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Guest dr-smogz

SJL Metal loosing matches

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Guest dr-smogz

The camera pans around the North Carolina arena known as The RBC Center as the fans scream and jump around for the opening. The camera stops on a few homemade signs, such as “Set Judge on fire!” and “Johnny Dangerous is Elian’s father. The camera then centers on the SJL’s “dynamic” commentary team.


“Welcome to SJL Metal! What a show we have tonight,” shouts Axis in his opening bit.


“Judge Mental will rid us of Mike Van Siclen in an inferno match for the World Title,” adds the Suicide King seconds after Axis finishes.


“Along with that inferno match we’ll see a Tim Dillon and the Wildchild in a ‘pub crawl match’ for the European title,” comments Axis, trying to hook the audience at home with exciting matches. “There will be no DQ, no count out, and it’ll be in a pub.”


“But first we’ll se Ejiro Fasaki vs. Jack the Ripper vs. Johnny Dangerous to determine the #1 contender for the European title,” adds Axis as the lights in the arena slowly dim.


Picture of East End London flash across the Smarktron as Marilyn Manson’s “Fight Song” explodes from the speakers. Pyro illuminates the stage as Jack the Ripper steps out from the darkness.


“This bout set to be elimination style, Introducing first, hailing from London, England and weighing in at 215 pounds, JAAAAAAACK THE RIIIIIIIPPER,” announces Funyon, pretending not to hear the boos from the crowd.


“Jack the Ripper accused Johnny Dangerous of being a Cuban Spy a few days ago,” comments Axis for the benefit of the fans that may not have seen it.


A clip of Jack the Ripper claiming that Johnny Dangerous was a Cuban spy plays for the fans at home as Jack makes his way down the ring, shooting dirty looks at fans. Jack drops his trench coat behind him before sliding into the ring.


“I always knew Johnny was a Cuban spy. All that fake charisma, trying to win over fans,” comments The Suicide King in a voice that could be serious or sarcastic. “D--- Communist!”


“I really doubt Johnny Dangerous is a spy,” adds Axis, defending logic.


The houselights dim as a female voice coming from the speakers is heard saying “Johnny Dangerous.” The fans respond with a roar of applause as Limp Bizkit’s Mission Impossible 2 theme hits. A colorful array of lights begins circling around the RBC Center. Clips of Johnny Dangerous performing incredible spy like stunts mixed with his in ring moves.


“Speak of the devil,” adds the Suicide King.


“And his opponent, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada and weighing in at 205 pounds, JOOOOOOHNNNNNY DAANNNGEROUS!”


The fans roar even louder after Funyon announces his name. Johnny Dangerous strides down to the ring without a care in the world, Johnny stops only to blow a kiss at some lady.


“Just look at him, that’s typical Cuban spy behaviors,” comments the Suicide King. “Pretending not to care that Jack the Ripper as just busted his secret right open.”


Johnny slides into the ring. The referee stands in Jack’s way as Johnny Dangerous makes it to his feet. The Barracuda just stares at the Ripper as Matthew Kivell gets out of Jack’s way. Jack looks up at the audience with a stare with anger all over it, he then lunges at Dangerous with a hard clothesline in a sudden strike.


“Jack the Ripper’s one of the only men who can attack a guy right in front of him and make it seem sudden,” comments Axis. “He’s not even waiting for Ejiro Fasaki.”


Johnny Dangerous lands right on his back before a cycle of fists flies at him courtesy of The Ripper. The Barracuda manages to roll over and make it to his knees, even with a barrage of punches.


Biohazard’s hardcore hit “sellout” explodes from the speakers as Ejiro Fasaki strides down to the ring. Not really caring about what’s going on in the ring. Matthew Kivell tries to get in Jack the Ripper’s way as Funyon announces Ejiro Fasaki.


“And his opponent, hailing from Sarasota, Florida and weighing in at 188 pounds, EJIIIIIROOOO FAAASSSAAAKI!”


Ejiro slides into the ring as the fans cheer and boo him at the same time. Jack the Ripper turns away from Johnny Dangerous throws a punch at Ejiro; Fasaki ducks the punch and grabs a hold of the Ripper’s arm. Ejiro then locks on a wristlock from behind, spins Jack around and delivers a roundhouse kick.


“Ejiro Fasaki starting out this match strong,” says Axis with play-by-play.


Ejiro Fasaki turns to face the now standing Johnny Dangerous. Dangerous hits him with a few fast punches before sending Fasaki flying into the turnbuckle with a whip. Dangerous follows that up with a fast spear and then a few quick punches to the head of the Fasaki.


“Johnny Dangerous picking apart Ejiro Fasaki,” adds Axis.


Johnny Dangerous tries to whip Ejiro to the opposite turnbuckle, but Ejiro holds onto his arm and flips Johnny Dangerous over using his arm in an arm drag type snapmare. Without letting go of the Barracuda’s arm, Ejiro continues to work on Johnny’s arm by applying an arm bar. Ejiro Fasaki yanks harder and harder, getting more and more of a reaction from the Barracuda. Matthew Kivell checks up on Johnny Dangerous as Jack the Ripper makes it to his feet and walks over to his two opponents. Ejiro Fasaki spots the Ripper on his way over and yanks on Fasaki’s arm one last time before getting up just in time to avoid a stomp.


