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Guest The Mysterious One

The Mysterious One's Take On TSM.

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Guest The Mysterious One

The Mysterious One’s Take on The Smart Marks.



Item 1: The “Ask___” Fad.


“Ask____” threads have invaded general chat recently. Many popular posters have started these threads as well as not so popular posters….but are the threads GOOD?!?


Here’s A Selection of different Q&A threads and I’ll give you my opinion on each of them.


Ask The Cheat


While this thread features some decent DJ Jeff bashing, there really wasn’t much to it.


Ask Kinetic


This thread has some moments of rather amusing stuff, so I’d recommend checking it out.


Ask Leena


Well this thread sucks. ALina if you’re going to do a “ASK___” thread why not try and be ENTERTAINING?!? Check it out for the comments GodtheDog made to ALina.


Ask Dames


This is the best of them, Dames is entertaining…and I’m not just saying that to be a suck up like that loser CWM.


Ask Jhawk


Not bad, but not outstanding.


Ask Fletch


This never got off the ground, and by this time people were getting sick of this fad.


Alright, that’s all the examples I have. As you can see some of the threads were quality stuff. But that my friends is not the point at all. The point is that all of these people except for the one who started the fad copied someone’s idea. Where’s the creativity? Where’s the originality? Where’s the effort to make threads interesting?


People should stop trying to copy someone else’s success and come up with their own winning formula. Ask Fletch


Item 2: ALina shows her face again, also shows how annoying she is.


If you recall last weeks review I talked about ALina’s problems of that week. She had appeared to leave the board. Not many of us missed her but she’s decided to come back, and she did it by starting the ultimate in annoying threads….”What do you think of me?”


What Do you think of me?


Well Al, I for one think you’re an annoying nuisance. Most of what you said in that thread made NO SENSE. I decided to talk to some people about ALina.


Bps21: At Smark Talk ALina deleted all of your articles. Do you know why?



Because I typed her name ALina by mistake. I have a habit of holding the shift key to long.


Some People have accused ALina of being an attention whore, do you agree?


I don't see how she could be viewed any other way. "I'm quitting the site", "what do you think of me"...


Who's more likely to snap and kill everyone on the board...ALina or Angle-plex?


Alina is. Angle-Plex likes taking it.



The interview was interesting so I picked another Smart Marks poster to talk to. That poster was…Treble Charged. Here’s what he had to say about ALina:


I no longer pay attention to ALina, ever since her NHL preview, where she said the Leafs wouldn't make the playoffs.  If she is an attention whore, I wouldn't know.


I also asked Treble Charged what he thought of the “Ask___” threads. Here’s what he had to say:


The 'Ask ______ thread has run its course.  There is no need for anyone else to start up another one, as there are at least 4 or 5 other ones set up.  Obviously, though, ALina had the worst thread.  Anyone who likes the Tampa Bay Lightning deserves that honour.


Now it’s not surprising that Treble Charged doesn’t seem to care for ALina. He has a low tolerance for morons. As anyone would know if they’ve seen his posts referring to CWM.


Item 3: A New Feature


I’ve decided to add a new feature. It’s called, “The Poster Of The Week”. What happens is that I chose a poster who’s done something noteworthy in the week and I conduct an interview with him.


So for the inaugural Poster Of The Week I choose… Evenflowddt. Here’s my Interview with him.


What's your real name, where do you live, how old are you?


My real name is Edward Robins (yes, THE Edward Robins who writes reviews for TheSmartMarks.com - [http://www.amazon.com/o/registry/KMEWMDJOCS5V]buy me stuff... please?[/url]), I'm 18 (college freshman) and I live at UC Santa Cruz in lovely Santa Cruz, California!


Why Did You Join This Message board, and why did you stick around?



It's actually a little funny; I never used message boards before because I hated the concept. I thought they were just total wastes of time and I didn't want to be some loser who spent all his time at an internet message board. Then, in the dying days of TheSmarks I noticed that nobody wrote for the SmarksDVD section, so I e-mailed Jay Spree and he told me to post sample columns here. That's originally all I wanted to do, but I checked out the other sections and got sucked in, to the point where now I'm a loser who spends all my time at an internet message board  


I do love the people though, I wouldn't stick around if it weren't for the people. I don't want to sound lame or anything, but I hold many on this board as friends simply because I interact with them so much.


