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Guest LaParkaMarka


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Guest LaParkaMarka

Wherein us Angel fans can discuss the show and whatnot.


I think this season is quite good so far, and Fred is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. She's SO cute. And anyone else really weirded out at Wesley's relationship with Lyla? I remember in the season premiere (which ROCKED) I was marking out for Wes banging Lyla, keeping that other chick in the closet, and rescuing Angel. But not...it's just weird. Good for him though.


And I hope this last ep means Lorne is back full time. Lorne kicks ass.

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Guest Cavi

I agree that the season has been good thus far. I wonder if Joss is on tap to write and direct another episode, like he did last season with Waiting in the Wings.


Lorne does indeed rock the party that rocks the body. And Fred...I just love Fred. I mark big time for Amy Acker.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Fred running around last ep = smoking. I have realized that I am also a mark for Amy Acker.


Though I must say, I didn't really like the ending to the last ep, with Cordy back and amnesiac. That just seems...well, I don't know yet. I'll wait to see where it goes.


I really liked the dynamic between Electro Girl and Angel...I hope she shows up again. They seemed to have more sparks than Angel/Cordy do, anyways.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

When is Angel shown in the States? I saw a new ep last night, and have no clue whether or not it requires spoiler space. Oh well.




The episode was ok. Though if Cordy and you know who somehow end up together, I'm going to throw up. Really. Ugh.

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Guest Max Danger

It comes on on Sundays at 8pm CST. Don't know why I put the time, but I did.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge


The episode was ok. Though if Cordy and you know who somehow end up together, I'm going to throw up. Really. Ugh.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I missed the show for the past two weeks, so I need some catching up.


What's been happening?

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Guest Cavi

Angel, Fred, and Gun go to Vegas to visit Lorne. Nothing much there, other than the monster of the week. When they get back (with Lorne in tow), they find that Cordy has returned. She has lost her memory. The gang try and explain who she is, without revealing Angel is a vamp, etc. as they don't want her to freak out. She and Angel share a moment where they nearly kiss during all this. She eventually finds some info out while overhearing Fred and Gun talk. She flies the house in shock. Some baddies try to jump her, but she lays the beatdown on them (with a little help from Angel). She thinks that Angel and crew are spies, and brainwashed her. Lorne shows up, she freaks, they reveal the truth. They suggest that she sings so Lorne can see her future. He sees it and won't say exactly what it is, but it's something really bad.


Some baddie creature tries to attack Cordy, but Connor comes to the rescue. She runs off with him. She appreciates him telling the truth, unlike the others.


Wesley overhears Lilah talking on the phone about how Wolfram & Hart is going to capture Cordy. Cut to the W&H goonies breaking into Conner's place to take Cordy. Fight ensues. Angel, Gun, and Fred show up. Lilah calls off the attackers. Cordy decides that she wants to stay with Conner, as he was so straightforward with her.


Back at Angel's place, the gang finds Lorne all beaten and tied up. The battle at Conner's place was a decoy so Wolfram & Hart could get the info of Cordy's future from Lorne's head. Ends up that Lilah swerved Wesley by making sure he overheard her conversation on the phone.


And that brings us to this coming week's episode.

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Guest Cavi

I liked tonight's episode. Fred centric, which I enjoyed. I got a laugh when that guy in the comic book shop said how there are forums and chat rooms dedicated to Angel. "They talk about me in the chatty rooms?" Good stuff at the end with Gun killing the professor as well.


Next week's looks to be quite interesting. It's bound to be above par with Joss both writing and directing it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

"Chatty Rooms" is now the new thing. Like this place here... It's a "messy board". Ok?

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Well, they didn't technically end up together, thus no throwing up from me. It was still very bleh though.


Pretty decent episode. Seems like Fred and Wes might end up together...so what would happen to Lilah and Gunn? Maybe Gunn will end up going all rogue, like Wesley.


