Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted October 12, 2002 WWF Monday Night Raw: Prime Cuts: - Commercial for WWF Royal Rumble 1994, On Video NOW! - Wrestlemania X commercial, available May 4, 1994. - Todd Pettingle tells us that with every renting of a WWF Coliseum Video you get a FREE (Cheap) gift. And now....onto the tape! -Your hosts are Vince Mcmahon & Bobby Heenan. - Intercontinental Championship Match: "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels © Vs. Marty Jannetty: This at first I thought was the PWI MOTY for 1993, but in actuality it was the rematch to the rematch where Shawn Michaels won the title back and debuted Kevin Nash as Diesel. They lockup and Shawn Michaels pounds on Jannetty in the corner and makes him eat buckle, and vice versa. School boy by Jannetty gets 2. Side headlock by Shawn and Jannetty with a sunset flip gets 2. Jannetty with a headlock now and a clothesline followed by another sending Michaels outside. Baseball slide by Jannetty and he skins the cat, then comes down with a pescado. Marty posts Shawn outside and they go back inside. Shawn with a kick to the face but he misses the super-kick and Jannetty with a Japanese armdrag and head scissors for 2. Back Body drop by Jannetty and Shawn flips in the corner to the floor. Shawn tries taking a walk but Perfect chases him back into the ring. Back from break and Jannetty gets stunned across the top rope and Shawn goes to a chokehold. Series of jabs by the champion and a foot choke in the corner. Michaels uses the ropes for leverage to drop knees into the sternum of Jannetty and snapmares him, followed by a headlock. Michaels whips Jannetty to the buckle but gets caught and is sent via sling shot into the steel post for a 2 count. Neck snap by Jannetty and he pounds on him and scores a flying elbow. Irish whip and Jannetty with a powerslam for 2! Cross Body is flirted but Michaels nails one off the top rope instead for 2. Atomic Drop is reversed but Jannetty rolls up Michaels for 2, Michaels rolls up Jannetty for 2 as well with the help of tight puling. Super-kick lays out Jannetty and Michaels jaws with Perfect. Mr. P tosses his towel into Michaels face and Marty Jannetty cradles Michaels for the Intercontinental Championship at 8:53. ****. Great match. This was Jannetty's only singles gold in the WWF. - The Kid Vs. Razor Ramon: The Kid had already lost to Mr. Hughes & Doink on Monday Night Raw, under the names lightning Kid & cannon ball Kid, so he's just the Kid now. This was thought to be a squash match. Ramon tosses the toothpick in Kid's face and shoves him to the canvas. Slaps to the chest of the kid by the bad guy followed by a HUGE hip toss. Modified Abdominal Stretch by Ramon looks like a porno position. Ramon catches The Kid in mid air and nails a fallaway slam. (not like Tatankas) Kid to the buckle, but he dodges a rush, and nails a moonsault for the pin at 2:10!!!! 1/4* for historic purpose. - WWF Monday Night Raw Moment: Doink The Clown dumps a bucket of water all over Bobby Heenan (which kind of signified his face turn since his heel music is still playing.) - King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. Doink The Clown: This is the 3rd and final match to decide who will be in the KOTR tournament, since they wrestled to 2 time limit draws on superstars and wrestling challenge. Doink ambushes Perfect and chokes him with his own towel. Perfect back up and he hammers back and clotheslines Doink with the towel too. Chop by Perfect and they exchange rights. Leg takedown and knee drop to the leg of Doink. Spinning Toe Hold by Perfect and Doink cries in pain. Perfect puts the boots to Doinks knee and posts his leg. Back from break and Perfect is sent to the arena floor. Armbar by Doink and a fireman's carry takeover, but its reversed into a head scissors by Perfect. Doink is like Jell-O there's always room for more. Doink back to his feet and he stomps away at Mr. Perfect. Armbar by Doink and he takes Perfect down but its reversed again into a headlock. Leg snapped back by Mr. Perfect and he slaps the clown a little. Indian Death Lock by Mr. Perfect has