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Guest Sandman9000

I Hate My Fucking Roommate!

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Guest Sandman9000

I know everyone has problems with roommates, and I am not exception. But my roommate has finally pushed me to the breaking point. Now, my roomie isn't that bad a guy. I don't hate him. What I do hate is what he does and doesn't do.


He watches the Golf Channel constantly. Now, I lived with a golf-obsessed Mom, so I can tolerate some of that. But it is constantly. At least he watches Dragonball Z, so he slightly redeems himself constantly.


He never leaves the room, with the exception of classes and food. As for the food, there is a bakery near the dorm that accept meal plan, so that is what he gets for EVERY MEAL, and brings it back to the room and eats it. Doesn't go to the dining halls, doesn't go over to anyone's dorm to socialize. It sucks to know that in the rare event that I might have a female to bring back to the room, that roomie will be there, in bed by 10:30.


And this is my major point. His girlfriend goes to school in NY. (We are in North Carolina). A MINIMUM of FIVE HOURS A DAY they talk on the phone. Goddammit! It sounds like he is whimpering on the phone when they talk. I wasn't sure if it was love or not at first, but it now sounds like she has him by the balls and won't let go. He lives his life revolving around hers, and god forbid he misses a call. They talk at 6:30 in the morning, they talk at 2:00 at night, and damn near every time inbetween. It's gotten to the point that whenever the phone rings and I hear him answer in a muted little "hi," I stop what I'm doing and I leave the room. Wish I could do that at 6:30 and 2:00 A.M.


He hasn't done laundry more than once since he got here. His closet is overflowing with clothes that are starting to creep over to my side. I tell him to freaking do it, and he just says "later" and never does it. I showed him how to do the fucking machines, I'm not gonna fucking do his shit for him!


At least I think he is transferring now. I say I think, since he talks about transferring like it is a done deal. (For the record, he is transferring since our college's engineering program isn't great, and forces you to transfer to another school after three years anyway. Also, he is transferring to a school in Penn, which is the state he lives in, and is closer to NY so he can spend time with his master, I mean girlfriend.) We have dorm forms we are supposed to fill out which say whether or not we are staying in our dorms for the following semester. Guess who hasn't filled his out?


I've got a friend who lives in a shitty dorm, and that will be moving in in a heartbeat if my current roomie does leave. Something else that would make my life easier.


The positives about the situation is that he is a pretty nice guy. Doesn't go out of his way to offend me. All of the important stuff in the room is his (tv, phone, stereo). Not only that, when we go to Wal*Mart, we put everything on his credit card. I think I owe him about $150. If he leaves, all I've got is my CPU and bed, and whatever my friend brings.


Goddammit, it's like 1:00 a.m. here, and he's making out with his gf over the phone. They've been talking for about two and a half hours now, and I feel like vomiting. I swear, right now I want to jump up and beat the shit out of his neutered ass.


::takes deep breaths to calm down::


I think I really just needed some place to vent. I'd say what I think to his face, but he is too nice of a guy for me to flip out on. Dammit, dammit, dammit.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Geez man I'm so sorry. That is one hell of a situation. I had a roomie in college, for the most part her and I got along fine. She did what she wanted and I did likewise. But that's why now I have sworn off roomies. At one point my boss's ex wanted me and her to live together and I nixed that idea quickley. Like you I didn't want to feel weird about things and I didn't want to have to actually consider the other person all the time. My boyfriend I can deal with because that's a different situation, but having to deal with others kinda bites. I mean if I wanted to walk around naked, I could do it. Not with a roomie I couldn't. I just like having my space and not having to look out for the other person. That's pretty sad that his girl has him by the balls, I am willing to bet she is the jealous type that likes to know where he is every waking minute of the day and gets pissed off if he isn't at home. Just pray that he does transfer and try to hang in there man.

