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Guest HVilleThugg


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Guest HVilleThugg

As we head into Genesis later tonight, I present to you…




And here we go…





Wrestler Of The Year

Winner: Erek Taylor





Match Of The Year

Winner: Vanguard vs. Frost vs. T-Bone vs. Kojack vs. Jack The Ripper vs. The Reaper vs. Cutthroat vs. Josh Stark – Mall Brawl




“This match RULED. I mean, come ON. Probably the best opening match we've ever had on any PPV, ever, JL or otherwise. Hilarious, full of in-jokes, AND it had real wrestling! Dammit, Vanguard, where'd you get to!?”


“This is how gimmick matches should be written. One of the most creative and imaginative matches I've ever read since coming to this place. A high that will never be reached again. ***** easily.”




Feud Of The Year

Winner: Stryke vs. Erek Taylor





Most Improved Wrestler

Winner: Ash Ketchum




“Ash looks to be another grappler who rose from the lowly depths to be a well accomplished writer and champion. While Ash’s character as a Poke loving freak might be on the edge of becoming outdated and hindering, he is showing signs of outgrowing it. I think the extended storyline of his girlfriend Misty being pregnant is a good step toward this and also shows his imagination and ambition in setting out on suck a long and potentially intricate storyline. I am very happy to be working a feud with Ash now as he is an easy person to communicate and work with, which sometimes can be the most important traits of all for a fed like this.”



Best World Champion

Winner: Mak Francis AND Danny Williams (tie)




“As mentioned above with Edwin, when a guy hits his stride at the right time it can do nothing but elevate those around him and the honors he holds. The same thing exists here with Danny. After his brief retirement, Danny returned very fired up and at the top of his game. Not only was ability to write matches still sharp, but also an increase in his ability to use commentary effectively and to tell in and out of the ring stories had greatly improved. The run he went on at this time was truly amazing and I think the match he won the title with over Sydney Sky could have easily been nominated in the above category of best SJL match as well. Danny is the type of champion greatly needed in the real world of wrestling today, a hard working man who gets over on his wrestling ability solely and forcibly shatters the glass ceiling with his stubborn determination.”


“I, for one, never really liked Danny’s style if matches in the JL…but I can’t take away the fact that the guy beat a bunch of people to win the title and then defended it until it was time for him to be bumped. He took on all challengers, and beat them all while having a non-conformist style…which, in my book, is definitely commendable.”




Best European Champion

Winner: Erek Taylor AND Frost (tie)




“Motherfucker [Erek] broke my record.”


“Frost held this belt with much pride and created a name for the complex I got with the TV title. Frosty owns. That is all.”



Best TV Champion

Winner: “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson




“He quickly won the T.V. title and held it longer than anyone else. If you look at past champions of this introductory title, they include some of the best and brightest writers today. Well, TNT bested them all here and holds promise of perhaps doing it again with other titles down the road.”



Best Stable

Winner: sWo




“They oozed cool, but they should have kept the New Sound name. Still, over the last several months, these guys have evolved and grown, and everyone involved has become better for it.”



Best Heel

Winner: Mak Francis




“Most heels are tough, skilled wrestlers. Mak Francis is a frickin' dick. If Flesher is the 2nd gen Suicide King, then Mak is definitely the 3rd.”



Best Face

Winner: C.I.A.




“Oooooo Canada! I love it! And not just because he basically started out as a Canadian Edwin, nosiree!”



Best Promos

Winner: C.I.A.




“World Champion soon, he scares me.”







Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Edwin MacPhisto




“Well... Edwin's had a tremendous year…what clinches this for Edwin is everything that happened after he won the title. First off, he writes a fucking magnum opus of a match to win the title, and immediately sets to work with Chris Wilson, starting a ball busting feud…Edwin was the most awesome human being on the planet this summer, and he richly deserves whatever accolades we give him. Edwin, thank you. You rocked us without even trying.”


“Edwin simply proved himself the man time in and time out. Could make any feud must read, lost maybe one or two big matches all year, if that. Simply phenomenal”


“Edwin grabs the nod purely because to start off he was the nearly unbeatable ICTV Champion. He then became the nearly unbeatable World Champion. At his peak, he seems... well, unbeatable.”



Comeback Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Chris Wilson




“Chris Wilson made his way to the top of the card in less than one month. He formed a dominate stable during Stablewars and the only thing he couldn't get was a win over Edwin for the title. He had the best comeback of the year.”


