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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

SJL Crimson Losing Match...

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

(Nationwide Arena erupts as the fans react to a pyrotechnic explosion on the ramp, indicating the start of Crimson. The cameras fade into the arena and pans the screaming crowd, where fans immediately begin waving their signs in the air and gesturing towards the camera, in the hopes of being put on television. At ringside in their usual announce positions, Axis and Suicide King introduce the home audience to tonight's event...)


"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio! Welcome to SJL Crimson! I'm your host, Axis, along with the one and only Suicide King, and King, we've got what looks to be like a very interesting card tonight. Let's get right to the action!"


In the ring, the ever-resplendent Funyon raises the microphone to his face to make the introductions. "Ladies and gentlemen, our opening contest is scheduled for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit."


The crowd pops as the opening strains of "Everlasting Gaze" by Smashing Pumpkins fills the arena. Wildchild bounds from the backstage area, shivering slightly in response to the raucous crowd reaction, but quickly breaking out in a broad grin. Wildchild stands on the stage briefly, banging his head in time with the music, before running down to the ring, giving high-fives to the fans at ringside on his way down.


Funyon continues, "Introducing first, from the Bahamas, weighing in at two hundred and seventeen pounds, the Wiiiiiiildchild!" Once he reaches the ring, Wildchild grabs hold of the bottom rope with both hands, and pulls himself into the ring, somersaulting between the bottom and middle ropes, and springing to his feet in the middle of the ring. Wildchild leaps defly to the top rope, and calmly balances there as he grins out at the crowd, again banging his head in time to the music.


"Wildchild picked up an impressive victory last week against Blank," says Axis. "He pretty much had the whole aerial arsenal going, and Blank wasn't able to keep up. Contrast that with Johnny Dangerous, who last week suffered a little bit of a setback at the hands of Leon Sharpe."


"Johnny Wannabe got what he deserved last week, Axis," replies the King with a smirk. "Leon Sharpe was mad over getting cheated out of his Euro title, and rightfully so, and he took all his frustrations out on Johnny Dangerous. Serves him right, too, for thinking he could ever be as good as Sean Connery."


"Actually, I thought Roger Moore was the better Bond," says Axis.


"That's because you're an idiot," quips the King.


"Anyway," says Axis, "both of these young men could really use a win here; Wildchild to say on track, and Johnny to get back in the Euro title chase."


"Personally, I don't care who wins this match," spits the King venomously. "In fact, the only way I'll be happy is if both of these two scrubs break their necks trying to do something stupid!"


Suddenly the lights go out in Nationwide Arena. A remixed James Bond theme begins to play over the speakers as the crowd begins to roar. Ladies squeal in anticipation as a single white spotlight focuses on the stage, signifying the arrival of Johnny Dangerous. Dangerous steps onto the stage, dressed into an immaculate white tuxedo, with a black bow tie and cummerbund, and a red rose in his boutonniere. He runs a hand through his slick black hair as he glances around the ring briefly, flashing a brilliant smile before he begins walking down towards the ring.


In the ring, Funyon says, "and his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at two hundred five pounds, 'The Barracuda," Johnnnnnny Daaaaaaaangerous!"


Upon arriving at ringside, Johnny Dangerous removes the rose from his boutonniere and hands it to a lovely young lady, who squeals with delight.


"Look at Wannabe trying to buy fans," intones the King.


Axis snaps back, "Will you stop, please?!"


Johhny Dangerous leans slightly over the barricade and give the fan a peck on the cheek, which causes her to swoon and slump into her seat, fanning her flushed face. Grinning, Johnny removes his coat and hands it to the ring attendant, before walking up the steel stairs to the ring apron and stepping between the middle and top ropes into the ring.


Wildchild extends his right arm to Johnny Dangerous in a show of sportsmanship, which Johnny graciously returns. Referee Anthony Michael Hall motions to the timekeeper to ring the bell, signifying the start of the match.


"Bell's rung, and we're underway," notes Axis.


Johnny and Wildchild circle each other for a few seconds before engaging in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Johnny pushes Wildchild backwards into the ropes, and the referee calls for the break. Johnny breaks cleanly, and backs away from Wildchild, with his arms raised in the air. Back in the center of the ring, Johnny and Wildchild tie up again, and again Johnny forces Wildchild backwards, this time into the corner. The referee calls for the break, but Johnny grabs Wildchild's right wrist with his right hand and pulls him out of the corner, whipping him in to the opposite corner. Wildchild leaps into the air, landing on the top turnbuckle, and springs off, twisting in mid-air and catching the unsuspecting Barracuda with a flying cross-body block.