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Guest the pinjockey

"And this is my major point. His girlfriend goes to school in NY. (We are in North Carolina). A MINIMUM of FIVE HOURS A DAY they talk on the phone. Goddammit! It sounds like he is whimpering on the phone when they talk. I wasn't sure if it was love or not at first, but it now sounds like she has him by the balls and won't let go. He lives his life revolving around hers, and god forbid he misses a call. They talk at 6:30 in the morning, they talk at 2:00 at night, and damn near every time inbetween. It's gotten to the point that whenever the phone rings and I hear him answer in a muted little "hi," I stop what I'm doing and I leave the room. Wish I could do that at 6:30 and 2:00 A.M."


Replace NJ for NC and California for NY and I have the same situation as you.


My roommate wheezes sitting at the computer and chews like he wants the people next door to hear him. Also he sounds like he is hacking up a lung about every ten minutes. And finally he smells like garbage and snores like a rusty chainsaw. To close I think my roommate sucks as well.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Damn you guys have it pretty bad. Only thing I can offer is free drinks, but Sandman doesn't drink

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Guest treble charged

At my school, 80% of the rooms are single, and I've got one of them, so, needless to say, I'm rather happy about it. I can go to bed when I want, and not have to worry about keeping someone else up, I don't have to worry about being woken up before I want to, and I can keep the room as messy as I want.


Yup, I've got it pretty sweet, I'd say.

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Guest the pinjockey
Damn you guys have it pretty bad. Only thing I can offer is free drinks, but Sandman doesn't drink

Oh yes this is another great thing. I have a chance to get away from my roommate tonight. These good looking girls next door ask if I want to come over for a drink. Now I normally dont drink but this would be fine by me. Of course isn't tonight the first night all semester where I feel sick as hell. Now I get another great night of wheezing.


And yes commuting is much better than a shitty roommate. It is a gamble with roommates a good one can make the college experience great but a bad one makes you depressed as hell. The one I had last year was my best friend so this is even worse after having that situation.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I still think being sick and drinking is better than with wheezing roomie

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Guest the pinjockey

Oh believe me if there was anyway I could stand without looking like complete crap I would not be here.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Stuff like this almost makes me feel better about commuting."


Here here, everyone would ask me why I commuted instead of getting a dorm back in my college days. Yeah, so I could bitch and moan with the rest of my friends about lifing in a no AC room with 2/3 other people and watching a TV that could only get 2 stations...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I had one roomate last year, I think he should have been living in Europe. All the movies he ever rented and watched were foreign movies. Now, I know there are some people who hate dubbed movies, but Im not one of them. I don't like reading (subtitles) movies...Needless to say after the first 2 weeks when we got cable set up I stopped bothering with him and his foreign movies.


He also had this obsessive fascination with the Comedian Billy Connelly, who prior to this I had never heard of. I found him sort of funny, but of his 75 tape collection that he had (Which took up a ton of space, not in his room but in our main storage area) it was most of the same shit from different cities. Heres billy connelly telling the same joke in 17 different cities in Australia..whooohoo..


Another thing that would piss me off was when he would use my computer when I wasn't home. I set up passwords and stuff to keep him off because I didn't want him to use it while I wasn't there but then he bothered me to use it when I was home and not using it which was even more annoying.


The year before I had 2 roomates who went off and got drunk every single weekend off campus and pretty much disappeared from Thursday night until Monday morning. I used to hate having to try and cover for them every single weekend when their parents/girlfriends back home called. And I had my share of the roomate's girlfriends calling at 3 am during the week too..

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Let me tell you the story of my freshman roommate.


First of all, I had nothing against the guy. He was clean, he never messed with any of my shit, and he never woke me up once. The thing is, the guy was completely and utterly TERRIFIED of me for some reason. I have no idea why. The first time I met him, I was all pretty much "Hey, what's up?" This turned into about a 2 or 3 hour conversation, meet and greet shit, etc. This was the most I EVER spoke to him. Within the first week, he was no longer talking to me. I never messed with any of his stuff, I never blared Cryptopsy or anything when he was trying to sleep, but for some reason, this dude just did absolutely everything in his power to completely steer clear of me.