“Talk about making an impact with your return. As much as i hate to admit it, the fed has more or less revolved around his and Edwin's stuff lately.”


“lthough he didn't get what he wanted (The World Title), he still managed to surpass mainstays in the fed and to build up the M7”



PPV Match of the Year

Winner: Magnificent Seven vs. Midnight Carnival/Thoth - Wargames




“This match, despite a few flaws, intertwined EVERY angle, EVERY psychological twist, and...uh...EVERYTHING into one match. Great overall, with a stunning intro from Outcast, a great opening sequence by Frost, the heart of the center at the hands of Danny Williams, a fantastic top-of-cage sequence including Thoth/CCBB written by TNT, and a great, and "heated" ending via Chris Wilson. Not to mention, it took these guys a LOOOT of time and effort to finish this match, as it stands as the longest, and most confusing, match in SWF history.”


“this match had everything. A war between two powerful stables. An unsure ally, Thoth. Drama between The World Champion and Chris Wilson. Showing just how great our bumpees can be. A shocking finish, and an even more shocking aftermath, with the return of Silent, and the begining to another chapter of what looks to be one of the greatest storylines in JL History.”


“Biggest and most complex match ever attempted, and still succesfully pulled off.”



IGNite/Storm/Smarkdown Match of the Year

Winner: Suicide King vs. “Grand Slam” Mark Stevens – Genesis II Tournament AND Jay Dawg vs. Ash Ketchum – Hide N’ Seek Match




“One of the best matches King has ever written, and the best match in the misbegotten tourney, bar none.”


“Amazing. Tremendously innovative--the funniest "serious" match I've read all year, and a hardcore match with SPOTS THAT WORKED AND FLOWED TOGETHER, MY GAWD. It surpassed Munich's original barroom brawl, and I am astounded at how great JD did with what most people would consider a throwaway.”



Feud of the Year

Winner: Edwin MacPhisto & The Carnival vs. Chris Wilson & The Magnificent Seven




“Stellar feud, with two great writers, obviously molding well together to produce some great individual and clan promos.”


“Great development of Edwin's character, and gave me, TNT, Frost, and Z in opportunity to work with the Main Eventers.”



Most Improved Wrestler

Winner: Jay Dawg




“God help us all, JD seems to be good now.”


“Christ!! What happened to JD?? Let me put it this way: Last year he was so lowly regarded that I let a JL guy put him out at Clusterfuck, and nobody but him complained. Nobody could pull that now, as I think JD finally found his niche.”



Most Under-appreciated Wrestler

Winner: Sacred




“Glass Ceiling!”


“’Hey, my name is Sacred, and I've gone from un-noticable lower-midcarder to EVIL GUY who can kick your ass, promo wise or match wise, bub! FEAR ME!… Uhm, okay, let me rephrase that. Hey, my name is Sacred, and I've gone from lower-midcarder to evil guy who can kick your ass promo wise or match was, bub! PLEASE NOTICE ME.’"



Most Impressive Career (Retirees Only)

Winner: “Grand Slam” Mark Stevens AND The Hville Thugg (tie)




“…well, Thugg has … some great feuds, matches, and for just holding up the fed for so long.”


“Stevens seems (to me, anyway) to be the one guy that really pull it all together.”



Best World Champion

Winner: The Hville Thugg




“Thugg was the perfect "Speak softly and carry a big stick with which to pound your fucking face in" champion.”


“Unbeatable, folks. Something like 4 or 5 defenses in each reign, which is outstanding. Thugg was ALWAYS focused on the belt and on great stories; I think he is the most influential world champ we've ever had, in terms of the number of people he got involved and the approach he tooks towards writing matches, getting everyone over at the expense of his world champ status and then subtly reaffirming it again and again.”



Best ICTV Champion

Winner: Edwin MacPhisto AND Sacred AND Erek Taylor (tie)




“Erek winning the ICTV Championship was complety unexpected, and when he got it, he didn't let us down. He stayed at the ICTV Title level, fighting off whoever oppose him. He's the ultimate newcomer.”


“Giving this to Sacred because, while not the longest reign, he had probably the most fun and most entertaining reign, and I gotta show respect for that.”


“Edwin is a ball lick who has sex with cows and other farm animals to win his titles. Too bad he couldn’t beat my reign as ICTV champ.”