“This still a ripe match, it’s still anybody’s game,” says Axis.


Jack the Ripper and Ejiro Fasaki lock up, the Ripper forces Ejiro into a headlock but he breaks free with a few fast punches to Jack’s stomach. Ejiro Fasaki whips Jack into the ropes, the Ripper dodges a clothesline and bounces off the opposite ropes before kicking Ejiro in the back with an interesting spinning heel kick. Jack the Ripper then puts Ejiro in a backwards headlock, bending back Fasaki’s back. Jack the Ripper then falls backwards, drives his knee into Ejiro’s back before Ejiro falls and then delivers a spinning elbow drop.


“Three in one. Jack just pulled off three moves in the time it takes to do one,” comments Axis. “What a move, or should I say moves.”


Jack the Ripper hooks Ejiro’s leg and goes for a pin attempt…









“Ejiro Fasaki kicks out after two. It’s going to take a lot more than that to keep him down,” comments Axis. “That may have been a little premature.”


Jack the Ripper proceeds to roll Ejiro over, stands over him, and pulls his head up, bending Ejiro’s back. The Ripper then locks on a camel clutch and drives his knee into Ejiro Fasaki’s back.


“Jack the Ripper working on Ejiro’s back,” adds Axis.


All of the sudden the crowd starts to cheer as Johnny Dangerous climbs up onto the turnbuckle behind the Ripper and waits for Jack to turn around. Jack looks over at the fans and figures out something must be wrong, he drops the camel clutch and turns around to meet a missile dropkick from Johnny Dangerous.


“Hmmmm. A missile dropkick, I wonder why he chose a ‘missile dropkick,’ says the Suicide King getting back to the Cuban accusation. “Maybe it’s because he’s telling us he’s trying to steal our countries missile secrets!”


“Would you just stop,” replies Axis, a little irritated.


Johnny Dangerous hooks Jack’s right leg and goes for a pin.









“The Ripper kicks out before two!”


Johnny Dangerous then moves away from Jack the Ripper and attacks Ejiro. Dangerous goes for a clothesline, but Ejiro Fasaki counters with an arm drag. Johnny immediately jumps back up only to meet another arm drag. Johnny gets up fast, but slower than after the first arm drag. Ejiro Fasaki whips Johnny Dangerous to the turnbuckle. Ejiro follows that up with a flying knee to the face.


“What a hit from Ejiro Fasaki,” comments Axis. “I guess he likes to do a lot more than just wrestle.”


The man who likes to wrestle, Ejiro Fasaki continues his attack on the Barracuda by grabbing both of Dangerous’ legs so that the Barracuda is sitting up against the second part of the turnbuckle. Ejiro Fasaki then climbs up onto the top of the turnbuckle.


“What is he going to do here? This could seriously injure one of these guys,” comments Axis.


“Let’s just hope someone snaps their neck,” adds the Suicide King


Ejiro Fasaki purposely falls backwards, catapulting, or hits a slingshot, from the top turnbuckle. Johnny Dangerous goes flying across the ring, landing right on his back. Jack the Ripper crawls over and goes for a pin on the hurt Barracuda…











“What a move. Ejiro Fasaki sends Johnny Dangerous flying across the ring with a slingshot,” says Axis, watching on in what seems to be aw. “Jack the Ripper tried to rip off Ejiro Fasaki’s efforts. But Fasaki is renowned for being nearly impossible to keep down.


Ejiro pulls Jack up by his hair, delivering a few hard knees on his way up. He then delivers a DDT, laying the Ripper out on the mat and goes to the turnbuckle. Ejiro climbs to the top and waits patiently for the Ripper to make it to his feet. Jack makes it to his feet only for Ejiro Fasaki to jump off of the turnbuckle and go for a spinning heel kick. Jack the Ripper counters by grabbing Ejiro Fasaki’s ankle, allowing him to land and applying an ankle lock.


“Excellent counter by the Ripper,” admits Axis.


Jack continues to Twist Ejiro Fasaki’s ankle before upgrading the hold to the STF by turning over, using his legs to apply the ankle lock and using his arms for a crossface. Jack the Ripper waits a minute before locking it on extremely hard, to taunt the audience. Ejiro Fasaki begins to tap…














“Ejiro Fasaki has been eliminated with a brutal STF hold,” says Axis. “Now it’s just Jack the Ripper and Johnny Dangerous.”


Jack the Ripper rolls Ejiro out of the ring; allowing his actions to say, “screw you!” The Ripper then turns around to find Johnny Dangerous standing up. The Ripper steps forward as The Barracuda does the same. The two wrestlers are seen mouthing something to each other before Jack points a finger at the Barracuda and shouts out, “Cuban Spy!”