Doink in a world of trouble. Perfect gets sent to the floor and Doink rams Hennigs shoulder into the ring post. Perfect uses some amateur wrestling skills to take down Doink and kicks away. Doink back in control wraps perfects arm around the ring post. Foot choke by Doink and a modified hammer lock. Slam by Doink with Perfect landing on his arm for a 2 count. Back from break again and Perfect with an atomic drop and clothesline. Running clothesline sends Doink tot he floor, and the Doinks switch off! The fresh Doinks hair is completely puffy and has new face paint on. Snapmare blocked by Doink and he puts the pounding to Perfect. Monkey Flip by the clown and an Irish whip, but Perfect with the Perfect-Plex wins it at 9:59. *** The 2 Doinks lay a beating on Perfect until Crush comes out to clean house of Doinks. - Irwin R. Shyster Vs. P. J. Walker: Another squash match that didn't end up being one on this tape. P.J Walker went on to become WWE Reject Aldo Montoya as well as ECW "icon" Justin Credible, where he now resides as in WWE again, only he ain't doing squat. IRS bad mouths Ramon before the match, and throws Walker over the top rope to the floor. Walker eats post and is sent back inside. IRS stomps away at Walker and out comes Razor Ramon. IRS With a back breaker to P.J and Ramon distracts him. Walker up and he school boys IRS for the win at 1:14. (no opening bell so I estimated from the from behind attack). DUD - WWF Monday Night Raw Behind the scenes. Footage of the ring crew setting up the, you guessed it ring, as well as footage from the technicians trailer. Clips of Ludvig Borga killing a jobber is shown. - "Macho Man" Randy Savage/Crush Summit: I've already covered this before so here's a recycled portion. Crush rambles about Savage and him being friends, calling him Brother more times then Hulk Hogan ever did, 4. Mr. Fuji is with Crush for this. Brother #5. Heenan makes everything sound worse. Crush's accent is terrible. Crush talks about Savage, saying he should face Yokozuna. Yokozuna would injure him with 4 Banzai Drops. Brother #6. Heenan again makes everything sound worse. Crush believes Savage wanted him out of the WWF because he was more superior then him. Brother #7. Savage finally has enough and gets in the ring. Crush is prepared to fight. Savage shoves Crush and talks to him with authority. Savage calls Fuji & Heenan garbage. Brother #8, this by Savage. #9 by Savage. #10. Savage talks about talking to Crush about their problems. #11. #12. Savage wants to shake hands. Crush thinks no one cares about him, but in reality he was the biggest face back in July other then Bret. The crowd cheers Crush to shake Savage's hand, which he does do to a Huge pop. Crush tells Heenan to shut up. They leave to Savage's theme, not Crush's. Savage's hand is raised by Crush in the aisle-way, then gets sucker clotheslined by him. See also Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff. Savage is draped across the barricade, "busting his mouth". I see him pop a capsule. Yokozuna comes out and lays into Savage. Crush continues to ram Savages face into the ring posts. Yokozuna goes to the 2nd rope and drops a banzai drop on Savage. He goes for a 2nd, but the officials stop him. It's good seeing the first time, but well, it's old. This served it's purpose as it built to Savage's final WWF feud. - WWF Monday Night Raw Moment: Mr. Perfect jumps Shawn Michaels in the parking lot and slams him onto the roof of a parked car. - WWF-World Championship Match: Yokozuna © (w/ Mr. Fuji) Vs. Crush: Stipulations says Randy Savage is NOT allowed to leave the commentary booth to help Crush in this match, remember that later. Crush REALLY should have gotten the Hogan push. Yokozuna takes FOREVER to get ready for the match. The crowd says the Pledge of Allegiance, haha. USA Chants as well. Yokozuna of course wins the lock up shove off, but Crush does the same and he pounds Yokozuna. Yokozuna catches him with a body slam but misses the elbow drop and Crush nails a big boot knocking Yokozuna out of the ring to the floor. Crush with a side headlock and a shoulder block. Crowd chanting NA-NA-NA-NA