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Guest DJ Jeff

How Did You Come Up With Your Username?

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Guest DJ Jeff

In looking around, I've seen alot of interesting names, so I was just curious as to how everyone came up with their name? As for me, well, that's simple. Real name is Jeff, and I love music, hence DJ Jeff.

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It's like this. I was writing for a website, and then when I wanted to pick a gimmick to get over how good I was, I picked EL DANDY~!, the lost luchador out of all the rest...when Thunder and Nikki get back, you'll see him in my signature...no doubt.

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Guest JHawk

OK, remind me never to piss Alina off...


Anyway, mine was actually the nickname I had in high school. No, not "asshole". JHawk! It was a shortened version of my real name. Clever huh.


Nah, I didn't think so either.

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Guest Kingpk

Ripped off a friend's AOL SN formula:




My initials


number (used to be 33, Larry Bird's number, now it's 19, my current age)


I just dumped the number for the board to make it flow off the tongue.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

My ex had an AIM screen name that meant "Dove of Love" in French, so I set out to make an absolute opposite name, and in a superior language.


Thus, Kotzenjunge = Puke Boy.


I used to be The Spoon everywhere, but that is taken EVERYWHERE. Damn Tick fans.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Youth N Asia

I'll be damned if I can remember...think I just thought it'd make a cool wrestling name...kinda stuck

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Guest Kinetic

It's the name of Radiohead b-side from the "Pyramid Song" single, in addition to being an actual word.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I came home one night and there was a lower case "t" in my front yard and little Mikey was gone from his crib...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

See the previous thread!


I know everyone is just dying to know what mine means.

Back in 1998, I was introduced to Yahoo! shortly after I got kicked off of AOL (and damn glad now that I was). I needed a screen name for Yahoo!. Well it just so happened at the time that I had just seen a WCW tape that had the debut of Norman the Lunatic on it. At the time I was a big mark for all of Mike Shaw's failed gimmicks (still am I guess). While I was signing up for a name I was watching the news, and they had a story on this crazy guy named Marvin Edwards (?) who looked eriely similar to good ol Mike Shaw in the Norman the Lunatic getup. I put 2 and 2 together, and got Marvin_the_Lunatic. Since then, I've shortened it to MarvinisaLunatic and MarvinsaLunatic for letter reasons on certain sites. Its the only name I go by now, except for my Hotmail account which I set up back when I had AOL.  

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

AoO is one of my favorite bands. It's the lead singer of Acid Bath's side project.


Well, technically, the band is called Agents of Oblivion, but you get the picture...

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Guest Marshall

Marshall is totally my real name! I'm Keepin' it real.


I told the story of DAVY McWAVYDAVY elsewhere, its not that great so I wont write it again. If you're really interested then go find it, The Jeff.

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Guest MaxPower27

Used to be bleedthesKY27, but I got tired of that, so I asked Dr. Tom to change it to MaxPower27. Max Power is not only what Homer Simpson changed his name to on the Simpsons, but it was my backyard wrestling name.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Uhhh.... mine's my old AOHell SN before the AOGestapo made me delete it.

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Guest crandamaniac

My last name begins with CRAN. My friend calls me crandamonium. I took and used what I felt a follower of crandamonium would be called, and also a rip on Hogan and the Hulkamaniacs, and came up with crandamaniac

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Guest danielisthor

Daniel is my real name, big Thor fan, toss an "is" = daniel is thor = danielisthor

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Guest DrTom

It's a nickname I got in high school, I think sophomore year. So, thirteen years ago (fuck, that makes me feel like a fogey), a bunch of us were trying to decide who among us was the most cynical. No, I don't remember WHY we were doing this, just that we were. Anyway, someone said they aced a college course in cynicism. I retorted that I taught the damn course, since I have a Ph.D. in Cynicism. Thus, the name "Dr. Tom" was born. I've gotten into the habit of registering it as "DrTom," since boards in the old days didn't allow periods, spaces, or special characters like underscores.


Since I've been covering Smackdown for TSM (and a few other sites), I've been getting a fair amount of exposure... enough that the "other" Dr. Tom, with the surname of Prichard, emailed me and asked where I got my nickname. He was cool with it, and didn't think I was trying to pinch his moniker for some kind of extra credibility.


In the days of yore, on other forums, I devised a spiffy series of titles and superlatives to go along with the Dr. Tom name, which I'll close this with.


Dr. Tom

Ph.D. in Cynicism, Realism, and Anti-Sociology

Professor Emeritus at Tohellwith U.

Chief Instructor at the Reagan School of Oration and Gunboat Diplomacy

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

"Big Poppa" is my nick given to me by my best friend


"Popick" is my last name

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Guest saturnmark4life

I shall 'mark' for (as in '4') Perry Satullo (as in 'saturn') until i be dead (as in 'life') (my 'life').


i also tried to write my username on saturn (as in 'mark'ing 'saturn') that would have taken me forever (as in 'life') as saturn ('saturn') is composed of gas, and i only realised the above after four years ('4').


ps. At least 1/2 of the above is true.

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Guest SP-1

Being a Spidey fan off and on for a long time, I like the word Spider. I think the Peter Parker character is interesting in how personal the stories surrounding him tend to be. What can I say, I tend to be a little more interested in character development than action, but I like a balance of action, too. I'm a writer, I write alot of poetry, short stories. So . . . SpiderPoet just kinda got put together one day, I liked it, and used it.


I've got dozens of different names, though. No permanent single identity online. I switch AIM names quite often. Email is about all I've stuck with for any extended period of time lately.



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Guest The Notorious CRD

In high school/college, I signed everything with my initials (CRD). Well, Biggie Smallz was pretty popular at that time and one day some of my friends/acquaintances decided I should be called The Notorious CRD. I've used it as a screen name/acronym ever since.

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Guest eiker_ir

ok so Iker Riera is my real name and Eiker my nickname.......so:



nickname + initials = eiker_ir



u're welcome

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Guest LooseCannon

Some of my friends refer to me as a loose cannon due to some notorious stories involving my drunkenness. I kind've like the nickname. It's better than the other one. Plus I was a bit of a Brian Pillman mark, so it made sense to use it on wrestling boards.

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