams Billy and then Chuck before squashing Billy in the corner.

Cole-Oh man what power by Henry

DDP-That dude is scary. What power by Henry, makes me glad I ain't in the ring Cole.

Henry shouts out to the crowd, but Chuck hits a Jungle Kick...1...2...Henry launches Chuck high up in the air and out of the ring. Billy runs across the ring looking for a FameAsser on Henry, but Faarooq hits a huge spinebuster...1...2...no! Billy staggers up and Faarooq kicks him in the gut and goes for the Dominator, Billy slides over the back and ducks a clothesline by Henry sending him crashing into Faarooq. Henry runs at Billy, but Billy avoids him and pulls the rope down sending him flying to the outside. Faarooq staggers over to Billy, but Billy kicks him in the gut and goes for the FameAsser, but Henry trips him up from the outside and pulls him out. Faarooq turns around and Chuck hooks his arms under Faarooq's and suplexs him over...1...2...only two. Chuck stes up for the Jungle Kick, but Faarooq catches the foot, spins him around and Henry picks Chuck up and running powerslams him...1...2...3.

Winners:Faarooq and Mark Henry(Henry over Chuck)

Henry and Faarooq celebrate in the ring as Billy pulls Chuck out and helps him backstage.

DDP-That Henry guy is a monster, and he's gonna go far on Smackdown. He'll squash anyone who steps in his way!

***commercial break***

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Part 2

Lloyd-Well I am backstage standing by with Raven, Batista and Tajiri, and well what were you guys up t...

Raven-Marc, what you saw earlier was the culmination of weeks of hope. On Raw, I felt a lost soul, an already tortured soul by years of frustartion and torment was further tortured. I longed so dearly for the good old days. The days when I used to strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to question my motivation. The days...of The Flock! I hoped that one day soon, the Flock would fly again, but it never occured. I failed on Raw, but now on Smackdown my heart had grown stronger and therefore blacker again. I found two men who have the credentials to be in my Flock. The darkness, the mysteriousness but also the brutality and mean streak to succeed. Together with my brothers in arms, we will dominate the WWE and take the souls of others that refuse to come to the darkside, starting with young Randy Orton. Tonight, Batista, I wish for you to go out and set a standard. Make an example out of this young rising superstar, by taking his future in your hands, and then crush the life out of it and wither it down. Batista, the time is now to let the WWE know...the future is turning a shade of black, for the Flock has arrived!

Batista walks off with an intense look on his face as Raven and Tajiri sit in front of a TV monitor and watch.


Batista vs Randy Orton

'End Of Everything' plays for the second time during the night and Batista walks out with the intense look still on his face.

This contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, weighing 278lbs, representing The Flock...Batista!

Cole-This guy is awesome. He is an intense, powerful and intimidating young stud with a great future ahead of him.

DDP-This guy's ripped, he's got muscles in places where a normal everyday guy doesn't even have places! And now he's with The Flock, he's scarier than ever!

Batista slides into the ring and roars out towards the crowd as Randy Orton makes his way out onto the stage.

Chimel-And his opponent, weighing in at 222lbs, Randy Orton.

Orton slides into the ring but Batista immediatly starts to stomp away at him. Batista picks Orton up and punches him in the jaw sending him reeling back into the corner. Brian Hebner tries to seperate the two as Batista repeatedly knees Orton in the gut. Hebenr manages to pull Batista away, but Batista quickly shoves him down, but as he does Orton clotheslines him down. Batista gets up quickly but Orton dropkicks him back down. Orton kicks Batista as he gets up and runs to the ropes but Batista catches him coming off with a knee to the gut and hits him with a huge powerbomb. Batista pulls Orton back up and knocks him back down with a vicious clothesline. Orton staggers up and Batsista hits him with a superkick, sending him flying backwards through the middle rope.

Cole-Man Batista is all fired up tonight and is all over young Randy Orton

Batista reaches over the top rope and tries to pull him back in by the hair, but Orton drops Batista's head across the top rope and goes to the top. Orton dives off with a cross body, but Batista ducks and Orton crashes hard into the mat. Orton slowly pulls himself up and Batista nails him with a huge spinebuster!...1...2...3. Batista mercifully beats Randy Orton.

