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Lennox Lewis v Brock Lesnar

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I think i can see some bitterness towards lennox from you guys accross the pond, i wonder why that is? LOL :D


Seriously though, i dont think either Brock or Angle would have a chance against Lennox!


Lennox could still punch on his back, and when was the last time that either Brock or Kurt were in a "real" fight? Lennox trains day in day out to take shots from the best boxers in the world, whereas both Brock and Kurt havent been in "real" combat for some time!


Wasn't Lewis supposed to be retireing? If so, then isnt it likely that the match will be a work (if it ever takes place?) So saying, if he wants a challenge, it would be one of the few things he hasnt accomplished!



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Guest RepoMan
it would be great, i would be interesting, you people would watch too!!!!!! shut ya yaps!!!!

It would be interesting, and I would watch ( I get to see PPV for free at college :) ), but I'm the kind of person who would be entertained by a disaster like this.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I think i can see some bitterness towards lennox from you guys accross the pond, i wonder why that is? LOL :D



Lennox could still punch on his back, and when was the last time that either Brock or Kurt were in a "real" fight? Lennox trains day in day out to take shots from the best boxers in the world, whereas both Brock and Kurt havent been in "real" combat for some time!


Supposedly they've competed with each other, and if the rumors of Angle's Olympic sequel are true and not just fodder for angle development (no pun intended), I think he's pretty sure of himself.


I think it depends heavily on the rules. Nobody stands a chance if it was a straight up boxing match, but if the finish involved pin or submission as opposed to knocking the other guy unconcious, that swings things around quite a bit.


If it happens, they'll probably go for a mix style.


Speaking of shooting, too bad Benoit injured his neck. I'd love to see the kind of holds the guy could apply in a shoot. I remember Stu Hart was doing some seriously painful stuff with students in Wrestling with Shadows. It was funny to see this big guy screaming and shouting while this 80 year old guy was commenting, "Yeah now the colors in your face are starting to change because of the lack of bloodflow.. Now if I pull here (YEOWCH!) it hurts more.."

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Guest RevEvil

I assume that they would have to prove that Brock is off the 'roids before the fight.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

That would mean that WWE would have to admit that there's a possibilty there's roids in their locker room in the first place, and.... Uhhh.... Appearantly, you should take off your shirt now or something. :blink:


Seeing that WWE would be the complete sponsor for the event, providing both men's pay and the winner's purse, plus being responsible for almost everything else, steroid testing will be predictably minimal.


Now, if Brock was to compete in a Don King event against Lewis or something, then it'd be a whole different story, and more along what you're talking about.

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I think i can see some bitterness towards lennox from you guys accross the pond, i wonder why that is?  LOL :D



Lennox could still punch on his back, and when was the last time that either Brock or Kurt were in a "real" fight? Lennox trains day in day out to take shots from the best boxers in the world, whereas both Brock and Kurt havent been in "real" combat for some time!


Supposedly they've competed with each other, and if the rumors of Angle's Olympic sequel are true and not just fodder for angle development (no pun intended), I think he's pretty sure of himself.


I think it depends heavily on the rules. Nobody stands a chance if it was a straight up boxing match, but if the finish involved pin or submission as opposed to knocking the other guy unconcious, that swings things around quite a bit.


If it happens, they'll probably go for a mix style.


Speaking of shooting, too bad Benoit injured his neck. I'd love to see the kind of holds the guy could apply in a shoot. I remember Stu Hart was doing some seriously painful stuff with students in Wrestling with Shadows. It was funny to see this big guy screaming and shouting while this 80 year old guy was commenting, "Yeah now the colors in your face are starting to change because of the lack of bloodflow.. Now if I pull here (YEOWCH!) it hurts more.."

Is it only me, or would angle be MAD to compete in the amatuer wrestling sport again?


He has proved that he was the best in the psort, and has nothing left to prove. If he did do it, and lost, how much would that damage his wwe persona?


I think he has everything to loose and very little to gain!



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Guest Brian

If Lewis is on his back, he's not enough of a MMA guy to realize that he'll be in the guard or have a submission hold slapped on him in no time. You can avoid the punches for the most part.

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Guest jester

On a semi-related note, is anyone else surprised there's been no word on bringing Tyson to WWE? He's past his boxing prime, but since he didn't save any money when he was on top he could still need the work, and probably still craves the spotlight. Plus, he's got a history with WWE.