I liked Angel's line when he was holding the demon's head. Good stuff.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Tonights eps was fun, but more important - the shit hits the fan next week! WHOOO HOOOO~!


Fred is gold, the weed line had me on the floor.

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Guest Cavi

I enjoyed tonight's ep. Quality work, though I thought it maybe could have been a bit better coming from the man himself. Just felt like it was maybe lacking something, I don't know. I liked the fact that WB actually put over that it was a Joss episode in their "And now on an all new Angel, directed by Joss Whedon" though. Funny when Angel saw the stereo. It was nice to have old Cordy back for a while as well, but she knew Angel when she that age. I guessed she lost all recollection of him with the spell.


Next week's...oh man, that promo has me hyped. Damn Survivor Series for getting in the way though!!

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Guest Max Danger

She also knew Wesley from back then. But I would assume this was before she met up with them. Before Buffy even arrived in Sunnydale. That's what I would assume anyway.


But I enjoyed this episode very much. I loved the line from Angel, about hoping Wesley gets it(when he is having a scuffle with Gunn), and says 'it's about time English gets what's coming to them, I'm rooting for the slave.' Funny stuff.


Plus everytime Fred wanted to score some weed was great. :)

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Guest areacode212

Just popped in to mention that the Angel: Season One DVD set will be released on 2/11 (according to this).

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Guest Ripper

Well. Thats stupid to realease the Season 1 of Angle before Season 4 of Buffy. There are like what, 3 crossover shows there. So basically you will get to see the end of all of the crossovers before you see the beganing.


And yes, Angel has rocked this year. I am rooting for angel and COrdy to get it on for one reason...Angelus is the freakin man and I hope she can turn him.


And yes... I have never been so hyped to see the next week of Angel. The Promo next weeks show does confirm that the shit will hit the fan...

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Guest Cavi

About damn time they got around to releasing Angel over here in the US. I will definitely be getting it, even though I already have the first two seasons on import DVD.


They need to fix the transfer for Buffy Season Four before they release it here. It's like they made it widescreen, and then turned it back to regular full sceen - the image is stretched out. Doesn't make it unwatchable, but it's annoying nonetheless. This is only on the episode themselves, not any of the featurettes and whatnot. They have a cool feature on the music of the show, with an interview with Chris Beck. I marked out for that.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Is Angel going to be widescreen when it comes out here?


Tonight's ep was fun stuff. I loved the "I'm cheering for the slave" line, as well as the weed stuff. And who else loved old old old school Wesley? He was bloody hilarious.


As for how old they were, didn't everyone say they were 17 at one point? That would be odd, since Cordy definately knew Angel by then...she met Angel back in Buffy Season 1, when Buffy was ~16.

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Guest Cavi

Highly doubtful it will be in widescreen, as the first season didn't air in widescreen, and the UK DVD isn't formatted that way either.


Buffy Season Five DVD set is in widescreen though, so who knows what's up. When that comes over here, I hope they give us a choice, as I would rather watch it at ratio it aired in.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

All I have to say is "wow".


That was one kick....ass... episode.


My reactions: (spoilers)


First 30 minutes: Hmm, this is interesting. Some nice changes in character, they are definitely building something, interesting stuff - I like all the 'evil activity' though it is ripping off of something, I just can't remember what...


Enter Villain: Oh... Look at that. He just whooped some ass. I think I like.




After Wesley brings out the new school (double guns): OH YEAH BOY!


After Wesley brings out the shotgun: OH FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK YEAH! THIS IS THE SHIT! FUCK EM UP FUCK EM UP FUCK EM UP! Greatest fucking episfuckingsode ever! Fuck yeah! WES IS THE MAN~!




Anyways... Discuss.