Cole-What an impressive win for Batista and I'm sure Raven will be happy with that.

DDP-Orton didn't stand a chance Cole! Batista beat the holy hell out of the kid.

Winner:Batista by pinfall


Backstage in Stephanie McMahon's office, Stephanie is reading through a stack of papers when suddenly Chris Benopit and Eddie Guerrero walk in.

Stephanie-Gentlemen, what can I do for you?

Benoit-Stephanie, we know it's too late to ask for a match tonight, but we want a match next week on Smackdown. A tag match against any tag team you can put together!

Eddie-Yeah Stephy, we wanna get some action, you know what I'm sayin' holmes! You can put any of your Smackdown superstars against us because we're not scared of nobody essay! It don't matter who's in the ring, cause tonight and every Thrusday night...I'm feelin' froggy!

As Eddie is speaking, Al Snow walks up behind him and when Eddie finishes Snow taps him on the shoulder. As Eddie turns aound, All steps past him and Eddie looks around puzzled before turning around and seeing Snow standing at the desk.

Snow-Stephanie I want to prove to you I can be an integral part of Smackdown. I'm not here to talk and train, I'm here to fight live on Smackdown. So if you've got a spot on the show next week that you can put me in, I'd be grat...

Eddie-Hey stand in line essay, we were askin' for a match first!

Snow-Sorry Eddie, I didn't realise you wanted a match too....hey that's a bit of luck. How about me vs you next week...chihuahuahuah!

Benoit-As much as my partner would like to kick your ass next week, he wanted a tag match for the two of us. So unless you've got any pals who want a match, I suggest you step aside.

Stephanie-Guys, I think there's an obvious solution to all this. You two want a tag match, and Al wants a match too...so I think it should be Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit teaming together to take on Al Snow and Maven next week live on Smackd...

Snow-Steph, Maven won't be on Smackdown. His ankle still isn't fully healed so you'll have to find me another partner.

Stephanie-OK then, well it'll be Benoit and Guerrero vs Al Snow and...Rey Mysterio! Is that OK with you guys?

Benoit-Fine, we accept that. And Snow, you'd better hope you're tough enough to survive the Rabid Heat!

Benoit and Guerrero walk out of the office followed by Snow as Stephanie smiles and writes something down before picking up the phone.

Cole-Wow, what a match up booked for next week's show...Benoit and Guerrero, Rabid Heat against Snow and Mysterio.

DDP-But Cole this one's the one I've been waiting for. A Survivor Series rules match 8 man tag match, with the winner becoming the new WWE Crusierweight Champion! This one should be one hell of a match!


Kevin Kelly-Backstage with one of the two teams who are anticipating the Survivor Series rules match for the WWE Crusierweight Chmapionship and the tension is high. I'm here with the team of Chavo Guerrero, Tajiri of The Flock, Funaki, Jamie Noble and of course Nidia, and well you guys are all here to win the Crusierweight Title obviously, but to do so all of your opponents and your teamates must be eliminated, and if it comes down to it, you guys may have to fight amongst yoursleves for the title. So Chavo, are you worried about facing any of these guys.

Chavo-Hey Kevin, what are you trying to do here? Are you trying to create some decension between me and my partners? Cause if you are, it ain't gonna happen. This team is the best 4 man team ever created! We will eliminate our opponents, and then I'm gonna come out on top over these three guys and become the worthy Crusierweight Champion!

Noble-Hey boy, don't you realise who you're gonna be against if that happens? Me right here, I'm the former Crusierweight Champion boy! That belt means everything to me an' Nidia, it means the way to a superstar life. Ain't nobody gonna ta...

Funaki-Ah...Smackdown numba waan Funaki...here with Jamie Noble...Jamie, why you obnoxius prat?

It looks like a fight is going to break out as Noble gets right up into Funaki's face and Tajiri pulls him away. All three look like their going to start brawling but Nidia quickly grabs the microphone.

Nidia-Guys stop it! Baby, baby come on. Jamie...oh for crying out loud!

Nidia stops trying to reason with her team and takes off her top. As she stands there with her black bra on, the camera closes in on the four open mouthed teamates who have now stopped fighting and started ogling Nidia.

Nidia-If you guys keep together and stop trying to fight each other...there'll be more where this came from...come on Jamie.