Johnny backs up a little, glances at the audience before lunging forward with a clothes. But Jack the Ripper seemed to be ready, he ducks the clothesline, waits for Johnny to turn around and then fires off a few punches. With every punch Johnny backs further and further towards the turnbuckle. The Barracuda counters by dodging a punch and whipping the Ripper into the turnbuckle he was backing into. Johnny Dangerous follows that up with a spear and a few hard punches. He then climbs up onto the second ropes on both side of Jack, enclosing him up against the turnbuckle. After that Johnny begins the famous 10-punch











Jack the Ripper follows that up by jumping up onto the second rope, jumping off in the direction of Johnny Dangerous and delivering a spinning heel kick. Johnny Dangerous falls on right on his back and Jack the Ripper is able to do a mini-type frogsplash, landing right on top of Johnny Dangerous. Jack the Ripper hooks the Barracuda’s right leg and goes for a pin…









“Ejiro Fasaki still down at ringside. He just screwed Jack the Ripper out of the match,” says Axis


Ejiro knocks Jack the Ripper down with a hard punch as Matthew Kivell slides out of the ring. Ejiro Fasaki turns around in a rage and hits Matthew Kivell with a hard punch and then delivers a hard roundhouse kick, landing Matthew Kivell on his back.


“What does he think he’s doing?” spouts out Axis.


Ejiro Fasaki turns back to Jack only to find out that the Ripper pulled a steel bar out from under the mat. The Ripper hits Ejiro Fasaki over the head with the steel bar, landing Fasaki on his back. Jack then slides into the ring with the steel bar and lunges at the Barracuda with the steel bar and hits him over the head, once down, Jack the Ripper continues to whack Johnny Dangerous with the steel bar until Matthew Kivell, not seeing the steel bar slides back into the ring. The Ripper the goes for a pin attempt…










Jack the Ripper wastes no time in pulling the now bleeding Barracuda to his feet. Johnny Dangerous throws a punch at Jack, but the Ripper dodges the second punch and kicks Johnny Dangerous right in the gut. Jack the Ripper then puts Johnny in a headlock, and lifts him straight up into the air in what looks like a vertical suplex. Instead of just dropping Johnny Dangerous back for a vertical suplex, Jack holds onto his head while dropping him back, both men fall to a seated position, Johnny with more impact. The result is a huge vertical-type neckbreaker. Jack the Ripper waits a moment to soak up the boos and a little applause before going for a pin…


“Jack the Ripper with the Ripping. That move could seriously injure someone,” says Axis before the count. “That’s the got to be the pain fullest neckbreaker I’ve seen in a long time.”














Matthew Kivell holds Jack’s arm in the air before Jack pulls his arm away.


“JACK THE RIPPER WINS! What an opening match that was,” says Axis in the aftermath. “I thought Ejiro Fasaki had that match won.”


“Jack the Ripper puts that Cuban Spy in his place,” adds the Suicide King, in what may or may not be sarcasm.


“There is no proof that Johnny Dangerous is or ever was a Cuban spy,” replies Axis. “It was just Jack the Ripper trying to play mid games with the Barracuda.”


Jack the Ripper slides out of the ring as Marilyn Manson’s “Fight Song” and boos simultaneously kick in. The Ripper makes his way up the ramp, with a creepy look on his face, leaving Ejiro Fasaki and Johnny Dangerous at ringside.


~Fade to Black~

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Guest Goodear

I'd say more, but I won anyway (?)


Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the opening match of ... SJL METALLLLLL!” announces Funyon as fireworks explode high in the air of the RBC Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The fans rise up in anticipation of the matches to come tonight. They are all ready and able to cheer on their favorites and to spit on those wrestlers that would dare to draw their ire. The eye of the camera swings around the arena, capturing the array of signs displayed by the fans in attendance for all time, including such pieces of wisdom as “Judge Mental Midget”, “HEHE! FIRE! COOL!” and “This is Flair Country.” Finally finishing its sweep about the crowd, the camera comes to settle on the announcing pair of Axis and the man who not only would cheat in the ring, but also on his taxes, The Suicide King.


Axis starts us off with one of his classic introductions, “Welcome fans to another chock full of action edition of SJL Metal! Where tonight both of our titles will be on the line as Tim Dillon defends his European title against WildChild in the bar crawl. And then, in the main event, SJL Heavyweight Champion Judge Metal will face challenger Mike Van Siclen in a match that can only end with one of them set on fire. It’s going to be one heck of an event here tonight, wouldn’t you say so, King?”


“You bet your ass, Axis,” answers The Suicide King, “finally we will answer the age old of question of whether or not roasted Van Siclen tastes just like chicken.”


“Oh, that’s just disgusting, King” replies Axis.


“I know, chicken and no rice? What is the world coming to?”


“King you are one sick freak. But, unfortunately, that restraining order hasn’t come through just yet. So

I guess that it won’t stop us from dealing with the matters at hand. This will be one heck of match, King. Where the number one contender’s spot to the European Title will be determined. It will feature former European Champion Jack the Ripper, “The Barracuda” Johnny Dangerous, and Ejiro Fasaki.”


