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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Can you do impersonations?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I can impersonate the voice of the following people/ characters


Elvis Presley (But I can't play a guitar)

James Hetfield

Samhaine (Ghostbusters)

Mr. Sandman (Ghostbusters)

Gozer (Ghostbusters)

Hulk Hogan


Grandpa Simpson

Nelson Muntz

Mr. Burns

Chris Farley

Bela Lugosi

Dr. Evil


Darth Vader

Emperoror Palpatine

Ozzy Osbourne (Not singing)



I'm working on it:


Axl Rose (I hurt myself, and the ears of everyone around me when I try this)

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Guest papacita

I've got a lot of WWF wrestlers from 92-2000 down (including Savage, HBK, Flair, Undertaker, Scott Hall, HHH and Tazz), Beavis and Butthead, a few rappers, Homer, Nelson, Marge and a bunch of others. I'm pretty good at impersonations.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Only listing the ones I can do pretty well.


Dusty Rhodes


Vince McMahon

Ralphie from the Sopranos

Tony Montana


Brando from the Godfather, Don Corlenoie (sp)


Ones I can do kinda sorta good


Sabu (I can point to the sky real high and all)

Bill Alfonso


Scott Hall

Gomer Pyle

Fat Bastard


And dammit..there's a few more I know I can do real well, but dammit if I can remember them.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

About the first two, I can only sing like them, if I have memorized the lyrics.

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Guest bob_barron

I can do a fair amount of impressions- I'm very good at impersonating wrestlers and my friends and stuff like that.


My Regal impression is pretty damn good as well

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Guest meanmaisch


Pee Wee Herman

Barney Gumble

Arnold Schwarzenneger

Moe Syzlak

Vito Corleone

Jimmy Carter

Jerry Lewis

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Guest redbaron51

I can do good imitations on:







Chief Wiggum

Wood Allen

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Guest HBK16

When I am drunk my friends say I do a good Cartman imitation. But thats about it since I have no talent what so ever.

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Guest Sandman9000

Butthead (especially that "uh....no" part)

Skip Carey


I can do Wifebeater and Necro Butcher, but since neither of them talk, it's really not that hard.

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Ralphie from the Sopranos

Tony Montana

You are my new God. Joey Pants rules....and Montana is Montana. I've GOT to hear you do it.



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Guest LooseCannon

I do a bad ass Scott Hall. I can also do a pretty good Axl Rose, and a good Butthead.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

I can do impersonations of:


Vince McMahon




Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy





Scott Hall


The Rock



Kane(when he was more masked, I just have to put my hand over my mouth, talk, and voila!)

RVD(when he points to himself and says "Rob....Van.....Dam!")

Rey Mysterio

The Hurricane

Jamie Noble

The Undertaker(as the Deadman)




Big Show(Slow)

Brian Lawler

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Guest T®ITEC

I can mock:


· Jim Ross (I can talk and act the way he does, even kind of slant my face just so, but I don't sound that much like him)

· Kane (Except I use this really annoying "baby" voice. It's cute when I have the mask, I swear)

· Vince McMahon

· My friend Laura

· Lita (I use my VKM voice)

· Hurricane Helms


Yeah, that's pretty much it. Everyone's favourte is my JR. I have little ongoing jokes for each of them... Meh.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm working on a Kevin Nash impression (starting with the perfect hair, and selling skillz).

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Guest HartFan86

I can do a good Dr. Evil and Scott Hall. I try to do Hogan a lot, but I always talk to fast to make any sense. My friend Josh and I always do Beavis and Butthead together. I also like to impersonate my friends sometimes.

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Guest chirs3

People tell me I do a great "Big Gay Al".


I'm not sure whether I should thank them or hit them...

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop

I swear, I can imitate AJ Styles almost perfectly. I got bored one day, and recorded myself doing the impression while listening to an AJ radio interview, basically quoting him, and I thought I was listening to the interview again.

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Guest kingkamala

I do a good Dusty Rhodes and Iron Shiek but other than that and me intimidating my friend Adam none really.

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Guest welshjerichomark

i can do a wicked kelly osbourne impression "you fucking shot me jack" and avril lavigne

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Oh, I almost forgot a few more:


Solid Snake(Metal Gear Solid)

Liquid Snake(see above....obviously)

Bret Hart

Macho Man

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Guest Incandenza

I'm thinking Scott Hall is fairly easy to impersonate. Just lower your voice, look side to side, and say "Hey yo." Add "survey says" and "da bad guy" when necessary.


Oh, I can do a GREAT Alan Arkin. Seriously.

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Guest Sassquatch

My best impersonation is of Marlon Brando.


One of my favorite's to do as well.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I'm thinking Scott Hall is fairly easy to impersonate. Just lower your voice, look side to side, and say "Hey yo." Add "survey says" and "da bad guy" when necessary.


Oh, I can do a GREAT Alan Arkin. Seriously.

I have a better Scott Hall impersanation but involves drinking a ton of beer , snorting a line of coke, and shiting on a plate.

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Guest papacita

I forgot to mention Paul Bearer. That's one of my best impersonations.


I can do Chyna too...

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Guest cynicalprofit

i can do a great triple H.


*tears quad*


Man that was to easy. (Almost to 1000)

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