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Rob E Dangerously

How should Billy Gunn be buried and kicked out of

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My way:


Gunn gets a main event with Brock, and Brock destroys him, no-selling the Famasser, One and Only and finishing him with the F-5.


Then, all the heels (Matt Hardy, the Guerreros, Angle, Noble, Tajiri, D-Von, Ron Simmons and Chris Benoit) come out and punk out Gunn some more. Each hitting a finisher on him and holding off other babyfaces.


As the faces are beaten back, we hear a boom.


Out comes New Jack with his weapons. He scares the heels out of the ring with a exacto-blade, before using it on Billy Gunn's forehead and punking out some faces.


SD will close with Gunn pouring blood.


Next SD, we get the Billy Gunn tribute video to Sagat's "Funk Dat", showing him as a Smokin' Gunn, Rockabilly, a Bad Ass, Mr. Ass, The One, The Gay One and Now.


Then, Stephanie announces that Billy Gunn has been fired.


How would you bury Billy Gunn?

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Guest Redhawk

What did Billy Gunn do to deserve all of this? And don't say, "He sucked," because there are numerous guys who suck worse than Gunn.


But while we're on the topic, there's no better way to bury someone than to have them lose to a non-wrestler (Sara 'Taker, Stephanie, Shane, Vince, Finkel, Lawler....)

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Guest Banky

Dangerously, why the negativity towards BA Gunn? I guess like GLAAD, you simply feel he let you down.

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Guest the pinjockey

Job him to Justin Credible. That should be the death knell for anyones career.

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Guest buffybeast
Job him to Justin Credible. That should be the death knell for anyones career.

Or SaraTaker. Look what she did to DDP's career.

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Guest the pinjockey

I would not job my worst enemy to SaraTaker. That is just taking it too far.

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Guest buffybeast
I would not job my worst enemy to SaraTaker. That is just taking it too far.


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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd just fire him behind closed doors and never reference him on TV again.

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Guest AndrewTS

I agree with BPS--he hasn't really done anything to warrant it other than sucking. He hasn't buried other wrestlers on his own whims, and he even sells for smaller wrestlers.


So he's a lousy worker--better than a lot of the WWE wrestlers though.

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Guest Brian

He's been surprisingly decent since joining up with Chuck. There's bigger fish to fry out there in roles where firing them behind closed doors would work.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I'd give him a big porn-star mustache and stick him with a cowboy gimmick and just have him go out there and embarass himself until nobody takes him seriously then fire him and have some security guard hit him with a bag of hammers on the way out.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I'd team him up with an Armstrong brother.............oh wait...

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Guest BoboBrazil

Vince won't fire him. He has been with WWE too long. Loyalty means alot to Vince McMahon and he stayed with him through the whole WCW/WWF war and has been in the company basically longer than other wrestler besides the Undertaker.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Damn RobEDangerously! What did Billy Gunn do to you? Gunn isn't bad at all. Some people just won't let him live down his Matches with Benoit and his Russo push.


With all the other Crap that has been on TV in the last year alone, I can think of easily 10-20 other people I'd want fired first. But, I'll leave that for maybe another Tread. B-)

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How about Bart Gunn comes back and they get into a short feud.....then they decide to have a loser-leaves-town match on SmackDown (since i wouldnt give them any PPV time), and they get double counted out..........They're both gone forever!

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Guest nikowwf

How about putting him in a gay gimmick, having him marry his partner and then declare he's not gay, get a little pop which is forgotten in two weeks when he is buried in the Tag Title Tournament.

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