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Guest goodhelmet

2002 MOTYC

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Guest Tony149

I'm also waiting for a Summerslam & Survivor Series box set. A "Best of Flair" would be awesome.

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Guest imajackoff?

"3) Misuse of the midcard- Yeah, they may be midcarders, but they gotta wrestle, too. This is the worst shape I've ever seen the WWF midcard in since 99 and Russomania was running wild."


Actually, one of the qualities I liked about Russo was his attentiveness to the undercard.  He seemed to understand that making the mid card entertaining with thier own angles prevented the main storylines from getting prematurely stale. Today, the WWF's Bischoffian treatment of the undercard in which they just throw people into a ring with paper-thin storylines and character development reeks of 97-99 WCW.


"No one gives a damn about ANYBODY outside of RVD and Booker(who needs a face turn BADLY) "


I agree.


"and it doesn't seem to get any better in the future"


Im still holding out hope that they will have separate writing teams when the split occurs.  Maybe some psuedo-competition between the two groups will generate some creativity.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Today, the WWF's Bischoffian treatment of the undercard in which they just throw people into a ring with paper-thin storylines and character development reeks of 97-99 WCW."


Agreed, but WCW let them go out and have 15 minute matches and prove their stuff. today's midcard gets three-four minutes tops. Sad thing is the WWF has a more talented undercard and could be pushing out **** every card!

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Guest Mole

I never thought about that before, how the WWF had three of the best PPVs in a row, from Rumble to Mania.


I think that HHH/Jericho could be MOTYC. I know that HHH is slow in the ring right now, but give the guy a break. He had MAJOR surgery on his quad, and it takes a long while for one to come back from a injury like that. Just give him two-three more months, and he will be back on top of his game.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd be easier on the guy if he WASN'T in the title match at WrestleMania.


If he wants to be put right back on the top of the card...he deserves the criticism.


That being said...he had a great match with Angle on Raw.

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Guest Tony149

HHH is probably saying "These guys haven't been in the ring. They have no idea."


Russo paid attention to the midcarders. Right now, the WWF is just trying to book main event angles.

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Guest blackjack4x

Austin/Angle for the title shot at NWO is the best match of the year so far for me. Of course, there were a half dozen matches by this time last year that are superior to it. The NWO PPV alone last year had three matches better than it.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

The MOTY so far IMO was Tajiri vs. Storm on Heat a few weeks back.  It was short, but everything about it was great.  I'd give it ***1/2. And Iam not sure about the date but the Angle vs. Austin match on Raw was awesome. Other than that the PPV matches have been shit, at RR and NWO.  The best probably being the RR: Rock vs. Jericho which, while being generous I'd give ***.  


And I already have a best of Flair tape(not offical of course).  But an offical DVD collection of his matches would be great.

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Guest Brian

MOTY. Easy. ROH, Daniels vs. Dragon vs. Low Ki. People who didn't give out a five star rating last year were pimping it as five stars and the best three-way they've ever seen. A match that good will probably win, though now I have to go through Feinstein to get it.

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