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Guest Incandenza

Have you ever been embarassed

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Guest Incandenza

For whatever reason, be it an album you know you should've had a long time ago and you're just now getting, or something by a band you're ashamed to like.


The only time I can think of is when I bought a Cher disc for my mother's birthday a couple of years ago (SHUT UP! It really was for her birthday!).

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Guest gthureson

When I bought 'The Lion King' s/t for an ex-girlfriend for Christmas.


She loved that movie for some reason.

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Guest mesepher

I've had to buy a few CDs for my mom on occassion...


Bon Jovi

2 Celin Dions


oh, the pain...

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Guest Sassquatch

One of my ex girlfriends gad me go out and buy her one of the "Now That's What I Call Music" albums.


I felt so dirty by just looking at it.

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Guest Incandenza

I don't get embarassed by something if I truly wanted it. Shit, I bought Andrew W.K. and Nelly Furtado because I wanted them. No shame in that. Cher, on the other, eww....

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Guest godthedog

strangely enough, when i was 15 or 16 (i think, it's a little hazy) and bought 'plastic ono band' i felt a bit ashamed about it because i felt pretentious doing it. kind of like i felt when i rented 'citizen kane'.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

When I bought my Beatles albums I felt like I was finishing last in a race.


Oddly, I wasn't ashamed for a single moment to be the first guy who'd bought Kylie's album at the store on the first day.


Fo sheez,


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Guest treble charged

I only get a little embarrassed if I know the person working at the store that I'm buying the CD at. Coming from a rather small city, and knowing who most teenagers were, and probably caring too much about what they thought, I would feel uptight if I was buying something that might not be 'cool'.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Nothing compares to the horror of...


buying a BARBRA STREISAND concert tape for Mom for Xmas...

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Guest Vyce

It's a little difficult explaining to the hot teenage girl behind the counter of my local Tower Records exactly why I'm buying Jpop music.

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Guest meanmaisch

I can remember buying John Denver and Michael Bolton cds for my mom for x-mas. Very bad times.

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Guest Kinetic

I had a bad experience buying a Beatles album once, simply because I also felt a little pretentious buying it. I was probably fifteen. The conversation with the middle-aged clerk went like this:


Clerk: This sure is an old album.

Me: Yep.

Clerk: A good one, though.

Me: Uh-huh. ::wipes sweat from forehead::

Clerk: It's a real shame what happened to Lennon.


I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I've gotten better, though, going so far as to SCHOOL a small used CD store owner on Jeff Buckley when he tried to step to my knowledge.

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Guest Incandenza

I don't get why anyone would ever feel pretentious buying ________. Fuck them if they can't handle your obviously superior taste in music.

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Guest redbaron51
I don't get why anyone would ever feel pretentious buying ________. Fuck them if they can't handle your obviously superior taste in music.

but if i was buying a velvet underground CD, most of my friends wouldn't know who they were.


They don't feel pretentious, they just don't know about music.

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Guest Kinetic

Well, I definitely don't feel pretentious about buying anything now. I wouldn't have much of a record collection if that were the case. At fifteen, I used to make decisions on whether or not to buy something based on if the clerk was talking to someone or not. If he/she was, I'd feel embarrassed interrupting. I was really timid.

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Guest Nevermortal

I hate when the clerks talk to you. I don't want their commentary on anything. I don't want to be approached when I walk in a store. Leave me the fuck alone and let me spend my fucking money you money-taking vulture fucks!

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
I hate when the clerks talk to you. I don't want their commentary on anything. I don't want to be approached when I walk in a store. Leave me the fuck alone and let me spend my fucking money you money-taking vulture fucks!

I generally feel the same way, but when I bought London Calling at the age of 15 and the cashier's response was "Kick ass, man. Absolutely kick ass," I couldn't stop grinning.


Then again, I'm pretty sure that guy might have said the same thing when I got my dad a copy of the Moody Blues live at Red Rocks, so he may just have been high at the time.

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Guest Kinetic

I bought a couple of Rolling Stones albums used the other day and the clerk asked me if I was going to buy the 40 Licks album. I couldn't think of anything to say other than "That seems like a pretty major investment." So, yeah, I'm still sort of tongue-tied around these people, for whatever reason. I think it has something to do with the fact that I look around for an hour or so beforehand, racking my brain for every bit of musical information I've ever accumulated. I can't talk after that. In retrospect, it was a pretty stupid question for him to ask me--I'm going out and buying their proper albums, so what do I need a greatest hits package for? So, yeah, fuck him for trying to be cordial.

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Guest Incandenza

You should've responded with the Kids in the Hall line, "Greatest hits collections are for housewives and little girls."

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Guest Kinetic

It's a good line. I don't consider it to be true, though. I've got a whole theory on greatest hits packages. Using a line like that would betray my beliefs.

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Guest Incandenza

Most of the time, I like it when the clerk positively acknowledges something I'm purchasing. It lets me know that they, too, have excellent taste.


It doesn't always go well, though. Around the time Mule Variations came out in 1999, I bought Tom Waits' Small Change at a Borders. The attractive girl behind the counter perked up when she saw what I was buying, saying, "Wow, I didn't think anyone else listened to Tom Waits! Cool." I thought it an odd thing to say, as she worked at a Borders, which, as long as it's been here in town, has always had knowledgable music fans in its employ, but whatever. She was cute, and she was into Tom Waits, so I overlooked it. Unfortunately, she followed that statement with "So, is this his new one?" My heart sank. I knew I could never be with a girl who claimed to like Waits, but had no idea that Small Change was released over twenty years ago. Were I not a gentleman, I would have given her a sound thrashing. Instead, I took my purchase and walked out in a huff.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've gotten a weird look a couple of times. Probably the strangest one was when I picked up Tribes of Neurot, Doors-The Soft Parade, a Muddy Waters CD for my dad, and a used Mortician CD.

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Guest Incandenza

I recall picking up Wu Tang Clan's The W and Backstreet Boys' Black & Blue at the same time, on the day they came out. One was for me, the other was for the eight-year-old sister of the girl I was seeing at the time. Guess which was for whom.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I think this is a trick question.


When I bought my copy of Pinkerton, the girl at the register's response was rather horrid:


"Oh, you're emo too! I think emo boys are so cute."


I am not an emo boy. She was frighteningly chubby. By their powers combined, I fled Best Buy with astonishing speed.

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Guest Incandenza

Wow. I'm glad I got Pinkerton when Rivers was in his Howard Hughes phase. I don't think I could've steeled myself to buy it in public during the emo explosion.

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Guest Kinetic

That's a major part of why I would never buy anything even remotely resembling emo from my local CD Warehouse, Abilene's emo HQ. If I found something along those lines that I wanted--like Sunny Day Real Estate--I'd rather shoplift it than face accusations of emodom. I'm going to take issue with them including Weezer in their "Emo/Punk/Indie" section, however. They're really none of the above and there's quite a bit of stuff in their normal "Rock/Pop" section that's more punk than Weezer or was actually released on an independent label. The best thing about that store is a little label under the area where they keep their WASP albums that says, "If you like sissy pop music, stay away!" I like that.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The only decent music store around here is a Karma Records, that's about 45 minutes away. The store is run by hippies, though, so there's about 500 different String Cheese Incident CD's. They've got a decent metal selection, though.

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Guest MrRant
I think this is a trick question.


When I bought my copy of Pinkerton, the girl at the register's response was rather horrid:


"Oh, you're emo too! I think emo boys are so cute."


I am not an emo boy. She was frighteningly chubby. By their powers combined, I fled Best Buy with astonishing speed.

I thought you were going to turn into Captain Planet.

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