“You know, it’s a sad state of affairs when a former champion like Jack the Ripper does not get an immediate rematch for his title. Instead he has to jump through some arbitrary hoop in order to get another opportunity. It’s not right.”


“That’s actually not a bad point King. But be that as it may, that encounter is actually coming up to bat right now, so lets go to our ring announcer. Allow me to introduce the man with no name, except he actually does, Funyon.”


Funyon pulls the microphone tight to his mouth and calls to the fans, “This match is a Three Way Dance and is going to determine the number one contender to the SJL European Title! Introducing first...”


As “Sellout” by Biohazard starts to play, out steps Ejiro Fasaki to a mixed reaction of both cheers and jeers from the assembled masses of North Carolina. Wearing black this evening, Fasaki also sports a tight bandage around his forehead from the beating he received on Crimson from the mysterious Logan. And yet, the fans still do not buy into Fasaki’s courage as a wrestler. Regardless of the tepid response from the crowd; however, Ejiro still takes the time to slap hands with the few fans that will reach out for him. Shrugging at the fans’ reaction to his entrance, Ejiro slides into the ring and removes his ring jacket, revealing a new elbow brace around his right arm. Stepping up the ropes, Ejiro raises the arm to the sky as the jeering intensifies over the mild smattering of cheers.


“Boy, Fasaki sure doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of friends here in Raleigh, King.”


“You know my philosophy, Axis. You only need one friend in the ring, and that’s yourself, and maybe a wrench. Wrenches can be really nice to have in your corner when the chips are down.”


Funyon completes this part of the introductions with, “Weighing in at 188 pounds and hailing from Sarasota, Florida, this is EEEEEEEEEEJIRO FASAKIIIIIIIII! And his opponent...”


The lights dim as images of East End London flash about the SmarkTron. The members of the audience let loose with a series of objections to the man soon to come through the curtain in vain. As a small bit of pyrotechnics shoot into the air, out steps the malicious madman known as Jack the Ripper with his typical disdain for everyone evident on his face. With Marilyn Manson’s “Fight Song” pounding into the arena, Jack the Ripper makes his way down the aisle, cursing at the assembled masses as they respond with evil eyes of their own. Stepping into the ring, Jack tosses a glare at Ejiro, who scampers immediately to the floor to get some safe distance. Once on the floor, Ejiro walks around the ring, motioning to the backstage area for the next competitor to come down to the ring.


“Oh come on! The match hasn’t even started yet and Fasaki is already running for higher ground.”


“Axis, Axis, Axis. If the match hasn’t started yet, what’s to be gained by staying in the ring?”


Jack climbs up to the middle turnbuckle, looks directly down at Fasaki, and removes his trench coat. Stepping off the ropes, Jack takes his coat and wings it directly onto Ejiro. Brushing the coat aside, Ejiro points at Jack, but keeps his feet firmly planted on the arena floor as Funyon continues the introductions.


“Coming to us tonight from London, England and weighing in at 215 pounds, he is a former SJL European Champion... JACK THE RIPPAAAAAAAA! And the final participant in this three way dance...”





A woman’s voice calls out from the sound system, “Johnny Dangerous.”


And the crowd explodes with appreciation for their favorite “spy” turned wrestler as “Mission Impossible 2” comes pouring out over the loudspeakers. A multitude of lights come pouring over the crowd as The SmarkTron displays Johnny Dangerous participating in some espionage. Imagine if you will, Johnny driving a BMW at a rapid pace around some tight corners, knocking out an enemy spy with a judo chop to the neck, and kissing a woman with an undoubtedly suggestive kind of name, lets just say it’s Eda Meowt. Dangerous finally walks out through the curtain with his arms in the air and gets another big cheer from the crowd as he comes striding down to ringside as Funyon completes his announcing duties.


“He weighs in at 205 pounds and hails from Las Vegas, Nevada. This is “The Barracuda” Johnny DANGEROUSSSSS~!


“All these men know each other quite well, King. With a multitude of matches between all of them, it appears to me as though Johnny Dangerous has pulled out the majority of the wins.”


“Well Axis, we’ll have to see if Dangerous will be able to beat both Jack and Ejiro right here. It’s going to take more than one lucky pin to win this match.”


“It’ll take two?”


“Right you are.”


Dangerous doesn’t even make it to the ring before Ejiro cuts him off at the entranceway. With his hand out for a handshake, Fasaki smiles at his long time rival. With a raised eyebrow, Dangerous takes Fasaki’s outstretched hand and holds it tightly in preparation for some sort of attack. What Johnny is not prepared for is when Ejiro quickly gives Dangerous a little hug, and starts to whisper into Johnny’s ear. Pointing his thumb at The Ripper, Ejiro motions to “The Barracuda” that they should combine their forces against the insane Londoner. Dangerous looks at Fasaki for a moment, pondering the decision, before giving a little nod in response to the proposition.