Best US/UK Champion

Winner: Tom Flesher




“Simply masterful in almost everything he did. Jobbed the title to someone who deserves it after a fantastic reign where he beat some of the best the fed had to offer.”


“Except for a few small breaks inbetween title runs Flesher owned this division. He dropped the belt because it was holding him back. That's more than enough to prove he was the best.”



Best HCG Champion

Winner: Jay Dawg




“Come on, new king of Hardcore!”


“Well, he's shattered every previous record set for the title, and succeeded in pinning down the unpinnable title. Plus, JD's defended the HC title more times than he and Mr.G have engaged in stereo fallatio. BONG”


“he's still a lowly jobber - just a HARDCORE~! lowly jobber”



Best LHW Champion

Winner: El Luchadore Magnifico




“4 times and some of the greatest ladder matches of all time. Need I say more.”



Best Tag Team Champions

Winner: “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson & Frost – Chilly Chilly Bang Bang




“Two of the top three writers in the fed, working together. Great Chemistry as well, they also single handedly put Wargames together. Nuff said.”



Best Pay Per View

Winner: Ground Zero




“One of the best PPVs in recent memory, plus.... WARGAMES puts it over the top.”



Best Stable

Winner: Midnight Carnival




“The oldies may be leaving, but this stable has stood the test of time, and I salute them.”



Best Heel

Winner: Suicide King




“Best. Heel. Ever.”



Best Face

Winner: Edwin MacPhisto




“Top face in the company for the better part of the year, even after he retired the other top face in the company. 'nuff said...”



Best Promo Writer

Winner: Edwin MacPhisto




“Flexibility is the key here. Edwin can and has wrote everything, from all out goofiness to dead serious, the Mac Daddy can do it all.”



Best Commentator

Winner: Bobby Riley




“Bobby Riley is a 10 year veteran of this business, and uses his SWF, Japanese, and Mexican experience to explain the complex psychology of SWF matches. He's also a walking encyclopedia of wrestling maneuvers, holds, and counters.


Oh, and he's a spectacularly compelling asshole to write, and the gay jokes never get old.”



Most Promising Bumpee

Winner: Tom Flesher




“Dude. Why are we even voting on this? He's a three time US champ, a LHW champ, Superbowl champ, Stanley Cup champ, your champ, my champ, and the 1999 Tri-State Fair Wasabi Eating Contest Champ. He's not just good, he's *superior.* Tom = My hero.”





For all you nosy bitches who wan to know the agony of how close you came or how much you were blown out by…here’s the breatdown of the votes:





Wrestler of the Year

/"Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

//////////////Edwin MacPhisto

///////The HVille Thugg

/The Suicide King

El Luchadore Magnifico




Comeback Wrestler of the Year

////////////Chris Wilson

///The Boston Strangler

/Longdogger Pete


/Chris Raynor

Perfect Bo



PPV Match of the Year

/////HVT vs Edwin vs Bo – World Title Match


/King vs HVT – World Title Match

//Clusterfuck 2002 – Written by "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

///Flesher vs Magnifico - Ultimate Submissions Match

////Suicide King vs Chris Raynor – Retirement Match



IGNite/Storm/Smarkdown Match of the Year

//////JD vs Ash - Hardcore Hide 'N' Seek Match

////Ewdin vs Sacred - Double Ladders Match

//HVT vs Magnifico - World & ICTV Titles Match

//////King vs Mark Stevens - Genesis II Tourney Final Round

/HVT vs. Axis - ICTV Title Match

X vs Fallout vs Sacred vs Magnifico - #1 contender to World Title



Feud of the Year


//////Erek Taylor/Boston Strangler

///////////Edwin (& MC)/Wilson (& M7)



///King vs Carnival



Most Improved Wrestler

//////////////////Jay Dawg


The Boston Strangler

//Danny Williams


Ash Ketchum



Most Under-appreciated Wrestler



//Jay Dawg

/Ash Ketchum




Most Impressive Career (Retirees Only)

/Suicide King

///////////HVille Thugg

///////////Mark Stevens

Stubby McWeed




Best World Champion

"Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

//////////Edwin MacPhisto

//////////////The HVille Thugg

The Suicide King

El Luchadore Magnifico



Best ICTV Champion

////Edwin MacPhisto

//The HVille Thugg




////Erek Taylor



Best US/UK Champion

Jay Dawg



/Chris Raynor

/////////////Tom Flesher



Best HCG Champion


Mistress Sarah

Boston Strangler

/Ash Ketchum

//////////////////////Jay Dawg




Best LHW Champion


/////////////El Luchadore Magnifico

Erek Taylor

//Tom Flesher



Best Tag Team Champions









Best Pay Per View

////////////Ground Zero

/Snake Eyes

/IGNWF No Sells Christmas!