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"...And if I say my prayers and eat all my veggies, someday I might grow hips!" (or thereabouts) - I love Lillah :wub:


Wesley busting out the John Woo-esque double guns then the shotgun was a definite markout moment for me personally. Ever since he became the Brooding Badass, he's grown on me (as opposed to ther Giles lite he was on Buffy). HOWEVER, WTF IS JOSS THINKING? Pity sex for Connor after declaring how much she loved Angel? C'mon, she changed his friggin' diaper not 6 months ago (in her time, anyway). I'm praying to all the TV gods in existance that when the new epsiodes start (in 2 months!) that all will be made clear, 'cause right now Joss got some 'splainin to do.

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Guest Cavi

I just finished watching my tape of the episode, as Survivor Series prevented me from seeing it when it aired.


Wesley whipping out the dual pistols and then the shotgun was such a markout moment. So badass.


What will be an even bigger markout though will be if they pull out the "From beneath you, it devours line" from Buffy in an upcoming ep. Both shows seem to have this whole ordeal with the evil coming from beneath them (like Cordy saying how it was "clawing its way up" or whatnot).


Uber demon said something along the lines of "You think she's safe with him, Liam?" (I'm pretty sure I heard him say "Liam") before tossing Angel off of the building. Coolness. And Angel didn't look all that happy there at the end. A taste of things to come, possibly...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Do any of you guys know the spoilers? Just say now so we can discuss em :) :) :) as there was some definite foreshadowing in that eps.


Lillah is all kinds of hotness - gawddamn! That's a woman.


Sign me up as a Brooding Post-Neck Sliced Badass Wes supporter... Greatest character change EVER. Annoying in Buffy - tolerable in Angel - super in the Connor Saga -Superb as the BPNSB.


I was just like "oh god no, please don't, no, no, no no no no no no no! And then they showed em in bed together and the thrusting and the AAAAAACK~! That's just wrong, WRONG DAMMIT. Sure it will have a greater purpose and maybe the child of Connor and Cordy (Lets call it Cordor) will end up saving the universe but that still doesn't justify the wrongness! BOOO!


It will be interesting to see if the apocalypse crosses over into the buffy-verse - or if both uber demons are working together or are of the same cloth or something... At least we can all agree on this... The shit be hittin the fan - and it rules it hard. Cept in the euchie Cordor way. That's just wrong.

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Guest Cavi

I avoid spoilers like Vince McMahon and Co. avoid sensible booking. I really hated going on like UPN's Bronze board last season where people would put damn spoilers in the f'n subjects of their threads.


The only two I know of are the ones that Joss revealed this past summer, which are...


*spoilers ahead*

















The returns of Faith and Angelus. And even at that, they're "known spoilers" if you will. Joss didn't say anything other than that, and quite frankly, I don't want to know anything other than that.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I think it's good to know a little bit of info going into the show - I am quite comfortable with the spoilers I heard and am anxiously awaiting to see exactly how they pull it off and the outcome of it all.


Would you put Angel ahead of Buffy right now? I mean, Buffy still hasn't really began letting everything all fall into place and are still in the 'set up' phase - while Angel is about to go full throttle - but the way they have built everything up over the years on this show - just for this angle - it takes the cake IMO.

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Guest Cavi

Yeah, Angel has been pushing things forward more than Buffy has thus far. I will always be a Buffy fan first and foremost, but I'm enjoying both shows about equally right now.


Sucks that we have to wait so long for the next Angel episode, as mentioned above.

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Guest Ripper

I want to call Cordilla Chase so many things right now....UGGGHHHGHGHH.


First of all, Angel lives a life of torment because of what he did when he was Angelus...thats why the whole soul thing is a curse. So Cordy has a idea...why not throw that in his face as the reason that she...the woman he loves...won't be with him. And she did it with a long speech...started it with I love you. Evil...


THEN... your in love with Angel...so you say... and you won't be with him because of his past. Despite the fact that he has been saving your life for about 4-5 years running now. Willing to sacrifice himself so you would be ok. Conner tried to kill you 3 freakin months ago. 3 FREAKIN MONTHS. SO what does she do. Boink the fucking kid. Not only is she now a statatory rapist, but she is fucking the son of the man that loves her. The next show should open on the Springer stage.


