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Guest Thoth

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Hmmm...if that had been an IGNite where you got 2 days to write...it would be pretty darn good.


But seeing as you guys had 9 days to write, it wasn't quite as impressive.


Anywho...time to write another Storm card (woo hoo...I get to put off deciding what to call IGNite for a few more days).


Mothernature says, new champ!"

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

WHOO!  I won!  Cool...


Interesting matches from those that won.  JD vs. Xstasy was odd... didn't look quite like X's style but it got the duke...


Clan picks up a DQ victory over Prophet, but now we're going to have to figure out who this Saviour dude is...


New 2 time world champ!  Way to go Thugg, again.


Also... GREAT show-closing promo.  Did X or Stubby write that?  Either way, tres cool.


On to SWF Storm!

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Guest Suicide King

Congrats to Thugg, even though the win can only be called tainted.  It was still a fantastic match though, and I think the rematch will even be better.  Then again, I still haven't gotten my rematch... hmm...


::salivates at the thought of a triple threat at the PPV::





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Guest Christian_Fury

I know I'm just a nobody, but I have to say that was some tasty goodness I read there. Nice to see a show after so long. Sure, it was 9 days like Stubby said, but the transition was made, and it seemed pretty good. :)


Anyway, I'm crawling back into the JL sewers now.

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Guest Perfect_Bo

Congrats Thugg, I knew you could do it again...  Remember, I said it was only a matter of time, I just didnt think it would be so fast..


Well, yeah King, I'm looking at that triple threat for the PPV and it would be tasty...


Well, back to my sh*tty hole



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Guest thebleakaffinity

I didn't really like it, especially the ending...


It seemed to be more abut X then the new fed name and all, and it would have worked better to have someone like Rane come out IMO...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Match of the night was definitely Prophet/Clan, in my humblest opinion.  Who wrote that one?  Looked like the Clan, but it also looked 'Cast, since the styles are so similar.  Thugg's match was pretty cool too, but OH MY GOD so much interference!  Heh.  At least it leaves and opening for a great triple threat sometime in the new future, if things roll that way.


Welcome to the SWF!  Kiyahahaha.

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Guest Spider_Nekura

'Twas a joint effort between me and Thoth, my good friend Edwin. As all Clan matches are.


You suck, Outcast, you no showing bastard you :)

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Guest HVilleThugg

I thought that show was very good, although I would have liked to have seen more promos, but with everything in disarray, it's completely understandable.


Horray!  I'm 2-time champ! :)


Ummm, King, while I do feel bad that things worked out the way they did, I was under the impression that with the extension, Mark was going to be able to write up to his abilities.  No offense to Mark, but I don't think the situation cheapens my win in any way.  Now if Mark couldn't write, even with the extension, that really sucks, and I'll still endorse a rematch, but it really annoys me that you would call my win "tainted".  :(


Here's how I feel, and please Mark, dont take this the wrong way:


I won, fair and square.  Mark asked for another day, and he got it.  Now I'm not saying that if Mark was able to write at his best that I would beat him, but I'm also not saying that I would lose.  What I am saying is that as a result of the extension, the playing field for our match was made level and we were both working equally, with no one person having a distinct advantage.  Therefore, I think the win was fair, and in no way "tainted".


There, I've said my piece.


Mark, here's to a rematch where you can actually write at the high level we are all used to seeing from you.


Oh, and I don't know about that 3-way, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Da "not being sure about a 3-way PPV" H

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Guest Grand Slam

Well, I agree that "tainted" is the wrong word.  And, to be fair, while I was annoyed about it at first, I got over it pretty darn quickly.  


Honestly, the extra day really gave me only about 2 to 2.5 hours to write after my job and other obligations.  I am actually pretty happy that I was able to crank out over 4000 words in that span of time, but I have to admit that the match quality was brutal.  Not my best work.  And, without my handy PMs (Stupid Snowboards) to remind me, I completely forgot to write Sacred joining Da Pound.