“That’s collusion, Axis! There shouldn’t be any partnerships in this match, it should be every man for himself.”


Both Ejiro and Johnny eye up Jack for a moment before sliding into the ring simultaneously. The Ripper, not one to wait around to get double-teamed, immediately assaults Ejiro with a series of hard right hands to his injured forehead that send Fasaki tumbling back into the turnbuckles. But Johnny is quickly there to make a save, driving a forearm down across Jack’s exposed shoulders. Holding Jack’s arms behind his back, Johnny leaves The Ripper wide open for Ejiro’s counter attack. Smiling broadly, Ejiro takes a moment to talk a little trash before throwing a hard elbow into Jack’s exposed jaw. With Jack stunned for a moment, Dangerous and Ejiro push him back into a corner and lay in a series of right hands to the face and chest. The co-conspirators share a little discussion and Johnny takes a few steps into the center of the ring as Ejiro continues to lay in some punishment in the corner with his braced elbow. Looking backwards, Ejiro sets Jack up and whips him across the ring and strait into a Johnny Dangerous front round kick that plows The Ripper down into the canvas.


“Some good teamwork from Fasaki and Dangerous thus far. But like you said, King, sooner or later, this is going to have to boil down to every man for himself.”


“But in the meantime, these two are going to keep pounding the stuffing out of Jack the Ripper. It’s not fair. The referee should force them to fight each other.”


“And how exactly should he do that?”


“I would offer them money.”


Pulling Jack off the canvas by the arm, Johnny quickly pushes the dazed Ripper back into a turnbuckle and begins to lay in a series of chops as the fans cheer along.









“We are in Ric Flair country tonight, King!”


“Who’s Ric Flair?”


Cinching up on Jack’s arm, Johnny looks back and prepares to whip him into a waiting Ejiro Fasaki. But thinking quickly, Jack quickly reverses the whip and sends Johnny into an errant, charging elbow to the head from Fasaki. Looking about in shock at his mistake, Ejiro looks at a stunned Jack and a fallen Johnny before letting loose with a flurry of stomps on...


“Fasaki is stomping the guts out of Johnny Dangerous! I thought they had a deal?”


“Looks like Johnny can forget all about that deal. Just like Alexis can forget about that deal where I call her the next night. Sorry, Alex, but you just weren’t good enough.”


The fans really start to let Fasaki have it for his treacherous ways, but he is undaunted in his assault on Dangerous. That is until Jack the Ripper daunts him good for that double-teaming. Coming up from behind, Jack grabs Ejiro by the back of the head and sends him flying over the top rope to the arena floor. Ejiro hits the floor feet first and stumbles into the guardrail but is otherwise unhurt. Meanwhile, Grabbing Johnny and pulling him off the canvas, Jack sends Dangerous across the ring and creams him on the rebound with a leaping clothesline across the chest and throat. Johnny’s head pops off the canvas for a moment in a daze before flopping back down to the mat. Jack hits the ropes with a head of steam and comes crashing down across Johnny’s body with a running flipping senton. All of the oxygen goes rushing out of Johnny’s body as Fasaki makes his way back onto the apron with little to no worry concern either of his competitors’ welfare. Jack makes a cover on Dangerous as Ejiro stands back patiently. Referee Anthony Michael Hall counts Johnny’s shoulders down for a...






T...NO! Johnny kicks out of the pin with plenty of time to spare as The Suicide King explains to the fans, “You see, Fasaki was in no hurry to break up that pin. Because unlike in a triple threat match, this is an elimination style affair. That’s actually kind of bright for Fasaki, he must have been studying the last couple of days.”


Unaware of Fasaki’s presence on the apron, Jack continues to battle it out with Johnny. Pushing the spy into a corner, Jack kicks Johnny in the chest repeatedly while wearing a particularly nasty look on his face. Jack looks out to the fans with a little smile while dealing out the punishment, and they respond to that with boos that would curdle milk. Finally baiting the fans enough, Jack sends Johnny across the ring with an Irish whip and charges forward for an avalanche. But instead, Jack runs smack dab into Johnny’s risen boot. With Jack stunned in the center of the ring and Johnny trying to get his wind back, Fasaki finally finds his way back into the fray. Coming up from behind The Ripper, Ejiro leaps into the air and smashes Jack with a leaping enziguri that catches The Ripper right behind the ear and sends him spinning to the mat. Rising to his feet with a smile on his face, Ejiro is unaware that Johnny Dangerous is laying in wait for his own personal Benedict Arnold. Charging forward with a Mafia kick, Johnny smashes the traitor to the mat in one swift stroke. Not finished, Johnny leans over and straddles Ejiro, pinning Fasaki’s arms to the canvas. Johnny looks out to the crowd with a cocked fist with a glower before drilling Ejiro in the head with a flurry of right hands that starts another trickle of blood running down from Fasaki’s previously injured wound.