"Beautiful cross body," notes Axis, "and Wildchild goes for an early cover!"






But Johnny kicks out easily after the one count. As both men get to their feet, Wildchild jumps into the air and catches Johhny square in the face with a dropkick, sending him back down. Wildchild runs to the ropes as Johnny gets back to his feet, and sails into the air yet again, this time sending Johnny out of the ring with a leg lariat. Wildchild ascends to the top turnbuckle, as if preparing to dive upon Johnny Dangerous, but Johnny quickly backpedals away. Wildchild, not quite yet willing to dive outside the ring at a moving target, instead takes the opportunity to raise his arms and gesture to the crowd, eliciting a brief pop.


"Wildchild trying to get the crowd on his side early," notes Axis. "He's pretty well liked, but I think that this crowd may be pro-Johnny."


"Who cares who the crowd is behind," remarks the King, "they can't get in the ring and win any matches for you."


Johnny takes most of a ten-count from the referee to compose himself before attempting to make his way back into the ring. Wildchild props the top and middle ropes open, and invites Johnny to re-enter the ring, which he does. Back in the ring, Johnny and Wildchild go back to a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Johnny goes sidesteps Wildchild, and locks in a standing wristlock on the left arm. Wildchld pushes against Johnny's chest, but can't break free, so he somersaults to Johnny's left, nips up, and reverses into a wristlock on Johnny. Johnny immediately does a somersault of his own, cartwheels over Wildchild's arm and reverses to regain control of the wristlock.


Wildchild again pushes against Johnny's chest, but still can't break the hold, so he flips forward in a handspring, reversing the wristlock and starts to cinch in a hammerlock, but Johnny swings his right arm back, hooking underneath Wildchild's left arm, and takes him back over with a hiptoss.


"Nice fluid counter-wrestling by these two young men," notes Axis. "Frankly, I'm a little surprised that Wildchild had it in him."


"Don't worry," replies the King, "'Clown-boy's' going to do something stupid sooner or later, and that'll be the end of him."


Johnny re-asserts control with an armbar on the left arm as Wildchild lay on the mat. Wildchild rolls onto his stomach, and slowly starts to stand up. Back on their feet, Johnny re-applies the wristlock. Wildchild guides himself and Johnny near the ropes, and uses the ropes to balance himself as he flips into the air to relieve the tension of the wristlock. Upon landing, Wildchild reverses the wristlock, and immediately races to the corner, scaling to the top turnbuckle, and racing along the top rope with a startled Johnny Dangerous in tow.


"Rope Walk," yells Axis, "Rope Walk!"


Wildchild drags Johnny behind him to the opposite corner, and proceeds to head to the next corner before stopping halfway between the to ringposts and turning in to face the ring. Without hesitation, Wildchild, still holding Johnny by the wrist, jumps off the top rope and lands seated on Johnny's shoulders, wraps his legs behind Johnny's neck, and falls backwards, pulling Johnny out of the ring with a breathtaking hurricanrana.


Axis exclaims, "HURRICANRANA~! Hurricanrana to the outside! WHATTAMANEUVER~!"


Wildchild runs to the ropes as Johnny struggles to his feet, and dives through the ropes, crushing Johnny with a spear-like suicide dive. Wildchild rolls Johnny back into the ring and climbs to the ring apron, using the top rope to pull himself to his feet before slingshot-ting into the ring, splashing his back onto Johnny's ribs.


"Wildchild back inside the ring with a slingshot senton," notes Axis. Wildchild turns over onto his stomach and goes for the pin:









Johnny, not yet in danger of getting pinned, kicks out just after the two count. Both men get to their feet, and Wildchild tries to whip Johnny into the ropes, but Johnny reverses, and catches Wildchild on the rebound with an armdrag takedown.


"And Johhny Dangerous goes back to the armbar," says Axis. "I can't help but be curious as to why he's working so heavily on the arm. He doesn't really have a finisher that focuses on the arm."


Suicide King replies, "that's because you're an idiot. Johnny Wannabe might have his head up his ass most of the time, but unlike you, he's not stupid. How'd you get a job calling play-by-play when you don't know anything about wrestling?"


"Do you think you could stop badmouthing me for a second to explain to me and the fans at home what you're talking about?"


