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Guest Youth N Asia

What's your viewing schedule?

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Guest Youth N Asia

The older I get the less tv I watch, I still have my regulars, but don't channel surf like I use to.



-9:00 PM, Raw...watch out of routine



-8:00 PM, Buffy...the only show I get pissed if I miss

-9:00 PM, Haunted...although that's really 50/50



-...nothing really



-8:00 PM, Smackdown









-8:00 PM, Simpsons


But I don't have any premium stations or WB. Then there's the Shield when it's back on, I'll watch that.


I'm just watching 5 shows now with any regularity, still catching other shows, but I use to be able to set hours a day for myself as a teen.


Nothing looks good anymore.

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Guest Ravenbomb


Computer, TV, repeat



Computer, TV, Repeat



Computer, TV, Repeat



Computer, TV, Repeat



Computer, TV, Repeat



Computer, TV, Repeat twice



Computer, TV, Repeat

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Monday: Raw.


Tuesday: Nothing in particular.


Wednesday: South Park.


Thursday: Smackdown, Tough Enough.


Friday: Nothing in particular.


Saturday: FOOTBALL~!


Sunday: FOOTBALL~!


Every day though, I watch Dragonball Z, Blind Date, and Comic View.


This computer takes up more time than TV used to.


Fo sheez,


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Guest dreamer420

monday: raw

tuesday: that 70's show

wednesday: nwa-tna

thursday: smackdown!, friends


saturday: velocity, confidential

sunday: heat, pay per view, simpsons

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Guest Madmartigan21

Monday: Raw


Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer



Wednesday: The West Wing


Thursday: Smackdown,

Tough Enough


Friday: Nothing


Saturday: Nothing


Sunday: American Dreams

The Sopranos

Curb Your Enthusiasm

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Guest Human Fly

Mon: Raw, Sportscenter

Tues: Sportscenter

Wed: Sportscenter, NBA

Thurs: Sportscenter, NBA, Football, Smackdown (usually just the last hour or so)

Fri: Sportscenter

Sat: Sportscenter, Football

Sun: Sportscenter, Football


If I get a chance I like to watch PTI, Dragonball Z, and Transformers: Armada (although TF is not that great)

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Guest Karnage

Tuesdays To Saturdays (Via Video Taping) - Late Night With Conan O'Brien

Mondays - Raw or Hockey

Tuesdays - Birds Of Prey, Smallville

Wednesday - Hockey if it's on

Thursday - Smackdown or hockey

Friday - Depends

Saturday - HNIC~!

Sunday - Depends

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Guest imajackoff?

mon: fear factor, raw/mnf

tues: nothing. tv sucks this nite, IMO.

wed: Birds of Prey...( trying to get into it.)

thurs: last hour of smackdown, tough enough

fri: nothing

sat: snl/confidential

sun: nfl, curb your enthusiasm


mix in dave/conan maybe once a week and there you go.

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Guest Max Danger


Raw(Everwood during first hour commercials), The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien



Buffy, 24, The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien



Birds of Prey, South Park, The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien



Smackdown!, Trigger Happy TV, The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien



Firefly, The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien



College Football/Basketball(when it starts)



Smallville(EasyView), Everwood(EasyView), Angel, Adult Swim Block


Sometimes NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, just depending on the mood and how bad the other shows are.

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Guest Eagan469

Mon - RAW

Tues. - nada

Wed. - South Park

Thurs. - Smackdown (if there's anything of note happening), TE3

Friday - nada

Saturday - afternoon movies

Sunday - Sopranos


I'm honestly on the computer for entertainment more than anything nowadays.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

These are my Regulars. I usually Channel Surf.


Monday: One On One, WWE Raw, CSI:Miami, Everwood(Guilty Pleasure)

Tuesday: "24", The Real World, The Osbournes.

Wednesday: NBA On ESPN, My Wife And Kids, Bernie Mac, Fastlane

Thursday: WWE Smackdown, Tough Enough, NBA On TNT

Friday: NBA On ESPN

Saturday: Channel Surf. There's always a Premiere on Starz and HBO

Sunday: The Sopranos (Even though they are starting to piss me off)

Pay Per View


Anytime there is a Net Game on the YES Network, I'll watch that too.


Everyday Favorites:

Comic View



I watch the Disney Channel alot. B-)


Yes I know, i'm a Couch Potato.


EDIT: If the Card for NWA:TNA is good, I'll order it.

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Guest The Electrifyer


Raw, sometimes Boston Public



8 Simple Rules if anything



The Amazing Race



Friends and Survivor









Simpsons, Malcom in the Middle


And I'll watch basketball whenever its on.

