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Guest Anglesault

Anglesault's POSITIVE THREAD~!

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Guest Anglesault

It's come to my attention that I come off as a negative son of a bitch. While that isn't true, I decided to rectify the situation anyway. After every show, I will post every positive thought I had about it. I encourage everyone to add on to the list. This way, maybe we can see what we actually liked.


Raw (10/14/02)

1. No Test

2. The Al Snow/Chris Nowinski relationship.

3. The naming of the Victoria/Trish match

4.Chris Jerichristian winning the tag belts.

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Guest SP-1


The Flair/HHH-Driving-Forklift in the background

Hearing Bret's music, despite how it ended . . .

"How YOU doin'?"


That is all.


That I can think of right now, anyway.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
After every show, I will post every positive thought I had about it. I encourage everyone to add on to the list. This way, maybe we can see what we actually liked.

I...wha...he.... :blink:


I think my head just exploded.

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Guest BA_Baracus

Well...the show was positively awful.


Seriously though...Jericho and Christian winning the belts in the best match of the night was good, as was the IC title clips package.


I also thought it was kind of a cool idea to have a bunch of the guys who Rosie and Jamal beat up, come out and kick their asses...although it didn't actually lead to anything.

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Guest DJ Jeff

In no particular order:


1. HHH driving the forklift in the background during the Booker T vs. Big Show match.


2. During that same match, they showed Jericho in the hallway with a steel chair, thus prompting myself to kinda figure out that he was going to do something with it.


3. HHH screwing up his promo.


4. Bischoff accidently calling the WWE, WCW.


5. The Divas tag team match.

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- The whole Twooooooo thing

- Random forklift driving in the background (they should do that during any falls count anywhere match. Just have random things happening in the background as a running joke)

- Bret Hart's music

- The IC title video

- Booker T's "Booyah!!!"

- Jericho's "How you doin?"

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Guest Zero_Cool

You know, is Triple H really unhip and boring, or do we just not want to notice anything halfway cool he says or does?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

- Trips on the forklift during the Booker/Sloth match


- The camera panning to the right on accident during that same match and catching Jericho with a chair


- Booker's reaction to getting his strap


Think I may be a Booker fan?



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Guest Will Scarlet

1. The fact that I was sick with the flu and was unable to watch it.

2. Chris Nowinski returns.

3. The fact that I know the Katie Vick storyline will only get worse.

4. I really enjoyed BPS's Raw recap.

5. I even kind of enjoyed Scott Keith's recap, for once.

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Guest Jack Tunney

Ha,the forklift in the background was one of the funniest things I've ever seen for some reason.I'm gonna be thinking about tommorow in class while holding back my laughter.

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Guest papacita

One thing I will say about this Raw is that it made me laugh more than any other show in recent months. The camera fading on HHH's promo had me in tears.

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The Randy Orton promo was actually something I liked.


Brets music and silhouette.


HHH driving the forklift in the background.



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Guest Kinetic

Orton. Although I question the logic in turning him and a certain other bland whitebread rookie--who are basically the same person playing the same character--heel in the same week, you have to take what you can get. And this period in which he's injured could be a great opportunity for him to get mega-super over without being exposed as completely green in the ring.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I don't know if I missed anything, but how exactly did Orton become a heel? Last I checked, he was a face. Also, that whole HHH driving a forklift in the background thing had me laughing.

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Guest Kinetic

Well, you must have missed the heel promo Orton cut. The crowd was all over him even before he said anything, but he basically acted like an overbearing prick. [email protected]? Read between the lines, man.

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Guest DJ Jeff
Well, you must have missed the heel promo Orton cut. The crowd was all over him even before he said anything, but he basically acted like an overbearing prick. [email protected]? Read between the lines, man.

I caught that, but did he actually do anything to be a heel, or was it just out of the blue?

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Guest Kinetic

It was ostensibly out of the blue, seeing as he was just a face a few weeks ago and there really haven't been any developments since then. Regardless, that was most definitely a heel turn. Sadly, the Canadian crowd was so bored and intent on amusing themselves that it might have gone over some heads.

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Guest benoitrules2000

When did the bret hart thing happen on raw?

I must have missed it.

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Guest Nater

1. Kane got 'what'ed'

2. HHH got edited

3. Jericho

4. Bichoff's WC... WWE

5. Big Show is still fat.

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