"Fine," snaps the King, "but try to keep up for a change; there's more to wrestling than just trying to hit your finisher; sometimes the smartest way to wrestle is to make sure your opponent can't hit theirs. By working the arm, Johnny Wannabe is gonna make it hard for 'Clown-boy' there to hit him with that Wild Ride. If he can't hold him, he can't pick him up, now can he?"


"Thank you," replies Axis. "Now, was that so hard?"


Back in the ring, Johnny Dangerous has trapped Wildchild's right wrist between his ankles in a modified hammerlock, stands up, and falls backwards, smashing Wildchild's wrist with force. Johnny Dangerous makes his way to his feet, and falls backwards again. Dangerous goes back to a standard hammerlock and stands Wildchild up. Wildchild hooks his left arm behind Johnny's head and yanks down, causing Johnny to pull back out of reflex. Wildchild uses that momentum to help propel himself over the top of Dangerous, grabbing Johnny in a waist lock as he flips behind him, and forcing him to the ropes, looking for a rollup. Johnny holds on to the ropes to deny the rollup, and shrugs Wildchild off. Wildchild bounces off Johnny's back, and flips backwards to the center of the ring. Johnny rushes at Wildchild, who easily leapfrogs over him. On the rebound, Wildchild drops to the canvas as Johnny passes over him, and stands back up in time to catch Johnny on his second rebound from the ropes, taking him over in a Japanese-style armdrag. Johnny scoots backwards out of the ring, but before he can get to safety, Wildchild dives at the ropes feet-first with a baseball slide that sends Dangerous sprawling backwards onto the ramp.


Wildchild perches on the top turnbuckle, measuring Johnny as he struggles to his feet. This time, he does launch himself outside the ring, twisting rapidly through the air as he descends upon Johnny with a devastating corkscrew attack. Wildchild stands Johnny up against the barricade and snaps into his chest with a vicious knife-edge chop that could be heard throughout the arena. The crowd made a loud "Whoo" sound which distracted Wildchild, giving Johnny the moments respite that he needed. He grabbed Wildchild by the shoulders and swung him into the barricade, marking his chest with a brutal chop, and then chopping him again. Johnny whipped Wildchild towards the ring post, but Wildchild leapt onto the ring apron and turned around, diving back off towards Johnny Dangerous. Johnny however, had other ideas, as he leaps into the air himself, and blasts the descending Wildchild in the face with a standing dropkick.


Johnny Dangerous picks Wildchild up and whips him towards the ring post again, this time ramming him shoulder-first into the steel stairs. Dangerous rolls Wildchild into the ring and pulls himself up onto the ring apron with the bottom rope. He climbs to top turnbuckle as Wildchild gets back on his feet, and leaps off, leveling Wildchild with a devastating spin wheel kick. Dangerous goes for the cover:










Wildchild kicks out at two!


Dangerous picks Wildchild up, and whips him to the ropes, catching him on the rebound with a hurricanrana. Dangerous stands up and straightens his tie before running to the ropes and coming off with a with an elbow drop that drives all of the air out of Wildchild's chest. Johnny goes for the cover again:









Wildchild kicks out at two!


"Johnny Dangerous has clearly taken control of the match," says Axis, "and now I think that we're going to see him break from attacking the arm and work in some of his trademark high-risk offense."


"I tell you what," replies the King, "like I said before, the only good thing about this match is the possibility that both of these two might try to do something stupid and break their necks in the process."


Dangerous goes to the top rope and leaps off in an attempted corkscrew moonsault, but Wildchild rolls out of the way, and Dangerous finds nothing but the canvas. Wildchild pulls himself to his feet in the corner a runs out after Dangerous, going for a shuffling sidekick, which Dangerous ducks. Dangerous catches Wildchild with a roundhouse kick that sends him outside the ring to the apron. Dangerous reaches over the top rope and pulls Wildchild up on the apron by the hair, hooking him in a front-facelock for a suplex attempt. Wildchild hooks his feet underneath the bottom rope to block it, and tries to suplex Johnny outside the ring, but cannot, as he feels a sharp pain in his left arm.


"And here you see the planning by Johnny Wannabe earlier in the match starting to pay off," notes Suicide King. "'Clown-boy' didn't have enough strength in that left arm to pick him up with the suplex."


Johnny Dangerous reaches through the ropes and punches Wildchild in the midsection to regain control. He lifts Wildchild off the apron to suplex him back into the ring, but Wildchild floats over the top and behind him, and leaps atop Johnny's shoulders, looking for a victory roll, which Johnny fights off by holding on to the ropes, and finally counters by dumping him outside the ring to the arena floor.