You've recently been initiated into the Establishment. Do you have anything to say about that?


Santa Cruz is a pretty liberal place, especially UC Santa Cruz campus. There's protests all the time, lots of anti-war stuff, blah blah blah... however, being the timid, non-confident person I am, I agree with the message but am somewhat afraid of entering the fray myself. I'm not dodging the question, I'm admitting I'm too meek to beat the system. Any system (e.g. I willingly pay 70 cents for the soda machine, I'm just another tally-mark on Marney's "liberals I've squashed" wall, etc.). And if you can't beat 'em...


You’re a member of the OAOAST e-fed. Why?


I originally just wanted to boost my post count, but I soon found something more than that, that it's a hell of a lot of fun. Lately our shows have been awesome (I'll gladly skip RAW, but never an INTENSE~!Zone), although the actual thread itself has faltered. Also, it's a way to be able to put into action (sorta) all the stuff that you wish would happen in "real" wrestling, without having to worry about anybody really getting hurt (which, if anyone's read an OAOAST show, particularly our latest "Doomsday", would happen a lot). Plus its like using your imagination and creativity, sure I have to put up with a few snickers when talking about it, but I don't get very many other creative outlets.



If you could hang out with a few posters who would they be?


Wow, this is hard; I could probably fill a whole thread with that (and I probably will eventually), so for the abridged version, let's just say I wish I was in N.C. and the Gathering Thread hadn't been closed. I also remember a while back we had a similar idea for an OAOAST Gathering that never came to fruition. Too bad. Although in a way it'd also be strange; since we chat about all sorts of stuff on the board, whenever I'm in an AIM conversation with someone from the board there's not much left to talk about... hehe.



If you could punch out ONE poster, who would it be?


I'm a bit of a pussy (pardon the language), so I'd probably never hit anyone, but if I did, it'd probably be Shaved Bear. I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't stand the guy. Something about him just really pissed me off, which always made me feel silly, getting mad at somebody who's not "real" like that without even a legitimate reason. Then again, is anything on the internet legitimate?


There, I think that's everything... thanks for letting me be the inaugural Poster of the Week! Good day to you, dear sir.



Well That’s all the shit I can stand this week, so I’m done.


Let me know over the PM System if you have an idea for A Poster Of The Week, A News item, or even a special topic such as my DJ Jeff review.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Fun read, as always. But I have to take away at least 5 points for no mention of Big McLargeHuge there.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Geez. he flamed me this week AGAIN. i'm going to stop helping him if he keeps it up.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Wait a minute! Have you noticed how the Mysterious One and CWM are never in the same place at the same time?


OMG? The Mysterious One is...Smarkzone!

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Guest converge241

Ask Dames the best??


surely you forget the removed Ask Metal Ed!!!


even removed from here it towers over all like a mullet monolith


*uses screwdriver to hit the missing Play button on the rockbox*

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Guest evenflowDDT
Wait a minute! Have you noticed how the Mysterious One and CWM are never in the same place at the same time?

Come to think of it... I don't recall ever seeing YOU and TMO around at the same time either Big... and I actually was going to mention how you and I went to that RAW in Oakland but like didn't know and didn't try and meet or anything, but I figured the interview was long enough as it was.


Who wants to bet I'm the only person to do a serious interview for poster of the week? :P

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

How did you get poster of the week anyway? This is a conspiracy against me. TMO = JJ Dillon.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Well, you know how that old adage about being first goes, BMLH... I'm sure you're second for a reason, unless you have a hairy/golden chest.

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Guest Banky
Mysterious One rules, good read.

Who is the Mysterious One? I think he is overated. Fucker.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Hint: The Mysterious One isn't really Vince McMahon. He's like the Black Scorpion of OAOAST.


OMG~! I'm spelling it with an "S" now! That aWo gang torture REALLY messed me up...

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Guest crandamaniac

Not to take anything away from the talents of TMO, but wasn't there an "Ask the Dictator" thread that eventually led to The State?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I see. I haven't been here for very long anyway. Any interesting threads that you could point me to, in order to view some interesting shit, or at least take a look at some of the "historically significant" threads that make up TSM lore?

OJ Hart's threads, The APO thread by Zacalax.


Crand: TMO was talking about the recent fad not the past.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I can't remember the exact title but it was something like "Alwayspissedoff sucks thread' it was by Zacalex who has been banned. It should be in NHB not too many pages back.

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