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Guest treble charged

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Guest treble charged

Personally, I am bored to tears by the Jericho vs. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Pitbull #2 vs. Shane Douglas match for the ECW TV title. Everyone seems to cream themselves over that one, but I watched it, and could not find anything enjoyable about it.



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Guest RickyChosyu

I used to really like that match, but it's really pedestrian if you actually pay attention to what's going on. I think, in some instances, Paul Heyman booked all of his matches to be chaotic so that no one would see how crappy the actual work was. Actually, I know for sure that that's true.


HHH/Austin 2/3 falls is the best example of a match I can't stand that everyone seems to worship. Mutoh/Hase from last year, which I refuse to sit through ever again. Tenryu/Hash G1 '98, which I strongly disliked, despite being a bit of a mark for Hash. Flair/Vader really bugged me. Then there's Michaels vs. Sid, Undertaker, Diesel, or more recently, HHH, which are all rated ****+ by lots of stupid people, and annoy the crap out of me.

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Guest papacita

Austin Vs. Taker from SummerSlam 98. Just about everyone loved it, but I think the match was shit.

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Guest BAR

Steve Austin vs. HHH: 2/3 Falls Match - I can understand why people do like this match, but I hate it. Also, I agree on the ECW Heatwave 1996 Four Way Match. Michaels' matches with big men weren't to special in my opinion either, of course they were good matches for Sid/Taker standards but not really my cup of tea.

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Guest J*ingus

Austin vs. Hart, WM13. Not even the second best match involving these two men, just a fairly standard bloody brawl.

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Guest BAR

OK, you think Survivor Series '96 is the best Jingus? That's cool, I love that one. But what do you think is second, did they fight at IYH 14?

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Guest NazMistry
Steve Austin vs. HHH: 2/3 Falls Match - I can understand why people do like this match, but I hate it. Also, I agree on the ECW Heatwave 1996 Four Way Match. Michaels' matches with big men weren't to special in my opinion either, of course they were good matches for Sid/Taker standards but not really my cup of tea.


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Guest XdojimeX

Seconded Hase vs. Mutoh. Mindnumbing the praise that match gets.


HHH vs. Rock Iron Man. Actually don't hate it since it had some fun things in it but the MOTY praise it gets is pretty silly. It was like 11 by the numbers RAW Main events condensed into 60 minutes, replace the commercials with the completely listless brawling and rest-holds. I did pop for La Rockystral Cradle though.


Misawa vs. Kobashi 10/31/98- Completely different level then the above, but the gist of the dislike is the same. MOTY my arse.

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Guest .3.0.7.

no way out 2001: hhh vs austin. i mean, it was a good match.. but not moty. it was a standard main event brawl, just three matches worth instead of one.


wrestlemania 13: bret vs austin. another really good match, but i don't understand how it could be considered as the "best wwf match of the 90's" when there were WAY better matches.


final four 97: bret vs austin vs vader vs taker. another good match, but it is way overrated for what it is: a bunch of guys punching each other for 20 minutes until everyone starts hitting their spots and flies over the top rope.


wrestlemania 12: bret vs shawn. booooooring. i can barely sit through this entire match without falling asleep. i don't understand the amount of praise it gets. i mean, sure, it wasn't *horrible* and i'm sure it was well worked from a "who can hold the longest armbar/chinlock?" perspective.. but it was so damn boring.


ecw heat wave 96: jericho vs pitbull #2 vs douglas vs scorpio. i watched this match a few weeks ago to see why people kept yelling "****!" about it, and.. no. not anywhere near **** from my view. had a few okay segments, but in the end was just a boring "brawl" with a couple of cool spots thrown in.


iyh mind games 96: shawn vs mankind. another really good match, but i don't think it's worthy of some of the uber-hype that it gets. (MUST SEE! *****!!!) it was a crazy match, and i can see why people love it to death, but i just don't really enjoy it that much.

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Guest J*ingus
OK, you think Survivor Series '96 is the best Jingus? That's cool, I love that one. But what do you think is second, did they fight at IYH 14?

I liked the Survivor Series match and the Canadian Stampede 10-man both more than WM13, and yeah the IYH match was pretty fun too.

