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Guest cobainwasmurdered

On Monday A New Member Is voted In

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Guest Incandenza

There's a pretty good chance I'd vote for Bob, but only 'cuz I have sigs turned off. He has Bill O'Reilly in a banner, ferchrissakes. I can't deal with that.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Loss was at The Underground Smarks? Why? Who the hell else is ever there? When I try to chat around those parts it takes months to get a reply! If that! Explain the deal.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered






are the four I am thinking about seriouly. I can't decide which to vote for.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Loss was at The Underground Smarks? Why? Who the hell else is ever there? When I try to chat around those parts it takes months to get a reply! If that! Explain the deal.

He just showed up the other day, and started posting.


UGS has been dead the last month or so but I am relaunching the board soon so there will be no more pop-ups so activity will hopefully increase.

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Guest Incandenza

I'd be willing to bring some traffic to UGS, but I have very little interest in talking about wrestling. This boards WWE folder killed it for me.

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Guest Just call me Dan

You let me know when that happens, I'm guessing AustinHHH4Life won't be the admin after this, but he'll still be around, right?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Yeah me too. When UGS goes Gold (Loses pop-ups,more options) it's going to try and recapture the old atmosphere from the days of the Smarks EXboard.


We don't need lots of members we just want good discussions on any subject. I'm just waiting for them To get my money order.


EDIT: Alf and I have heard nothing from AustinHHH4life in months so unless he shows up no he won't be an admin. Big Is now an Admin at UGS though.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

It'd be great to have some Established members contribute just a little to UGS.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
What's wrong with the music folder? It was rockin' early last week.

Nothing. I just get extremely touchy about music and people who question my taste in it. I've pretty much been turned off by going into any music folder when I posted at the antiMUSIC board. If you've been, it's, in a nutshell, a bunch of metalheads who trash everything/anything not Metal. Very repetitive and irritating...and vomit inducing.


If I do go in, it's strictly to antagonize.

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Guest MrRant

The music folder is ok... some times I feel some people there think they are high and mighty. Usually because they have listened to an obscure band I never heard of.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
The music folder is ok... some times I feel some people there think they are high and mighty. Usually because they have listened to an obscure band I never heard of.

My point exactly. Music is odd that way.

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Guest Incandenza
The music folder is ok... some times I feel some people there think they are high and mighty. Usually because they have listened to an obscure band I never heard of.

I often talk about obscure bands, but I try not to exclude anyone. I can't help if few other people have heard of them.


But by us being a good bunch, I mean that the indie guys get along with the metalheads and whatnot. You'll see some bashing every now and then, but DJ Jeff is usually involved, so it doesn't count.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Go back to Page 3 and look at the likely ballot.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

True. Posting a thread about Saliva is a bad idea to begin with because most of the more intelligent people who frequent there listen to relatively obscure music. The metalheads hate nu metal and the indie people dislike all of that stuff on principle. It's a no-win situation.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

::has not grovelled::


::continues not grovelling::


::likes the word "grovel"::


::laughs - "Grovel"::


::Homer Simpson "he-he-he" laugh::

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Guest godthedog
What's wrong with the music folder? It was rockin' early last week.

Nothing. I just get extremely touchy about music and people who question my taste in it.

well guess what. your favorite band sucks.


to me, the fun thing about folders is the arguing. there's no real value in just a bunch of threads that list "who is your favorite _______" and "who is the worst _______" (which pervade both the music and the movies/tv folder), the challenge lies in saying WHY ___ is best or worst and showing that you're right.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The Music Folder is okay. I enjoy the threads where someone throws out a list of bands and everyone says what they think of them.

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Guest Kinetic

It's a difficult decision to make for all of us. Spiff, godthedog, LooseCannon, Evenflow, etc...all deserving of this honorable position. I'm torn. I really am.

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Guest The Amazing Rando
I thought Rando was supposed to be gone for longer than he stayed away for

I thought so too....but I just couldn't stay away...



I enjoy this place too much

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Guest godthedog
::has not grovelled::


::continues not grovelling::


::likes the word "grovel"::


::laughs - "Grovel"::


::Homer Simpson "he-he-he" laugh::

yet another trend started by the individualist revolutionary, the jean-luc godard of the smart marks, moi.

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Guest Flyboy
It's a difficult decision to make for all of us. Spiff, godthedog, LooseCannon, Evenflow, etc...all deserving of this honorable position. I'm torn. I really am.

I'm pulling for El Psycho Diablo, but that's just because he's my better.


Without being bias, I would pick Evenflow or Spiff.

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Guest godthedog
The Music Folder is okay. I enjoy the threads where someone throws out a list of bands and everyone says what they think of them.

i'm not a big fan of those, cause they tend to be bands i either haven't heard of or have no opnion on. but i do like it when oasis gets mentioned in threads like those, cause i get a sick glee from hyperbolizing how much they suck.

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Guest Kinetic
The Music Folder is okay. I enjoy the threads where someone throws out a list of bands and everyone says what they think of them.

Those have really outlasted their usefulness. At this point, we're all pretty familiar with each other so I'll usually know what someone's opinion is going to be before they say it. Either way, those threads peaked back in February when I did one that got six replies.

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