This bothered me. I had done nothing wrong to him at all, yet he acted as if I were a leper. Not that I'm one for oodles of human interaction and shit, but this guy wasn't even human! He didn't do one goddamn irritating thing, and nothing bothered him at all. You could shit in his bed, and this guy would just wash them and not say a word. His cowardice irked me more and more as the semester went on. Then he told me he was moving out.


It was my mission to make him crack. He would do something, hell, Anything if I had anything to say about it.


I started by putting a big ass duct tape pentagram on the floor, and I stared at him for 20 minutes per day. He would look at me, notice I was staring for whatever reason, and he wouldn't even say "What?" or "Why are you staring at me?" He would just go back to his computer or whatever, sitting in silence.


I then no longer cared how quiet I was when stumbling in drunk. I probably woke him up 4 times a week, drunk or not. He said nothing, he did nothing.


As a test, I left the TV on a scrambled channel and went to class. He was sitting in the room studying. When I came back, he was still there, and the tv was still on the scrambled channel. He didn't even turn it off, let alone put it on an actual channel.


I once even put a slayer cd THAT SKIPPED LIKE MAD on repeat and went downstairs to get some food. I came back up, and he was just sitting there reading, letting Captor of Sin skip repeatedly. He said nothing. He did nothing.


He moved out a few weeks later, after finals week, not once ever saying to me so much as "Hey, can you turn that down please?" I would've gladly done so, if he had asked, but he didn't. I even planned on buying him lunch if he had gone off on me like any normal person would.


This guy was truly a remarkable specimen, with infinite patience. Perhaps it was infinite cowardice and fear, but no matter what one wants to call it, he was a legendary roommate.

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Guest cynicalprofit
At least he watches Dragonball Z, so he slightly redeems himself constantly.


you call that a redeeming quality?


You guys had it easy.


My frist roomie brought friends over to our studio room at all hours of the day and night. And we spent 500 each to SPLIT THE DAMN STUDIO! Its the way the school set it up, not our choice. My second roomie was a cool guy, but we cleaned the place 3 times in 1 year, nasty as fuck. he broke my laptop, well the cord atleast, it wasnt truly his fault the monitor bleed lcd(its red for those who ever wanted to know) fluid, but he was using it at the time of destruction. He left out containers of SOY MILK and GREEN TEA. He wrecked my soap for no real reason other then he was legit crazy. But he was my best roomate.


My third roomies, well...the one had his gf living there 24/7 even though they were dating, he lied to her all the time. She would leave, hed start smoking pot. Someone, unknow, but I think it was her, stole 20 in quarters, hid my pants under the couch, stole a playstation memory card, and probably some other stuff that never got accounted for. When I left and moved 90% of my stuff, I come back, and what little is left in a neat little pile that she made. Girl was serious psycho. They used to be together all the time, now hes no where to be found, I want to ask her, so did you finally figure out he was lying to you, and then laugh at her, but she would probably legit try to kill me. And The day before brake, i come into the room, and ALL HER FUCKING SHIT IS IN THERE, she was getting kicked out and instead of finding a place, she was moving in with us, which was 100% illegal with the schools rules. Needless to say i squeeled. And I know karma came back around for her because the bf is totaly gone.


My last roomies and I got along fine, I was never there, spent 1 night there in a 6month period. Always at my gf's place. But even then, one of her roomies was marrying a guy, but sleeping with another guy here, not sex, just sleeping with. She eventually flipped out and disappeared for a few days. We're glad shes not dead and she did leave us a couch, but still she was a nice girl. And her other roomie got preg and left or got married, i forget.