Best Stable

//////////Midnight Carnival

///The Clan

////////Magnificent 7

/Da Pound

Creative Control

//X Force 9



Best Heel

///HVille Thugg

//////////Chris Wilson

Jay Dawg

///////////Suicide King

Perfect Bo




Best Face

/////////////////Edwin MacPhisto

////Mark Stevens

El Luchadore Magnifico


Longdogger Pete

/Erek Taylor



Best Promo Writer

//////////Edwin MacPhisto

Suicide King

///Chris Raynor

Perfect Bo


////////Chris Wilson



Best Commentator



////////Mark Stevens

///////////Bobby Riley



Most Promising Bumpee

////Erek Taylor

//////////////////Tom Flesher

/Tod deKindes


Ash Ketchum






Wrestler Of The Year

//The Boston Strangler

///Mak Francis


/////Erek Taylor



/Annie Eclectic



Match Of The Year

///////Stryke vs Erek Taylor - 45 min Iron Man Match

/John Kruger vs Kaimen Roja - Ladder/Cage Match

///Danny Williams vs Frost - Cage Match

////////Mall Brawl – written by Vanguard

Strangler vs Kruger - World Title match

K-Os vs Renegade - World Title Match

///Mak Francis vs CIA (Renegade as special enforcer) - Cage Match.



Feud Of The Year

////////Stryke/Erek Taylor


///////TNT/Danny Williams/Tod deKindes

//Sydney Sky/Annie Eclectic

Boston Strangler/Longdogger Pete




Most Improved Wrestler


////////////Ash Ketchum

//////Insane Luchador



Best World Champion

/////Mak Francis


//The Boston Strangler

////Erek Taylor

/////Danny Williams




Best European Champion

//////////Erek Taylor

//Tom Flesher

Sydney Sky




Best TV Champion

///////Annie Eclectic


///Mike Van Silcen



Best Stable






Best Heel

/////The Boston Strangler


Danny Williams


///////////Mak Francis



Best Face

/////Erek Taylor

//Tod deKindes

/Annie Eclectic





Best Promos



///////Erek Taylor



Thanks to all who voted...


Oh, and this will remain unpinned, so if you want to keep it near the top, yall beeatches that don't have huge freaking matches to mark had better comment.

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010



Er. In all due seriousness, what a vote. I know it took me about an hour to do this, with all the thinking and consitering involved. And hell, I even some some comments I made on there. Go, Thugg, go.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Goddamn, some of that voting is incredibly lopsided.


Well, I got what I expected, so I'm happy, even if getting NO votes in any of my other categories is a bit disheartening...

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Guest chirs3

Whoo! Some of my comments were used!


Those were some impossibly hard categories, Thugg. Seriously. Don't ever make the choices that hard again.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Thank you to everyone who voted for me. I feel that I put a lot into the writing of my matches and promos and I am glad that some people do recognize that.


I am very disappointed that I did not win the most underappreciated award, but Sacred is a very worthy winner. So, I guess that just makes me that much more underappreciated for next year.

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Guest HVilleThugg

THe funny thing about that award is that it should be the person with the least amount of votes wins it, as they are obviously the most underused nad underrated. Or, maybe 2nd place should win as they are good enough to be considered for stuff, but is underappreciated because he can't even win the award meant for him.


Frost, you are special too... :)


Da "fuck all of you who wrote matches that I have to now mark....fuck you all" H

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

*kisses award*



If any of you dont think I deserve this, Eat My Ass.



sWo = $$

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Guest Powerplay
Thank you to everyone who voted for me. I feel that I put a lot into the writing of my matches and promos and I am glad that some people do recognize that.


I am very disappointed that I did not win the most underappreciated award, but Sacred is a very worthy winner. So, I guess that just makes me that much more underappreciated for next year.

Held down by not even winning the "Underappriciated Award"!