"OH MY GAWD," screams Axis. "Johnny Dangerous just dumped Wildchild thirteen feet in the air down to the concrete!"


"It's about time that circus freak got what he had coming," crows the King. "If Wannabe can beat 'Clown-boy' here, I might be able to find a reason to like him, yet!"


Johnny Dangerous climbs to the top rope as Wildchild struggles to his feet, and dives off, sending Wildchild to the floor with a scintillating flying body press that elicits "oohs" and "aahs" from the crowd.


Johnny rolls Wildchild into the ring and stands up on the ring apron waiting for Wildchild to get to his feet. As he does so, Johnny slings himself onto the top rope and propels himself into the ring, knocking Wildchild back to the mat with a missile dropkick.


"Missile dropkick," screams Axis as Johnny goes for the cover, "this should do it..."










"No! Wildchild kicks out!"


Johnny picks Wildchild up and whips him to the ropes. He looks to catch him on the rebound with a wheel kick, but Wildchild ducks it. Wildchild jumps onto the middle rope on his second rebound, and springs back towards the center of the ring, catching an unsuspecting Johnny Dangerous with a springboard dropkick. Getting back to his feet quickly, Wildchild runs back to the ropes, and catches Johnny as he's standing up with a flying forearm. Wildchild goes for the cover...









"No," yells the King. "Wannabe kicks out!"


Wildchild whips Johnny towards the ropes, but gets reversed. Johnny goes to hit Wildchild with a superkick as he comes off the ropes, but Wildchild ducks, runs to the opposite ropes, springs off the middle rope and launches himself in a ball at Johnny Dangerous, knocking him back to the canvas.


Axis exclaims, "Pinball! Pinball~!"


Wilchild rolls over onto his back and nips up, evoking a pop from the crowd. He then raises his arms above him in a now-familiar pose, and claws at the air above his head with both hands, making a motion that resembles grabbing something out of the air, and pulling it towards his body.


"Wildchild's going for the Wild Ride," screeches Axis. "If he hits this, it's all over!"


"He'll never get it on him," replies the King.



Wildchild stands Johnny up, and bends him over at the waist. He turns his back to Johnny and hooks underneath his left arm with his left, then hooking underneath Johnny's right arm with his right, but as he attempts to spin his body underneath Johnny, his left arm gives out, unable to maintain a grip on Johnny's right arm.


"I told you," crows the King, "his arm's too weak to slap it on! 'Clown-boy' can kiss his ass good-bye now!"


Johnny, still bent over underneath Wildchild, breaks free of his grip and trips him forward onto the mat. Johnny grabs Wildchild's left leg and stands him up. Wildchild, hopping on his right leg, tries to catch Johnny by surprise with an enzugiri, but Johnny ducks, and Wildchild floats over the top of him back to the canvas. Johnny steps over the top of Wildchild, grabs his right leg as well, and leans back in a Boston Crab.


"Boston Crab," shrieks Axis. "We could see a submission right here!"


Wildchild's face is distorted with pain as Johnny Dangerous leans back into the Boston Crab. Referee Anthony Michael Hall gets in Wildchild's face and asks if he wants to give up, but Wildchild viciously shakes his head no. Slowly, Wildchild pushes himself up on his hands and begins to crawl towards the bottom rope. Eventually, he is able to grasp the bottom rope with his right hand, and the referee signals to Dangerous to release the hold, which he does without needing a count.


Johnny Dangerous stands Wildchild up, hooks him in a front facelock, spins him around, and drops him to the mat with a fierce neckbreaker.


"This could do it," screams Axis:











"No! Wildchild kicks out!"


Johnny starts to pick Wildchild up, but Wildchild punches him in the bread basket. As Wildchild stands up, Johnny goes to punch him, but Wildchild blocks with his forearm, and punches Johnny in the face instead. Johnny attempts to punch Wildchild again, but Wildchild again counters, punching Johnny in the face once, twice, three times, and backing him against the ropes to whip him to the opposite side. Johnny reverses Wildchild and goes for a standing sidekick, but Wildchild ducks underneath and comes back off the ropes with a flying forearm.


"Flying forearm by Wildchild, and they're both down," notes Axis. "That may have take every last little bit that Wildchild had left!"


Referee Anthony Michael Hall begins his ten-count on both men. As he hits eight, Wildchild and Johnny both roll to their stomachs and slowly get to their feet. Johnny goes to punch Wildchild once more and Wildchild blocks once again, but as he goes to swing, Johnny ducks his punch and, as Wildchild spins off-balance, grabs Wildchild from behind and hooks in a reverse front facelock."


