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Guest Lethargic

worst horror movie

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Guest Lethargic
Wait a second...this Salva guy was arrested and convicted for child molestation....and THEN got to direct Jeepers Creepers?



Yeah, ain't hollywood grand? And it's not like he's talented or Jeepers Creepers was any good. It was horrible. But yet somebody said...even though you like to fondle little boys....make this movie it's AWESOME!

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Guest C.H.U.D.
Yeah, ain't hollywood grand?  And it's not like he's talented or Jeepers Creepers was any good.  It was horrible.  But yet somebody said...even though you like to fondle little boys....make this movie it's AWESOME!

Even better, he was hired to direct Jeepers Creepers 2, which comes out in Febuary.

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Guest gwf0704
God...how can you put Halloween 3 behind The Curse of Michale Myers, and H2O? Those were the worst of the series

Maybe because the movie has no affiliation with the series.....

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Guest Youth N Asia

I know that it didn't follow the Meyer's series, but III by itself is far more entertaining then Curse of and H2O

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Guest Youth N Asia

h2O sucked cause you didn't care if the characters lived or died. That's the problem with most horror movies, you don't care about the characters. I was hoping everyone was gonna die in that one...and yet they keep all the annoying ones alive

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Guest evenflowDDT

I didn't care about anyone in Halloween: Ressurection... not even Busta (though all these little kids in the theatre marked for him).

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Guest Zack Malibu

I like low budget/direct to video/late night cable/"bad" movies, so it takes a lot for me not to like a horror movie, but here goes:


Redneck Zombies:OK, so Troma distributed it, which means it has to be passable, right? Not in my eyes. Home video special effects, horrible jokes, incredibly STUPID plot...I mean, for Christ's sake, I can live with The Toxic Avenger because at least you might transporting toxic waste through a city (albeit not in open cannisters on the back of a truck). But ONE GUY driving a jeep carrying toxic waste through the fields of Hillbilly Haven?


(I understand this wasn't made by Troma, just distributed, but as a Troma fan I'm kinda disappointed...)


And whoever bashed 976-EVIL-I've never seen the first, but have seen the second. Even used to have it on tape. While that was no masterpiece (and probably worse than the first), you have to love the creative death scene where the girl is transported into It's A Wonderful Life and killed by the zombified cast.

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Guest Harry Hood

Cannibal Holocaust, not just the worst horror movie, but one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Along with TCM 2!

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Guest dreamer420

Motel Hell.


Watched it at about 4:00 am one morning baked and laughed my ass off.

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Guest Vyce

Some of your picks astound me.


I don't think Jeepers Creepers is horrible - on the contrary, I thought it was good. First half was splendid....2nd half was badly hurt by the movie degenerating into a standard monster chase flick, but still, NOT a horrible film at all. You want horrible, rent something from Full Moon.


How can you choose Halloween 3? Okay, that one did pretty much suck, but it has the best, creepiest song ever!


"Happy happy halloween, halloween, halloween, happy happy halloween, SILVER SHAMROCK!!!!"

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Guest Anorak

Three On A Meathook is probably the most ineptly made horror film I've ever seen. Grade Z drive-in crap that's like sitting through a H. Gordon Lewis film without the excessive gore to wake you up.

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