Seeing an opportunity as he gets to his feet, Jack takes a moment to get a head of steam and nails Johnny across the back of the head with a diving clothesline. Freed from Johnny’s clutches and angered about the blood, Ejiro quickly scales on top of Dangerous with a headlock and starts to throw some short right hands to the mush while Jack maliciously stomps away at Johnny’s chest. Fasaki finally releases Johnny and gets to his feet as Jack continues to put on some stomping with sadistic glee. Reaching down, Fasaki finally pulls Johnny off the canvas and pushes him backward into a corner. Showing a rather odd bit of solidarity, The Ripper and Fasaki pound away at Johnny for a few moments before Ejiro steps back a few paces from the fray. Calling out Jack loudly, Ejiro signals to Jack to whip Johnny to him. Obeying the request for his own sick reasons, Jack leans back and sends Johnny flying into a Fasaki elbow to the head. With Johnny down, Fasaki points down at him in triumph, but not for long! Jack comes roaring forward with a spear that bends Ejiro in half and then slams the back of his head into the canvas with a sickening thud.


“It doesn’t look like Jack was going to wait around to get turned on, huh King?”


“No, Jack’s not someone you could say has a whole lot of impulse control. Still, its always better to turn on someone before they decide to turn on you.”


Fasaki rolls away to the apron as quickly as he can as Jack goes back to lowering the boom on Johnny Dangerous, slamming down with another flurry of stomps. Pulling Johnny off the canvas, Jack sends Dangerous into the ropes for a backdrop. But Johnny still has enough of his wits about him to quickly counter with a lightning quick DDT that sends Jack bouncing, like a super ball off the canvas. Johnny gets to his feet and quickly takes a hold of Jack’s leg and holds it in preparation for the move to come. Looking out to the fans, Johnny yells out...




The fans respond with a series of “WHOOS!” as Johnny spins around Jack’s leg and locks on the figure four leglock!


“Lord what a suck up,” whines King, as he looks on, disgusted.


Jack screams out in pain as Johnny wrenches back against the canvas again and again, intensifying the pressure on The Ripper’s knee. Jack tries to pull himself towards the ropes to force a break, but Johnny is able to use his arms by placing them against the mat to keep Jack from escaping that easily. But The Ripper grits his teeth in resolve and refuses to tap out to the burning pain he is feeling grow in his knee. But what these men have failed to take into consideration is that Ejiro Fasaki is still in this match. Watching over the situation with a watchful eye, Ejiro rushes towards the ropes and hops to the middle cable. Flinging himself backward and flipping in midair, Fasaki comes crashing down across Johnny Dangerous with a lionsault, freeing The Ripper from his precarious situation. Like a wounded animal, Jack pulls himself away from the pileup in the ring in order to get some sort of respite and regain some sense of feeling in his knee. Regardless, Fasaki continues to pound away at Dangerous with a series of kneedrops to the sternum. Picking Johnny up, Ejiro attempts to lift Dangerous up for a suplex, but Johnny throws his legs wide in order to block the throw with his weight. So instead of going for the ride, Johnny drives a hard knee into Ejiro’s chest and quickly turns him over for a reverse neckbreaker. Picking Ejiro up again, Johnny bodyslams him right in the middle of the ring with authority before pointing up to the sky. Making his way to the turnbuckle, Dangerous quickly hops to the apron and scales up to the top rope. Pausing for a moment, Dangerous looks out to the roaring crowd and comes flying downward with a picture perfect flying elbowdrop. Fasaki’s air goes rushing out through his mouth as Dangerous leans over to hook the leg for...






THR...NAHHHHH! As referee, Anthony Michael Hall’s hand descends for the final time, it is Jack the Ripper that breaks up the count with a crushing swanton bomb from the top rope that squashes both of his opponents under his back. Rolling Johnny Dangerous over on his back, Jack makes a cover for a






THRE..RAGHHHH! Johnny manages to kick away just barely in time to stave off elimination. Frustrated to no end, Jack pulls Johnny off the canvas and locks him in position for a vertical suplex. Lifting Johnny up into the air, Jack holds him there a moment too long and Johnny manages to shift his weight and escape by sliding down Jack’s back. Johnny grabs Jack from behind and shoves him forward and right in the direction a rising Ejiro Fasaki. Thinking quickly, Ejiro spins and fires a stunning screaming elbow that sends Jack staggering backwards and back into the grasp of Johnny Dangerous. Taking Jack by the hair, Johnny locks The Ripper into the reverse DDT position, Johnny quickly swings his free arm across Jack’s chest and drives him into the canvas with “Simply Dangerous!” Johnny covers and hooks the leg as Fasaki climbs on top of the pile and holds Jack down for...








Funyon quickly updates the crowd with, “Jack the Ripper has been eliminated!”


“Two men combine to eliminate one. And now, it is a strictly one-on-one affair,” calls out Axis.