I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a great idea, just that I'm suprised they're not going for it.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think Lesnar would need to get into competition shape, but he should be able to kick the shit out of Lewis. If they had that fight, I would personally travel to it so I could kick Lewis while he was on his back flailing his legs like a biotch. I don't see this thing getting done because Lewis wouldn't agree to do something that he could lose. Unless he truly is as pompous as he appears to be, I don't see him going into a match where the rules didn't heavily favor him. It would be in Lesnar's best interest to avoid throwing punches with Lewis since Lewis is the heavyweight champion of the world. If they have a fight that allows submissions and takedowns, Lesnar would wipe the floor with lewis if he just went in and took care of business. Personally, I would rather see Angle fight Lewis because an Angle win would be a sure thing. Angle is strong, but he's quicker and more skillful than Lesnar is. Either way. Lewis must get his ass kicked. If nobody does it, I'll just have to go found his first fight with Rahman and enjoy his head bouncing off the canvas like a superball and him getting up with a weak smile and getting knocked on his ass again.

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Guest Brian

The thing is, it's not the type of fight that will stay standing because lewis has no defense, and once he's down he's probably out.

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Guest Anglesault

Tell Brock that he can have little breaks between rounds, and he is SO THERE.

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Guest Brian

You've brough up two matches where he's been winded, and I don't even see it in the Cena match. The Rikishi match, I won't defend but Rikishi isn't exactly the lightest guy out there. The other time I re-call him being winded was during the Undertaker match, but he was literally carrying him.

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Guest Anglesault
You've brough up two matches where he's been winded, and I don't even see it in the Cena match. The Rikishi match, I won't defend but Rikishi isn't exactly the lightest guy out there. The other time I re-call him being winded was during the Undertaker match, but he was literally carrying him.

Well, uhm, you actually just named two MORE times he got winded. I'm thinking of the time he got winded doing a run in and the next week against mark henry.

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Guest Brian

I thought you had brought up the Cena match and Rikishi match. I never saw him get awfully winded moreso than anyone else in the Cena match. I was just bringing up when I saw him get winded.

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Guest Anglesault

If you have the Cena match on tape, look at him AFTER the bearhug is released for the last time. They zoom in on his face, and he is all red and huffing. And he didn't exactly physically exert himself in that match.

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Guest Brian

I brought up Rikishi and Taker, because those were the only two times.


Anyways, can we have a topic with Brock invovled where you don't bash him?

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Guest Anglesault



"Brock saves 30 children from a blazing fire and decides to retire from Wrestling"

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

How about this one?


"Lesnar destroys Lewis in shoot fight, and makes him cry."

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Well, uhm, you actually just named two MORE times he got winded. I'm thinking of the time he got winded doing a run in and the next week against mark henry.

The F-5?


You lift up that fat fuck for six seconds and we'll see if your breathing is regular afterwards.

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Guest The Hamburglar

I have no knowledge of amateur wrestling, but are Brock and Angle trained in the same styles? I think I heard that there are a few differences.

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Guest Anglesault
Well, uhm, you actually just named two MORE times he got winded. I'm thinking of the time he got winded doing a run in and the next week against mark henry.

The F-5?


You lift up that fat fuck for six seconds and we'll see if your breathing is regular afterwards.

I'm not exacly a trained athlete, and even with that, I'm pretty confident I wouldn't be dead like he was.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

That's because your ass would be nowhere near a WWF ring to try it and if you were, you wouldn't be able to pick Rikish up anyway.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Well shit, did you note that Christopher Reeves was winded after he reversed the Earth's rotation in the first Superman movie?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Nothing more annoying then the "You can't do any better"

Fine how about:


You go lift a stack of cinder blocks up a flight of stairs, or something equally challenging yet still on your level, without breaking a sweat. Then you can talk.


Also, there's a good chance that Brock was working out prior to the run-in as well. In fact, if you're going to do something like lift up The World's Fattest Man, it would be in your best interest to give your muscles a warm-up first.


I mean, they MUST be working out backstage quite a bit. That's why HHH looks just like an overweight bodybuilder if you meet him at a restaurant or something, but looks like Steroidia The Mighty coming down the entrance ramp.

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