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Guest Kotzenjunge

The REAL One and Only ESTABLISHMENT~! Thread

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Guest Kinetic

Anyone reading this who has yet to vote in round 13 of Smart Mark Survivor should immediately do so and vote for the following people:






I have information regarding these three that will shock the world. Unfortunately, I can't post it until they've been booted off the island. It'll be well worth it, though. I'll give you a hint: It involves a bus full of senior citizens, a blow-up doll, and $500,000 in counterfeit money. It'll blow your mind, man.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Come on folks, Kinetic is about to leave. This is his last day with us before he moves to North Carolina. Do you want a virtual invisible man on the island? I THINK NOT.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

While that may be true, I'll still be popping in from time to time to say hello to all of my wonderful friends on The Smart Marks board. And I don't mean that in jest. No, I consider each and every one of you to be a close friend of mine...someone that I could kick back with and discuss any topic over a frosty six pack; domestic or imported, depending on your preference. Kotzenjunge, Flyboy, and Cobainwasmurdered aren't like me, though. They hate you guys. They think they're the cat's meow around here, they do. Well, I think it's high time that the people took back this board and toppled that tyrannical Establishment. Who's with me?


If you answered "Me!" proceed to Smart Mark Survivor and vote for Kotzenjunge, Flyboy, and Cobainwasmurdered. Do your part for the board!

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Guest Kinetic

Interesting point. In that case, I have an offer to make. I know a lot of you want to be members of the Establishment. It's tempting, I know. If you vote for the three people I've named above, I will vote for you to be inducted into The Establishment. I don't care who you are or what your post count is. I WILL VOTE FOR YOU. If you're not put on the ballot, I'll lobby until your name is there. I'll do whatever it takes to make you part of this group if you'll help me eliminate my enemies.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Do you really want a dirty whore like Kinetic on the island giving us all kinds of diseases during the night as we try to sleep? A few of you were wondering how you got the clap... (points at the guy with the Dylan avatar and flies buzzing around his crotch)


Seriously, look at how desperate to whore himself out he is!


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

Actually, I'll only be gone for about three weeks. There's a whole moving thing and I have to visit relatives because my parents are leaving for Germany and won't be back until 2005. You can't be sure that all of these people will be alive in three years, so it's best to visit them when you have the opportunity. That said, all of this visiting and moving and stuff is going to wreak havoc on my board time. My post count may never fully recover.


But, like I said, it'll only be three weeks. So put that frowny face away, big fella. I'll be back before you know it. ::musses Sassquatch's hair::

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(Sass eats Kinetic alive for disrespecting him like that, damn tiny people)


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

Hey, now. 6'0", 135 pounds isn't really tiny. Waifish and fragile, maybe. I plan on quitting smoking and taking up exercise once I get to North Carolina, though, so I can pound the fuck out of you in DC for voting me off the island.


I'll need to figure out a way home, though.

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Guest Kinetic

I might actually be the thinnest male on the board. It's a double-edged sword. I look great in a sweater, but I'm weak and feeble. Even if I did work out constantly and developed my body and all that, I'd still be one of those guys who always look thin. Like Edge, for instance. It'll be that way until my late 40s, at which point I'll develop a slight gut from all my years as an alcoholic. I'll pass away shortly thereafter. I've got the whole thing planned out.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

<- is 19 years old, 5'11", and 127 lbs at current time...



sad huh

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Guest treble charged

I'm the same age as Rando, same height, too, but I weigh at least 185 lbs (haven't weighed myself for awhile). I should probably lose some weight.

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Guest Kinetic

See, I should have known that Rando would give me a run for my money. As a rule of thumb, 85% of all indie rock fans are thin, white males. The thinner the better, since that's what the female indie rock fans (13%, btw) like.


EDIT: I'm also 19, for the record. If Rando and I were both in a record store, we'd be virtually indistinguishable from one another. Except I'd be the good-looking one.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

God Bless my love for indie rock



Sigur Ros rules too, btw...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I'm the same height as TC, but I'm 170 myself.


And we'll have a new member when Anglesault comes back and votes.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

Didn't their new album come out today? I might be confused on that one. I think Agaetis Byrjun is all right, but not really the blowaway album it was made out to be. I also have a thing about lyrics being in english, as weird as that may seem. I like to be able to understand what's being said. They're a very musically-sound band, though, and I'll probably end up getting that new one sooner or later.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

yes...i saw a fight over it at a Virgin megastore at midnight last night...even though they still had tons of them sitting there...


from what I've heard from them....i don't care if they sing in english...it still sounds great...and is awesome make out music...


though I *did* get my friend hooked on Six By Seven......

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Guest The Mysterious One

I Have Finished My Profile On DJ Jeff. I will soon be posting it.


I'd like to thank the members of The Establishment who granted me interviews.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Is Sigur Ros' new album that one with no album or song titles? Weird. Whasupwidat? Which "Untitled" do I download for sampling? :P

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I think it's funny that this thread turns into something different every day or night. We'll go off on something for a couple of days, and then begin the next day as if nothing was spoken of. See the Banky/Kinetic beef and this Indie Rock discussion for examples.


I think the subject tonight will be...


Inflatable Bridges.


Fo sheez,


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Guest LooseCannon

Kinetic will still make time to vote for new ESTABLISHMENT~! members, right? I don't get why people are so into Sigur Ros.

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