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Guest Perfect_Bo

Promo: The Truth lies within

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Guest Perfect_Bo

(This Promo is a reality Promo mixed with dream)





It’s 12 midnight…the streets of ELM is deserted…the wind outside of the old building is picking up. The night is chilly as leaves and branches fly through the air.




A single light is turned on in the old building that’s right in front of a hooker motel at ELM Street. The light is the front area of the house as a low noise comes from within the building.




There’s a black gate surrounding the house…protecting the house from evil, from the guilty, the sinners. The front gate slightly open as the wind opens it completely and then almost closes it.




There are two skinny trees on each side on the entrance gate…branches being broken off. There’s a few marks on the tree trunk…it looks like a sideway 6 or 9.




The entrance way is filled with leaves and tree branches…packed up in a perfect way of a cross.




The front door is slightly open as a scripture is burned into the wood texture of the front door. The scripture said ‘The church of Jesus Christ,’ and right below that scripture another writing said ‘The house of God’.




Inside the house, the floor is made out of marble…towards the left and right of the front door are a flight of stairs that goes towards the second floor…down the hallway shines a room. It’s too far to see what it is but something is bright in there.




As we go down the hallway we see strange pictures on the wall…a picture of Jesus carrying the big cross with a smile…another picture shows Moses making the rain blood as his face is covered with blood while smiling. Another picture shows Jesus being crucified but with his eyes wide open and a smile on his face.




The light is still shinning and you can tell it’s by candles…the room filled with the light are filled with benches…there’s more candles towards the front of the room as pictures of Jesus with crosses around…and Jesus in the final supper.




There’s a statue of Jesus on a cross, head tilted to the side with his eyes open…he’s tearing blood, but the difference is that the tears are still flowing.




The final bell is rung and a figure is on his knees staring at the statue that stands right in the front of the room…in front of the burning candles, in front of the Jesus pictures. This figure has his hands closed with his eyes open wide. The figure is Perfect Bo.


'God forgive me for all the sins I committed. Infatuated with sinning going ballistic in my district.’


‘But I have a reason for my malicious behavior, centuries of cruel and injustice conducts when we’re just looking for our savior.’


‘I’m a innocent child, growing up in society where the government want us minorities to act wild, while they lay back and smile.’


‘And then when we get together in unity, saying we’re filled with stupidity, rage of anxiety cause inside I’m dying’


‘So God don’t judge me, you see what I go through, if not I’ll show you, just read my state of mind, I’m not trying to expose you.’


‘Now read…the suffering, brain damaging, corrupting, the bleeding the hurt, the dying of minorities. The blacks the Hispanics, the niggers the spics, the corrupted words of a white man’s mouth as they claim intelligence.’


‘The white man speak to you, god, as if you were white…but the eyes of the holy know and speak the truth that lies beneath the wise.’


‘13 people before George Washington attacked…13 people were president before him, and they were black.’


‘Don’t hate me for me speaking truth, don’t judge me for being a youth, don’t criticize me for doing what I have to do, to avenge my ancestors years of abuse.’


‘I will close my eyes, see the pain that I see, the blood that I feel, the murders done by evil as death increase in my people.’


Bo closes his eyes and sees an image in his head…he sees his dead brother, crying, and tears of blood streaming down his cheeks as he reaches to touch Bo. The perfect one opens his eyes again.


‘See the pain that was inflicted…brother’s death without redemption, shots to the chest, murder without exception, there’s no correction, to their illegal tactic of imperfection, no penalty, no questions, no dilemma, just me stressin. Clutchin his head on my arms, preying for you, god, to bless him, while they roam the streets, license to kill waiting for a nigger for them to mess with. Racism upset that we broke the color barrier in their section, slaves, sit the in the back, hotels only white people can rest in.’


‘I’m guilty in the eyes of the guilty…the guilt claimed innocence but their souls are filthy…horrendous cause the guilt in their eyes just kills me, and if I’m guilty for killin the true guilty, then I’m guilty.’


‘Remembering the hangings, trees, Ku Klux Klan, we’re diseased? Slavery, Malcolm X,

Black Panthers, King…remembering ‘I had a dream’, remembering his speech, remembering the abuse, remembering police brutality.’


Bo exhales and stood up…he walks towards the side and forward…going directly towards the cross sculpture of Jesus.


‘And instead of Creative Control…all people against me wont live to see old.

The innocent are the guilty and the guilty are the true innocent, it’s not hard to comprehend that the guilty will live and other people will die, for being innocent.’


Bo then stand face-to-face with the Jesus statue and then hugs the statue and said.


“Is it time for them to die?”


“Is it time for them to die?”



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Guest chirs3

Oh... shit...


Everybody run. Right now. Get the hell out of Dodge, while you've got a chance.


*piles into a van with the other recent retirees and heads for the high ground*


Great promo.

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Guest Kibagami

Bo beingz trippy.


I like it; it's a real departure from your usual promo style. Good stuff.



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Guest HVilleThugg

Well, you told me to read, and I have...


And I stand by the statement that Bo writes the deepest promos of anyone! That shit was tight man...I mean, the use of imagery...the depth of Bo's mind...the religious implications...just...damn. I'm glad I'm retired..


And this is why it blows me when Bo doesn't win the world title...cause he's got the skills...he just needs to have time to edit. I swear that Bo will be champ if he has the time...I swear it. Mad deep promo cuz...you held it down.




Da "my nig...well hey, at least there's one promo on the board that doesn't involve retirement" H

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Guest Perfect_Bo

Thank you for the kind words Thugg...I really appreciate it because sometimes I feel that I will never make it to world title.


This is my favorite Promo that I wrote, I dont know why, maybe because I spoke some things that I felt about the 13 black presidents and stuff like that. Or, maybe is because I was rhyming, but it meant so much to me that everytime I read it I guess goosebumps...I hope I get more replys and comments about the Promo.


B "Feeling good about my rhyming skills" O

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