"Simply Dangerous," screams the King. "This'll do it!"


Johnny begins to swing his body into Wildchild in an attempt to finish the match with his "Simply Dangerous" finisher, but Wildchild turns away from Dangerous and steps underneath him, squaring his feet underneath Dangerous and lifting him up, so that he is now holding Johnny upside down behind him, with his legs hanging over Wildchild's shoulders.


"Counter," screams Axis. "Wildchild countered SIMPLY DANGEROUS!"


Unable to hold Johnny for a second longer, Wildchild swings his legs forward out from underneath him, falling to his posterior while driving Wildchild on the top of his head into the mat.


Axis shrieks, "Wild Ride! Wild Ride! WILD RIDE~!"


Clutching his left shoulder in pain, Wildchild rolls over onto his stomach on top of Johnny Dangerous for the pinfall. Anthony Michael Hall counts the shoulders as the crowd chants along:











"No," yells the King, throwing down his headset in disgust. "Dammit!"


The crowd erupts as Anthony Michael Hall motions for the timekeeper to ring the bell. Funyon rises from his ringside seat and raises the microphone to his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, the Wiiiiiildchiiiild!"


Wildchild props himself up in the corner, struggling to catch his breath, as the referee raises his right arm. As he eventually gets back to his feet. Johnny Dangerous starts to stand up. The two wrestlers look at each other for a minute, and then Wildchild extends his right hand. Johnny stares at it for a moment before clasping hands with him, and raising his right arm.


"Outstanding match," remarks Axis, "and a great show of sportsmanship afterwards by these two young stars."


"Shut up, Axis," snaps the King, finally putting his headset back on. "That kind of display makes me wanna puke."


Ignoring him, Axis says, "We'll we right back after this commercial break! Tom Dillon and Leon Sharpe are coming up NEXT~!"

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Jesus. The likeness of our two matches is rather ~Psychic~ of us, eh?


At any rate you kicked my ass good in that one, and it would of been a damn fine match to loose to. If you didn't get struck with the word limit thing, i think you would of beat me down good.


Plus you handled my charater better than i've been doing with him latley. **Johnny Dangerous kicks himself back into gear, and reminds himself to stop underestimating these newcomers with half assed matches. **

I better go read another Clancy novel for inspiration.


All in all i see nothing wrong with it, you are growing with each match that you do. Keep it up and you will be in good shape, man. B-)

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Guest Powerplay

Excellent job. You definitely have great writing skill. I'm so glad I didn't pick you to fight. So, so glad...

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Guest Powerplay
Well you didn't pick me either ::Shakes fist at Judge::

*Judge no-sells the fist*


You'll get your shot. Don't worry. Hopefully I'll still have the title by then.

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Guest Powerplay

*No-sells the no-sell of the no-sell*


Hey, don't you be no-selling me ;).


Excited? I doubted I would even have the title by the time I faced you. 'Tis not something I'm all to thrilled about.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Unless you want a Judge/Johnny World Title Catch The Midget Bra and Panties match, the no-selling shall be left to professionials, like myself, Silent, Thugg, and others. Now, let's try it again.


*shakes his fist at Johnny and Judge*



And for something somewhat on topic, I think that Wildchild here wrote a VERY nice match. I agree with King's sentiment that the transistions need work, but with the nature of your character, it'll be a little hard to get down. I'd work on that, because if you can add effective transistions to a match like this (while keeping it under the word limit ;) ), then you'll have what it takes to compete up the card.

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Guest Ace309

What they side, minus the goofy no-selling BS.


I'm a grit-your-teeth-and-work-through-it no-seller, unlike all of your Hulk-Up no-selling.


Tools. :D

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Guest Muzz

Alright, this fist shaking has to stop... that's my trademark.


*Muzz Breakdances*


Along with that.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Pfft, you just stole that from Booker T, Muzz, like half of your moveset.



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Guest Powerplay

*Me sells Strangler's warning because he knows you "Don't Fuck with Strangler".

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Unless you want a Judge/Johnny World Title Catch The Midget Bra and Panties match, the no-selling shall be left to professionials, like myself, Silent, Thugg, and others. Now, let's try it again.


*shakes his fist at Johnny and Judge*

Lets see here now. If i continue to no sell i shall be placed in a world title match. Even if it does include midgets, bras, and panties there is still an upside to that.


::Johnny Dangerous ponders another no sell::

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