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Guest Powerplay

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Guest Powerplay

Well, the show is up. Brief notes for now.


Strangler = Jesus. That is all.


Opening promage that doesn't suck = (Y) in my book.


Taamo = Satan. That is all.


One of my better show promos = (Y) for me.


Dace wins! = (Y)! And he is already running an angle! (Y)


IL speaks up! = (Y) the more promos the merrier.


Having no match yet = (N)


Me winning = (Meh). My ending was decent, but I had to work around a couple things.


Better comments coming tomorrow.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Match is now edited in. King forgot who was posting the show and sent it to me. Or else he just wanted me to read it, and not Crusen. Either way, it's edited in. I'll read the show later and comment on it.

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Guest Dace59

Me ego just keeps getter bigger.


The 4 way was good. Glass and other nasty bumps kept my bloodlust happy.


My little hangmans with the chain spot got used, which is nice to see.

Judge always gets so much fun. Heh.

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Guest Suicide King

Entirely my bad. I do apologize.


Great match from Judge, as well as Ejiro. But I would like to give props to Dangerous as well, who wrote a good match, as well as to Wildchild, who wrote a surprisingly good rush job. And I would like to consign Flexx to an eternity in an unlit hell for coming back to waste our time with more no-showing.

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Good job, Ejiro that was quite the doozy! I'm sure King is still trying to figure out exactly what in the hell i wrote anyways.


Judge the Ref, wins the match... LoL. Im locking onto my perdiction that Judge becomes 2x champ on Crimson.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Now I know how IL felt about Lost at Sea.


I'll post my match here in a few minutes unless someone wants me to just start a new thread.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Posted on the losers thread. Please go comment whlie I have a good sulk.


Oh, and Ejiro - rock on, dude, although I was pulling for Wildchild.

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Guest Insanityman

I'll be honest, I didn't see Ejiro winning. But huge props there, I loved Judge's ending... never no-show and the bra and panties match ruled.

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Guest Powerplay

Okay, let's get some matches commented on!


Pre-show match!


Strangler, as I said before: You are Jesus. That's all that needs to be said on that one.


Opening Promage!


Ripping on Texas is easy and fun! Oh, and it gets a Mak Francis-sized helping of heat. Good opening promo, solid self promotion stuff. (Y)


Curtain Jerker!!


Taamo, you are the Anti-Christ. I'm never no-showing with you around, man. That is all.


Judge Promage!


It was one of my few show promos, but certainly one that was more focused and better done. I liked it better than my last few, so good for me I suppose.


Dace's Match!


Wow, put over Axis as ACTUALLY AUSTRALIAN with the mention of Rememberance Sunday (Which would be Armistice Day for people in the U.S. It celebrates the 11 hour of the 11 day of the 11 month of the year, when World War One finally ended. I believe that's where the term "At the 11th hour" comes from, but I could be wrong. That is you history lesson for today).


Off the bat, I think you space too much. There are too many breaks between sentences, which still distrupts the flow for me.


Dual cheap shots is a neat spot. I thought you were honorable, man :D.


Your wrestling is very good, though I think you could still stand for a little more description. Good job, this is certainly your best effort since coming here.


Part two coming soon. I have class in like 15 minutes, but I'll get to the Alamo match and IL's promo soon.

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Guest kelloggs

Just because Judge shilled me I'll make comments on the show... in a little while that is...

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Guest Dace59

You're right on the history.

But the British do it too. I'm British, so is Dace.

It didnt mean to do that with Axis, but still cool.

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Guest kelloggs

Well from what I've read Strangler and Tom have evil yet funny minds and Ejiro is proving my assumptions right about himself. Rudo dickish heel promo's + World Title contenders winning matches = teh money. Mental as always with a quality promo and nice finish to his match.


And I personally am a HUGE mark for IL's "One sole Legend" line and promo. I really wish I though of it.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
Entirely my bad.  I do apologize.


Great match from Judge, as well as Ejiro.   But I would like to give props to Dangerous as well, who wrote a good match, as well as to Wildchild, who wrote a surprisingly good rush job.  And I would like to consign Flexx to an eternity in an unlit hell for coming back to waste our time with more no-showing.

The funny thing about that "rush job" is that it wasn't really rushed; I pretty much wrote all that on Friday. I knew how I wanted it to start, and how I wanted it to end, but I couldn't think of anything to go between, so I basically just threw the to ends together, and turned it in to avoid a no-show.


I liked the winning match, though. Much better than I could have done.

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