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Guest Chuck Woolery


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Guest Chuck Woolery

I like mine... nice 6999 worder, but I doubt it'll hold a candle to Judge's or Fugue's. I may have a shot, though.


So, tell us all, how did your match wind up? Or, if you're not done, how is it coming?

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Guest SupaTaft
I like mine... nice 6999 worder, but I doubt it'll hold a candle to Judge's or Fugue's. I may have a shot, though.

I feel slighted. Not that your opinion matters.


Anyways my match went alright. I woke up early to finish the beast and finished and 11:52. The ending is rushed as hell but I think that it works out nicely.

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

3100 words of Matt Myers-like goodness. It would have been more, but Sacred told me that Spike only had about 300 words in the match, and it was about an hour before the deadline for JLers, so I decided to cut if off there. Not really my best...if you want to see my best [self-Promotion]Go sell my Hell In The Cell Match[/self-Promotion].

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Guest Kibagami

You kids are about to learn the meaning of "writing in one sitting".


I had about 5.5k last night, but it really wasn't good enough given the importance of this match. Oh, and Thoth would kick my ass handily if I wrote another 5.5k of shit like I had last night.


So I deleted it.




God, I'm crazy. Save me.



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Guest Tod deKindes

5815 done and sent in. From what Annie told me, I hope she can finish hers on time.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

You know what it feels like when you have a vision of how the match is supposed to go, you've downloaded various other cage matches to help you along, and you think you've got a masterpiece in your grasp?


But only because of not having any energy or motivation to write, etc etc... You can't put things into text?


I've been in a big funk lately, personally and in the creative arts, so let me just say that it's not looking too good. And I'm not even done yet... I only keep writing in hopes that Edwin is still around and will still accept it; and out of fear that Flexxx didn't write anything at all.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Of course Flexxx didn't write anything, Manson. It's Flexxx, and it's a world title shot. I don't think he's ever actually shown for one of those.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Reminds me of someone I know...




Anyway, yes, get ready for a 2,276 word wonder, embarrasingly short for a match of this stature. You'll love this one.

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Guest Powerplay

7049 words. I wish I had had 1,000 more words here, but I think I did the best I could with the limit. And MVS, I'm sure you have a very good chance of beating me.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Believe me, I was thinking of doing something like that (limerick, haiku, out and out wackiness on all fronts) when it was getting to be early in the morning and I still couldn't write shit. But writing something goofy isn't my thing, and it probably would've turned out worse than my match.


Either way, a win is a win. And halfway through the match, when I was seriously considering this, I still didn't want what I had written to go to waste.

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Guest redbaron51




its all i'll say.


oh and if someone is going to no show parody usually does wonders.

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Guest Powerplay
Thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty two words.


Good night.


*drops dead*

Holy sweet Jesus.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

I think it went pretty well. I wrote 9200+, which is practically skimpy compared to some of my other PPV affairs.


*pokes unconscious Raynor and giggles uncontrollably*

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I wrote roughly 4000 words on mine. I figured i better do what Thugg said on having the opener not quite so long. Plus i had an alternator that decided it needed changing, cutting my writting time down a bunch. :(


By the way, Royals are borring to write.

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Guest Powerplay

Don't worry about it, Leon. You honestly need some singles matches. And maybe this means bigger and better things for you (Lose the Euro, move to the Euro :)?).

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

My match was....that's right, I'm retired. So while you people destroyed your weekends writing thousands of words for this, I watched football, hung out with my friends, and had fun. But I'm sure it was all worth it. Really.


*puts on riot gear*

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