Guest Lethargic Report post Posted October 15, 2002 I'm doing a poll on my site about the worst horror movie. For some reason people aren't voting too much on this topic so I thought I'd post here and see if you guys have any picks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SupaTaft Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Manos: Hands of Fate -Taft Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Scary Movie 2 ? Oops, That's not a Horror Movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Marshall Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Cannibal Ferox Its really funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Where would you like me to start? For starters let hit: Evil Speak 976-Evil Bela Lugosi vs. a Brooklyn Gorilla Hillbillies in a Haunted House Black Vodoo Terror Train that's off the top of my head and not including sequels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted October 15, 2002 That's hard for me to answer. I can't really remember any horror movies that i've seen where i didn't like something about it. I can enjoy both good and bad horror movies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Zipperface *starts vomiting* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ravenbomb Report post Posted October 15, 2002 ah, Zipperface. The quality of a softcore porn mixed with the plot of porn combined with the writing of a softcore porn except it's a horror movie. Parts: The Clonus Horror Monkey Shines Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C.H.U.D. Report post Posted October 15, 2002 There are no bad horror movies. They are all good, yes, they are all good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted October 15, 2002 heh...The Clonus Horror That movie even sucked being Mstified. However, it's not really a horror movie so don't be fooled by the name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HellSpawn Report post Posted October 15, 2002 I dunno if this one fits the Horro Movie classif., but mine is: Hannibal! What a huge piece of crap. Its F'n Dr. Giggles with Hopkins on the lead role, I mean... who was the bad guy? the semi-eaten guy? his men? the F'n pigs? Clarice? Lecter? Ugh... what a piece of rotten crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 15, 2002, I'm not ripping on the movie...I have a question for ya. I saw a movie about 10 years ago and lately it's been bothering me that I can't think about it. This kid's scared a clowns and whatnot...he tags along with his brother and a friend to the circus...then after they leave 3 crazy guys escape from jail (cause it's so easy to do) and they kill 3 of the circus clowns...then they follow the kids home (dressed as clowns) and terror insues. HELP A BROTHA OUT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Can't help ya YNA, sorry. As for worst ever, Manos and Plan 9 technically kinda sorta count as horror movies. But my vote goes to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4: The Next Generation. The worst piece of shit I've ever seen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 15, 2002 But my vote goes to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4: The Next Generation. The worst piece of shit I've ever seen. Ah Christ! You're going to give me Nam flashbacks by mentioning that...I actually rushed the the video store to rent that...and I rushed back to return it... They really pissed on themselves trying to scare people with that. What a rancid rancid little movie. Could they have made Leatherface any less intimidating? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted October 15, 2002, I'm not ripping on the movie...I have a question for ya. I saw a movie about 10 years ago and lately it's been bothering me that I can't think about it. This kid's scared a clowns and whatnot...he tags along with his brother and a friend to the circus...then after they leave 3 crazy guys escape from jail (cause it's so easy to do) and they kill 3 of the circus clowns...then they follow the kids home (dressed as clowns) and terror insues. HELP A BROTHA OUT! Clownhouse. Directed by Victor Salva, the guy that directed Jeepers Creepers. I love Clownhouse. That movie rules. Loved the kid that kept going around saying "I'll bust your face!!!" I HEARD that the main kid in that movie is the one that Salva got arrested for molesting but I don't know. That'd put a whole new spin on the movie if it's true. But Clownhouse movie rules ass. Scary clowns, kids trapped in a house, nothing better than that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Thanks bro...I remember that damn thing scaring the hell out of me. I will keep a look out for the video now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted October 15, 2002 I concur with Jingus on Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. The only decent part about it was Matthew McConahey's (sp.?) performance, which was, as usual, top-notch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 15, 2002 I'd call it a little over the top rather then "top notch"...he seemed like he was trying to hard to make a shitty character work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Bloody Murder, Grim, and Uninvited are tops on my list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C.H.U.D. Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Lethargic is correct, it is indeed Clownhouse, directed by the child molester himself. If you wanna make that movie even creepier, remember that Salva was making kiddie porn tapes with the star of that film while it was made. No wonder the kid looked so freaked out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Zombie - Nightmare Worst.Movie.Ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Black Voodoo is horror movie gone wrong. I would say Zipperface but soft-core porn saved it (barely) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Lethargic is correct, it is indeed Clownhouse, directed by the child molester himself. If you wanna make that movie even creepier, remember that Salva was making kiddie porn tapes with the star of that film while it was made. No wonder the kid looked so freaked out. So that IS true? Wow, Clownhouse just got even better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2002 Wait a second...this Salva guy was arrested and convicted for child molestation....and THEN got to direct Jeepers Creepers? Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted October 16, 2002 He also wrote it, Dames. There's allegedly subliminal messages about pedophilia, but their meanings can be argued several ways... **contains SPOILERS** The demon represents and old man, and the young man represents a young boy. The demon becomes infatuated with the young man, and commits and atrocious crime (much like pedophiles tend to commit molestation). There are several possible ways to interpret the pedophilia MESSAGE, some of which are... The demon (old man) commits an atrocious crime to the young boy, and the young boy shouldn't have told anybody or else he'll get hurt. The demon (old man) commits an atrocious crime to the young boy and is NOT killed/caught, therefore saying pedophilia is something that will always happen, and that we should just get used to it. The demon (old man) commits an atrocious crime and is NOT killed/caught, therefore saying that pedophiles strike often and are rarely actually caught. I'd LIKE to believe Salva meant the third listed, but more than likely he meant the second or the first message listed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Intimacy Goblin Report post Posted October 16, 2002 Worst horror movies ever: Return of the Living Dead II. Reason being that sequels aren't supposed to have sequels. From Dusk Till Dawn II. The last line in the whole movie summed up my feelings: "Why do vampires need to rob a bank?" Thus endeth the surmon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted October 16, 2002 Considering Return Of The Living Dead wasn't a sequel at all, I think you need a better reason to call Return Of The Living Dead Part II the worst horror movie ever. How about "complete waste of time, because all of the jokes are for elementary schoolers, but the movie is obviously targeted more at adults"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted October 16, 2002 What's wrong with Vampires robbing a bank? Wouldn't vampires have the same need for money as the mortals? Does being immortal give you "free shopping" privilages? What's wrong with Return of the Living Dead II? I'd agree about part III but part II was entertaining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gwf0704 Report post Posted October 16, 2002 Tie between The Exorcist 2 and Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. No point in those movies. Poltergeist 2 was bad too, but that old man saved it for me. Damn, he was scary looking!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted October 16, 2002 can you put Halloween 3 behind The Curse of Michale Myers, and H2O? Those were the worst of the series Share this post Link to post Share on other sites