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Guest Grenouille

Speaking of the Canadian Stampede match, I thought it was about ***1/4. Many people pimp this as 5*, but it just didn't seem all that great to me. Good, but not great.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Michaels/Hart Iron man match - This match bored me to tears when I first saw it.


I also was not a big fan of some Austin-Angle match from Raw that everyone was high on at the time. I believe it was to get a shot at the Undisputed title or something. Anyway, my main gripe was that it was pretty obvious Austin would win, eliminating any sort of suspense in the match for me.

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I wanna know how people can say that the 4-way was great, but I'm going to make a case for Hase/Mutoh.


I'm going to back up by saying this...and this is exactly what I said in my little review for that match:

Mutoh/Hase-Ah...now this is one of Mutoh’s better matches. It breaks down his psychology into the smallest of intervals, so you can see where and how he gets to the SHINING WIZARD. Hase sells like the man that he is, and eventually succumbs to the WIZARD. If you don’t get Mutoh’s offense, watch this match, and then you will. Awesomely methodical match. ***3/4


I KNOW I'm going to get flamed for this, but see the word...methodical? If you watch the match, and you get the psychology, then you'll see that it is really a good little match. Sure it's about 40:00, but seriously, I can see why people pimp and why people hate it. People pimp it because they get the deep psychology. People hate it because it's too long and the overuse of some moves gets them uninterested.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I think it says a lot that no one has mentioned the Undertaker vs. Foley hell in a cell yet. While that was really praised when it first came out, it kind of lost it reputation over the years as the smarmy smarks point out that its reputation is based on two mad bumps by Foley. I for one find it enjoyable to watch, but not really a very good match in and of itself. So is the reason it hasn't been mentioned is because its reputation has been completely tarnished or because there are those of you out there who still really like it?

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Guest RickyChosyu

Dandy, the biggest problem with that match was a total disregard for selling. There was none. It just didn't exist. They got worked over, no sold, and then repeated that over and over again. I guess it's fitting that you call this match the one to watch to "get Mutoh' psychology" since all he did here was aimlessly work the leg and lie around on the matt like a disgrace. Total snoozer, and the MOTY hype for this is ludicrous.


Hart/Austin WM 13: Yes, Survivor Series '96 was better, but Candian Stampede better? WM 13 was a great brawl with some God-like selling from both men, a story that defined the Austin character and connected with fans more than almost anything has since. The story of the match was played out very well, and then ending sequence just blew away most of other WWF matches I've seen. Not the best match that year, not the best WWF match, but deffinitely the definitive WWF brawl, and a great match in its own right.

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Guest papacita
I think it says a lot that no one has mentioned the Undertaker vs. Foley hell in a cell yet. While that was really praised when it first came out, it kind of lost it reputation over the years as the smarmy smarks point out that its reputation is based on two mad bumps by Foley. I for one find it enjoyable to watch, but not really a very good match in and of itself. So is the reason it hasn't been mentioned is because its reputation has been completely tarnished or because there are those of you out there who still really like it?

I didn't see it live (although I paid for the show...thank you Wade Cable :rolleyes:), so maybe it's because I knew the bumps were coming, but I really didn't like the match at all once I got the tape. Once you get past the crazy spots, there's not much else...it didn't even touch HIAC I, which is a pretty overrated match in itself.


As for the Bret/Austin match...I haven't seen SS 96, so I can't comment. The WM match was hot as hell though.

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Guest T®ITEC
wrestlemania 12: bret vs shawn. booooooring. i can barely sit through this entire match without falling asleep. i don't understand the amount of praise it gets. i mean, sure, it wasn't *horrible* and i'm sure it was well worked from a "who can hold the longest armbar/chinlock?" perspective.. but it was so damn boring.

Agreed. I'm unsure as to why anyone would really call this "MOTY".. candidate or otherwise. I couldn't sit through it when I was ten yeas old, and I just won't sit through it now. It really would have done some damage to throw in a couple of pinfalls or submissions, I guess.


It's pathetically boring, especially since I usually enjoyed the work of both guys involved.



All right, I'm done venting.. I just hate that match. Carry on.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Hart/Michaels was a case of two guys who didn't want to cooperate and killed the flow of the match as a result. They never built to anything, the matwork was terrible, and the whole think ended up sucking large.


Blame the love for this match on the usual "add an extra two stars to every '96 Michaels match" principle.

