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Guest Matt Young

MSN.com posts bullshit article on marijuana

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Guest snuffbox



Billions are spent to arrest these 'criminals'...the money is spent on such things as DEA agents, vans, helicopters etc, drug sniffing dogs, firearms etc.


Their are obvious connections between oil and our President, among others. Alot of miles in vans, jeeps, and helicopters would require alot of oil. For years America didnt have an enemy to war with, and any wars were quick blitzes. A prolonged, futile War against Drugs provides the opportunities for the manufacture and fueling of of these choppers and such that are needed proponents in any war.


There is also the need for firearms and ammunition in any war. The Republican side makes no bones about their connections to both industries. Gun companies heavilly aid in Republican campaigns.


Both major parties have hardons for the tax dollars that are spent as well.


---also, The tobacco lobby, which greases the palms of both major parties, would obviously have a problem with the legalization of marijuana. Obviously a product that is possibly healthier, has at the very least SOME benefits, and isnt nearly as addictive would cut into the tobacco industry---


I hope this info was of some explanatory value to back up my statement of the polititians greed factoring highly in the continued prohibition of marijuana. If you need more, check the net for Congress voting records. See which polititian is in which companies wallet...automobile companies (vans, jeeps, etc)...gun companies...oil...etc etc.

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Guest Retro Rob
As noted, there are no cases of marijuana overdose.


Prove it.</b>


Is the fact that is not medically possible to fatally OD on pot enough proof for you?


My apologies if one misunderstood the complaint that a nation that labels itself 'the land of the free' insists on criminalizing its citizens for the use of a natural growing plant


Oh, sorry, I didn't see the bushes of marijuana growing outside my house. Forgot about those.</b>


OK, so are you saying that anything that does not grow without human intervention is not a "natural growing plant"?


without a physical addiction


...but with a mental dependancy.</b>


There are a countless amount of things that can cause a mental dependancy, including over the counter medicines, so should we put a stop to those too?


and with proven medical benefits.


Depending on who you get your information from.</b>


Is the fact that it helps terminally ill paitents feeling an immense amount of pain much comfort not enough for you?


And as Ive said ad nauseum, the ONLY way to make America's leaders accountable is to vote. Only a fraction of this nation votes. And the 10% who do control the vote, control the country, they are the rich and the powerful, and simply put they get off their ass one day out of the year to vote.


I am neither rich nor powerful and I voted. What's your point? The potheads don't vote out of a sense of protest or something. Either that, or they're too busy getting fried.</b>


I agree. Most marijuana users can't be bothered to vote.

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Guest Tyler McClelland



I've said about forty nine billion times that it should be legalized, so shut the hell up with your preaching to me. However, I'm appaled at the fact you use "LAND OF THE FREE" as a reason for legalizing a drug which can be harmful to people.


The reason isn't because of some patriotic piece of shit, it's because of idiots like you who will smoke it anyway; why not tax it and stop overcrowding jails? If mongoloidal potheads like you would listen to the law in the first place, we wouldn't even have this problem.


And as for Rob, I posted most of that just to provide a Devil's advocate approach to this. I'm aware of the fact that marijuana overdose is a remote, remote possibility, but I still maintain it is possible when other factors are thrown in, such as alcohol or other drugs.

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Guest EricMM

Bob Barron, the war on drugs is like any other government project. I won't say it's a "pork belly project" but is still very profitable for the people who provide the equipment, and the people who do the work itself. There's a lot of government money put into it. Being a drug cop is very profitable.


They don't make money jailing people, that just costs taxpayers money.


They make money because the govt puts 50 Billion into the war on drugs, and that money has to go somewhere, and it's certainly not used 100% efficently.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I love the logic of the original argument.


We're not gonna legalize it, because if you smoke enough, it could be almost as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.


We're allowed to smoke cigarettes. Why not something that could be just as dangerous?

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Guest Tyler McClelland

The only way they make money on the war on drugs is if they exceed budget, then they get a higher budget for the next year (which can be put into a raise)

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Guest EricMM
We're allowed to smoke cigarettes. Why not something that could be just as dangerous?

The question isn't why shouldn't we be allowed to smoke something as dangerous as cigs, the question is, why SHOULD we. AHA!



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Guest El Satanico

Also because people should be able to do something they want to do even if it COULD kill them.


We'd only be allowed to drink water and take vitamins if things that COULD kill someone was illegal.

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