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Guest redbaron51

i got held down many of times...


most of them i was being too lazy to lift my fat ass up when the opportunity came.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

I already know who wrote the comments about me, and Frost, dude, thanks. ^_^ I appreciate it. It's been awesome working with you, too. Oh, and congrats on picking those awards up that you picked up... or something like that... :D


To everyone who voted for me, thanks a bunch, too.


BTW, good luck to everyone on Countdown and in Genesis 3 tonight! :)

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

(N) @ my JL career being too long ago for anyone to remember. And (N) @ other people being better than me. But that's beside the point. I was screwed, yo.


Anyways, thanks to all the people who voted for TBS/Taylor as Feud of the Year. I'm surprised we got so many votes, and it makes all the work seem worth it. Congrats to all the winners.

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Guest redbaron51
(N) @ my JL career being too long ago for anyone to remember. And (N) @ other people being better than me. But that's beside the point. I was screwed, yo.


Anyways, thanks to all the people who voted for TBS/Taylor as Feud of the Year. I'm surprised we got so many votes, and it makes all the work seem worth it. Congrats to all the winners.

d00d, we were screwed from the beginning, as most of the n00bs don't know anything before the infamous move

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
“Edwin is a ball lick who has sex with cows and other farm animals to win his titles. Too bad he couldn’t beat my reign as ICTV champ.”


I wonder who wrote that. Man, good thing I have the Kliq to back me up so I can hunt down this bastard and beat his ass.


::Edwin is oblivious! Will Thugg continue to call him a ball lick? Will Edwin call Thugg a big sack of worthless man-meat? Tune in next time on The Kliq 0wnZ j00!!!1!::


Congrats to all, and thanks for the warm words, peeps. I'm disappointed that Erek/Strangler didn't win feud of the year, because it's my favorite thing in a long time, but otherwise stuff looks pretty good. I would say that it's too bad that most of the stuff that won was only that which we've seen since moving to these boards, but in truth the quality has been steadily rising ever since we left IGN, so I think it's mostly fair in that sense.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

I'm kinda bummed that Erek/TBS didn't win either, but at least I won that one!


Way to go CCBB, and look at all my shiny second places with heel, stable and promowriter. w00t w00t! Congrats to big poppa Thugg and Edwin for kicking some ass, and three cheers for WarGames, baby.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Look at me, I fucking suck!


actually, I really only had a shot at one category, and I got a healthy second place in it (TV Title) so I really don't mind. I notice some of my comments were used so (Y) :)






Chirst on a blade, even -I- didn't vote for them :-D



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Guest Muzz

Most Under Appreciated, thank you all, this means so much.


Wait... does that means things will change or people just recognise that fact? This confuses me...


One or two of my comments used, cool.

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Guest kelloggs

This goes in my sig soon...


“Most heels are tough, skilled wrestlers. Mak Francis is a frickin' dick. If Flesher is the 2nd gen Suicide King, then Mak is definitely the 3rd.”


That makes me so proud to be a heel. And seriously I appreciate the votes that I got. Especially Best Heel because I really wanted that one. The JL World tie was a little surprising but who the hell am I to complain. And some of my comments got used... that's great.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Bwa ha ha...that was mine, Mak. It's true, too. I think you're part of a fine legacy of malicious cheatin' bastards.


Awards are shiny...

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Guest KingOfOldSchool



I knew I had forgotten to send something to someone within the past week. Eh, my mind was in other places.


And Havoc could've been awesome, I dare say it did ooze as much cool as the sWo. But it didn't have the longevity that could've made it a real threat or contender to the top stable crown.


Still, in starting a bastard heel stable in The New Sound/sWo, at least I can say that I was involved in some way with the awards show, however small it may be.


Congratulations to the winners, may you now look at your ego-stroke award with glee.

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Guest Coffin Surfer
This goes in my sig soon...


“Most heels are tough, skilled wrestlers. Mak Francis is a frickin' dick. If Flesher is the 2nd gen Suicide King, then Mak is definitely the 3rd.”


That makes me so proud to be a heel. And seriously I appreciate the votes that I got. Especially Best Heel because I really wanted that one. The JL World tie was a little surprising but who the hell am I to complain. And some of my comments got used... that's great.

The odd thing is that I actually voted for you, instead of myself. It's like irony or something.


And almost all of my comments were used, so I guess not to many people wrote comments.

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Guest midnight_burn

Hmm, i won best JL feud with Erek and was runner-up in a couple of things, not too shabby at all.

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