You want him to feel something...go get that whore from a week or two back and give her 50 bucks to pop his cherry. You don't screw the son of the man that is in love with you. I mean here she is getting busy with the son and Massive Neck Wound Angel is dragging his beaten, bleeding ass across town because he is worried about you and the "almost step-mother" fucker Conner.


Aside from my hate of the end of the show...the rest was kick ayass. I have to say that I loved the fight between The Big ass demon from The Legend and the crew. Especially Darkcyde Wes with Shotgun Shootin' Action . And all bullshit and bickering aside, you see Wes was the one craddling and protecting a knocked out and beaten Gunn...he still got love for the crew even if they don't appreciate it.


Liliah is HOT...Thats all I have to say about that.


I loved the beast beating the shiot out of Conner...but I want more after seeing that ending. I want him to beaten into the ground...and if it weren't for Charisma Carpenter and those blouses shes been whereing lately....I'd want Cordy beat into the ground with him.


Final note....that fire raining down from the heavens....kickass shot and effect.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They should have killed off connor. It would have built the Villain up huge.


(*Thinks back to Buffy thread*)


Hmm, so what happens if Connor and Dawn team up? *Shudders at the thought*

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They should have killed off connor.  It would have built the Villain up huge.


(*Thinks back to Buffy thread*)


Hmm, so what happens if Connor and Dawn team up?  *Shudders at the thought*

"When supernatural kids collide, on the next Maury Povich!"


Dear lord I woulda cheered that demon on and taken a video of it if he had driven Connor into the ground like a railroad spike and then thrown Dawn off a high rise instead of Angel.


Like Ripper said, Angel and Angelus might as well have been 2 different people. Lets see if Cordy gets this little mathematical equation:


Angel = Fighter for good, stopper of the Apocalypse (I want Skip to come back and confirm this one).


Angelus = heartless evil bloodsucking fiend


I know it's just TV and all but DAMN Joss you're killing me with dysfunctional relationships a plenty. Between this and the whole Wes/Gunn/Fred triangle revisited, I'm starting to think Joss saw too many soap operas growing up. Quit screwing around and give me more Gun-Totin', lawyer screwing, brooding badass Wesley and I'll be somewhat content.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Lillah is all kinds of hotness - gawddamn! That's a woman.


Sign me up as a Brooding Post-Neck Sliced Badass Wes supporter... Greatest character change EVER. Annoying in Buffy - tolerable in Angel - super in the Connor Saga -Superb as the BPNSB.


I was just like "oh god no, please don't, no, no, no no no no no no no! And then they showed em in bed together and the thrusting and the AAAAAACK~! That's just wrong, WRONG DAMMIT. Sure it will have a greater purpose and maybe the child of Connor and Cordy (Lets call it Cordor) will end up saving the universe but that still doesn't justify the wrongness! BOOO!


It will be interesting to see if the apocalypse crosses over into the buffy-verse - or if both uber demons are working together or are of the same cloth or something... At least we can all agree on this... The shit be hittin the fan - and it rules it hard. Cept in the euchie Cordor way. That's just wrong.

Lilah's little Fred thing was awesome. She's so great.


I laughed my ass off when Wes pulled out the shotgun from NOWHERE. Good times.


Lorne is so cool. Gunn is good. Fred is being all weird.


But DEAR GOD WHY with the Connor/Cordy thing? BLAH. That was just wrong on so many levels. And Angel watching? DOUBLEBLAH. Makes me want Connor to die even more. Though I suppose that won't happen until he kills that demon guy he was prophesized to kill. TRIPLEBLAHHH.


And it *really* sounded like it was the same Big Bad as Buffy. Cordy basically said everything but "Beneath You It Devours". Crossovers, maybe? I wish.

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