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Guest starvenger

Monday: Raw/MNF

Tuesday: Beg, Borrow and Deal and 24

Wednesday: Enterprise(sometimes) and Amazing Race 3/Birds of Prey

Thursday: Survivor/Friends, SmackDown! and Tough Enough 3

Friday: Iron Chef (if I'm at home). And I tape the Toonami block

Saturday: Iron Chef/Trading Spaces/Hockey Night in Canada (if I'm at home or at my parents). I tape Velocity

Sunday: football. I tape Heat


Also watch various Food Network and TLC programs as filler...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Sunday: Football


Monday: Football/Raw (although Raw is fading fast)


Tuesday: NYPD Blue


Wednesday: South Park


Thursday: ER (Haven't watched more than 10 minutes of smackdown in a while)


Friday: Nothing


Saturday: Nothing, really...


(During the week I usually watch O'Reilly and Seinfeld re-runs)

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Guest razazteca

no real schedule


Raw or MNF

70s Show or 8 Rules



South Park

NBA games if its Spurs or Mavericks

NFL on Sunday

CMLL & AAA on weekend



some reruns that I watch are:


70's show

King of Hill





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Guest chirs3

Monday: WWE Raw, 7:00 PM


Tuesday: 24, 8:00


Wednesday: The West Wing, 8:00


Thursday: WWE Smackdown, 7:00


Friday: Daria, 8:00


No Saturday


Sunday: WWE Tough Enough, 4:00

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Guest redbaron51

this is what i try to watch.




Simpsons (5 pm)

Simpsons (6 pm)

Raw (9 pm)

Sportscentre (after Raw)




Simpsons (5pm)

Simpsons (6pm)

Simpsons (9 Pm)

South Park (9:30 Pm)

Simpsons (10:30 PM)

Sportscentre (11:00 PM)


Wednesday: See Tuesday




See Tuesday with Smackdown in at 7:00




never watch friday TV.




9:00 Recess

10:30 Am Electric Playground

11:00 PM Much Loud (If i'm home)







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Guest MaxPower27

Monday Raw

Tuesday 24, the single greatest hour on TV today

Wednesday South Park, Insomniac

Thursday Smackdown, Tough Enough III

Friday Nothing, usually rent a movie, or watch a video from the collection

Saturday Confidential, Vel-hoss-ity

Sunday Tough Enough III, HeAT, Simpsons

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Guest T®ITEC

Monday: NewsRadio, Simpsons, RAW

Tuesday: NewsRadio, Simpsons, 24

Wednesday:NewsRadio, Simpsons

Thursday: NewsRadio, Simpsons, SmackDown/Tough Enough III

Friday:NewsRadio, Simpsons

Saturday: Confidential

Sunday: I just have Fox on for about three hours...


I don't really watch anything that's on; I just kinda have it on while I do something else. It's like radio.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Monday : RAW and Monday Night Football 9 pm - 2 am I'll probably watch CSI Miami or the new Dragnet when Football is over.


Tuesday: I tape 24 early Tuesday morning and watch it early whenever I can. Today I watched it after I got back from voting...

I don't watch anything else..(Im mad because I don't get UPN and I can't watch Buffy, I wish it was still on WB..argh..)


Wednesday: Amazing Race at 9, Law and Order at 10


Thursday: This is confusing..I watch CSI at 1 am Thursday morning, and tape/watch Smackdown from about 2-4:30 am or so. Sometimes Im up and watch it, sometimes Im tired and tape it. Anyway..For some reason Im watching Survivor at 8:00, and I was watching Push Nevada at 9 but its canceled so I haven't figured out what to watch at 9 yet, and at 10 pm I watch Without a Trace, my favorite new show so far that hasn't been canceled.


Friday: I started out taping John Doe and Firefly early in the morning but neither of those shows interests me much so I don't

tape em anymore. Law and Order SVU at 10 pm.


Saturday: College football in the afternoon if theres a decent game otherwise I go out or Im on the computer. I usually rent movies to watch Sat. Night although I do try and catch Velocity/Confidential at 1 am on the TNN West feed..


Sunday: NFL Countdown on ESPN, Football from 1 to 7:30 or so or NASCAR if its not football Season, Simpsons at 8, King of the Hill at 8:30, and Law and Order: CI at 9:00.


I usually also try to watch repeats of the Screensavers and Extended Play whenever I can, as well as Headline News when Im ready to go to sleep. Usually I try to watch Sportscenter in the morning and then Headline news before I head out or if Im home I just put it on a channel while Im on the computer which is right next to my monitor or I play my Gamecube..


I probably watch too much TV..

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Guest Kingpk

Monday - King of Queens, Whose Line, MNF/RAW


Tuesday - DA BUFF~!


