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Guest razazteca

The CMLL Saturday Best of Show

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Guest razazteca

Anybody see this weeks show? It had Rey Misterio Jr return to Mexico without his mask in a match that had Misterio using jaw dropping moves, in the limited time he was in the ring. Even though the match was focused around the hatred between Black Warrior & Black Tiger, Rey Misterio did look good when he was matched up against Juvi, Virus, Black Tiger. When Rey vs Juvi was the focus they went into hyper speed mode, at one time hitting 3 Quebradas in a row, Rey did the spin around your head into armdrag move which looked great. But the best spot has to be the springboard reverse hurricana on Black Tiger from the top rope. And the manditory suicide dive to the outside was good but not as great as an average Black Warrior Suicida Tope.


And the Santo & Casas vs Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucannero is alway welcome in reruns no matter how many times they repeat the match.

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Guest HBK16

Dammit I missed it. And I will also miss the replay on Sunday. Will it be worth picking up from someone?

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Guest razazteca

well Saturday is the Vuelta de Lucha show which more less does shows from 2 years ago while Sunday will feature the recent matches.


Galavision is playing around with the scheduling the time slots again as usual, which confuses alot of people.


Saturday & Sunday are 2 different shows, one is old the other is new.


if your into trading tapes then it might be a good idea to get this show along with some others mix in, but the Misterio & the Santo matches were the highlights of the show that featured a Halloween themed program. Get it just for the humor of Shocker dreaming of become the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Dr Wagner dreaming of being Dr Frankenstein.

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Guest razazteca

The Sunday show will feature Satanico's Inferinos, Familia de Tijuana, MIL MASCARAS

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Guest razazteca

1st match is for the National 6 Man Tag Titles as Satanico & Averino & Mephesto defend against Nicho Psicosis & Damian 666 & Halloween.

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Guest griffinmills
well Saturday is the Vuelta de Lucha show which more less does shows from 2 years ago while Sunday will feature the recent matches.


Galavision is playing around with the scheduling the time slots again as usual, which confuses alot of people.


Saturday & Sunday are 2 different shows, one is old the other is new.


if your into trading tapes then it might be a good idea to get this show along with some others mix in, but the Misterio & the Santo matches were the highlights of the show that featured a Halloween themed program. Get it just for the humor of Shocker dreaming of become the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Dr Wagner dreaming of being Dr Frankenstein.

Is there an easy way to tell which is which without fast forwarding to the end and checking the copyright? Lucha de Vuelta's name sounds like it is a re-run show yet I've never seen a re-run match on it since I started watching in January. Did you just have the names reversed? Vuelta comes on Sunday see and it would make since for them to constantly screw up the re-run shows timeslot on Saturday as apposed to the new stuff show on Sunday. Also, sometimes Saturday has only CMLL (hurrah!) and Sunday seems to always share with AAA (uhm, eh....)

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Guest Joe_G

Saturday is now officially the old (vuelta) show, which airs shows from about a year ago, which is why Griffinmills hasn't encountered a re-run yet (although he should soon).


Why the change? They seem to air a lot of sports on Saturdays and lucha's always getting bumped around, so maybe they decided to move the first run shows to Sunday where it can have a steady timeslot.


You can check out the Cubs Fan's site for air times and probable matches for both shows.

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Guest razazteca

great site Joe G! But I have to disagree with the choices of best matches by gdi as gdi vs Dr Wagner & Blue Panther & Fuerza Guerrera as champs match for the national trio tag titles are one of my favorite matches of the year. Wagner wins with a reversal of a Hurricana into a victory roll and holds onto the ropes for the 3rd caida :).

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wow, you guys in america get lucha on tv, FOR FREE?


you lucky gits! All we get in england is wwe on sky sports, and they even make us pay evry 3 months for the ppvs! I know that sounds wierd but we have to pay £30 a month just to get raw and smackdown, and then a further £14 every 3 months for wwe ppvs!



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Guest razazteca

yup Lucha Libre is free on cable on Galavision


I am also lucky to get local Mexican tv channels not sure what day or if I get lucha on the local channels yet. Too lazy to bust out the old school rabbit ears.

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