On top of all this our college provided NO food what so ever (nearest grocery store was 4 blocks and very expensive 1.50 for a loaf of bread), substandard housing and appliances, no transportation when the school was like 3 miles away and in a high crime area. If you went north, you legit hit the crack ghettos, Im talking you leave the building and take one step north (found a crack pipe once while walking around the park in the day time), where shooting was an everyday thing. Kids got held up within 1 block of the school by 9yr olds, we had homeless people living within the block, the Culinary kids across from us, in building 8, shot paintballs, threw shit, raped girls, and smoked crack.(Cops where there once a week and no im not joking) Yet security got 20.50 an hour and did nothing.


You had food, we had digital cable that worked half of the time, and you couldnt order PPVS from. You have it easy. You're not paying 550 or so now, for substandard apratments, and thats 550 a person, with 4 people in a 2 bedroom apratment, 3 in the smaller 2 bedroom apratment, and 2 in a 1 bedroom studio.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm..Cynical where did you go to school that you had "culinary kids across from us"..Im sort of curious..

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Guest EricMM

My roomates have all been fine guys.


I never understood unsocial people. I'm sure they'd have a good time if they just started.


Don't be too considerate of your Roomies feelings if it's causing you to miss out on stuff. Have people over if you want to, he'll probably eventually appreciate it when a drunken hottie sits next to him AND THEIR LEGS TOUCH!!!! ;)

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Guest J*ingus

Hah Sandy, I had a roommate a lot like that once. Guy never talked, never left the room, and always watched at least two episodes of Full House every day. (And I had just lost a super-cool roommate from the year before and got stuck with this Bartleby instead.)

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Sandy, just crank on him with a light tube.


My first of year of school I had a terrible roomate. I pretty much illegaly moved in with my girlfriend after a few months, since her roomate was cool. (And hot. :ph34r: )


But my roomie was the opposite of you guys, he went out all the time, and would never shut his godamn trap. Among the various things he did that drove me nuts.


1. Came home drunk puking. Not a big deal if you can at least make it into the bathroom, but you probably shouldn't just yak where ever you happen to be sitting at the moment. Plus, when he inevitably passed out, it wouldn't get cleaned up untill he woke up. Although he once he passed out in his puke, so I guess it wasn't so bad.


2. Had an intricite clothes sorting system. The entire bedroom floor was covered in his clothes, so he could grab his cream polo shirt with long sleeves at a moment's notice


3. Constantly tried to sleep with my girlfriend. (We found this more funny than irritating.)


4. Had 15 pairs of shoes. Seriously. Lined up in a long row.


so anyway, now I'm in an apartment. I can be naked whenever I want, which is sweet.

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Guest Insanityman

Heh, my cousin always rambles how sucky his roommate was. Then he discovered the dude had pot on him and he was rich... needless to say my cousin has more tolerance.

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Guest cynicalprofit

I'm not willing to dsicuss my location in any great details, but I went to school at an art school, and I wont say where because that gives away my current location, which is something I will not discuss on this board, nothing personal, but I dont need anyone stalking me ever again. But we lived in one building and like 10 feet across from us was another building with culinary kids.

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Guest TUS_02

My sophomore year was probably the worst for me. My room mate first semester was the biggest drug addict I've ever seen. He'd do anything and everything he could find. But he was respectful... never did it in the room, was never loud. When he did have friends over, I was already out doing my thing... hell, he got me watching CKY. He was actually cool... but then he moved out.


Second semester was HELL! The new room mate was cool to start off with. He had a girlfriend at home, so he'd be gone most week ends which was cool. But when he broke up with this girl... all hell broke loose. He got an on-campus girlfriend almost immediately, the two of them would SPLIT A FUCKING 30 PACK EVERY FUCKING DAY. THIRTY BEERS BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE. They would also stay up way past normal hours talking about nothing and listening to really BAD music. The worst came around finals time when he was drinking his thirty and leaving all the empties on his table... there was a knock on the door, and it was campus safety who proceded to bust him, and were about to bust me (even though I didn't DO anything) and he did the only cool thing all year and stick up for me.


But now Im living in the best dorm on campus (4 singles with a HUGE common room) and 3 of the best fucking room mates a guy could have. I love it.

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Guest EricMM
he did the only cool thing all year and stick up for me.

