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Guest Angle-plex

Scary Films

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Guest Angle-plex

After seeing "the Ring" I can same I'm sick of American Horror. Ever since I was 4 I have been watching horror movies, and I have been scared by 1 of them (Poltergeist). I was looking foward to "The Ring", but was majorly dissapointed when I saw it. I'm not saying it was a bad film, it just wasn't very scary.


So does anyone know about any truely SCARY films that maybe I haven't seen? How are some of those foreign films?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Sorry, ignore...


Although Blair Witch 2 is spooky...even though everyone shits on it

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Guest Ravenbomb

there's this Japanese movie I remember hearing some vauge reports about. It's supposed to be scary, it's something called Ringu or something like that.

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Guest Lethargic
Sorry, ignore...


Although Blair Witch 2 is spooky...even though everyone shits on it

Blair Witch 2 is very creepy. Light-years scarier than the first.


But that's as far as any movie gets I think. Creepy or freaky. I haven't been scared by a movie since I was like 12 or something. Once you're grown, I mean come on, can you REALLY get SCARED by a movie?

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah you can't really blame the movies for you not being scared. By a certian age it's harder to be scared. It's even harder if you like scary movies and have watched them since an early age.

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Guest Ravenbomb

hey, I started watching them at five, and not counting Halloween (first one) I've been scared by a total of three and a half.

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Guest Mattdotcom
there's this Japanese movie I remember hearing some vauge reports about. It's supposed to be scary, it's something called Ringu or something like that.


I hope that's sarcasm...if not, "Ringu" translates into "The Ring".

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Guest El Satanico
hey, I started watching them at five, and not counting Halloween (first one) I've been scared by a total of three and a half.

I've been watching since an early age as well and I think i have only been really scared 3 times.


The Exorcist: I was probably around 9 when seeing it the first time. It scared the shit out of me and two friends that watched it with me. My two friends still have trouble watching it.


Poltergiest: I had a large tree outside my bedroom window as a kid so needless to say i was scared as hell after seeing it at the theater.


The Shining: Those damn twins in the hallway and the old woman in the bathtub STILL freaks me out to this day.


Oddly enough i watched Faces of Death around age 8 and i was more intrigued by it then scared.

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Guest Ravenbomb

it's sarcasm. I'm talking, of course, about the Japanese movie that The Ring is a remake of, for those of you who didn't know that.




and I've never seen whats so scary about the Exorcist. I guess the whole 'possessed by the devil' thing is just kinda...I dunno

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

It depends on what you find scary. If you like gore and guts, Italian horror films are the tops in that. If you like mood and ambience more than anything, the golden age of horror from the 30's and 40's spearheaded by Universal is where it's at.

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Guest godthedog





'repulsion'. roman polanski's first feature. british film from 1965, with the second goddess of european movies, catherine deneuve


it starts off rather slow and boring, and to tell you the truth it's a very methodically paced movie, but OH MY GOD is it awesome. the slow pace ends up helping it as it goes along, cause horror movies are all about atmosphere, & this has the most tense, creepy, claustrophobic atmosphere i've ever seen in a movie. i jumped three fucking times when i saw it, and i hardly ever see a horror movie that can make me jump even ONCE.


i'd tell you the plot, but that would just make you think it's retarded, cause the plot does seem stupid when explained second-hand. so i'll just keep going on about how cool it is.


in sum, scariest movie ever. see it. now.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I thought the original Blair Witch was ten times scarier than it's joke of a sequel.


As for movies that have scared me. When I was younger, the ones the scared me badly were The Exorcist, Poltergiest, Xtro, Pet Sematary and the original Evil Dead.


Since I have seen soooo many horror movies, I find it very hard to be scared these days. The only films that have really given me the willies in the last few years are all older titles that I had never seen before. Specifically, Black Christmas and The Changeling.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Noting beats the original Dracula.


The Omen and the Exorcist are the scariest movies I've ever seen.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

When I was a kid I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The first half freaked me out -- the second half had me rolling on the floor laughing...

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Guest J*ingus

It's damn hard to scare me. Sometimes individual parts of a movie will, like say the first time you actually see one of them in Gremlins, but it's beyond difficult for any film to keep it up all the way through. Alien is the big standout that comes to mind. And oh yeah, the first Blair Witch pissed upon the second from a great height.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The only movie that ever truly left me feeling shaky and sick to my stomach from the fear of what man can do was Speed 2.

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Guest notJames

Definitely The Exorcist. Creepy as hell.


Add The Birds and The Omen, too.


I remember being scared shitless by The Amityville Horror when I was a kid. Looking back, I'm sure the movie wouldn't be as scary to me now, but I can't bring my chicken-shit self to see it again. :bonk:


I half-heartedly recommend I Spit On Your Grave if only for you to see how sick and awful a bad movie can be. No background music, a flimsy "plot", shock-value-type violence, horrible acting, but it will leave you pretty speechless for a long time.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I think I've been scared by maybe 4 or 5 movies in my lifetime.


Child's Play- I was like 4 when I saw this and I couldn't sleep for like a week thinking that Chucky was going to crawl out from under my bed and kill me. A friend of mine had a pretty funny story regarding when he first saw Child's Play. I should tell it some time.


The Shining- Pretty much for the same reasons Satanico. I couldn't walk down the hall at night without freaking out for a couple of days.


Black Christmas- Man, those old British slasher flicks are fucking creepy. When he got that one girl in the attic, I just curled up on my couch and shivered.


The Poltergeist- Two words: Maggots and barbeque chicken.

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Guest El Satanico
The Poltergeist- Two words: Maggots and barbeque chicken.

heh...you bringing up bbq chicken...that's funny


:runs away: aaah don't hurt me

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

:::: whips out Dgen's "Best of Keanu" tape ::::



Now you shall SUFFER!!!!!




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Guest El Satanico



nooooo...anything but that


you're one cruel man

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Guest Angle-plex

I always thought that The Exorcist was overrated. It was a good horror movie, but I wasn't "creeped out" by it.

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Guest Ravenbomb

nor was I, but it's possible that I would be if I hadn't seen Repossesed years before I saw The Exorcist

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Guest DawnBTVS

Stephen King's IT


Return to Oz featuring a *young* Fairuza Balk(She rules)


Halloween(That opening kill still makes me jump)


What Lies Beneath(My friend's scared of this)

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20









::Sits in a Corner, rocking back and forth::

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Spiders FUCK me up, let me tell you. I was going to buy IT, but what's the point if I can't watch the ending?


Dawn, why does the first kill in Halloween make you jump? All you see is the knife plunging down through the mask, no gore or anything.



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Guest C.H.U.D.
Black Christmas- Man, those old British slasher flicks are fucking creepy. When he got that one girl in the attic, I just curled up on my couch and shivered.

Hey! Black Christmas isn't that old, or British!

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