So yeah, Thugg beat me straight up, one-on-one, fair and square.  Extenuating circumstances have never counted as a valid "excuse" in this league, and I won't be the one to drag it out as an excuse.  Hopefully, we can build this into something good, and make the best of a (at least in my eyes) bad situation.


Oh, and BTW, I don't think King was referring to the situation involving my match being late so much as the "in-storyline" match ending which, you have to admit, had more interference than a 50's broadcast of "I Love Lucy".  Heck, so did mine.  But "in story" this makes it look like a screw job and something my character (not me, mind you) would, should, and will be, upset about.


So, kudos to Thugg on a great match.  If I am going to lose the title, at least it was to a good match (unlike the last time I lost it... ::grumble::).  But there will be a rematch, and then we'll see what happens...

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Guest HVilleThugg

Damn Mark, I wish I had known you didn't have those PMs at your disposal because I would have sent it to you.  I forgot that you couldn't get to those PMs, and thus, didn't send you a reminder PM.  


Yeah, the match was riddled with interference, but then again, what match of mine isn't.  Not to mention, that was my whole intention, to make the win so marred with circumstance that Stevens would have a damn good argument to get a rematch.  


I wasn't upset with King's criticism of the interference, but more so the word "tainted" that he labeled my win with.  But all is good now and we'll move on from here, just like we always do.  


Good luck on Storm, and you can just use JD and my individual entrances since I don't have a stable entrance for us....or if you read this before you write the match, then use "My Niggas" by DMX as the entrance to have us come out at the same time.  You can just write whatever you want from there...


Da "happy Mark's happy" H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



...the way I see it you both had more than enough time to write.  


Thugg's match was better, he won.  Plain and simple.


Mothernature says, so uhhh...there."

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Guest Suicide King

Thugg, you've got the belt.  You wrote a great match.  What more do you want?


Truthfully, and maybe I'm in the minority here, I consider any win on the last show tainted what with the confusion regarding the move and all.  I'm not saying you wouldn't have beaten Stevens anyway.  Hell, you have everytime before. ;)  I'm just saying that I doubt anyone really wrote their best, including you.


Maybe tainted is too strong a word, but it's the one that came to mind first.  As it is, I am confident that you deserve 100% to be champion, so let's get past this my large, mahogany friend.  We have more than enough legitimate IC reasons to hate each other.  ;)

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Uhm...wasn't Da Pound supposed to be a ghetto version of the Nation of Domination?


Doesn't it sort of defeat the idea of the stable to have two white guys from Canada and Australia members?


Ahem...just saying.


Mothernature says, word to your mother..."

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I really want to see a promo where Thugg tries to teach his two cronies of the fairer persuasion how to really, truly straight-thug it.  FULFILL MY NEEDS, POUND-CAKES!

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Guest HVilleThugg

King, I hope you don't think that I'm fuming about this at all.  I'm not even really mad.  Believe me, there's no hate at all man.  Come on, have you ever known me to start disliking someone for saying one thing I didn't like on the boards.  If that were the case, I wouldn't have any friends around here.  It was just the "tainted" thing that upset me a little, but I'm way over that.  The whole point of that post was that I wanted to say how I felt and I did that.  So as far as I'm concerned, the issue is dropped and forgotten and there are no ill feelings in cast in anyone's direction.


Da "wanting King to bow before him and kiss his left boot" H :)


PS - And as for Da Pound, they are still the thugs of the IGN....er...SWF.  We've just been forced to adopt an equal opportunity policy by the damn government.  Next thing you know, we'll have to hire a Hispanic woman...hmmmmmm...latino chick. :) Their so hot.  Mags, can you hook me up with a hot Mexican chick...that would be super.  Thanks man.

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Guest Perfect_Bo

Yo thugg, I got some nice and hot columbians and Puerto Ricans that will show you how thug really goes..


Trust me..



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