hey hey hey good bye. Crush with more hard rights and an avalanche in the corner. He goes for another and misses so Yokozuna knocks him down with a throat thrust. Back from break and Crush CONTINUES beating Yokozuna down and nails a drop-kick and clothesline, putting down the big man. Crush to the top rope and he nails a flying shoulder tackle for 2. Crush goes back to the top rope but Fuji hits him with the flag pole knocking Crush to the outside. Slam by Yokozuna on the floor and he send shim back inside the ring. Belly to Belly suplex connects as does the BIG FAT Leg drop. A Banzai drop later ends this one at 7:03. * After the match, Yokozuna gives him another Banzai drop, and another, Tatanka comes out but gets nailed by Yokozuna. Banzai Drop #4 by Yokozuna and a bunch of jobbers including Reno Riggins & Barry Horowitz get cleared out. Savage FINALLY saves Crush from Yokozuna after 4 Banzai drops. This would lead to the before mentioned Summit where Crush destroyed savage for not helping him until after 4 times, but didn't he know Savage was NOT allowed to get in the way? - Yokozuna/Lex Luger Summerslam 1993 Contract Signing. Jim Cornette makes his Monday Night Raw debut as Yokozuna American Spokes Person, and tells us all that Lex Lugers title match is a one shot deal. Crowd chants USA and Cornette says they got rhythm. I always get a kick out of Cornette's goofy suits that cost $15. Lex Luger cuts a promo afterwards and gets in Yokozuna's face to a big ovation. - WWF Monday Night Raw moment: Randy Savage crawls under the ring and out come.....the Macho Midget, a midget wearing a mask who has an oh yeah for the camera. Hilarious. - WWF-Tag Team Championship: Quebec Province Rules: Steiner Brothers © Vs. The Quebecers: Quebec Province rules also means champions don't want to lose the title with dignity. Champions can lose the titles by DQ or count-out, top rope moves are NOT allowed, no piledrivers or throwing people over the top rope. Rick Steiner starts out with Jacques Rogeau. Knee lift in the corner by Jacques and Rick catches him in a leap frog with a power slam. clothesline ALMOST sends Jacques over to the floor but Rick instead kicks him out threw the bottom. Pierre in and he gets power slammed for a 2 count. Rick with an armbar and Scott tags in and reapplies it and nails a double under-hook suplex for 2 and he works the armbar again. Drop-kick by Scott gets another 2 and he gets a headlock on. Knee lifts in the corner by Scott but he eats boot and Pierre with a clothesline off the 2nd rope for 2. Pierre stomps away at Scott and gives him a helping of turnbuckle. Snapmare and elbow drop to the throat for 2. Scott with a back body drop and a punch to Jacques midsection. Rick Steiner in and he goes for a piledriver but Scott tells him hold it and Rick instead punches him down. Back from break and Rick send Jacques flying threw the second rope. Pierre back in now as well as Scott Steiner. Scott with a headlock take over and headlock again, ha. Shoulder block by Steiner but Pierre with a clothesline puts him down and he pounds away on him. Scott catches him and nails a belly to-belly suplex for 2 and afterwards locks on a single leg Boston crab until Jacques breaks it up. Rick in with an elbow drop gets 2 and he works the single leg Boston crab. Jacques saves AGAIN but Rick keeps the move on him. Scott in with an elbow drop for 2 count and he applies an armbar, and Rick tags back in again with a belly to belly suplex. Johnny Polo wanders out as Rick goes to the 2nd rope but splashes Pierres knees. "We're the Quebecers Jacques & Pierre and I am Johnny" is written on the back of Polo's shirt. Rick eats turnbuckle and Pierre kicks him in the midsection but Rick slams him off the 2nd rope for a 2 count, and Jacques elbow drops his own partner. Back from break and Jacques has his way with Scott, and Pierre tags back in, and both men with a neck snap and the slam/senton splash combination for a 2 count. Pierre tags in again and they both drop Scotts throat across the top rope. The Quebecers stomp a mudhole in Scott and Jacque chokes him out. Pierre in and he chokes Scott with