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Guest papacita
Hart/Michaels was a case of two guys who didn't want to cooperate and killed the flow of the match as a result. They never built to anything, the matwork was terrible, and the whole think ended up sucking large.

I liked it...but I'm an HBK mark so...

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Guest T®ITEC
Hart/Michaels was a case of two guys who didn't want to cooperate and killed the flow of the match as a result. They never built to anything, the matwork was terrible, and the whole think ended up sucking large.

I liked it...but I'm an HBK mark so...

Yeah, so was I... Out of sixty minutes, I was entertained for two.


Sometimes I'll have terrible nightmares in which Bret and Shawn wrestle each other for eighteen hours and nobody can leave the arena. "We're all trapped watching a bad match, oh no!!!"

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Guest eiker_ir

i was also bored to tears of the 4 way TV Title match that u're talking about, it just seems to go on forever...



speaking of the WM 12 Iron Man match, everytime i watch it i always say that they should have juast made it a normal match and do the las 20 minutes of the iron match.....i still liked 'cuz is my 2 favorite wrestlers ever goin' at it...

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Guest BAR

The memories, the bad memories of when I marked for the Bret/HBK Iron Man match. Nowadays, now that I'm educated on wrestling I realise what a fucking borefest it really was, although I really enjoyed the last 15 minutes. As for the HIAC between 'Taker/Foley, I never really liked it, same with HIAC1.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Every Taue singles match. Just my opinion, and people can love Taue all they want, but I can't stand the fucker.


Pitbulls vs Raven/Richards. The beloved ECW "*****" classic. A sloppy and dull brawl, and I never got into any of the ECW storylines. It does however have the best bump Raven's ever taken. (The powerbomb where the back of his head smacked the table and broke it.)

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

You people are going to KILL me for this, but I thought Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge from Unforgiven was kind of bland.

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Guest bob_barron

I also think Austin v. Bret v. Taker v. Vader is overrated. It's pretty boring.


I also don't get the love for Rock v. HHH v. Angle- it's a good match but kinda boring


The two people I was watching with didn't get into Eddy v. Edge as much as I did- I just really dug the psycology.

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Guest MaxPower27

HBK v. Bret @ WM12 is very overrated, I like the match personally ::ducks flames::


Mick v. Mean Mark @ KOR 98 is loved by the spot lovers who have convinced themselves that it's the greatest match ever. I kind of like it, but the match as a whole sucked except the two big bumps.


Jericho v. Shane v. Pitbull v. Scorpio I liked when I first saw it. Now I watch it, and its kind of slow at times, but I still like it a lot.



I think that all Bret v. Austin matches rule the school, and aren't overrated at all, JMOT

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Guest bob_barron
HBK v. Bret @ WM12 is very overrated, I like the match personally ::ducks flames::


Mick v. Mean Mark @ KOR 98 is loved by the spot lovers who have convinced themselves that it's the greatest match ever. I kind of like it, but the match as a whole sucked except the two big bumps.


Jericho v. Shane v. Pitbull v. Scorpio I liked when I first saw it. Now I watch it, and its kind of slow at times, but I still like it a lot.



I think that all Bret v. Austin matches rule the school, and aren't overrated at all, JMOT

While I don't think Taker v. Foley is ***** MOTY OMG!!!! I still enjoy watching it and I'd give it like ***1/2.


I've seen every Bret v. Austin match on tape and they all rule all. Even the one on world tour 96.

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Guest wolverine

1. Manami Toyota vs. Akira Hokuto 9/2/95 - Absolutely among the most overrated matches of all-time. Just completely ridiculous on several levels.


2. Both the 10/31/98 and 6/11/99 Misawa vs. Kobashi matches. Headdropping and no-selling sucks.

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Guest TheHulkster

Final 4 (for reasons stated by others already)

Flair Vs Vader (the ridiculous praise that this match gets suprises me)

HBK Vs Foley (I like both guys, but I've seen better brawls than this "***** epic")

Daniels Vs Ki Vs Dragon from the First ROH show (after watching Dragon Vs Ki, it pales in comparison. Some people say Match of the Year, I say overhyped spot-fest)

X Division 4 way from week 2 of NWA-TNA (for the same reasons as the ROH 3 way, except much more so)

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