Noble and Nidia walk out as Funaki, Chavo and Tajiri look on in amazement.


Jamie Noble w/Nidia, Funaki, Tajiri and Chavo Guerrero vs Hurricane, Shannon Moore, Billy Kidman and Scotty 2 Hotty Survivor Series rules match, Crusierweight Title

Chimel-Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is a Survivor Series rules match, with the sole survivor being crowned the new WWE Crusierweight Champion! Introducing team number 1, first accompanied to the ring by Nidia, weighing 180lbs, Jamie Noble!

Noble and Nidia get into the ring as Chavo Guerrero makes his way out to the ring.

Chimel-From El Paso Texas, weighing 185lbs...Chavo Guerrero! From Japan, weighing 176lbs, the number one Smackdown interviewer Funaki.

The three men in the ring all shake hands under orders from Nidia as Stereomud's 'End of Everything' plays again and The Flock's Tajiri walks out.

Funaki-And representing The Flock, from Japan, weighing 205lbs...Tajiri!

The four teamates stand in the ring awaiting their opponents enterances.


Chimel-And their opponents, first at a total combined weight of 366lbs,. Shannon Moore and The Hurricane!

Hurricane and Shannon Moore walk down the ailse together and stand at the bottom of the ramp as Billy Kidman's music plays and he walks out to a nice reaction from the crowd.

Chimel-From Allentown Pennslyvania, weighing 195lbs, Billy Kidman!


Chimel-And their partner, from Westbrook Maine, weighing 209lbs...Scotty 2 Hotty!

Scotty runs down the ramp and slides into the ring with his three partners as their opponents all slide out. Scotty dances around and the four get the crowd fired up before referee Timmy White calls for the bell and the four opponents slowly get up onto the apron and into the ring. The teams discuss who's going to start off and the all the 8 guys seem to want to start as we see a shot of Batista and Raven sitting backstage watching on their screen. The teams decide on starting with Hurricane and Chavo and they square up to each other in the ring. A tie up is intitiated and Hurricane gets put in a hammerlock. Hurricane reverses the hammerlock and puts a headlock on Chavo, but Chavo pushes Hurricane off into the ropes and clotheslines him. Chavo picks Hurricane back up and hits a European uppercut before tagging in Jamie Noble. Noble runs at Hurricane, but Hurricane arm drags him and tags Kidman. Kidman punches Noble in the jaw a couple of times before whipping him to the ropes and flapjacking him. Noble gets up quickly, but Kidman knocks him down with a dropkick and tags in Shannon. Kidman kicks Noble in the gut and Shannon hits a whirling neckbreaker...1...2.quick kickout. Shannon kicks Noble and backs off the rope again, but Noble catches him coming of with a clothesline. Noble powerslams Shannon and tags in Funaki. Funaki hits a forearm to the head and runs to the ropes but Shannon knees him in the gut and rolls him up...1...2...no. Funaki misses a clothesline and Shannon kicks him in the gut and hits Funaki with a Falcon Arrow. Funaki staggers up as Hurricane tags in and goes to the top rope, and as Funaki turns around Hurricane dives off and hits a crossbody. Hurricane catches him with a diving neckbreaker and tags in Kidman, who goes to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press...1...2...3. Funaki is the first eliminated.

Funaki eliminated: pinned by Kidman

Kidman gets up as Noble grabs him by the hair and whips him to his teams' corner. Noble runs at Kidman, Kidman gets a foot up but as he follows him out Tajiri grabs his arm. Kidman punches Tajiri off, but as he turns around Noble kicks him in the gut and double underhooks him. Noble goes for the Tiger Bomb but Kidman reverses it into an armdrag. Kidman suplexs Noble and goes to the apron, but Nidia grabs his foot and Tajiri kicks him in the head, sending him slumped to the outside. Kidman's teamates complain to the ref as Chavo attacks him on the outside. Timmy White turns around as Chavo throws Kidman into the ring and Noble stomps away. Noble whips Kidman to the ropes and spinebusters him coming off...1...2...no! The crowd start chanting 'Trailer Trash...Trailer Trash...Trailer Trash' at Nidia as Noble hoists Kidman onto his shoulders. Noble walks around but as he does Shannon dives off the top with a missile dropkick and Kidman wraps him up in a crucifix...1...2...no. Kidman goes to make a tag, but Noble pulls him back and clotheslines him in the back of the head. Noble places Kidman's head between his legs and goes for a powerbomb, but Kidman reverses it and hits a facebuster on Noble! Both men crawl towards their corners slowly, with Noble making a tag to Tajiri and Kidman tagging in Scotty. Scotty knocks down the on running Tajiri with a fist. Tajiri gets up and Scotty knocks him down again. Chavo runs at Scotty, but Scotty sees him and backdrops him. Noble comes back in, but so do Kidman, Shannon and Hurricane. All hell breaks loose as all seven men start brawling away.Scotty clotheslines Noble to the outside and follows him out as Shannon picks Chavo up onto the shoulders and Hurricane neckbreakers him as Shannon samoan drops him...1...2...Tajiri breaks up the count. Kidman throws Tajiri to the outside as Chavo clotheslines Shannon down, but as he turns around Hurricane wraps his hand around Chavo's throat and chokeslams him down!...1...2...3!

Cole-It's 4 on 2 now! Chavo's gone and it's just Tajiri and Noble left for their team.

Chavo eliminated:pinned by Hurricane

Hurricane raises his arms in the air, but from behind Noble rolls him up and hooks the tights...1...2...Shannon dropkicks him off! White tries to get rid off Shannon as Tajiri gets into the ring and sprays the mist into Hurricane's eyes. Hurricane staggers around dis-orientated as Noble picks him up on the shoulders and hits a DVD...1...2...3. Shannon doesn't get over in time to make a save.

Hurricane eliminated:pinned by Noble

DDP-It ain't 4 on 2 now Cole. Tajiri spewed that mist and it was over for Hurricane.

Shannon hits Noble in the back and starts to punch away at him as Scotty, Tajiri and Kidman are ordered back into their corners. Shannon whips Noble to the ropes, but Noble comes back and clotheslines him down. Noble tags Tajiri in and Tajiri picks Shannon up before roundhouse kicking him hard in the gut. Tajiri goes for a powerbomb, but Shannon escapes and goes for a clothesline, but Tajiri ducks and kicks Shannon hard in the head...1...2...only two! Tajiri goes to the second rope and leaps off with a double axehandle before tagging in Noble. The crowd try to get behing Shannon, but it doesn't help as Noble hits a short arm clothesline and goes to the top. Noble dives off and lands with a Senton Drop on Shannon...1...2...Shannon gets a foot on the rope. Noble picks Shannon up and tags Tajiri. The two guys hit a double suplex on Shannon...1...2...only two. Tajiri kicks away at Shannon before throwing Shannon to the ropes, Shannon reverses and Tajiri goes for the rebound elbow, but as he bounces off the ropes Kidman grabs his legs and holds him in a boston crab across the ropes. Noble distracts White by trying to help Tajiri as Shannon dropkicks the upside down Tajiri in the gut.Tajiri falls back down as Scotty tags in. Tajiri slowly gets up as Scotty runs to the ropes and hits the facecrusher. Shannon knocks Noble off the apron as Scotty throws his arms out to his sides.

DDP-I think we know what's comin' up!

Scotty hops around as the crowd chant along...W...O...R...M!...Oooh....oooh....oooh! Scotty hits The Worm on Tajiri. Scotty waits for Tajiri to get up, and goes for a superkick, but Tajiri ducks it and hits a superkick of his own. Scotty staggers up and Tajiri throws Scotty's arm over his head and hits him with a brutal brainbuster....1...2...3.

Scotty eliminated:pinned by Tajiri

Tajiri celebrates as Kidman slingshots in and headscissors him down. Tajiri gets kicked in the gut and Kidman goes for the Kid Crusher, but Tajiri pushes him off into the ropes, Kidman hangs onto the ropes and Shannon hits a bulldog on Tajiri. Noble pulls Kidman out as Shanmon goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Tajiri...1...2...only a two count. Shannon hits a whirling necbreaker before whippng Tajiri to the corner and running at him, but Tajiri pulls himself up and locks on the Tarantula! Tajiri releases it and gets into the ring where Shannon is on his knees. Tajiri goes for the kick, but Shannon ducks it and rolls Tajiri up...1...2...no! Jamie Noble goes to the top rope and dives off, but Shannon ducks and Noble hits Tajiri with a clothesline, and as Noble turns around, Shannon swinging DDTs him and covers...1...2...Nidia puts Noble's foot on the ropes, but Timmy White saw it and calls over Tony Chimel.

DDP-What the hell is this all about?

Chimel-I have been informed by referee Timmy White, that due to the interference of Nidia, Jamie Noble has been disqualified!

Cole-Good call ref, get them the hell outta here!

DDP-What do you mean good call? Now I don't get to stare at Nidia's BUTT no more!

Noble eliminated:disqualified for interference by Nidia

Noble argues with the ref, but as he does Tajiri powerbombs Shannon and bridges into a pin...1...2...3! Tajiri rolls off of Moore as Noble starts to stomp away on him. Noble picks him up and hits a Tiger Bomb as Tajiri pulls Kidman into the ring.

Shannon eliminated:pinned by Tajiri

Tajiri whips Kidman to the ropes, but Kidman leapfrogs him and hits a russian legsweep. Tajiri pulls himself up and Kidman hits a double underhook facebuster...1...2...only two. Noble and Nidia walk up the rampway to a chorus of boos from the crowd as Kidman goes for a swinging bulldog, but Tajiri reverses it into a facebuster variation. Kidman gets to his knees and Tajiri goes for the kick, but Kidman ducks it and trips Tajiri onto the second rope. Kidman runs to the ropes and leaps over the top rope hitting a legdrop on Tajiri. Tajiri falls back and Kidman hits a slingshot legdrop...1...2...no! Kidman goes for the Kid Crusher again but gets pushed off into the corner. Kidman avoids Tajiri running in and Tajiri goes flying into the corner. Kidman runs at Tajiri, but Tajiri reverses into a Tarantula positition. Tajiri tries to hook it in, but Kidman rolls out of it and pulls Tajiri back in with a whiplash powerbomb! Kidman goes to the top rope and flies off with a Shooting Star Press, but Tajiri avoids it and Kidman lands hard gut first. Kidman slowly gets up and Tajiri goes for a powerbomb, but Kidman reverses into a facebuster!...1...2...only two again! Kidman waits for Tajiri to get up and runs at him, but Tajiri ducks the clothesline and kicks Kidman right in the temple...1...2...thr...no! Tajiri screams out in anger and goes for another kick, but Kidman ducks it and hits Tajiri with an underhook powerbomb! Kidman waits for Tajiri to get back up and hits a swinging bulldog, but suddenly Raven runs out to the ring and distracts the ref. As he does, Batista slides into the ring and hits a spinebuster on Kidman! Batista slides back out as Tajiri boots Kidman in the head and Raven leaps off the apron to allow Timmy White to count the pin...1...2...3!

Kidman eliminated:pinned by Tajiri

Winner, sole survivor and new Crusierweight Champion:Tajiri

Tajiri is handed the Crusierweight Title belt as 'End Of Everything' plays yet again. and Raven and Batista get back in the ring to celebrate with Tajiri. Tajiri raises the belt as Raven orders Batista and Tajiri to attack Kidman. The two Flock members stomp away, but from backstage The Dudley Boyz run in and clear the ring of The Flock. Spike helps Kidman up as BuhBuh and D-Von stand looking out at The Flock.

[OCLOR=#00008B]Cole-The Dudleyz are out here for one thing, and that's revenge!

***commercial break***

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Part 3

Highlights of the Survivor Series rules match play before we go backstage into the parking lot to see Rey Mysterio lying on the ground with a pool of blood around his head and all over his mask. The camera moves up and we see Christopher Nowinski standing over him with a steel chair in his hand and a sick grin on his face. Dozens of officials and referees run over as Nowinski walks off smiling broadly.

Cole-What the hell is Nowinski thinking!?! Mysterio needs urgent help back there!


Rikishi vs Kurt Angle vs The Rock vs Brock Lesnar w/Paul HeymanFatal Four Way Elimination Match, WWE Undisputed Championship

Back in the arena, 'Medal' begins to play and Kurt Angle walks to the ring as the crowd boo loudly and chant 'You suck' along with his music. Angle sets off his fireworks before walking on down the ramp.

Chimel-The following Fatal Four Way Elimination Match is for the vacant WWE Undisputed Championship! Introducing first, from Pittsburgh Pennslyvania, weighing 232lbs, Olympic Gold Medalist...Kurt Angle!

Angle gets into the ring and spins around with his arms outstretched as the crowd continue to chant 'You suck' towards him. Angle leans against the ropes as Brock Lesnar's music plays and he walks out with Paul Heyman by his side.

Chimel-Accompanied to the ring by his agent Paul Heyman, weighing 296lbs, he is the Next Big Thing...Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar slides in and Heyman tries to get a truse going between the two, but as he does Lesnar punches Angle in the jaw sending him reeling back. Hyeman holds Lesnar back, but Angle shoves him out of the way and punches Lesnar, and the two begin to trade punches as Rikishi's music plays and Rikishi comes running down the ramp. Rikishi slides into the ring, turns Angle around and knocks him down before going to work on Lesnar. Lesnar and Rikishi are brawling away as Angle pulls himself up on the ropes.


The crowd go wild as The Rock comes sprinting out from behind the curtain and down the ramp, before sliding into the ring and immediately clotheslining Angle to the outside. Rock lays in wait as Rikishi punches Lesnar, and Lesnar turns around into a flurry of punches from Rock. Rock spits on his hand and goes for his final punch, but Lesnar ducks and Rock punches Rikishi. Rock turns around and Lesnar throws him to the outside before clothselining Rikishi, sending him flipping over in a 360. Lesnar starts to punch away at Rikishi again as Rock and Angle brawl away up the rampway. Referee Mike Chioda tries to stop Lesnar choking Rikishi in the corner as Rock lifts Angle's legs in the air and punches him hard in the groin. Angle slowly gets up and Rock clotheslines him down again and runs towards the ring as Rikishi fights back on Lesnar. Rikishi clotheslines Lesnar over the top, before turning around and superkicking Rock...1...2...only two. Rikishi headbutts Rock backwards and Angle pulls the rope down sending Rock over the top rope. Angle gets into the ring and runs at Rikishi, but Rikishi samoan drops him...1...2...no. Rikishi knocks Angle down with a punch and hits a legdrop. Lesnar rolls back in and hits Rikishi with a back suplex...1...2.no. Rock slides back in as well and immediately clotheslines Lesnar down, before doing the same to Angle and Rikishi. Rock kicks Lesnar in the gut and DDTs him down before kipping back up and hitting a samoan drop on Angle. Lesnar gets punched at by Rikishi as Rock punches Angle. Rock and Rikishi whip Lesnar and Anglew towards each other and Lesnar knocks Angle down with a clothesline but he turns around into a superkick by Rikishi sending him flying into a Rock Bottom attempt, but Lesnar elbows his way out of it and quickly moves out of the way as Rikishi crashes BUTT first into Rock in the corner. Rock staggers forward a bit before dropping down onto the bottom turnbuckle and the crowd give a mixed reaction as Rikishi looks back towards Rock in his familiar way. Rikishi pulls his trunks up and backs up towards Rock, but Angle clotheslines him out getting a cheer from some of the crowd. He smiles and spins around, celebrating his rare crowd adulation, but as he turns Lesnar locks him in a front waistlock and hits a huge overhead belly to belly suplex! Lesnar mimmicks Angle by spinning around, but Rock comes storming out of the corner clotheslining Brock down. Rikishi rolls back in and runs at Rock, but Rock ducks and Rikishi gets DDTed...1...2...Rikishi kicks out. Rock lays in wait for Rikishi to get up, but as he does Angle goes for an Angle Slam...Rock spins out and hits an Angle Slam of his own! Rock clotheslines Angle to the outside and folows him out as Lesnar picks Rikishi up onto his shoulders and hits the F-5!

Cole-Oh my god! What strength from Lesnar!

Lesnar covers Rikishi...1...2...3. Lesnar eliminates Rikishi as Rock slides back in and punches away at Lesnar again.