the tag rope behind the referees back. Clothesline by Pierre at the same time as a leg sweep by Jacques gets 2. Pierre with a chinlock hopefully takes time for a breather of my hands. slam by Pierre and he nails a Vader bomb for 2. Jacques back in and he nails a spinning back elbow for 2. Kick to the face by Scott and Pierre tags back in to stop Scott. Slam by Pierre and Jacques back in, and they do the back drop splash combination but Pierre isn't legal so Jacques has to keep the beatings. Boot by Scott and another, and Scott with a DDT. Rick pounds on Pierre while Jacques tosses Scott outside. back in the ring and Pierre tags in. Jacques with the Alabama slam and Pierre with a leg drop followed by Jacques with a Boston crab. Rick slams Pierre off the 2nd rope and kicks Jacques. Scott with a double clothesline to the Quebecers and Rick FINALLY gets the hot tag. Clotheslines and power slams to everyone and Scott with drop-kick to both men as well. Frankensteiner to Pierre for 2! Rick nails Polo as Jacques brags the hockey stick. Scott blocks the shot, takes it and whacks Jacques with it for the DQ at 17:24, giving The Quebecers the win AND the tag team titles. **** another great match! This tape rules. - WWF Monday Night Raw Moment: Some guy proposes to his girlfriend, at the same time Bobby Heenan gives her a disgusting dirty rag to hold for him. Heenan asks if the guy is a legal citizen in this country because of his accent. - Intercontinental Championship: 20 Man Battle Royal: Particiants: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Tatanka, Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid, Owen Hart, Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, Mabel, Diesel, Rick Martel, I.R.S, Giant Gonzalez, M.V.P, Adam Bomb, Bastion Booger, Bam Bam Bigelow, Pierre, Jacques Rogeau: Recycled Rant Number 2! Savage nails Gonzalez with a double ax-handle off the top before the bell sounds and we are underway. Savage connects with another one and attempts to toss the big man. Others who go after him are Bigelow, Bomb, Jannetty, Diesel, Kid, Booger and Perfect, tossing him at 0:31. Everyone pairs off. Savage & Bigelow go at it as do Rick Martel & Owen Hart. Savage goes after Booger. IRS & Booger try to toss Savage, to no avail. Owen saves him from elimination. MVP takes a shot from Savage as Diesel just kicks his ass. (MVP's) Mabel pounds on Savage, MVP goes at it with Jacques and Jannetty pairing off with Booger. Backlund is on Martel. Owen goes at it with Bigelow. Adam has Marty reeling but holds on. Jannetty is wearing the Rockers attire from Wrestlemania VII, just to piss me off. Diesel & Booger try tossing Savage. Mabel squashes Tatanka yelling "every man for himself!". Diesel & Perfect go at it as Booger, IRS & Bam Bam try tossing Savage who is saved by himself. Kid and MVP go at it in the corner. Jannetty makes the save. Perfect goes at it with both Quebecers as does Razor Ramon. Mabel is only the 2nd man eliminated by Diesel & IRS at 5:44. IRS goes courtesy of Ramon at 6:15. 1-2-3 Kid is gone via Booger at 6:47. Kid goes SPLAT on the floor. Perfect with a chop to Tatanka. Diesel tries tossing Perfect, but to no avail. Diesel pounds on Tatanka. Perfect dodges a Diesel charge eliminating him at 8:08. Commercial break. Bob Backlund has been tossed right before we come back so I wont put a time on it. It was via Rick Martel though. 8:20 is the time so far. Bigelow & Savage continue to fight. Heenan spreading rumors of Savage keeping Crush out of the Battle Royal. Snuka is gone at 8:57 by Rick Martel, who returned the previous week. Perfect fights with Bam Bam but gets tossed on his ass at 9:47. Savage goes after Bam Bam. Jannetty is taken apart by Martel & Bomb. Marty saves Savage but is eliminated by Bomb at 10:49. Tatanka is gone via Bammer at 11:13. Razor attacks Booger and Savage on Bigelow. Bam Bam & Booger try tossing Savage, but Razor makes the save. Savage tosses Booger now at 11:59. Razor then takes out Bigelow at 12:12. We come back as Owen Hart eliminated MVP at a clipped 12:42. The Quebecers eliminate Owen at 12:55. Down to Razor, Savage, Bomb, Martel & The