Jack, stunned from that tremendous move, manages to roll to the floor as Fasaki and Dangerous eye each other up for another go around. They lock up and Johnny quickly puts on a side headlock. Ejiro strains for a moment before shoving Johnny into the ropes. Leapfrogging over, Ejiro then turns and dropkicks Johnny flush in the chest with both feet hitting their mark. Pulling Johnny quickly to his feet, Fasaki sends Dangerous into the ropes again in an attempt to press his advantage. Coming back on the rebound, Johnny gets caught in a side suplex position before getting driven down on Ejiro’s knee with a side backbreaker. Taking Johnny by the arm, Fasaki twists Dangerous’ arm and uses the torque to Irish whip Dangerous into a corner. Rushing forward, Fasaki leaps up and attempts to drive his knee into Dangerous’ face, but Johnny dives to the canvas out of the way and Ejiro’s knee meets the turnbuckle. Johnny stays down for a moment to catch his breath while Ejiro collapses to the canvas, clutching his knee.


“Hold on a moment, Jack the Ripper has not left the ringside area! He’s still out here.”


“And he’s got a chair, Axis, I think he’s looking for some payback right now.”


Seeing both of his opponents momentarily down, Jack the Ripper climbs back into the ring, this time carrying a steel folding chair. Eyeing up his former opposition, Jack awaits whoever will get to their feet first. And that person is none other than Johnny Dangerous. Charging forward, Jack brings the chair down as Johnny turns towards the Londoner. Swinging the chair like an axe, Jack brings it down hard across the head of...








Ejiro Fasaki?




“Fasaki just shoved Dangerous out of the way of the chair and ended up taking it himself! He just took a bullet for Dangerous,” reports Axis.


“What in the hell is Fasaki thinking?”


With Fasaki down, Jack winds up and tries to take another chair swing at Dangerous, but Johnny is quick enough to duck underneath and smash a turning Jack with a superkick to the chair! Jack falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring, holding his face and making his way back to the locker room as Johnny calls for him to get back in the ring, furious at the interference. Referee Anthony Michael Hall looks over a furious Dangerous and an unconscious Fasaki for a moment flustered, shaking his head. Looking at Dangerous, and then looking at Fasaki one last time in despair, Hall steps over towards the timekeeper and calls for the bell.




“What? What the hell is going on?” questions Axis.


“Looks like the referee has made some of decision here, Axis.”


Hall goes over to confer with Funyon before the ring announcer reports the referee’s decision. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has DISQUALIFIED Johnny Dangerous for outside interference, the winner of the match and the number one contender to the European title... EJIROOOO FASAKIIII!”


The fans let loose with horrific boos as trash begins to descend on the ring.


“What the hell sort of call is that referee? Johnny didn’t ask for that interference! Hell that chair was meant for him.”


“But, what choice did the referee have Axis? You can’t just let someone hit a wrestler with a chair and not award him the fall. Hall had no choice in the matter but to award Fasaki the decision.”


Ejiro slowly pulls himself up to his feet by the ropes as Hall desperately tries to explain his decision to Dangerous. Looking about confused, Fasaki wanders over the referee and Dangerous, asking them what had just transpired. Meeting Fasaki’s eyes for a long moment, Johnny rears back and shoves Ejiro down to the canvas. Pointing his finger at Fasaki’s face and yelling loud enough for the cameras to pick up,


“I know what you’re doing! You did it on purpose, didn’t you? You took the chair so you would win, didn’t you ... son of a bitch!”


Angered beyond words, Dangerous steps through the ropes and walks backstage with Anthony Michael Hall in tow, trying to calm Johnny’s temper. Seeing himself alone in the ring, Fasaki slowly climbs up to his feet. Looking around for a moment, Ejiro looks to the camera...










And smiles...


“That bastard! He did! He pushed Johnny out of the way of the chair shot so he could take it himself. Then the referee would have to award him the match!” screams Axis.


“That, that, that’s brilliant!” admires King, “I didn’t think Fasaki had the brains for that sort of move!”


“Brilliant? You have to be kidding me!”


“It worked didn’t it?”


“Oh forget it. Let’s go to commercial, please, just go...




Brilliant my ass.”

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I don't know if it seems right for me to comment on the two peoples matches who i beat, but I'll just throw my opinons out of nobody minds.


First off Jack's match.


After reading this match i must say, Jack you have improved by leaps and bounds. That is no doubt at all. Here's what i think though: Entrances - I think you should elobrate on them just a tad bit more. That might get you a couple of more words into your word count as well as set the mood a bit better for the charaters personalities.


The pacing and flow of the match is done quite well, however i would suggest you re-reading your match once it is finished just to spot check it. Whenever i'm not pressed i do this and find many mistakes that would probably get me jobbed straight out of a ten story window. Other than that i think this was an excellent match. Oh, and don't worry about how short it is. It's all about quality not quanity. ;)




Well what can i say? I read the whole thing and it's very well written. Plenty of wrestling and plenty of close calls for each of the charaters involved. I noticed one thing though. There are several parts where you go a great length with no comentary. I know everyone thinks i put in way too much of it, and to each there own style..BUt these are just my unwanted opinons right?