That's the difference between a junkie and a junkie with a heart. Neither one are particularly good people, often late with rent payments, and lax on the NO-FUCKING-SMOKING-UP-IN-THE-HOUSE-DAMMIT-CHRIS rules, but they'll TRY to be good people and stick up for you.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I never smoked weed in my room, but that was only because my RA had the nose of a bloodhound, and three people on my FLOOR got kicked out for it, let alone the rest of the building. Man I hated that motherfucker. I was drunk as shit one night listening to something loud at about three in the morning when he decided to knock on my door and tell me to turn it down, which was completely correct, but needless to say I was tanked, and I answered the door stark naked and just said "WHADDAYAWANT???"


He just told me to turn it down after hesitating for a second, which I then did. He didn't say one word to me or make eye contact for the rest of the semester.

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Guest MrRant
I'm not willing to dsicuss my location in any great details, but I went to school at an art school, and I wont say where because that gives away my current location, which is something I will not discuss on this board, nothing personal, but I dont need anyone stalking me ever again. But we lived in one building and like 10 feet across from us was another building with culinary kids.

Yes because god knows we would want to stalk you of all people.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I know that I for one would be waiting in the bushes with a 2x4 with a nail in it...right.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I never understood people who won't tell me where they live on AIM or on messageboards. I mean, if such things occurred THAT often, then would everything provide an area where you say where you live and stuff?


You might be a super-duper nonconformist, but you've got the suspect right-wing paranoia thing going big time.


Fo sheez,


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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"You might be a super-duper nonconformist, but you've got the suspect right-wing paranoia thing going big time."


Well this paranoid right-winger isn't afraid of people with 2x4's wating for me in the bushes.


Middletown (home of the payday advance store), 30 miles north of Cincinnati. Now, you want some? Come get some. I'll be waiting until I leave this hell hole...

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My freshman year at RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY), I was living with one of my closest friends from home. We'd known each other for about 6 years at the time and figured everything would be all good.


We both had desks with desktop computers directly across from each other and bunk beds. I had a DVD player back in 98 when they weren't in abundance and my collection was growing and a TV/VCR to go with it.


Everything was pretty cool for a while and then in October, I got really sick. I had pneumonia and according to him, I became his worst nightmare never leaving the room, stinkin up the place, you know. Eventually, I got better.


I was never in my room and when I was, I came home really late. He never went out, he was always on the damn computer.


What bothered me the most is that while we had a lot of mutual friends, I knew a lot of guys in the pro wrestling club that I was the President of and they'd come over. He didn't really like wrestling and didn't know them. He was friends with a lot of other people and a lot of girls too and they'd come over. We basically had an open door policy in our room as everyone wanted to watch movies and play on the computer and shit.


One day, I came home from class and found 11 people in our room....and no one lived there.


A few times, I'd come home from whatever I was doing...and find someone sleeping in my bed, usually a girl. I told him not to let anyone sleep there because when I come home....I want to sleep and don't feel right kickin them out of bed. The warning didn't do anything because it happened again. I told him this time...you know what....anyone who sleeps in my bed will have to sleep with me because I'm sleeping in my bed. I remember saying this...."I don't care if there's a pack of wild dobermans in my bed, I'm going to sleep there".


One night, I come home and there's this girl sleeping there. Fuck it, says I and I crawled into bed with her. She snuggled with me all night. She didn't realize it til she woke up....if it wasn't me, she probably would have freaked.


This bothered me the most....


Sometimes, his friends would come over and wanted to play Quake or Starcraft against him...so they'd use my computer. I'll admit, those games kick ass when you're playing someone in the same room. But one day, I came home and found so many fucking programs downloaded on my computer that my shit started to have problems. What pissed me off the most about it is that when the "uninstalled" them, they didn't do it properly and my computer has these problems to this day.


Eventually, we decided that for the second year, we wouldn't be roommates.


I've got some funny stories about my second year, but thats for another time.



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