Wednesday - Nothing except South Park and the occasional TNA show


Thursday - Smackdown


Friday - Friday Night Stand-Up, Iron Chef


Saturday - College games, Iron Chef again


Sunday - NFL all day, all night.


I always catch the Buffy reruns on FX (6 & 7PM) and Whose Line on ABC Family.

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Guest godthedog

sunday: adult swim

monday: sometimes raw, unless i'm already doing something

thursday: smackdown


that's about all i do regularly. i also watch law & order randomly a couple times a week, but they only show those new slightly crappier episodes now...and i just realized that this episode i'm watching is one that i've seen before. SHIT.


i'm more a movie guy. no matter how grueling my schedule is, i always find the time to neglect my studies and rent 5 movies every week.

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Monday: Boston Public, Raw


Tuesday: Buffy, Smallville, 24.


Anyone who isn't watching 24 should be burned at the stake.


Wednesday: TNA


Thursday: Survivor, Smackdown


Friday: Jack and Shit.


Saturday: Jack and Shit.


Sunday: The Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm.



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Guest phoenixrising

Monday: Monday Night Football, flip to RAW occasionally, if it's ok will flip at halftime and watch main event


Tuesday: Real World, 24, NYPD Blue


Wednesday: Nothing


Thursday: College football, Smackdown


Friday: Robbery-Homicide Division if I remember it's on, if I'm out then nothing


Saturday: Football, football, football, some more football, a little more and Saturday Night Live (my Saturdays suck except during college football season)


Sunday: NFL

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Guest Zack Malibu

I really don't have a "schedule" since the majority of the shows I watch are taped and watched shortly afterwards. So I'll give my "tape schedule"



Tuesdays:Smallville and NYPD Blue

Wednesdays:NWA:TNA and Birds Of Prey

Thursdays:Smackdown and Dawson's Creek (local channels puts Dawson's on after Smackdown, so I just leave the tape in...convienience!)

Fridays:He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe

Saturdays:Mystery Science Theater reruns (if I don't already have it)


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Guest El Satanico



8:00: Antiques Roadshow or King of Queens

9:00 MNF/Raw: If it's a game that interests me I'll watch it and flip to Raw. If i'm not interested by game I'll watch Raw and flip to MNF for the score.





8:00 Buffy and 70's Show

9:00 24






8:00 The Bernie Mac Show

8:30 Cedric The Entertainer: I'll watch nothing here when it's cancelled

9:00 Fastlane: When It's cancelled I'll watch Twilight Zone

10:00 South Park: Only when it's new episodes

10:00 Smallville: I only watch it if i have nothing else to watch





8:00 This Old House

8:30 Scrubs

9:00 Smackdown or CSI

10:00 Birds Of Prey





I don't watch TV often on Fridays


8:00 Firefly

9:00 John Doe


I usually watch Farscape too, but it hasn't been on for awhile and i have no idea if it's even still on. Does anyone know whats up with it?





9:00 AM I tape MST3k and the Rest of the day is Football





12:00-7:00 Football

7:00 Futurama whenever the game doesn't knock it off

7:30 whatever Fox has on before Simpsons which are currently a Simpsons rerun

8:00 Simpsons

8:30 King of the Hill

9:00 Sopranos and Malcolm In The Middle




When i'm able to watch during the day the following is my normal everyday schedule. This isn't set in stone, but is what i usually do watch.


11:00: The Price Is Right - I don't see this often

noon: Nothing and i don't watch the news period

12:30: The Young & The Restless

1:15: The Days of Our Lives

2:00: Passions

3:00: Nothing and i flip channels if i have nothing else to do

4:00: If nothing good is on Toonami i go to Trading Spaces and if that's a rerun nothing

5:00: Simpsons

6:00: Sportscenter

7:00: varies but usually NFL 2nite, Three Stooges or Access Hollywood

7:30: varies but usually Before & After, Jeopardy or Extra


Prime Time


11:30: Seinfeld

Midnight: Twilight Zone

1:00: Uranium


Rest of night is open

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I don't watch that much TV.








That 70's Show, Frasier








Smackdown, Scrubs












Futurama (when it's on), Simpsons, King of the Hill, Malcolm in the Middle

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Guest Kingpk
I usually watch Farscape too, but it hasn't been on for awhile and i have no idea if it's even still on. Does anyone know whats up with it?

Sci-Fi suddenly axed it for some reason about a month ago.

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Guest El Satanico
I usually watch Farscape too, but it hasn't been on for awhile and i have no idea if it's even still on. Does anyone know whats up with it?

Sci-Fi suddenly axed it for some reason about a month ago.

They did? god damn it...why in the hell did they do that. Oi that pisses me off it was one of the better shows on tv.

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