Well if you ask me, comentary can help focus on certain things. Like for me i describe a finisher then have axis tell you the name of the move, or on certian points i want more attention drawn too. You don't need a whole lot more but just a tad more would help break up the lengthy wrestling bits.


The pacing is quite nice and it flows very well. My only thought is the finish for Johnny's elimination seemed to come out of nowhere almost. But i see the point you were trying to get across there.


All in all i think you both did an excellent job, hell I know Ejiro was so close to beating me. Also if you two want some very good advice, ask Z. He has always provided me with insight that helps me see what i should work on and or focus more attention too. Plus he marked the match, and he can tell you exactly what he thought worked. :)

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Guest Goodear


Well what can i say? I read the whole thing and it's very well written. Plenty of wrestling and plenty of close calls for each of the charaters involved. I noticed one thing though. There are several parts where you go a great length with no comentary. I know everyone thinks i put in way too much of it, and to each there own style..BUt these are just my unwanted opinons right?


Well if you ask me, comentary can help focus on certain things. Like for me i describe a finisher then have axis tell you the name of the move, or on certian points i want more attention drawn too. You don't need a whole lot more but just a tad more would help break up the lengthy wrestling bits.


The pacing is quite nice and it flows very well. My only thought is the finish for Johnny's elimination seemed to come out of nowhere almost. But i see the point you were trying to get across there.


All in all i think you both did an excellent job, hell I know Ejiro was so close to beating me. Also if you two want some very good advice, ask Z. He has always provided me with insight that helps me see what i should work on and or focus more attention too. Plus he marked the match, and he can tell you exactly what he thought worked. :)

Hey, I love having comments to work with so never you mind about having some. Anyway, now that I look at it, I really didn't have the commentators say a whole lot. I think my problem comes from writing the bare bones of a match, then adding details, and then the extra commentary. By the time I got to that final step though, I was out of words!!! So, I need to work on that... I think I have my description to wrestling ratio about where I want it so (Y), the only sequence I didn't like was the short little Ejiro-Johnny segment at the end... too rushed.


The problem with my finish is that it had to happen right after I eliminated Jack... otherwise, what's he doing until he runs in with the chair? I should have used Axis and King to get over Jack's rage more though... that would have improved things.

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“Johnny Dangerous is Elian’s father."- I love that quote.


Damn, you've improved. You've really gotten good over time. With your commentary, I think you are fine, though you use "Add" and "Says" a lot, which does get a little repetitive. You don't always have to point out who is saying the dialogue if you make it clear enough, and sometimes it hinders you.


Like Johnny says, you can do a lot more with your entrances, flash them up a bit. I might overdue them a bit, but it fills the word count well, and you can do some fun stuff with them (Look at Ejiro's last match with Johnny punching the "Lady").


You should think about doing a little editing afterwards. There are some simple mistakes sloppy mistakes that can be fixed in there to make your match look better.


Why did you make a count for the taps? I dunno, that just seems awkward. The wrestling portion seems solid, but I think you could do more with it. Here's an example:


"Ejiro Fasaki whips Johnny Dangerous to the turnbuckle. Ejiro follows that up with a flying knee to the face."


Now try this:


"Catching the rising Johnny off guard, Ejiro grabs Johnny by the wrist and swings him around, whipping him into the turnbuckle! Johnny's back slams into it as his body goes a little limp, and Ejiro runs right at the hapless man, jumping up and.....


'FLYING KNEE RIGHT TO THE FACE OF JOHNNY!' Yells Axis as a couple angry hecklers say 'You suck, Fasaki!' and 'I'm gonna Fasaki your mamma!'"


Just as Axis says, Ejiro plants his knee right in the accused Communist's jaw, snapping his head back. Johnny begins to slip out of the turnbuckle, but Ejiro adjusts him and raises him up to the second rung in of the turnbuckle, setting up his next move."


Give some more description. Imagine that happening to you and then describe what you would feel.


Comments on Ejiro's match will be coming soon.

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Okay, I finally got to Ejiro's match. WHOO!


Damnit, you are the best guy who keeps on losing. The match was great.


First off, your opening commentary is great. I loved the roasted Van Siclen part, and their reactions to each other about it just epitomizes their characters.


Your entrances have improved tenfold. The crowd reactions to Ejiro really show why Ejiro is slowly becoming more and more heelish. Very good job.


The match itself it solid and enjoyable. Ejiro betraying Johnny while trying to go for the win is a classic heely type thing to do, and (Y) at Johnny using the figure four to try and get the crowd with him.


I think what hurt you is the maybe the lack of commentary in some areas. There are points with lots of wrestling and little commentary. But I think that's not all too big of a problem.


I agree that the ending did seem a little rushed as well. I think if the first fall would have come earlier, and maybe have some more passive interference from Jack against Johnny (Pulling the ropes away while he's in a submission, tripping him up near the ropes, then maybe going for the chair when it seems like nothing else is working) would have paced it a little better, but I think the ending still fit pretty well. And Ejiro taking the hit for Johnny to save Johnny (or win the match?) is a great way to end it. Solid man.

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