Rikishi eliminated:pinned by Lesnar

Rock punches Lesnar back into the ropes and whips him across the ring, but as he does Angle gets on the apron. Rock quickly punches him off and turns around straight into a clothesline by Lesnar! Angle climbs back in and he and Lesnar now start to double team Rock. Heyman shouts on instructions to Lesnar as he and Angle stomp away at Rock. Angle picks Rock up and knees him in the gut, letting Lesnar pick him up and powerbomb him. Lesnar picks Rock up off the ground into another powerbomb. Lesnar picks Rock up in the powerbomb position and spins around, but Rock escapes while Lesnar is spinning and hits a DDT. Angle runs at Rock but gets thrown over the top rope and Rock lays in wait again. Brock turns around and Rock hits a Rock Bottom as Heyman gets on the apron. Rock pins Lesnar, but Chioda is distracted by Heyman. Rock gets up as Angle rolls back in and hits a german suplex. Angle keeps the waistlock on and hits another german suplex. Angle goes for a third, but Rock elbows his way out and hits a german suplex on Angle. Rock keeps the waistlock on and goes for a second, but Brock hits him in the back and goes for a F-5, but Angle hits him in the back and goes for the Angle Slam on Brock, but Brock elbows Angle in the head and kicks him in the face. Brock runs at Angle, but Angle ducks a clothesline and whips Brock into a spinebuster. Rock kicks Brock's arm to the side, but Angle taps Rock on the shoulder and asks to do the elbow.

DDP-Woah, I think Angle wants to do the elbow. And Rock's lettin him!

Angle throws the elbow pad out into the crowd and shakes his hands about before running to the ropes, leaping over Brock and going for the elbow, but as he does Rock clotheslines him out of the ring as the crowd go wild with laughter. Rock then throws his elbow pad out, an runs to the ropes, but as he rebounds a second time, Brock pops up and spinebusters Rock...1...2...only a two! Angle gets back into the ring and hits the Angle Slam on Lesnar, but as he celebrates Rock spins him around and hits a Rock Bottom...1...2...3!

Angle eliminated:pinned by Rock

Cole-It's down to Rock and Brock...it's Summerslam revisited!

Brock staggers up and Rock clotheslines him down again. Brock runs at Rock and Rock drops him throat first on the ropes before hitting a belly to belly...1...2..no. Rock goes for another spinebuster, but Lesnar hits Rock hard in the back and hits a powerbomb. Heyman screams at Lesnar to cover him, but Brock instead pulls off his elbow pad and goes for a 'Next Big Elbow', but Rock kips up and htis a spinebuster...1...2...no! Brock and Rock both get up and start to punch away at each other, but Rock ducks a punch and DDTs him hard...1...2...Heyman pulls Rock to the outside! Rock looks Heyman dead in the eye as Heyman screams out 'OH SHIT!' and runs around the ring. Rock chases him around the ring. Heyman scuttles into the ring and keeps running as Brock catches Rock and puts him on the shoulders and gets ready for an F-5! Brock spins Rock around, but Rock lands on his feet and goes for a Rock Bottom...Brock elbows him in the head and goes for a clothesline, but Rock ducks and hits the Rock Bottom! Rock drops an arm over Brock as Heyman looks on in horror...1...2...thr...NO! Rock argues with Chioda as Heyman slides Brock a chair and gets onto the apron. Brock swings the chair, but Rock ducks and trips him up and wraps on the Sharpshooter! Brock is in pain and looks like he's going to tap out, but Angle slides back into the ring and hits Rock hard in the head with the chair before sliding out! Chioda turns around as both men slowly get up, with Rock busted wide open, and Brock picks Rock up onto the shoulders and hits the F-5!...1...2...3!!!

Rock eliminated by Lesnar

Winner and new Undisputed Champion:Brock Lesnar

Cole-Brock Lesnar has regained the Undisputed Title...who will be able to end his reign of dominance!?! For me Michael Cole, and my new partner DDP, thank you and see you next week!

The show ends with Brock celebrating in the ring with Paul Heyman and the Undisputed Title belt as Rock slowly rolls out of the ring and limps up the ramp after Angle. Lesnar lifts the belt in the air as the screen fades to black.

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All the titles were mad vacant after my roster split, incase HHH or Lesnar ended up on the 'other' show(the draft was done over the internet with a freind of mine who helps out once in a while you see).


Anyway, glad you're reading it

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