Quebecers. Quebecers go with Ramon and Bomb and Martel on Savage. Savage fights back on Bomb and puts him out with a fireman's carry at 15:32. It takes all 3 heels plus Bomb to eliminate Savage at 15:42. Its down to the 3 Canadians & Razor Ramon. Razor takes a mud-hole stomping. All 3 men miss a drop-kick. Razor pounds on all 3 men for a bit until they triple team him some more. They all take turns taking a licking on Razor. Jacques holds Razor for a clothesline, but Pierre misses eliminating his partner at 19:05, as Ramon tosses Pierre to end the match at 19:10. The final two men, Razor Ramon & Rick Martel, will fight next Monday for the Vacant IC Title. As for the Battle Royal, NR. By Battle Royal Standards this was pretty good. - WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match: (VACANT): Razor Ramon Vs. "The Model" Rick Martel: Martel poses to boos. Ramon throws his toothpick at Martel, showing that the match starts, Martel slaps razor. Martel with an arm-ringer reversed by Ramon into a modified version of the same move, which is again reversed by Martel and again by Ramon. Martel takes him down, slaps him in the back of the head and does Jumping Jacks. Secret alliance with Body Donnas? Find out on Superstars! Martel with a series of rights on Ramon. Ramon misses a clothesline, but nails the fall away slam. Martel with a knee and headlock on the bad dude. Thank God he isn't wearing Pink trunks here. Ramon picks up Martel and places him on the outside and slingshots him back in. Boot by Razor and some shoulder thrusts follow. Way up high Shoulder ringer. Modified arm-bar by Ramon into another version of the same move. Martel takes Ramon outside and rams him into the corner of the ring, followed by a slam on the floor. Ramon gets whipped into the corner several times, followed by a back suplex. Martel with a cheap pin, gets 2. Martel stomped the back of Ramon, setting up the Boston Crab. Ramon fights back but to no avail as Martel takes him down with a high knee. Martel turns over the Boston Crab, but Ramon gets to the bottom rope. Clothesline by Martel and he locks in the Crab again in the middle of the ring this time. Ramon powers out but gets clotheslined back down for 2. Ramon with a slap and sets him up top. Martel knocks him off and nails a body press which is reversed for 2. Martel with a slam for 2. Ramon reverses a backdrop with the Razors edge for the win and the IC title at a clipped 10:44. **1/2. Not too bad and this puts the finishing touches on this tape. - Vince Mcmahon & Bobby Heenan say farewell from Coliseum Home Video. FINAL ANALYSIS: Big score for the WWF. WWF puts together a great tape highlighting some of the best moments of Monday Night Raw 1993 on this tape and it shows they worked hard on it. Recommendated to watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted October 12, 2002 Good review... I always heard that this tape was pretty good. I don't remember ever seeing a review for this recently, so props for doing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EL DANDY~! 0 Report post Posted October 12, 2002 Wait, I think the match in question WAS the PWI MOTY! Because in that match, Janettey won the match... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted October 12, 2002 Great review for what sounds like a great tape. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted October 12, 2002 The dispute continues about which MJ/SM match won MOTY. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted October 13, 2002 I heard the MOTY wasn't the one on this tape. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted October 13, 2002 The MOTY between Marty and Shawn was in July. That match was in May Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted October 13, 2002 I would imagine that this is the match that won MOTY... July 19, 1993: Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty...Men on a Mission (Mo and Mabel) defeated Rich Myers and Hank Harris...Bastion Booger pinned Scott Despres...The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Chris Duffy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites