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Guest evenflowDDT

The One and Only RAW November 11, 2002 Thread

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Guest LaParkaMarka


You are the king of the world, my friend.


Damn, he has so turned it around lately. It wasn't all that long ago that I was bored to death of Jericho.

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Guest BorneAgain
(JR:Shawn Micheals was in the first major ladder match in the WWF, he won it)


um have you watched Wrestlemania 10 JR

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart was the first WWF ladder match in 92 for the IC title. It was at a house show but on a Coliseum tape Smack Em Whack Em. Shawn DID win that one.

are you sure? I thought Bret won it


edit: damn, LaParkaYourCar mentioned it first. curse you and your good memory LaParka! (shakes fist)

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Guest RedJed

I really liked that ending, in fact considering who they have on the roster and especially who they have writing, thats about as good of a Raw as we will probably get for now. Not nearly as bad as it could have been

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Guest Slapnuts00

No way is Shawn our next World Champion. The guy can't wrestle for more than a few months at a time, and even then it's very safely with a lot of painkillers. Shawn is returning the job from Summerslam. Either Booker or RVD will defeat HHH. It's too bad that title still doesnt mean anything...

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Guest DeputyHawk

so are we thinking refusing to participate in tlc4 has finished hurricane for good or what? he sure has fallen back down the ladder, so to speak, in recent weeks.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
lol........Kane is just getting killed laying in the middle of the ring there. Booker fell and stepped RIGHT on his nuts.


Good stuff here

Jericho landed on Kane after his missile dropkick, too.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
The ending was ok . Are they cutting it 5 min shorter now or some thing ?

Yeah, since CSI comes on at 11:05 PM ET after Raw now.

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Guest CanadianChick

After seeing that finish, we can eliminate a couple possiblities, if WWE Logic comes through:

-Jericho: came out on top at the end, won't win(but may get far in the EC)

-HHH: He won relitivly clean vs. Booker T. He shouldn't win then. But you never know, right?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

HHH is God!



He said so himself!






God Jericho needs to win the title.

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Guest Bricks

I don't watch Raw at all, but reading this thread from the start has been waaaay fun. Especially the part about Regal and Storm stuffing their trunks.

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Guest Creepy Crawl

I would be happy with either Booker T or RVD winning . It just seems to be time for a face champ now .

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Guest Will Scarlet

Wow. Only 18 pages? Usually it gets up to at least 30, usually around 36 or so.

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Guest snowfan
Wow.  Only 18 pages?  Usually it gets up to at least 30, usually around 36 or so.

Lots of the usual suspects weren't around.

wonder if Vince will notice....???

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Guest chirs3



Raw didn't:


-- Suck

-- Bore me

-- Offend my intelligence


It was actually kind of a fun little show, with a few blemishes here and there.


The opening tag match was a great opener, and damn that crowd was hot for it.


Hardy vs Storm, nothing notable... except I'm gonna keep a running tally of all the rail-runs he blows.


Nowinski vs Snow was nothing match-wise, but Nowinski winning with that roll-through then cheap-shotting Al, not to mention his promo before the match, was more than enough reason to watch. Nowinski rules.


Terri getting beat up is a plus, though it went on too long.


HHH vs Booker wasn't much of anything, but I liked the clusterfuck at the end, and JERICHO COMES OUT ON TOP! JERICHO! JERICHO! JERICHO!


I'm actually glad to have seen this episode of Raw. I can't remember the last time I could say that.

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Guest snowfan

it is sort of like when I lived in El Paso though...


I used to go to a forest in the mountains and think "this must be the greatest forest in the world!"


Now I realize I was just so used to crappy terrain anything was good in comparison.


Raw will need to have multiple "okay" shows to convince me...

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Guest cabbageboy

Key thing tonight: Shawn said regardless of whether he won he would make sure HHH does not win. Therefore, that would seem to eliminate both of them even though standard logic insists they are the only men who matter.


I remember another case where only two men mattered: Vengeance last year. Rock and Austin were the only guys booked with a chance and Jericho won the title.


RVD, baby. He was on fire tonight in that tag match and the crowd ate it up. WWE has to be listening to the responses he gets...don't they?

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Guest bcu1979
Key thing tonight: Shawn said regardless of whether he won he would make sure HHH does not win. Therefore, that would seem to eliminate both of them even though standard logic insists they are the only men who matter.


I remember another case where only two men mattered: Vengeance last year. Rock and Austin were the only guys booked with a chance and Jericho won the title.


RVD, baby. He was on fire tonight in that tag match and the crowd ate it up. WWE has to be listening to the responses he gets...don't they?

Hope is always a good thing, but I don't understand why so many people seem to think RVD is winning the EC. Out of the 6 competitors in the match, I'd actually rank his chances the lowest.


The Jericho comparison just doesn't match up here. Jericho was portrayed as an underdog going into the match. RVD is being portrayed as a non-entity going into the EC match at Survivor Series. There is a difference.


Jericho may have gotten jobbed out in the weeks leading up to Vengeance. But he was getting jobbed out to Rock, Austin and Angle - his potential opponents in the match. Jericho also got mic time every show cutting promos about how he was going to prove all the doubters wrong and how he was going to win the belts.


What mic time has RVD gotten? What high profile matches has he been involved in? All he did tonight was get beat down at the beginning of the night, reappear at the end of the night and get beat down again. There was no promo about how he was walking away with the belt or even a backstage skit to show that he was even interested in winning the belt.


Jericho jobbing to Rock, Austin and Angle also set-up all three as potential contenders down the line.


What program's does RVD have set up if he's getting the belt on Sunday? He's just been drifting ever since Triple H beat him at Unforgiven.


I'm not disputing his popularity with the fans. I just don't see how being ignored is some kind WWE-way of setting him up to win the title.


I would peg Triple H and Shawn Michaels as the most likely winners with Booker T having an outside chance.

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Guest Breetai

What program's does RVD have set up if he's getting the belt on Sunday? He's just been drifting ever since Triple H beat him at Unforgiven.







Exactly. This way, if he wins he'll be diretionless, hopefully heatless, and his reign will bomb leading to him dropping the belt at the next PPV to our lord and master HHH. :o

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Guest wwF1587

i actually kind of enjoyed RAW this week ::Shock!:: only 3 HHH segments made it ok... ending kicked ass... I marked for Jericho. Its still kind of sad thought that RVD has barely been mentioned at all leading up to the Survivor Series.... maybe he will win.. I wouldnt count on it though. I hope I am suprised at the SS and we get someone else besides HBK and HHH to win... especially HHH

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Man I hate not having internet access at work. Anyway a few thoughts on tonights episode of "As Triple H's World Turns":


-I like Jericho's new theme. Something new needed to happen with his entrance it hadn't changed in what, a year and a half?


-Spike has learned his role in life: to risk life and limb taking bumps from men 200 lbs. bigger than him and garner as many "Holy Shit!" chants he can.


-Mr. Extreme and the Innovator of Violence? Good lord LEAVE TOMMY ALONE COKEHEAD!


-Psycho Victoria is very hot in a scary, "This is for the best *break your legs*" sorta way. Plus, I was praying JR would say that Vicky was throwing Skeletor around "like she was skin and bones"


-Don't you just KNOW 3H has been wanting to claim he's God for the past 3 years? I love non-shoot comments that they think are shoot comments.


-Nowinski vs. Maven = Tough Enough 1 1/2: When Good Plotlines Go Bad!


-Big Stevie shoulda gotten spanked from Stacy. The poor guy deserves it after all the crap he's had to go through (see RTC). And why does everyone's favorite ace reporter and superhero have to be buried by everyone's LEAST favorite hoss face?


-Well, I guess Jericho ain't winning (like THAT was a shock). Look for 3H to Pedigree all 5 guys through the top of the Chamber, then force Jericho to tap out to the Main Event Sleeper of Eternal Peril.


And finally: Chris Waters rules with his They Might be Giants reference to Particle Man. You are a demigod among men.




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Guest geniusMoment

I was there live and hbk got the biggest pops of the night. I hate to say it but I think most of the marks want shawn to win the title.

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Guest the pinjockey

And most of the marks popped when Hogan won the title and we see how that turned out

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